Do you know that mosquitoes that bites are female mosquitoes?

Aedes mosquitoes - Only female mosquitoes bites.
September 2, 2009 11:24pm CST
There are many living wonders in this world. Do you know that male seahorse becomes pregnant, and give birth to the live baby seahorse? And those annoying mosquitoes that bites are females! Do share your thoughts on this animal / insect worlds' wonder. Do you learn something new from this post... Or just add any wonders that you know and let the list adds on, tks!
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21 responses
@adinata (106)
• Indonesia
3 Sep 09
Yes i know that mosquitoes who bites us are female, especially a pregnant female mosquitoes. You know why??? Because a pregnant mosquitoes need our blood to help her fertilization process before it spawn its egg in your bathroom hahaha. From the information that i get, the male actually just suck the plant juices. Do you know that a mosquitoes remove fluid from its needle mouth after they suck your blood?This fluid is useful to treat the wounds so that our blood froze. If we drive out the mosquitoes before it issued the liquid then our skin will feel itchy
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@adinata (106)
• Indonesia
10 Sep 09
Yes, treatment using leeches I think I've heard. From India, did not ?
@submerryn (1304)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 09
Yes James, I know mozzies that bite are females. Some of my male friends even equate that to humans. They said ladies are blood suckers just like mozzies! So untrue! (Me being a lady of coz!). I know about the sea horses too as that is what they teach in pre school and the kids will go "Aahhh!".
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
submerryn, Your male mozzies,oh, so sooorry, friends must have get the idea from movies. All of my lady friends are gentle ladies, no 'vampires.' Yes,many movies do depict women are blood suckers. Movies are movies. They are meant for entertainment.
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I had heard some of these things but didn't know some of them. Did you know that it is the female lions that go hunt for food while the males take care of the cubs.
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Oh, I didn't know that! BUT What I Know Is That Male Penguins Take Care Of Their Young While The Female get Some Fish.
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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I learn that it was female mosquitoes that bite when I was taking science class in gramma school. I did not know though that the male seahorse gave birth thank you for the information.
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
You are welcomed.It is good to know that you learn new fact today. In myLot we share knowledge with one another.I also learn new info every now and then in myLOt.
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@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
Yup. I learn those things back when I was high school. Well back to the mosquito thing. I really can't differentiate a female and a male mosquito. I can't believe myself I would be able to describe the mosquito once it bit me. Is there a way aside from being bitten to find out that the mosquito is a girl or boy?
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Neither do I. It is the scientists or entomologists say so. Do we have to believe because they are experts? Do we have to believe Sir Newton and his Laws of Gravity or The genius Einstein's Theory of Relativity ( E =mc²)? Can we work the answer ? We just believe it. Then it is the female,not the male that sucks blood. Interesting discussion.
• Indonesia
4 Sep 09
Insect is wonderful, God creature is beautiful, God is great, MOSQUITOS also have very unique act.She so nasty I think.He bit human, animal even they are men / women. Hahahah.. OK I'm serious, female mosquitos have a role life to bit and so they can live. But Male Mosquitos only live with bit water, fruit extract, etc. Yeah It is a god role in equal animal life.
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
In the law of the jungle, it is the survival of the fittest. Even mosquitoes also want to survive. Female mosquitoes suck blood to feed their larvae as their larvae need blood to grow.But God give us the power to control other animals, including mosquitoes. Thanks for sharing.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Sep 09
I love trivia. Yep those are facts that I had heard before. Did you know that the duck billed platypus is poisonous? Or that it is an egg laying mammal?
2 people like this
• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
I do not that duck billed platypus is poisonous. Thank you. I learnt from my son that platypus is eggs-laying mammal. Happy myLotting
• India
3 Sep 09
The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. Question - This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What is this? Ans. - Honey A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. These are the few facts which I know.
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Of all the facts that you posted, the only one I know is the strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. The largest organ is the skin. The largest internal organ is the liver.
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 09
Hello James, I do not know the female mosquitoes is the mozzie that bits us, LOL. I only know it after reading your discussion. See, I have learn something new today! For the seahorse, I know it is the male seahorse who give birth to the babies... Hope to check out more others animal and inserts world's wonder from this discussion.
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Yeah, I do learn a lot from myLot. Hip hip hurrah to myLot. Many thanks to myLot. Anyway may all myLotters share among one another any amazing fact and wonder?
@dolmitta (221)
• India
3 Sep 09
Yeah sure! Basenjis are the only dogs that do not bark. Butterflies tastes food by its feet. Bulls are color blind. A cow's only sweat gland are in its nose. a gold fish has a memory span of 3 seconds.
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
This is news to me that Basenjis are the only dogs that do not bark.Yes, bulls are colour blind. Bull fights is Spain using red cloth is actually the bulls act on movement of cloth, any colour cloth, not necessary red. But why bull fighters choose red, I don't know. Is it red colour is more conspicuous? Can it be?, since bulls are colour blind. Anyone can help to explain? Thanks for your contribution.
• China
3 Sep 09
yeah i know this ,it is common sense
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Yeah it is common sense but to a few is not so common sense.You know that cheetah is the only cat in the world that can't retract its claws. This is definitely not common sense. I can assure you not many know about it.
@mc_kol (65)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 09
everybody know that... but good idea to discuss... pls come with new trivia..
2 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 09
Yeah I already heard those things before. More trivia: Did you know that a chameleon can move its eyes in different directions at the same time and that an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain? =))
@submerryn (1304)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 09
Crimson rain, What I do know is, ostrich seriously dont have big brains! I once heard that when they put their head in the hole, they assume that the whole world wont see them. But of course, that is not true. The reason they put their heads in the hole is to avoid the sand storm. Am I right?
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@magickat (381)
3 Sep 09
No, it is a myth about ostriches putting their heads in the sand, they do not do it. which is a shame as I wrote a great poem about it once at school, lol!
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
That's news to me that chameleon can move its eyes in different directions. What I know is lobsters belong to the royal families because the blood of lobsters is blue in colour. Ostrich put its head in the sand is to hide from the enemies. Is it true? I don't know. But young children cover their eyes so that their mothers can see them, that is what they think!
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@LavonTB (32)
• United States
3 Sep 09
So.... Females do suck the life out of you... Just the mosquitoe kind. This is one of these things I am forced to randomly tell someone.
2 people like this
• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
This is just one female out of many in the animal kingdom that sucks blood. Can you think of any other female that do similarly? Do share with us. Happy myLotting.
• United States
3 Sep 09
I remember when I was younger I found out that bees actually have five eyes. Three in a triangle formation on what would be their forehead and the two main ones. I think the main reason I remember this is because I was so freaked out by it, and just kept thinking, "Maybe their aliens...". Mind you, I was that one really awkward kid who spent my time looking up weird facts and reading books about vampires and aliens, so whatever.
• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
I thought bees have compound eyes unlike us human. We have two simple highly developed eyes. My teenager son spends his time looking for weird facts too. He usually refers to Wikipaedia for all these facts. So you are not awkward. Every kid does the same. Thanks for sharing.
@etavasi (749)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 09
Maybe if the mosquitoes age females, it only bites guy that look handsome and cool? Then how male mosquitoes does not bites ? how it going to live?
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• Philippines
3 Sep 09
No, female mosquitoes bite anybody, be it handsome or not, guy or girl, young or old. Female mosquitoes especially the pregnant needs blood as their food. Male mosquitoes only eat plants or grass to be exact. Try to go a pond with lots of grass, you could see lots of mosquitoes but it doesn't bite. So the mosquitoes that cause dengue are the female mosquitoes.
• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Male mosquitoes are herbivores.They use their proboscis to pierce into the shoots of plants and suck the juice out. Female mosquitoes are, however 'vampire.' The females feed their their young with blood.When they grow up they begin to segregate, males feed on plant juice and females feed on mammals' blood. Thanks.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
3 Sep 09
Dear James, It is a wonder to see this list of 'wonders' add on! Great discussion topic, keep it up I am glad to add unto this list :~ 1) Hummingbird is the smallest bird and also the smallest of all animals that have a backbone. Hummingbird have no sense of smell. They can rotate their wings in a circle, they are the only bird that can fly forwards, backwards, up, down ,sideways and hover in mid air. 2) Polar bears look white, but they actually have black skin. 3) Snakes always keep their eyes open, even when they are asleep. 4) Crickets have ears on their front legs. 5) Frogs have an ear drum on the outside of their head. 6) Flamingos have knees that can bend backward. Keep the list going... 4)
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Iriene, How do you manage to get so many interesting fact. Let me join you and add on the list :- 7.The only continent without reptiles or snakes is Antarctica. 8.Camels have 3 eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing sand. Do you know I like you contribution.
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@MLeula (29)
• Philippines
3 Sep 09
yes, it's a familiar theory to me. thanks for the reminders.
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
You know that it is the female the creates trouble. Do you know why giraffe has a long? Because its head is far away from the body.Just joking! lol!
• Indonesia
3 Sep 09
yes, I know that. My father have research about mosquito 2 years ago. Male mosquito eat flower honey
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• Malaysia
5 Sep 09
Your father must be an entomologist, a person who studies all about insects. It is the female anopheles mosquitoes the spread malaria whereas the culex female mosquitoes carry the virus that cause elephantiasis( elephant leg ) and dengue fever. Why females must be so cruel? Thanks for your response.
• Indonesia
5 Sep 09
My father work in health department in my city in Indonesia. Why mosquito female very cruel? That is same with woman james.... hahaha
@sumit057 (227)
• India
4 Jul 10
Mosquitoes belong to a group of insects that requires blood to develop fertile eggs. Males do not lay eggs, thus, male mosquitoes do not bite. The females are the egg producers and "host-seek" for a blood meal. Female mosquitoes lay multiple batches of eggs and require a blood meal for every batch they lay. Few people realize that mosquitoes rely on sugar as their main source of energy. Both male and female mosquitoes feed on plant nectar, fruit juices, and liquids that ooze from plants. The sugar is burned as fuel for flight and is replenished on a daily basis. Blood is reserved for egg production and is imbibed less frequently.
• Malaysia
5 Jul 10
Wow! It has been a year since I posted this discussion. It is good to have a good response from you. Yes, The females need blood to feed their 'babies'- eggs. I know that males feed on plant nectar, but I do not know that females also need to feed on plant nectar. Thank you for your response.
@roshigo58 (4856)
• Pune, India
23 Nov 12
Hi, I know this. But thank you for putting the discussion about the wonders of the world. Is it true that crow has only one eye. chameleon can change the color of his skin.
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• Malaysia
4 Dec 12
Great to receive your response after 4 long winters and summers have passed. I like you. Keep it up. Cheers.