god or science?????

angels and demons - angels and demons,An ambigram
that's the way to make it
September 6, 2009 8:07am CST
I read "Angels and Demons" last week. I don't know how to react on book. The book shows how to get the way to God and also proves that Science is the God. What you think? Please share.
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9 responses
@taztheone (1721)
• India
6 Sep 09
First of all, since its a fiction, you must take in such a way that its just a fiction & nothing close to reality. Even though there are many things that relate to reality, its just not reality so we must not burn our head thinking about it & should rather enjoy reading the book. Now, to be frank, it a nice story to read on & infact, the movie was also good. Happy Lotting
• India
6 Sep 09
The book or movie is fiction for sure. But the co relating powers of Science & God is not a fiction but a reality
1 person likes this
• India
23 Dec 09
Its difficult to understand the truth hidden in it
@AniruS (256)
• United States
6 Sep 09
You should understand that the book is a work of fiction. It is not intended to prove the existence of god or science. According to me this book is an excellent work of fiction even better than "the da vinci code".
2 people like this
• India
6 Sep 09
I want to tell you that "Existance of God" may not be proved but Science exists.
1 person likes this
• India
6 Sep 09
Hello friend, good to see you here at mylot after quite a time. I have also read Angels and demons, and it is definitely a very good book and try to bridge the gap between God and Science. But, I still feel that nobody can challenge GOD, due to some or many reasons. Every now and then we have to believe in ausumn power of GOD which nobody can match ever. Firstly, related to birth( a simple cell developed into a whole human consisting of trillions of cells.) Recently a case is there in India of a child with his heart out of his body and he is perfectly healthy. Does this not a super extraordinary power to show existence of GOD. People believe that if a person's heart is taken out, he/she will die, but GOD has disproved it completely. There are many more reasons to believe the same. Happy myLotting.
• India
6 Sep 09
Hello friend I am also very glad to get back here with some new bang I want to correct you that Not God but science has proved it that even a child with a heart outside of its body can survive. 12 doctors with the power of science in Aiims have proved science best. This is the essence of book that no one can prove God or Science more powerful. Keep myloting
1 person likes this
• India
6 Sep 09
Hello my friend. Not science has proved this. You just tell me that do the doctors know before the birth of child that he is going to have such kind of thing and if they do know, why are the same 12 doctors saying that it is a miracle and why some medical institution( I don't know the name) is trying to adopt the baby. If it is the power of science then they should create another one, why they are giving much hype to this child. Also, after some time you would say that volcanoes and earthquakes are also science activities as they result from some seismic activities and all. DO yOU??????? Happy myLotting....
@Quiplet (255)
• United States
6 Sep 09
We used to be told that God is Everywhere, when really God is Everything. That includes Science. God is the Creator by Proxy. Be happy and good, so your actions reflect back to you God.
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• India
6 Sep 09
yes my friend.So many people think like you.
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• India
16 Sep 09
i all depends on the perception of the individual . i would just read the book for its storyline . not to scratch my mind over thinking of god or science .
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@vopols (204)
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
We really dont know if science will proved the existence of God or someone superior but the question is why is it that human beings are so perfect in terms of its physical features like the skull it is used to protect our brain from injury also our ribs are made to protect our internal organs in tyerms of accidents in realtion to chest injuries.Our eyebrows its not just there to make us beautiful but its therew to protect our eyes from the acidity of our sweats.Why are we this perfect can science explained why this ios happening?I beleived in God and also Science but science is too young to understand or to explain God.
• India
23 Dec 09
very much true
• India
23 Dec 09
Angels and deamon not just a fiction it tell very much truth Fist of all Dan brown, what a great writer The basic concept Angels & demons, written like an ambigam which shows duality, when we see angels 180 degrees its seen demons... so he tried to convey that there is a opposite of every thing without which the universe cannot be exist.. every thing is in duality. There is Satan & God, Female & male, Matter & antimatter its on our own believe that what we want to choose good or bad If we believe god is good then it will be true and if god is bad then its also true the thing is there has to be darkness if we want light It concludes that science is truth and God is nothing but just a word made to believe in truth and correct The rituals and superstitions are just some religious mistakes which spread unequality nothing more than that... The book has a great story that contains impossibly truth Read it twice......... or even thrice you will understand...
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
9 Nov 10
True science is god, where you can feel, experience and know the results without blindly accepting the imaginations.
@Lata_45 (217)
• India
22 Feb 10
there are some thing that have no answer its is just felt and understood science and god this are 2 aspects but blended with each other i believe that God is a force that drives us and it is inside us and from our brain we have invented and created as well as discovered the word SCIENCE thus this novels portrays things with the help of proofs