Obama calls Israel out on it's backward colonialism
By murderistic
@murderistic (2278)
United States
September 5, 2009 9:46am CST
Statement by the Press Secretary on Israeli Settlements
"We regret the reports of Israel's plans to approve additional settlement construction. Continued settlement activity is inconsistent with Israel's commitment under the Roadmap.
As the President has said before, the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement expansion and we urge that it stop. We are working to create a climate in which negotiations can take place, and such actions make it harder to create such a climate.
We do appreciate Israel's stated intent to place limits on settlement activity and will continue to discuss this with the Israelis as these limitations are defined.
The U.S. commitment to Israel’s security is and will remain unshakeable. We believe it can best be achieved through comprehensive peace in the region, including a two-state solution with a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel.
That is the ultimate goal to which the President is deeply and personally committed.
Our objective remains to resume meaningful negotiations as soon as possible in pursuit of this goal. We are working with all parties – Israelis, Palestinians, and Arab states -- on the steps they must take to achieve that objective."
Finally Obama, I am actually starting to be glad that I voted for you. It astounds me that the Israeli government can actually think it's O.K. to build NEW settlments on land that they are claiming to be occupying for security reasons. That's not security, that's colonialism. And there is very LITTLE violence by Palestinians in the West Bank on top of that. I have heard first hand accounts from Christians (including my pastor, who just got back from a sabbatical in Israle and Palestine) of how violent the Israeli settlers are... she was actually chased by people with guns several times just by walking near a settlement. On top of that, the US gives a disgusting amount of military aid to Israel and they STILL won't listen when we tell them they need to stop the settlements! What will it take, Israel, really? I hope this statement released by the White House will help, but much more than a little paragraph needs to be said. And it needs to be spoken from either Obama's or Clinton's lips.
5 responses
@freethinkingagent (2501)
6 Sep 09
It seems Obama only wants to meddle in the affairs of Israel, When any other country like Iran he says the US should not be telling another country what to do, oh unless you are Israel then he will tell them how to run their country.
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
6 Sep 09
There is not now nor ever has been a country called Palestine. Palestine was a Roman provincial name given to that area. So or you saying they are then Romans? The Jews did not come and occupy, there have always been Jews living there, the records of Egypt, Babylon, Assyria and other anciant cultures put the Hebrew People living there for at least the past 4000 years. There is no such things as Palestinians. They people called Palestinians were Syrians, and Jordanians mainly, after the British mandate many people from Jordan came into the area as squatters. After WWII Many Jews came back to the land of their ancestry to escape anti semitism and to be able to have a nation and defend themselves from people who would like to rewrite the history books. Saladin even wrote about the Jews in Jerusalem, The Muslim people would like to rewrite history, but the facts are that they are the invaders, and the colonialism. I am not surprised that are anti semitic president has a hard on to annihilate Israel as other extremist Muslims wish to do.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Um actually he isn't telling them how to run THEIR country. Their settlements are in Palestine.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Our anti-semitic president? Are you serious? Not only is the man not anti-Semitic, he is pro-Israel. You're talking about the guy who chose Rahm Emmanual as his chief of staff, among many other avid Israel supporters on his administration. Just because he has called Israel out on their settlements doesn't in the least make him anti-semitic. And his reaching out to Muslim countries also doesn't make him anti-semitic. First of all, Arabs are also Semites, so that's something that needs to be set straight. Second of all, I am honestly sick and tired of people assuming that because someone doesn't agree with EVERYTHING that the Israeli government does they are anti-Semitic. What a load of BS! How many Americans disagree with things the US does? Does that make them anti-America?
As for the issue of Palestine, the name of the country is not the issue, it is the land and the people of the land. Whether the land used to be part of a nation with another name is really not part of the issue. And I haven't suggested that there were never any Jews there nor that they shouldn't be there - but they shouldn't be running the nation. The nation should be run by the people of that nation.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Sep 09
" It astounds me that the Israeli government can actually think it's O.K. to build NEW settlements on land that they are claiming to be occupying for security reasons. That's not security, that's colonialism. And there is very LITTLE violence by Palestinians in the West Bank on top of that." It astounds me that you don't remember history. How often did the (so called) Palestinians say they would be peaceful if Israel would give just a little bit of land. Israel would give land and how long did that peace last? It didn't last at all until the Palestinians were violent again and saying the same thing, and again Israel would give more land. They finally have a government who is saying, "ENOUGH!" There will never be any peace in that land because the Palestinians and most Muslims don't want peace. They want to totally destroy Israel. By the by, the land is theirs. They can do with it what they please, and it pleases them to build on it.
Here's something you might be interested in. http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_mandate_build_country.php
Pay particular attention to what Winston Churchill said.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Let me try again.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Land has never been given to the Palestinians, it has only been taken away. And very few Arabs want to destroy Israel - that's simply not true! Even if it were true, compare it to all of the Jews and Christians who wish for what's left of Palestine to be destroyed? Even you are one of them!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I can tell by your response you know I am absolutely right. Only people who have no argument answer with insults.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I still say: Until Israel is re-located elsewhere and away from the Middle East, is will forever face fierce and justified opposition from the Middle Easterners! I believe that Genesis 15:18-21 from whence Israel's occupation arises was never a promise from the God of Creation known to be a God of love and order!
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Israel cannot relocate elsewhere. That is actually one of the more ridiculous suggestions I have heard (right along with the suggestion that all Palestinians be relocated out of Israel/Palestine). I don't agree with the way that Israel was established, but the fact is that most Israelis are not first generation ones - they were born there and it is their home just as much as it is for the Palestinians. Both sides use religion to claim the land, and there is no way to figure out who is wrong and who is right. Israel and Palestine is a very complex issue and I really don't want to talk about EVERYTHING in this discussion, the purpose of this discussion is to talk about the continuing settlements. No matter how you look at it or what religion you come from, it is simply wrong to destroy people's homes without their permission so you can build houses for what you think is a superior people - especially on a land that is supposedly temporarily occupied.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
6 Sep 09
A lot of Palestinians left when Israel was created. So why can't the remaining ones be relocated?
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Why don't I start a settlement in your neighborhood and relocate you to another country? Seems perfectly rational.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I don't support Obama's statement because I think he needs to just shut the F up about Israel and let the chips fall where they fall. We need to get our hands and our noses out of it because our involvement hasn't done anything good for either side. Clinton and Bush wasted way too much time trying to force a peace that just won't happen while funneling money to BOTH sides. Yes, we give more aid to the Palestinians than anyone else in the world. The EU comes in second and Kuwait comes in third if you're curious.
Naturally people ignore the aid we give to the Palestinians so we're basically looked at as Israel's big brother and subsequently blamed for everything they do. I'm sick of it. We should keep our money and let both sides work it out or kill each other.
On a side note nobody seems to understand how war works anymore. It used to be you conquered and either took over a country or left them to rebuild with the reminder of what would happen if they screwed with you again. Now it's this half-a$$ crap where you conquer, help them rebuild, funnel hundreds of billions of dollars in aid to them, get off their land, and even let leaders you install give you orders. I'm baffled by this crap. If Israel beat them, then Israel won and colonization has long been a part of that. It's how the US, France, Great Britian, Mexico, and other major countries were created. Deal with it.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Oct 09
Makro, that is the single dumbest analogy I've ever heard in my life. We live in a country where we pay taxes for law enforcement and military. As such "dealing with it" as you put it involves me calling the cops, if they aren't already on your tail for illegally driving your tractor on public roads here in Miami. Besides, if you come to my door on a tractor hoping to take my property, you'll be lucky if the cops get you first. I'm armed and well ready to defend my property. If you can't differentiate between a moron on a tractor, and an established nation than you are in need of serious psychiatric help.
@Makro74 (591)
17 Oct 09
So you are literally saying that I can drive a tractor up to your house, conquer your property and land, rebuild on it after completey destroying you and making you a refugee. I do this because I have a tractor and a method, and simply because I feel I want this piece of land because it serves my purpose. Would you deal with it??? No, you would go to the authorities, and the authorities would be quick to put me in a slammer. Why, because we know this is wrong.
Yet conquering armies were power hungry and greedy with little respect for human life. We have moved away from this and if this continues anywhere, then the end result is either guerilla warfare or terrorism. This is what has be dealt with and bigger powerful nations need to understand responsibility and the value of life regardless of where they are from. This is the thinking to go forward, not your warlike, irresponsible gunho method which leads to bloodshed in the world. You need to deal with your psychi and all those who advocate such arrogant methods to supress fellow humans. Think about it!
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
6 Sep 09
From the perspective of the US government, I think it is imperitive to pressure Israel in things such as settlements because if we sit back and allow them to do whatever they want, we are only making ourselves prone to more terror attacks. And the fact that the US gives to Palestinians is kinda irrelevant when you consider that the money we give to Israel is the reason why Palestinians need aide.
Just because colonialism used to be the norm doesn't mean it should be. Colonialism has shown to destroy culture and oppress the people of the nation being colonized. Why would you wish for such a thing?

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
7 Sep 09
For the sake of "peace," Israel has been giving concessions to the "Palestinians" because the world has demanded it, but peace has never come. It's not the Palestinian's goal to live in peace with Israel, but to run them off the land altogether or destroy them outright. Why should Israel pay any attention to what any other country wants them to do? Now of these "Peace Talks" has ever resulted in peace.
Let me give you a short history of the land of Israel: God gave the land to Abraham and his descendant, Isaac, then to Jacob whose name was changed to Israel. Even though the land was never taken away from the Israelites, God did remove them from the land from time to time when they disobeyed Him. The empires who have occupied the land when Israel was in exile or were a conquered people were: Babylonia, Persia, Hellenistic, Rome (It was when Rome conquered the area that they changed the name to Palaestina in order to expunge Jewish identification with this land), Byzantine, Arabs, Crusaders, Mamluk, Ottoman and British. Because of the Balfour Declaration, the British were obliged to return the land to the Jews and in May 1948, the United Nations recognized this land as the State of Israel. The few Arabs that were on the land at that time had neither settled the land, nor set up any form of government. They just used the land. The Jews asked these people to stay and settle the land with them, but they chose to side with the Arab nations and war against Israel and they've been warring ever since. I think the Israelis have been extremely tolerant and generous to a fault these past 61 years. Take a look at a map sometime and see how much land the Arabs occupy versus the size of Israel. Apart from the fact that the Arabs hate the Jews, why must they be so greedy? The only way there will be peace in this region of the world is for the Arabs to accept that this land belongs to Israel and to quit trying to destroy them.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
8 Sep 09
You are very young, so I suppose I should allow for your lack of knowledge when it comes to the history of this region of the world. What I would suggest so you'll get the true story and not propaganda from either side is to go to your local newspaper and see if they have an archive that goes back to 1948 or older. I'm suggesting going to the newspaper because too many of the history books today have "revised" history to fit the writer's agenda. Important dates to check are: May 14, 1948; June 5-10, 1967; December 21, 1973; April 22, 1988; May 26, 1991; April 27, 1998; June 12, 2002; March 27, 2003; and August 14, 2006. There was also an incident with the Egyptians and the Suez Canal in 1956, but I don't know the exact date. I know there is no reason for you to believe me over anyone else, but I can assure you that Israel is not the bad guy in this region. From the very beginning of their modern day existence as a nation (May 14, 1948), Israel has had to defend themselves and their right to the land. They have been willing to live in peace along side the Palestinians, but the Arabs won't allow it.
As far as Jerusalem being an important holy place for the Muslims, it is their third most holy site while it's the Jews most holy site. We are admonished in Scripture to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem." If the world wants peace in this region, they need to acknowledge the right of the Jews to exist and to exist on this land.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
8 Sep 09
While I certainly have not lived through the bulk of the conflict, I have taken classes on the Middle East and done much research. Just because I don't agree with you about Israelis trying to live in peace doesn't mean that I am "lacking knowledge." The fact is that you will not find those who want peace in the government or in the IDF or in Hamas or in the militants... of course you woun't find peace seeking people there. You will find peace seeking people protesting in the streets: Palestinians and Israelis alike. You will find the peace seeking Israeli youth locked up in jails for refusing to be drafted into the IDF. You find peace seeking people in villiages like At Tuwani, who protest against the settlers violence toward them regularly. All they want is for their children to be able to walk to school safely.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I know the history of the peace talks and I also think that Ehud Barak's final offers to Yasser Arafat at the Taba Summit were very respectful on his part. Unfortunately, at that time, neither Arafat nor the majority of Palestinians in the West Bank were ready to make a lasting commitment to completely concede to specific issues and territories. On the same note, there were many issues that Israel was not willing to concede to as well. I am sure that with continued negotiations a peace agreement would have been made - whether either side would have actually stuck to the agreement is up in the air. But they did not continue, maybe it's because Bush came into office, maybe it's because of the following Israeli election. The point is that a deal was so close to being made that Israel simply forgetting about the whole thing shows that they really weren't committed to the peace process.
Are you ignorant to the fact that the land also has signifigant religious meaning to Muslims as well as Jews? Muslims are no more greedy than Jews are for wanting sovereignty over their religious sites.