Does chocolate help you succeed in exams?
By Andrew
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
United Kingdom
September 5, 2009 4:44am CST
I don't know if this is old news or new news but I just noticed this on the yahoo site. It's saying that in research carried out it was proven that students who ate some chocolate prior to taking an exam felt relaxed and subsequently performed better in the exam! Have you ever heard of this or have you heard about this latest piece of news? If this is true I like the sound of this! I love chocolate but I guess I'm not too keen on taking exams. Has this ever worked for you? Andrew
18 responses
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
That's interesting I didn't know about that! I guess athletes try and remain under strict control then as they don't want to start piling on the weight! As a regular cyclist I find that a little chocolate helps with my energy levels. Andrew
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
Welcome to My Lot by the way, keep on posting. Andrew
@regal_aeros (2605)
• Singapore
5 Sep 09
this is the first time i'm hearing this.
But one thing for sure is when i'm stressed studying, i take chocolates and somehow i don't feel THAT stressed.
Maybe chocolate does stimulate my brain somehow... haha
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
I think that a lot of people are mentioning the fact now that chocolate definitely relaxes you so it's a good thing to have some before doing anything that may cause some stress. Good luck though in terms of your upcoming exams. Andrew
@melanie_abayle (66)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
The first time i hear this i was amazed, but i never tried it. As far as i know chocolates helps us to be happy, thus makes us inspired to study. Maybe thats the point he/ she is trying to imply about that. But maybe you should try also to change study habits so that you can pass the exam....
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
Hi Andrew, good to hear another reason to eat chocolate! I am not sure however when I had my assessment for GCSE English last Tuesday where I had to do an exam paper that chocolate would have stopped me from walking out! Because my heart just wasn't in it and neither could I concentrate, but then it was only an assessment to get marks good enough to be accepted onto the course. My CSE and RSA English are good enough, but I have Maths GCSE and kind of looks funny having Maths not English oh well, that's history. But I guess chocolate releases 'happy' chemicals in the brain which relaxes are because most of us are indeed tense, anxious and worried about sitting exams because the outcome could mean a great difference in getting a job or going for a certain career! So chocolate would be ideal in those circumstances. I know I eat chocolate and ice cream for comfort food. I wonder if Haagen Daz Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream has the same affect for succeeding in excams?
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
Hi wolfie, yes yet another reason! Reasons seem to be stockpiling in relation to eating chocolate. I love chocolate toffee fudge ice cream and I tend to eat this before taking in a long movie! This definitely helps me to relax and destresses me as it were! I'm not sure about the strawberry cheesecake though, some more tests and research will probably have to be carried out!

@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
6 Sep 09

@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
Ah! Now we are moving swiftly onto chocolate drinks! I haven't tried the chocolate drink idea although I'm sure that this probably works about the same as chocolate chunks! As a result of this discussion I have decided to reach out for some chocolate later this evening, being a Sunday and so forth! Andrew
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
Oh yes I heard that too from one of my children, she said eating chocolates and other sweets help you feel relaxed and perform better during exams but another daughter was advised to eat peanuts and also drink hot milk so memory won't fail them during exams. This daughter of mine passed the board exams, though as expected as she's been an honor student eversince. What I also hear, Andrew, eating chocolates can relieve stress. I think there's a truth in it as eating sweets makes us feel better.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
Hi bing, great to see you again! There must be something about sweets that help you to relax. I tend to have a munch or two and I always seem to sink into my leather armchair that much easier and I feel so calm! I think that chocolate definitely relieves the symptoms of stress, I'm sure I've heard that one somewhere too! Unfortunately I'm allergic to peanuts, this is a very serious thing for me but I know that some people say they have good qualities about them and can help you concentrate and so forth. Well, I have my next exam in a couple of weeks and I just want to get it over and done with, perhaps I will eat a few chunks of chocolate before going into the examination room. Andrew
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
5 Sep 09
Hi Andrew, I never heard of that one and can't really buy it, chocolate is supposed to give a relaxed feeling and who wants to be relaxed when taking an exam when a bit of adrenaline is needed. Also most exams seem to take place in the morning and who in their right mind coud eat chocloate in the morning, it's way too sickly. Personally I'd recommend a good cup of strong black coffee before an exam. I always like exams myself (except physics of course - bordering on the technical there) and did extremely well without the aid of chocolate. I think the best way of achieveing success in exams is just the old fashioned way of putting a bit of work in first

@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
Hi thea, nice to hear from you again. I like the idea that chocolate makes you feel relaxed and I could certainly do with a lot of that however, I agree that it's probably not a good thing to eat chocolate first thing in the morning. Unfortunately I don't like coffee, I only drink tea and I'm wondering if this will give me the same kick as coffee. I certainly recall the adrenaline starting to do its thing when I last took an exam. I also agree with the old fashioned method of studying really hard in order to achieve a good exam result. I'm into computers and I have to say that the most technical exam I took was two years ago now when I studied for my computer maintenance and installation exam, boy that was a toughie! Anyway, I passed that successfully. There's always some kind of research coming out I guess and several months or years later some other scientists will say that no, the research was wrong and that chocolate actually doesn't help you to do better in exams! Oh well! Andrew
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
5 Sep 09
Indeed todays newest fad will be tomorrows faux pas, stick with your tea old chap. You do realise it's not still too late to find an exalted ranking on a new interest,pop into leaderboard disc to obtain one and it will be even more fun than taking that nasty old computer exam. (Do please refrain from technical speak around me, it could send me into shock).
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@ladyhope (377)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
I personally think that chocolate can solve/help anything...I mean, its just soooo delicious and yummy. Honestly, though, I have never noticed a calming effect with chocolate. Do you know if it was dark chocolate that this study talked about or any chocolate in particular?
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
Well yes, I agree with you there! There is something about chocolate that makes you want to keep on eating the stuff! I do notice a calming effect though when I seriously think about the effects of eating chocolate. I also remember hearing something about dark chocolate and how it was good for you in some area although I don't remember which area that was! All said and done I absolutely love chocolate but I try to eat it with balance! Andrew
@blessing2u (496)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
Uhhmm. I like to eat chocolate because I have not done it during my younger years. And so when I can, I would want to eat that chocolate before my exam in school. But I think that it's not much about the chocolate but how we prepared for the examination that matters. How I wish that I could have those chocolates available everytime that I have exams.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
I think that I may well test the theory though come my next exam! I won't eat too much though so that I become so calm and then sleep through the exam this would be a very bad thing! I think that a good piece of chocolate though helps you get through a long movie! Andrew
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
Hi janebeth. Well, I guess there's a lot of truth to the fact that chocolates do wonders for the inner feelings. I have been depressed in the past and sometimes still suffer a little with this and I definitely reach for those chocolates like yourself and it seems to do the trick. Andrew
@cyberjaze (106)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
Well i've heard of that in different ways. Chocolates calms your mind to avoid thinking broad and be able to focus. It works on heartbroken people. Eating chocolate lessen the pain of heartbreak because mind sets everything to reduce thinking broad. Thats what I know. I've never tried eating chocolates before exams :)
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
Hi cyber. I think it's a great thing that chocolate helps you relax. I feel so relaxed when I'm eating chocolate that it kind of places me in a semi-trance! I experience great feelings and great comfort and I'm still able to focus on the movie that I'm watching. It's just a constant movement of placing my hand in the bag and grabbing the next maltezer that I can slowly suck on so that it eventually melts in my mouth, very nice and very tempting. Andrew Welcome to My Lot by the way. Andrew
@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
Hi Andrew first of all. I have heard studies that chocolate really helps you relax. This is the reason why when you have a major fight with your girlfriend or wife. You give her chocolates and in a matter of hours she'll get around and you'll be friends again. I know that this sounds crazy, but they say chocolate contains a substance that helps us to float and get us to a state of relaxation. If you can't go to sleep try eating chocolate this can also help you fall to sleep.
So I believe that there is a good explanation that this news might be true and chocolate can really give one's mental ability a boost.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
I like the idea of chocolate helping you to sleep although I've never thought about chocolate in that way. I'm single though and am unable to test the theory regarding having an argument with my girlfriend or wife!
I don't want to be eating too much chocolate anyhow as the waist line will definitely start to expand I think. I try to do regular exercise so hopefully eating chocolate shouldn't be too much of a problem. Andrew

@moneymakingtoday (4061)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
i haven't read or heard that news. only from u and thanks, this gives me an idea to research on that.
what i had an experience is from a classmate in high school. i always saw her in the past, eating raw peanuts before our exams .. her reason, it makes her intelligent and she can readily answer the questions. i have not observed any better result from her as her standing was the same.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
That really frightens me, regarding the peanut theory I mean! I'm allergic to peanuts in a serious way so I will never be able to test this theory. However, in terms of eating chocolate well I love to relax on a Friday night with a good movie and then I take a pick of either a bag of maltezers or Terry's Orange, very nice and very calming! Andrew
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
Oh I've definitely noticed the calming effects but in terms of study I agree with you! I'm not going to start relying on chocolate to get me through exams. I am a regular cyclist though and I'm thinking that a little chocolate would give me the energy I need to keep on cycling, I can perhaps carry some in my rucksack! Welcome to My Lot by the way. Andrew
@rimshotbeatz (6)
• Romania
6 Sep 09
yes andrew, chocolate does help you since cocoa contains antioxydants who prevent the oxidation of cholesterol; the result is a better blood circulation
chocolate for the win!!! :D
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 09
I love all this good information that is coming out regarding chocolate! This will help me when it comes to making chocolate purchasing decisions! I think I will go for something different next, perhaps a twix or a mars bar! It's nice to chop and change I think! Welcome to My Lot by the way! Andrew
@krupesh (2608)
• India
5 Sep 09
I would rather say that if you work hard & study hard it will help you in the exams.
Let the researchers ask a dull boy to eat chocolate & write the exams.He will defenitely fail.Chocolate has nothing to do with the success in exams.Those researchers just want to make name for themselves & want their names to be put in the newspapers , so this research.

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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
From experience I tend to agree! I think that there's too much research in the world, some of it is really important and good but other kinds of research are just useless! Well, the yahoo page is updated constantly so I'm pretty sure that this latest story will disappear. Andrew
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
5 Sep 09
I have never heard of such a thing till date so it is new news for me. But if research says so,it must have worked for some! I am still a student and I have never tried chocolate before taking an exam so I cannot really say if it makes one feel relaxed and perform well in the examination. But I do absolutely love chocolates and if the research results are not tampered with
it might work for me too! So I will keep this in mind and gorge on a lot of chocolates right before my next examination! And I will keep you posted!

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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
Hi oindy, great stuff! I'm sure that there will be a lot of people that are enthusiastic about this idea, I'm certainly one of them. I recently took a bout of exams and I did ok in them but I never munched on chocolate beforehand! I think I will try this new technique when I have to face my next exam which actually is a couple of weeks away. Andrew

@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
Hi picjim, yes I'm heard that one too about children becoming hyperactive once they had eaten chocolate. I think that this is part and parcel of eating chocolate, perhaps it relates to some of the qualities in chocolate. Anyway, this is a new technique that I would most definitely like to try in future and hopefully I will receive better exam results. Andrew
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I have heard it somewhere before that there was in ingredient in chocolate that stimulates the brain. I don't know if it is true or not. As a chocoholic myself, I'd like to think so. You can't have enough brain power!
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
5 Sep 09
That's great to hear. It's nice to hear everyone's views on this subject. I love chocolate and I enjoy the feelings that I get whilst munching through some chocolate. I must try not to eat too much though as this could prove to be detrimental to my health and weight. Andrew