god wrote books in different languages ???

September 5, 2009 9:01pm CST
i always wondered why god kept changing language when he is claimed to write books ...and each books differ in contends and language .. sankrit ? hebrew ? arab ? chinese ... n the contends differ from one to another ? n the contends keep changing n alwats claim the older version is "out of place" GOD is supposed to be the wise one, should he not have produced one n only one perfect reference from the begining of time ?? should he have not known, this changing in leadership could 'cost' the peace of humankind
7 responses
• India
6 Sep 09
I would like to retell here a nice short story that our late C.Rajagopalachari one of the intellectuals of our freedom movement and the last and the only Indian Governor-General, wrote years ago on the subject of the language of Gods. It goes like so: The people of the world got a doubt as to what language God spoke. They formed a group discussed among themselves and decided to go and ask God.So, sub-groups of different language peoples went to a common place. Everyone looked and prayed God to speak to them and give an answer to their most imporatnt question. There was a ver long pause. After several days of importunate prayer the clouds thundered, there was lightning even though there were no rain-bearing clouds. Every one heard The Word. The Lord had spoken. There was immense satisfaction of having heard the Lord. Yes The Lord had spoken. He made everyone happy. Now the people started moving back, to their homes.They were animatedly discussing among themselves. The Sanskrit pundits who had believed that God spoke only Sanskrit looked immensely pleased. "You see as the RiShis had said He spoke such clear Sanskrit." Then there were the Tamil Groups walking." See, those Sanskritists were all the time telling us the wrong things. Did he not speak our ancient Tamil?" The Marathi peole felt he was speaking Marathi. The Hebrews felt He spoke. The Arabic speakers heard Him in Arabic. Likewise others spoke on similar lines among themselves. There were also two parrots that were sitting on the branch of a tree where God spoke.They were heard discussing." How foolish and vain these humans could be? They thought preposterously that God spoke their language. "Did He not speak our sweet bird-speak?" So, that is that. God 'speaks' the language of the people who want to hear Him. So, you have the RiShis' record of God's words in Vedic Sanskrit. The Prophet Moses(PBUH)in Hebrew, The Son of God Jesus Christ I.N.R.I. may be in Armaic, The Prophet Hazrat Muhammad[sal Il' La Hu Allah vasallam]. He gave each of His chosen Messengers things that would be relevant for the peoples they were to address. Thus He asked the Indians to take bath daily. He asked the Arabians to bath sparingly on Fridays and to intelligently conserve water. Thus He regulated the lives of the people in different continents so that they could live happily, contentedly, and concentrate on seeing Him back.
• Malaysia
6 Sep 09
with the different approch to differet proplr ftom all continentsm god did not perdict it could cause painn war all over the world ?? and happen in different times as well ?? and changing the contends // cant really accept it
• India
6 Sep 09
Yeah, War could be caused by the short-sightedness of the humans. The misinformation that was bound to happen- due in part, to the Tower of Babel. Do you like this parable from The Bible, Sanjana? I simply love it! God did not want us to come by the easier route of constructing a Tower to reach Him. So, he caused the peoples of the world to speak different tongues so that the Tower never got built! What a beautiful allegory!?! One has to reach The Lord only after goibg through all the seven deadly sins cleansing them one by one, first hate, then get hurt, learn to Love, get rejected in Love, hate again and lose what was learnt, go over the whole thing again! Somewhere after generations of humans had passed, with the collective wisdom of mankind His Prophets come and teach Unconditional Love like Jesus did! Some people understand and start putting it into practice. Such people not only "see" God they live with Him in spirit here and would be ever with Him in after life. It is not an easy path and is not meant to be. If there was meant to be an easy path to Him, He would have let ToB to be built!
• United States
6 Sep 09
It depends on what you believe and what the acceptable documents from God are. Some think it is one or the other or even another language. Wouldn't it be interesting if God could speak all languages and He would have no problem communicating with anyone who would want to get to know Him. Just a thought!
• Malaysia
6 Sep 09
hi sys ... i believe that god could understand all languages, but if Adam was the first man, and "the language" was the first language God communicated with Adam, should that not be the "only language" god send his messages ?? my believe is .. "there is only one god" only different religion .. why ?? that is is what i want to know ?? was the religion created by men ??
• United States
6 Sep 09
I agree with you. Man has made such a mess of God and who He really is. If we start from who God is - God is love - we can come to quite a different conclusion in reading the Bible than most religions come to. This does not excuse our sinful nature but God's love puts it all in perspective. We struggle so much to believe that God loves us and the world around us because of what we see. If we look at the whole thing through God's eyes instead of our own, we can be pleasantly surprised and at peace. I hope this helps. I'm not a Bible scholar just a person who loves God and I know God loves me and all people.
@smacksman (6053)
6 Sep 09
All religions have good rules for humans to live peacefully in communities. Each religion has a book where those rules are written out and those books are translated for all to read. Fanatics who believe that they only have the 'true book' and the 'true God or Gods' are poison to the world.
@Vaddiba (190)
6 Sep 09
Mankind writes religious books, using different languages. And those different languages do not have precise translations into other languages. That's why there are so many different perspectives on "god". If there was a wise "god" "who" wanted to make sure that "his" message was clearly understood, "he" wouldn't have any challenge in achieving that goal, unlike the present state of affairs where there is so much room for misinterpretation and confusion.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Sep 09
God did not write these books!!! So how does God do it???? It is all staring us in the face. How long did man watch birds fly before he figured out how?????? We learn through the parameters of our lives and the people we meet. It's oh so simply. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan!!! We all learn no matter what our choices, through those consequences. When you gain true wisdom, you will see that there is only one answer UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!
• Malaysia
6 Sep 09
bird ... do you think there is a "ways of life" guideline ..??
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
6 Sep 09
God is not dependent on language, we are. God preached us in a language that we understood. (imagine God preaching Americans in Sanskrit, surely they will not understand anything). also God preached at the time when it was needed most across time. it is our ignorance that we built walls around his preachings in the name of religion. Many times in history religion has been misused for vested interests of a few. wars have been waged in the name of religion whereas in reality they were wars for land and wealth.
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
I respect what you believe in. I become so interested to post a comment on this discussion. As for me and for what I know, God is not the one who wrote His Book or what is commonly called the Holy Bible. God's apostle were the ones who wrote the book. And it was just translated to many languages for us to understand. About the different contents, it is not the mistake of God. It is the mistake of the one who translated it. I hope you understand. God bless YOU.