Have you heard the Voice of God????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
September 4, 2009 9:26pm CST
If God exists then logic dictates that direct two way communications must be possible. Of course, one must be careful to claim talking to God for people assume that you are a nut case. Indeed, some are nut cases however I believe a lot of people have heard the VOICE OF GOD!!! Are you one of them???? Tell mee your story
First, we must understand how God will talk to you. We are all spiritual beings in our true nature. This physical world is only here to help control the lessons we are to learn in life. While in this physical universe, we are confined by the physical laws of this universe. At any given point in time we are at a specific place. God will not be confined by these physical laws just to talk to you. So what will He do??? Remember, God is very smart. He will access the electrical impulses in your brain and send a message. Match your brain waves so to speak.
There is a lady who was an atheist. She and her husband were in their home when a tornado warning came across the TV. They looked out their window at the clouds. Suddenly she saw a tornado forming. It started heading toward their house. Frightened, she and her husband started running toward the bathroom because they had no basement. As she got halfway down the hall, she heard a voice in her mind say go to the opposite end of the house. She stopped, grabbed her husband then ran in the opposite direction from the bathroom. The tornado did hit the house. The bathroom end was destroyed while the opposite end on the house was intact.
Was this the voice of God??? When you are running for your life in a panic toward where you think will be safe, you aren't listening for voices. Then to hear what tells you to do the opposite of what you are doing, and saves your life. Sounds like God to me.
I know another man who was in a high rise building fire. He was told not to move from a certain window. Guess which window was the firat one the firemen showed up at.
I believe God is so good at matching our brainwaves that some ideas come from Him. My mother had water running under her house. Being a good son, I was going to crawl under the house in all that water and mud to fix the water leak. Just as I started under the house,the idea of a water faucet popped into my mind. I backed out from under the house, went to check the faucets. There was a faucet in the front of the house that was on. Problem solved. This wasn't really my idea. I'm sure glad I didn't have to crawl in that mud and water.
Are all those voices, ideas, and messages going to SAVE THE DAY??? What about the bad ideas that popup in our heads??? You have to remember that life is about learning and growing as people. God will get us into adversity for the good of ourselves and others.
There is an old man who lives in a shack of a house. A friend of mine knew this old man. My friend came over and wanted me to go with him to visit the old man. I wasn't busy so I tagged along. When we entered the house, the first thing that happened was I got a bad headache. The old man was using a space heater that burned yellow and had to be making carbon monoxide. I started to turn this heater off then tell the old man about the carbon monoxide when that little voice said::: Just a simply adjustment.
Sure I know how to open the air mixer on a space heater. Let's help the old man. As soon as I touched the burner, it fell out of the heater. Oh no!!!!!! How did I get in this mess?????? Did I hear simple adjustment????? Well, when I took the heater apart, I found lots of lint and paper all around the inside of the heater. It'a a miracle that house hadn't burned down much less the carbon monoxide. I cleaned it all up. Took a couple of hours but it all worked out. I was angry when that burner fell out but I guess the old man didn't have money for repairs and it was his only source of heat on that cold day.
As we were leaving, my friend turned to me and said. Something just told me to bring you along.
God does have His hand in goodness and adversity as well. We all learn and grow in the end. Have you heard the voice of God??? Please SHARE.
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4 responses
@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
5 Sep 09
I believe in God and i strongly feel that there is some mysterious force controlling all our day to day activities and we are all moving according to that force.God is bigger than the biggest (so big the universe is within Him).God is subtler than the smallest thing a human mind could conceive.God resides in the heart of every living being.God is the supreme creator of the universe.he Vedas state in scores of scriptural verses that everything is God. That Divinity is one without a second, beyond all forms, names and qualities. That divinity is an existence that is eternally imperishable and indivisible.
Everything is one with God in its essential nature, including you as a soul. There is only one field of absolute Being where all divisions and separations merge into one existence.
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@sushisarah (186)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 09
Yes, i have heard. Even i have dreamt it that i prayed to God in that dream and God answered me in that dream also. I believed in such thing, because since so long i had been walking with God. Without wordy, yes, i heard God's voice if i prayed in the serious manner and serious behaviour of heart.
I am also communicated with God everyday, just like my priest said 'communicate to God like friends, talk about whatever is may.' There is a dream, i heard God said that me and my children and my grand son or grand daughter, i have no idea. Because i am still having one child. While in my dream God said 'children', it means i will get another child? Wow, i hope it's a boy. God said, 'you and you children and your descendants will die first then will approach the end of time.' Believe it or not, i have the images too. Then God said about the end of time, i heard but i didn't understand though i composed all those words in my head. God's voice sounded full of thought when God said about the doomsday and what will occur.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Sep 09
God does have great intellect. That is why so few really understand. Of course you realize that through generation after generation that your children and descendants could very well span until the end of time. That's going to be a lot of generations and kids.Something special must be in your line. Perhaps a vision most fail to see.Doomsday???? God has things better under control than that. Maybe you should describe your images. Sounds interesting to say the least.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Sep 09
So by not understanding what God told you about doomsday, how does that make you feel??? You do not understand what it is really all about??? Or is it too complicated for you to understand? Or that doomsday is not really important? Does it make you want to search for answers? Or are you just not going to question things and be glad for your experience? Lastly, How does this experience change your life today??? Yes,yes,yes. I am one who just must question things. I would not say weird to all this but interesting...
@sushisarah (186)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 09
Okay, here what i saw. I was in the castle, with stone wall around me. I got in to a room. There was a big rock like Jesus used to pray in His time, so prayed there, on that rock with unspeakable words. Then i saw the windows changed the color, from the dark night into blue, i saw there a waterfall, then i saw the green color with an image that i had forgotten.
After that i heard that voice, so calm and so patient. I was pondering in my heart, is this God's voice or the devil's? But i can not think that the devil will have so mild voice, and so kind. And i felt calm all over my body. He said, 'You and your children, and your descendant, will die first then will come the judgment day.' While i didn't ask about the doomsday.
Then He continued to say regarding what will happen in the doomsday. I heard it, the voice was loud and clear. But the words were incomprehensible, though i tried to comprehend it. I had composed it in my mind, word by word. But i can't understand at all, not even one word. Weird.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I guess I've really never known a person who had true ESP abilities. Perhaps, I should put that into the next thing to look into. As far as talking to ownself, the lady in panic and fear, running from that tornado had little time to be talking to herself especially at such a key moment. Also I think you are going to find that God will not always think like you nor will He always agree with what you say. Perhaps this is a way to tell. Thanks for those comments!!
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@jb78000 (15139)
6 Sep 09
well i was thinking more of a mental voice rather than someone having a little chat with themselves. i'm not sure if there is a way of knowing where it comes from though. as far as esp goes, well i have never seen or heard of it being available whenever somebody wants (except in stage magicians and for some reason i am not sure that it is genuine in these cases...) but i think just about everybody has had moments of intuition that are hard to explain - usually in difficult situations. of course maybe half (or all) the time this is down to your normal senses subconsciously registering something.

@preethaanju (3000)
• India
5 Sep 09
This is God prakash speaking. I dont believe in any God. God is man himself. So think this god is speaking to another god bird123
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Could you ever think when you are in a panic running for your life?? The lady in that tornado sees things different now. Perhaps, without believing, you can still look around for possibilities. You are intelligent. I'm sure you know who you talk to when you do. Keep an open mind. A closed mind will discover nothing.