I just dont get it
@revellanotvanella (4033)
United States
September 3, 2009 4:29pm CST
Yes, people need insurance but at what cost people, all I hear is cry me a river and all the underlying facts being dismissed. Do people know that government want to take a huge chunk out of their medicare to PAY for this public healthcare??
Things have to be put into context and you can't just say give everyone healthcare AT ANY COST because then our rights will be encroached upon and is that what people want, for the government deciding for us what is best for the whole people---lets keep in mind these people on Capital Hill DO NOT LIVE like us, this is about the People no matter what they tell you. About the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. So maybe you can understand my frustration when I hear people demanding Public Healthcare because their family members are being denied insurance but do they know what the administration bringing them this new reformed healthcare system STAND FOR???
Don't you think that is relevant?? And if not, W-H-Y not.

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9 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Revel, Do you know what this administration stands for? And where did you get that information from? Their are many people, and corporations in this country that want public health care because insurance companies are monopolies in many areas. Do you have the choice as to what health care you get? The majority of people in this country do not, they either have government health care, or employer provided health care, so you really don't have a choice. And, in many states there is only two health care companies to choose from; Do you think they are competitive? And, they don't allow companies to go out of state to get health care because they have certain procedures that they want covered. This isn't as simple as the right wing talking points make it sound, and if all of this sounds fine to you then I don't know what to tell you. But, the current system isn't a capitalist system, it is a corrupt system, and it needs to be changed.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
4 Sep 09
dd, I agree that our current system isn't very good, and many of our elected officals are just there for the money. I do like some third party candidates, and I do like some of Ron Paul's ideas, but he is more of a third party then a republican. The problem with third party candidates are the lack of funds, and the small number of good ones. Do you really want Ralph Nader running the country? I don't, and I am a liberal, and so is he. The other thing that we need to do is get the money out of politics. I wish that more people could see this, and think to themselves why would a person spend $300 million dollars ($600 + if you run for re-election) for a job that pays $400,000 a year for the max of 8 years? How stupid do these people think we are? From what I have seen on here: VERY. But, that is just my opinion.
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@Carson11 (332)
• United States
4 Sep 09
themasterdebater, Ever heard of state mandates? Do you even know what the hell your talking about? The government tells insurance companies what they have to cover. If it is something I know I would never use,TOO BAD. I have to pay for it. That makes rates HIGHER. When I started my business 10 years ago,I wanted a HSA with catastrophic coverage. The state of NY said NO,you can't have it. If I could have done what I wanted I would have between 50-70K in the bank to cover my health expenses. Now I have no insurance and can't afford it. It's people like you on the left that have hurt me on a grand scale on this issue alone. I despise all who deprive me of my property. Boy this big government crap has sure helped me!!!!!!!! I have every right to be angry at people like you.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Carson, MR USA, don't you know that you don't live in Russia, YOU CAN MOVE TO ANOTHER STATE. If you run your business as well as you say you can, then moving wouldn't be a big deal at all. This is what I don't understand about businesses that DON'T want this health care to go through: It will save you a fortune, and take the burden of health care off of your employees. Do you know how many HR departments would become or efficent (notice I used a corporate phrase for FIRING PEOPLE), and think about your customers that will have more time and money.
But, you want none of this, and want to continue to be the problem, not the solution (I am sure you have heard that alot more than most on this site). So you have no one to blame, but yourself. SUCKS TO BE YOU!!

@momtrying2makeit (3270)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I am not too sure about this new healthcare thing. I think that to be honest I would rather just keep things the way they are. I know if you really need healthcare you can get it but will have to pay later. I know this will be discussed for awhile now that this is a public issue. I hope for the best but I am on an goverment healthcare plan and to be honest I hate it! I can only go certain places and I cannot find a dentist that will accept my insurance either. So from my standpoint let us choose just place a cap on it is my thoughts. Some people like to take advantage of what they have for free and to me that is not right. But hey when someone else is fronting the bill why not right? Take care and happy mylotting to you. 

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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I was just saying the same thing the other day while at the park, lets keep things the way they are instead of making the mess even bigger and really look at the system and find out where it is wrong and what needs to be done. They could spend a year looking at this (well NOT NOW~~!) and using the public as a forum to learn how it differs from region to region, rural to urban areas, maybe you need a really different kind of healthcare plan in rural areas than what is needed in the city, and I think thats what I've been hearing. My sister had to drive 2 hours away (Bethesda) because she lives in a real rural area just to get a tooth pulled. I feel like their being so unrealistic to want to shove this down peoples throats and of course people are fighting it, and they did back when Clinton was in office--nothing has changed, dont they get it! What it looks like to me is the problem is BIG BUSINESS. You have the lawyers going to town encouraging people to sue whoever they can, Pharmaceutical companies buying off the doctors with pizza parties and trips, and insurance companies not serving their very purpose for existing and hoarding every dollar they have--its all very complicated and needs to be put under a microscope, does it make sense to fix things that do not need fixing.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
4 Sep 09
My argument against the health care bill is simply this. The Government Lies. Simple as that.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Sep 09
We have a Canadian member here whose husband may have been misdiagnosed. He can't have the tests he needs until December and she said he may die by then. That is a CRIME!! It's murder!
Do we really wand this?! The government does!! A nation of healthy worker bees, unthinking and healthy drones so stupid and lulled into complacency that they won't fight anything!
Those people on Capitol Hill have never lived like us. Those few that have, have forgotten or think they are better than us. We need to VOTE THEM OUT!!!
I can't wait to see what will happen on 9/12 when people march on DC from all over the country. I hope they don't call out the Guard. I'm encouraged by parents keeping their kids home from school on the day the Prez plans to lecture them. People are waking up! 

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@Carson11 (332)
• United States
4 Sep 09
dragon54u, These jerks in government have proven they can't run anything right!!! They have a monopoly on passenger train travel and they still lose money every year!!!! If your average businessman had a monopoly on any business he would be a billionaire!!
@EnglishTeaDuck (862)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I am another who has insurance but still can't pay the difference, and the system here scares me. I just found out that my prescriptions are doubling in price next year because of my insurance company and I HAVE to order them through their mail order system, or pay the full amount with no insurance paying. I currently get one of these from Walmart for $4, it is now going to cost me $20.
At first I kept quiet with all this because it is not my country. I am English and moved here to marry an American. But I live here, I am getting sicker under this system because I can't afford to have the treatment I need, I work and pay taxes here and every time I have this conversation I have to listen to people talking absolute rubbish about the system in my own country. The lies that are believed over here are incredible, I think we are being fed a load of rubbish on BOTH sides actually.
I'm not some great political debator intellectual. All I can tell you is that I cannot afford to be sick here, I have no choice of Doctors because of which ones will take my insurance in my town, I have collection letters and calls when previously I never paid a bill late in my life, and I now recognize the British NHS for the great thing it is. No, its not perfect, but its also not a system where you can only be sick if you have money. How can that not be wrong?
I don't think we should turn it into England or Canada - the USA is a very different country and needs its own appropriate solution. But I have lived under both and the fear of socialized healthcare here is something I do not understand, because we are so much more controlled all the time by the insurance/work etc situaion here than I ever was in England. I think it is based on the assumption that I hear over and over again here that over there we treat people in some medieval dungoen and kill them all automatically when they hit 60.
But then, people here have also asked me 'if we have Christmas' in England, so whatever....lol
@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I thought it a little irresponsible for the politicians to go screaming socialism all over the media when we have such great international relations (at least when it comes to sharing info concern'g national security) with your country and its not like the politicians don't know this but if it's anything I'd say were becoming more like China given the amount of money we're giving them and all the investments the Chinese government has bought from us and scrambling to sell which is going to send stocks plundging--THIS should be a concern and the outsourcing of american jobs.

@winorak5109 (33)
• United States
3 Sep 09
I agree with you! They just don't understand it's like "borrowing from Peter to pay Paul" is the phrase that comes to my mind. I have had to do this before when it came to paying some of my bills. The result was that Peter(bill) came due and there was less money to pay it; so the bill had to be put aside until the next month when I had to pay Peter - something else then had to also be put off until again the NEXT month. If there is no reform for the lawsuits; then there will be no money to pay for this monstrosity of a bill. Another facet is the number of healthcare providers versus the number of people needing the care; that is, according to the stats - there are NOT NEAR ENOUGH drs to see the number of patients that will be thrown into a public option system. So let me see, if you have a facility that hires 12 general drs to so many - will there be enough hours that they can work to see everybody who needs to be seen is my question?
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
3 Sep 09
Win, how much do you pay for heath care pre month? I see you have been listening to the right wing talking points about health care. Lawsuits are an excuse to raise rates, if you don't believe me call your health care provider and ask them if we have tort reform will my health care go down? The answer from the industry is NO, the reason is that lawsuits really don't cost them that much money.
Do you know why we don't have enough docotors? That is because when people who don't have health insurance need help they don't go to a family doctor, they go to the ER. This creates a huge problem because you have to staff ER's with more doctors, and nurses due to the over flow of people. If these people had health insurance they would see a family doctor instead of a ER doctor, thus freeing up more doctors to see many more patients, thus ending the doctor issue.
Do you people think that the 47 million people that don't have insurance now don't go to the doctor? They use the ER doctor, much like you go to your family doctor.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
4 Sep 09
DDZ, do you know where you got that fact from? That would mean we have over 26.5 million illegal immigrants, and that is alot more than anyone has ever guessed that population at. I am not arguing this, but I would just want to know if that factoid came from a reliable sourse
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
3 Sep 09
i can kinda understand but as far as the medicare goes they don't really pay anything i have it and have to pay for everything all my hospital bills because medicare is not paying for any of them at all and as far as thats where the money is comming from i am not sure about that , i believe everyone needs health care but no one really knows all the facts because it keeps getting changed all the time.
@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
4 Sep 09
and because were not getting clear answers from Obama--still no clear answers to how this will be PAID for, but we all know someone is going to have to pay higher taxes SOMEWHERE
@jross19871 (239)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Healthcare is not a right, it is a privilege. No one is entitled to healthcare, they must earn it. This healthcare reform is really going to push us towards socialism and possibly even communism. Marx might have been right all along. As far as I am concerned, the only one who should take care of me is me, not we. I have an I mentality and not a we mentality. If you can't tell I am libertarian and this is so wrong to me.

@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
4 Sep 09
I dont know why but this music video seems to fit how I'm feeling, does anyone get the connection?
Jazmine Sullivan (2008)