The Answer to That is They're A--Holes!!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
September 5, 2009 3:33pm CST
Are you outraged by this remark or are you secretly (or NOT so secretly) thinking "It's about time!!"? Read more below:
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 2, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: New video of one of President Obama's most controversial advisers was recently uncovered on the Internet. Now, the video shows Van Jones, the former communist turned White House green jobs "czar" in an expletive-laced rant against Republicans.
Now, he was asked by somebody in the audience why Democrats don't use their overwhelming majority in the Senate to push through legislation. Now, the questioner claimed the Republicans used that strategy for years. And according to Van Jones, well, here's why.
VAN JONES, GREEN JOBS CZAR: Well, the answer to that is they're a--holes.
Barack Obama is not an a--hole. So now I will say this. I can be an a--hole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama, are going to have to start getting a little bit ugly.
HANNITY: All right, unbelievable.,2933,546212,00.html
I know the right already really hate Van Jones so this is only going to add fuel to the fire but, come on, is it really THAT big a deal? Do you think the Republicans are saying Democrats are "wonderful folks" among themselves?
Any thoughts?
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16 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I heard about this last week. It is pitiful. More UN professional behavior. I really hate all the games. Name calling, party politics.Childish high school BS. THey degrade themselves,our government and ALL of us with their behavior. ALL OF THEM. They are doing a very important job. A job they should feel honored to have. Presidents, congressmen, advisors, mayors, gov,state elected positions etc.... They need to conduct themselves with grace, SOLEMN dignity, and professionalism. But all three of those are in really short supply now a days in our government offices. They are like badly behaving children on a play ground. Or a jerry springer episode.Remember that show? Is that really what we want the charatistics of our government to be?
It just shows you how little RESPECT they have for themselves, each other,the offices they hold, the government of this country and all of the citizen of this nation that they are suppost to represent.
He should be ashamed of himself. Most of them should be ashamed of themselves.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Sep 09
One thing I forgot to mention is that this took place in February and Jones wasn't a part of the Administration at that time. I don't know that it makes any major difference, he still said what he said, but he wasn't saying it as an "official" member of the Obama team.
You're right, Lil, we SHOULD demand better but all that's happening these days is that each side is only demanding better of the other side. They either conveniently ignore it when their own side does it or somehow justify it.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
6 Sep 09
hopefully now that he is a part of the admin I hope to see better behavior out him. I would LOVE to see better behavior out of the rest of them too. On both sides of hte isle.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Annie? Are you a "truther" like Van Jones? hehe
And I bet both of you guys make fun of the "birthers"!
I believe his comment went like this:The answer to that is: They're a**holes. That's a technical political science term. And Barack Obama's not an a**hole. I will say this, I can be an a**hole. And some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are gonna have to start getting a little bit uppity."
And later when asked if some of his ideas don't sound like Marxism he says, "How's that capitalism working for ya? How's that capitalism working for you this year?"

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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Sep 09
Van Jones is a Communist according to Van Jones.
"Jones said he was "a rowdy nationalist" before the King verdict was announced. By August of that year, he said, "I was a communist".
"When he graduated law school, Jones gave up plans to take a job in Washington, D.C., and moved to San Francisco instead. He got involved with Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), a group explicitly committed to revolutionary Marxist politics whose points of unity were revolutionary democracy, revolutionary feminism, revolutionary internationalism, the central role of the working class, urban Marxism, and Third World Communism."
I bet Republicans aren't the only people he thinks are @$$holes.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Sep 09
A lot of people are a**holes. Got a few on mylot. I've seen them on both sides. It's an equal opportunity thing.
And for all we know, Obama might be an a**hole too. 

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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Now, Jones is my hero lol You're right, I'm sure that Republicans don't sit around and talk about how Democrats are so great. And if some(notice I said some) of the whack job conservatives show any resemblence to any Republican out there then I'm pretty sure that the Democrats have been called much worse than a-holes.
One of the fatmouths on the right called Obama a raciest, I would much rather be called an a-hole than a raciest.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Jones is the last person who should be calling others names. His past isn't exactly saintly. He's accused white people of poisoning people of color. That's a pretty serious charge.
As for Obama being called a racist, I may not believe he is racist, but he has said things that make one wonder what his opinion of whites is. I'd say something other than his "white" grandmother being afraid of blacks happened. You have to consider he grew up in an era where being mixed wasn't widely accepted.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
5 Sep 09
lil have you ran around to all the discussions and chastised the conservatives with their childish behavoir? Seriously, there are some conservatives here giving the reasonable ones a bad name, and honestly, at this point, I could care less.
"They have been appointed to do a serious job and it is time they stared acting like professionals. "
According to the majority of conservatives here Jones isn't a profession. The man was illegally arrested and pissed of at the system after he got out of jail and instead of conservatives saying yeah I would be pissed to if I was illegally arrested they call him a communist. That's really mature too.
"You have to consider he grew up in an era where being mixed wasn't widely accepted. "
You have got to be kidding me, I never knew that, thanks for the information. News flash- it isn't widely accepted now either.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Sep 09
why do you encourage bad and childish behavior in these people? NONE of them should be asking this way. They have been appointed to do a serious job and it is time they stared acting like professionals.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
5 Sep 09
"...the right already really hate Van Jones"
Hate? Who has been attacking Van Jones? Who's been showing "hate"?
Just because no other news network EXCEPT Fox will cover this guy who is C-L-E-A-R-L-Y a radical (although I don't care at all about the a-hole comment. I actually laughed. ... It's everything else) does NOT mean that it's a right-wing plot to go after the guy or something. Things coming out about Jones are facts and not some bits of witchhunt fodder.
Hell, I'm only in my 20s and I can honestly remember a time when a guy like Van Jones would be all over 60 Minutes or another (once) reputable primetime news show with simple questions: "Who is Van Jones?" "Once a communist, always a communist?" "How close is Jones to America's President?" etc, etc, etc...
Now the country is so utterly distorted that every single outlet that isn't Fox outright REFUSES to run anything that may link Obama to a guy like Jones. The NEWS is being held back in order to make the country look far more partisan than it is. No one tells the truth about these guys. Everything's just shrugged at like, "Oh, those crazy little conservatives at Fox and their cute little grievances"
It reminds me of the annoying vegans I know that live down the street. Just because they refuse to eat meat, they feel it justifies them to call all meat-eaters cruel, vicious animal killers!
Just because others refuse to acknowledge news does not make those showing it anything the abstainers claim, especially when part of the reason for not showing the news is to make those claims. The real bias is on the part of those NOT reporting the news.
But the above is about news in general and not Sean Hannity. Hannity, specifically, is a right-wing zealot if ever there was one. He would blow his gasket no matter what Van Jones did. I don't know if that equates to "hate." It's just partisan BS... something you're well aware of.
I don't mind the a-hole comment. I personally think most policians are a-holes on some level, but it's not reserved to one side of the aisle!!
Compared to some of the outrageous stuff Jones has said, "@$$holes" is some much-needed comedy relief.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Karl Rove didn't scare republicans, D!CK CHENEY scared the world, but not republicans, George W. Bush, who invaded two countries and destroyed the economy, but didn't scare republcians. I think it is much better for the country when republicans are SCARED of someone!!!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I honestly can't think any less of the moron than I already do. He's a jerk and a racist with no conscience who supported the L.A. riots solely because those rioting were black.
I'm more concerned with how Obama has been using this "czar" crap to circumvent the confirmation process that is constitutionally required for people in such positions. That's how he's sneaking radicals and communists like this guy in under the radar without the vetting process.
And no Annie, I'm not using communist as an insult, he himself has proudly claimed to be a communist.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Two wrongs don't make a right, and if a 20 year old political neophyte knows that it's not a good thing for ANY party to push things through without first working with the other party, then so should one of the presidents many "advisors".
Were the Republicans a-holes during the last administration? Yes, indeed they were. The Democrats are not proving themselves to be any different, however, and I'm tired of hearing all this talk about the need to be bipartisan when NEITHER party has made an attempt to lead by example.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Sep 09
Not that I nessesarily disagrea with his sentiments, lol. I guess it isn't a problem anymore since he resigned. But, this isn't this guys only transgression, it's not even only one of a few, it's one of many. I cannot believe this guy got through the vetting process. Seriously annie, seriously, go back to some of this guys speeches, the groups he belonged to, he is a friggin loon. There is absolutely no defending him. ANd before anyone follows me in to this thread and fills it with "but bush had so and so...where were you when..." STFU already, BUSH isn't president, we aren't talking about BUSH or ROVE or anyone from the previous administration, we're talking about the current one. Enough with the deflections, it doesn't work.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Sep 09
X, I'm not defending him and I didn't start this to go over everything this guy has ever said or done before. I started it because I'd been hearing about the "outrage" of him "insulting" Republicans. I know he was already controversial and I agree it's for the best that he's now gone, I wanted to discuss the fact that somebody calling members of the other party "a--holes" became a news item seven months later.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Sep 09
[b]"Vetting process?" What VP?? There doesn't seem to be any for anybody in the current admin. Most notably the head guy!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Sep 09
This is the least of it. Who cares about little things like Van Jones' nasty mouth when he's got so many other things going for him - like being a radical, being a founder of STORM which dedicated itself to marxist principles and revolution, stating quite bluntly that the "green" movement is just a precursor to collapsing the system and radical revolution, and so many racist comments they are hard to count up.
I know you won't have seen any of that, because a complete search of the major news media hasn't turned up even an sniff of it.
Although his comment makes no sense, that somehow Republicans are holding back the Democratic majority, and although he uses profanity, it's not something that worries me that much. It's who he is and what he stands for that worries me. You should do a little research on him before you find him too amusing.
And he said they were going to get "uppity" not "ugly". I saw the video days ago.
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@Carson11 (332)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Rollo1, I can't understand why the left is proud of this guy. This shows what's in Obama's heart. They don't like being called Communist when they bring this guy,a admitted Communist in to the administration? Also he doesn't know the answer to a question so he calls us a$$holes! Typical Liberal. You guys should be avoiding talking about him instead of cheering him on.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I THINK IT IS ABOUT TIME. I just wish that he was at the town hall with the women in the wheelchair. That would have been gret TV.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
6 Sep 09
LIL, didn't D!ck Cheney do the same thing on the floor of the senate? I hate to tell you this but politics has already gone Jerry Springer, and republicans loved it. Why is it different now?
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I hated it then too. This is NOT a new rant for me. I have been screaming about their behavior for at least 10 to 12 years. Instead of getting better it just keeps getting worse. I did not like Cheney. I can honestly call Bush a mistake and the worst president we have had to date. I did not take up for him then. Nor will I now.
I don't follow party lines.
I will call anyone out in any party for their behavior. Any I won't cover up for someone because I voted for someone. I voted for Gov. Sanford. But after the stunt he pulled I am also one of the ones DEMANDING his impeachment. I won't follow anyone blindly. I won't take up for someone who has done wrong.
That is probly because I am not a republican or a democrat so I feel no loyalty to either.
Personally I am sick of both.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
6 Sep 09
just what we need. American politics turned jerry springer. SO classy. So respectable.....ya right.
The people that booed that poor woman were horrible. But that does not mean you should return in kind. That makes you just as bad as them. Stand heard....but do it it the right way. Don't stoop down to their level.
IT makes you look better and makes them feel and look like the jerks they are.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Anyone who responds to a question in that way can't be very intelligent, nor can the person who hired him. For someone who is suppose to be such an exceptional brain, Obama isn't coming across too well. I'm not particularly worked up by Van Jones' comment. As far as I'm concerned, it is just more evidence that electing Obama was the wrong decision if he's hiring people who are unable to respond in intelligent ways. As is so often the case, inappropriate speech comes down on the speaker's head. Hasn't Van Jones lost his White House green job?
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Sep 09
If something like this is a way to measure someone's intelligence or that of the one who hired him I guess there isn't much intelligence in politics in general, is there? Numerous high profile members of both parties have gotten caught calling someone an "a--hole" or something like that - or much worse as in those how have told members of Congress to "go f*ck themselves"!
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
10 Sep 09
In a debate, the person who responds with intelligent answers, answers that are well thought out and reasonable, will always win over the competition that responds with foul language and insults? It takes no intelligence to be vulgar. Even talking birds can mimic thoughtless words. I know there are times when foul language rolls trippingly off the tongue and there are times when it's used for emphasis, but more often than not it's just trash talk. Unfortunately it comes out of mouths on both sides of the aisle.
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@uicbear (1900)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I think using that type of language, whether or not it accurate or justified, is plain old unproductive. It sure doesn't get the opposition to want to deal with you, or hear you out, or give you a chance to state your case. And, most importantly, it never did answer the question of why the Democrats aren't able to get their legislation passed even with the majority. I would love to see the Democrats get it together and get some things accomplished, think there's hope of that happening?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Sep 09
This remark was made in February, not long after Obama had taken office, so it was too soon to know the Democrats hadn't been able to get their legislation passed. I'm not too happy about that either! Reaching out and trying to get a bipartisan bill passed is one thing but when you have a committee working on it and most of the members from the other party are publicly saying their goal is to defeat any reform, what's the point? It takes both sides to make bipartisanship work and it doesn't mean one side gets everything they want and the other side gives in. However, it seems that even though the Republicans are the minority party by a large margin they still think they should get everything they want and not have to concede a thing. What's wrong with that picture?
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
I don't the appointment of that person is a big deal in your country. Because it's not about the personality of person being the measurement of his capability if he contributes more to enhance jobs or make something really good in your country?
If he is not capable in that position not doing anything to improve your economy and enhance more jobs. There after you can make any comments and say something bad in that person.
Why don't give any chances someone to show how he deals a problem about economic growth. How if he can help?
Have a nice day!
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I listen to the video over and over to make sure I was hearing it correctly. The woman was asking why the Republicans could get bills passed with less than 60% of the vote but the Democrats can't. The answer from Van Jones, "Because they're a$$holes." One should ask of whom he is speaking. Would someone (without a majority) who is getting the job done be the a$$hole or would it be the one who has a majority and can't get the job done?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Sep 09
You're right, the term a-hole is quite subjective, but one has to ask who best fits that description, the Republicans who can get the job done or the Democrats who can't?