Have you ever eaten a bug?

United States
September 4, 2009 2:43pm CST
Yesterday, my neighbor came over. My grandson and I were looking at grasshoppers on my vines. My neighbor commented that they were very tasty to eat. I kind of dismissed this and picked two up to show my grandson that the grasshoppers didn't bite. My neighbor asked to see them and without much thought, I handed one over to him. He immediately put it in his mouth and started chewing, or should I say crunching on it. Well, I was horrified, my grandson didn't know what to do. My daughter had just come out of the house and I thought she was going to throw up. To top things off, He then spit out the head,and two of the legs. He said it was old because it was tooooo crunchy. Have you ever eaten a bug? How about a grasshopper? Are they some type of delicacy? What do they taste like? Can't you get worms from doing that? I think the idea of eating any type of insect is totally disgusting. What's your opinion?
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11 responses
• India
5 Sep 09
Hi There, Once i was travelling on my bike and suddenly a mosquito came along from front side. It directly went into my mouth since my mouth was wide open for that time. I felt like vomitting and i tried to remove my saliva from my mouth for som 15 minutes but no help.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
No I haven't tried to eat bug. Here in the Philippines some places here eat insects like locust, cricket and ants. The idea of eating insects is disgusting I can't think I can eat insects of any kind. .
• United States
6 Sep 09
From what I've read so far, many countries think insect are normal to eat. I just can't help but think that you are eating their guts and their waste too. Tooooo disgusting for me.
@misisbau (317)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
Can't say that I have eaten bugs. I have eaten (cooked)frogs and crocodile soup in Bangkok though, does that count as a Fear Factor feat?
• United States
6 Sep 09
You must tell me what crocadile taste like? That's really wild. Now I don't think I would get sick if I tried that. Are you from Bangkok or, were you just visiting there? Crocadile is something that I'm betting few have tried. Anyway, share the details.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
5 Sep 09
No, I haven't eaten any bug, of any kind. I don't really plan on eating any. It's just not the sort of thing that I'm really into trying, or at least, have any interest in trying.
• United States
6 Sep 09
I'm with you 100%. When my neighbor spit out the head,it didn't look that tasty to me. I still can't believe my neighbor did that!
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Hi Pstclaire Now thats just nasty LOL I can't imagine eating any insect (now there have bee a few times where gnats or something flying around got into my mouth when it was open when I power walk around the nature trail with my husband Yuck) but intentionally eat a grasshopper assolutely not! Now in some countries bugs, snakes, centipedes and all kinds of creepy crawlies are considered a delicacy! Have you ever watched the cable show Andrew Zimmerman the bald guy who goes around different parts of the world eating all sorts of weird bugs, spiders, and other animals? I forgot what the show is called but I remember his name.I can't imagine eating anything that is still moving around .
• United States
6 Sep 09
You've got to be kidding me. He actually eats them live? You'll probably think I'm a nut case but I feel awful for that poor grasshopper. Even though I didn't do the deed, I feel like I murdered that grasshopper.Silly, isn't it?
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
In our country, the Philippines, we have several exotic foods that i love eating. There are some that I can not take though. I have eaten bugs or we call it "salagubang" in our vernacular. It is very crunchy and tasty. It only comes out within the months of May to July or within rainy season. Other exotic foods that I like are frogs, kamaru and python.
• United States
6 Sep 09
Is a salagubang a grasshopper,or some other type of bug? What does it taste like? I've never eaten a frog either although, most tell me that is taste like chicken. What is a kamaru? I guess if you are raised with these things in your diet,they aren't so bad but it still makes me quesy just thinking about munching on an insect.
@becky01 (81)
4 Sep 09
My uncle is Mexican and he brought home for us, dried and salted grasshoppers, they are really lovely. Lots of places around the world eat insects like grasshoppers or locusts. They are more a delicacy or a snack than food you could eat to sustain yourself. I don't think it's possible to get worms from eating an insect.
• United States
6 Sep 09
What about that long body part on the grasshopper that's squishy? What's in there? Do you taste that brown stuff that they spit on you when you hold them? I know you said that they are dried but I would think you would still taste these things. Again, I guess it all comes down to the country you live in and what your country views as normal to eat. Anyway you're very adventurous!
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Ever drive a motorcycle?
• United States
6 Sep 09
I've been on a motorcycle,and something flew into my mouth but I quickly spit it out. I have never rode on one again,for that very reason.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
is your neighbor who chewed the grasshopper a kid like your grandson or an adult. cause i felt only kids who just eat the grasshopper without much thought as we know kids are really adventurous in so many ways. it really is totally funny and at the same time disgusting to read what your neighbors did. i never imagine myself doing that or chewing it with out second thought or hesitation. he didn't wash the grasshopper first to make sure it is clean of any dirt or just blanch it to kill the bacteria. i hope that it does not contain bacteria for eating a live one like that.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I've never eaten a bug, but I had a grasshopper get in the house a few days ago, and my cat was afraid of it, lol. He jumped clear up in the air when he saw it, funniest thing I've ever seen.
@tintukm (1102)
• India
5 Sep 09
I have seen people do these sorts of disgusting thing in television channels,the most unreal part of it is they never cook it,its been eaten alive.The all kind of internal organs of the worms and insects like grasshoppers,many do eat the meal worms,the earthworms,..the list continues on and on,people are trying to be more interesting with their lives they have at hand. I once not knowing,had to deal with a cockroach,when we were having our supper,the electricity was cut off and since I was enjoying my meal ,I kept on eating,in dark,my dad had gone to take the candles and the flash light,but I had no patience.So what happened was there was a cockroach on my plate and I bit it,but since it felt like a rotten piece of a vegetable I spit it off in the dark,I was then made fun off when I narrated this to my friends and also at that spot of the incident.
• United States
5 Sep 09
Just the thought of eating a bug makes me want to throw up also. Some people do odd things and out of the ordinary. I wouldn't suggest anyone eating any kind of bug. Just to think that bug is alive and your eating it.. That's really nasty in my opinion.