Slapping someone else's children

United States
September 6, 2009 11:08pm CST
I am sure that most, if not all of you heard on the news about the 61 year old man in a Georgia Wal-mart who slapped a 2 year old girl several times. He had asked the toddler's mother to keep her quiet after she began crying. The police say that when the baby began to cry, Roger Stephens approached the mother and said "If you don't shut that baby up, I will shut her up for you" he then hit the two year old at least 4 times and then proclaimed to the mother "See, I told you I would shut her up." The truth is that after Stephens slapped the girl, she did quit crying, and started screaming! Stephens has been charged with felony cruelty to children. So here's my question. Have you ever been in a store, restaurant or office and come across someone else's child that you wanted to slap? I think we all have to an extent. But I would never actually do it! Tell us about your experience. How do you handle your own children (If you have any) when they acted inappropriately in public?
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16 responses
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I would never have the nerve to do anything, but I do think parents should take the child outside and home if they can't behave... I understand that young babies have no way of knowing any other method to let their wants be known, and I'm a lot more forgiving of those, tho I do find them annoying, but a 2 yr old doesn't cry because she needs changing, she's either tired, which means mom should've stayed HOME and let her sleep, or she's having a temper, which means that mom should take her away from whatever it is she's having the upset about. For example, I was in a store and a tot wasn't getting what it wanted from mom and started crying. The mom was there with the father and she left the father with the basket and took the child outside so he didn't get what he wanted and he didn't bother the rest of the store with his temper.
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• United States
11 Sep 09
I raised three children, and babysat to boot. There are times when a child is going to cry in public. You can't help it. I remember having to run into the grocery store for necessities after my son getting his 2 year old shots. He was cranky and ill mannered, but he just flat did not feel good.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
12 Sep 09
true, but OBVIOUSLY you were hurrying - I've been in stores here the people are OBVIOUSLY ignoring the child while they wander the aisles
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• United States
15 Sep 09
That is one thing that my children were never allowed to do is roam the aisles. I think they were 10 or 11 before they were allowed to go the toy aisle by themselves. We always went to "look at toys" but Mike and I were always with them.
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@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
8 Sep 09
He didn't have any right to touch,let alone slap a baby.Wal mart's big enough that this man could have left the general area if he was that annoyed by the lil ones crying and went elsewhere. I've been shopping before and have heard babies cry, and at times I would just love to walk up to the mother and tell her that the baby needs to eat, sleep or has to burp, sometimes the mom's don't know why their kid is crying or just tell her that she needs to take baby out to the car for a few minutes, shopping isn't as important and their needs....for some reason, maybe because I had 3 kids, kids crying noise usually goes in one ear and out the other, unless it's the kid that is spoiled and crying for something they want and can't have. At the point where my kids would start crying and I couldn't get them to stop, I left the store and went back at a later time, there was nothing that I couldn't absolutely live without (except diapers)
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• United States
11 Sep 09
I remember the times when my kids were learning to walk independently and they did not want to ride in the cart. They wanted to walk. The problem was trying to keep up with them, and do the shopping at one time. I was never an advocate of the dog harnesses that some parents put their kids in. That just seems inhumane and embarrassing to me. So, the first few seconds of any trip to a store was a crying jag because they didn't want to ride in the cart. It generally stopped after about 10 seconds, when they saw that they weren't going to win.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Sep 09
First off, I'd never even think of hitting a child for crying. Sure, it can be irritating to hear, but kids cry. If it's too much for me, I just walk away. I don't even consider it acting inappropriately. However, it's the kids who throw the temper tantrums in the toy or candy aisles that are the worst because you know they've gotten away with it before and have succeeded in getting their way. Personally, I'd like to slap their mothers. My kids were not perfect, but I rarely had to discipline them in public. If I said no about something, they accepted it. None of them wanted that "look" from me. They were more likely to beg in the vegetable and fruit section of a store where I'd never deny them something. They tended to be more ornery at home and were complete angels everywhere else.
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• United States
15 Sep 09
Mine were the same way. They knew how to behave in public, and I expected them to behave. Occasionally, I would have to get onto them when we were out, but most of the time, it could be handled by a firm word. That being said those, this was a baby. And no stranger has a right to slap a baby in the middle of a store.
@indybaty (368)
• Panama
8 Sep 09
This is the first time I read something like this and personally I feel that it should have never escalated as it did. For one, the mother should have left inmediately if someone would have said something like that, or at least tell off the guy and tell him to mind his business or whatever, I know thats what I would have done. Over here, Ive seen parents that have scolded their kids in public and others who just dont care and let the kids rampage wild.. its like a welcoming card for people to want to take action. I remember at one point that I was at the shopping mall with my husband and we entered this store to buy some things for myself. At the store the salespeople and others were just nodding their heads or seem to complain about something, I turned to the right and found the reason why.. 3 kids, a 15 year old, a 9 year old and a 6 year old were misbehaving. The 13 year old was just being a total jerk to mom and dad just because it wasnt the right type of shoes that he wanted, the 9 year old and the 6 year old were playing around with the merchandise, parents were to absorbed with the 13 year old's behaviour that they couldnt handle the other 2. I was sitting at the couch, trying out some shoes when 5 year old approached me and hit my arm really hard yelling TAG!... I looked at the child and said "Why did you hit me? Dont your parents teach you any manners?" you dont hit people you dont know otherwise someone might come along and hit you back and hurt you seriously. Go back to your parents and behave." The child in less than a minute went back to her mom, and mother didnt even notice.
• United States
15 Sep 09
Some people just do not need to procreate! LOL I know that's mean, but some have no idea how to be parents. I have been in stores where kids were running wild. I was in a store near us called Party City on Labor Day. There were a half a dozen kids in there unsupervised. I said something to the manager and she said yes, I've been trying to get rid of them all day. Two different sets of parents "dropped them off" at the front door and just left them there to "Play" since they were out of school.
@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
First of all I would like to comment on that 61 year old man. He have no single right to slap that child. It is really a violation of any law. Even the child annoys him it is really not right to slap the child not even once. How much more that he slap the child several times. I believe that it is very wrong. For you quesions, I have been to several shops, restaurants, offices and stores where I have come across someone else's child and annoys me a lot and I really wanted to slap, but because of my conscience I can not do that. I really have this urge, but I can control it. Especially when that child belongs to somebody else and I have no right to even scold that child making noises. If I have a child I don't scold them in public if they make unnecessary things. It is very inappropriate to scold them where many people can see. A child has their own conciousness and if they are humiliated in public the tendency is that they don't respect you anymore. Don't you agree? I think that's everything in my mind.
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• United States
11 Sep 09
My children were blessedly well behaved in stores/restaurants the majority of the time. I do remember one time when my daughter was about three years old, she had been to the pediatrician and had a bad ear infection. We were waiting at Walmart for a prescription from the pharmacy and it seemed to be taking forever. Kristen was crying because she was sick and her ear hurt. I coldn't do anything with her, my husband was at work, and we lived off from my mother. This elderly woman offered to gather the rest of the items from my shopping list where I could check out when I got her meds and be on my way. I will never forget this nameless stranger's kindness.
@cmercado (19)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
i would definitely not do that. if when i see a child crying in public places and the guardian can't control them i'd rather talk to the guardian...perhaps there's a little bit problem. a child won't cry if he doesn't have a problem. if it's just a plain tantrums, then talking to a child in a nice way will be a big help. although i'm just a stranger to him, i know he would listen. there are nice ways of saying no to a child. sometimes an adult would scare him a bit (if the child is so brat)just to stop him...but it's a big no no no to slapping a child. i don't want other people to slap my child that's why i hate slapping other children. i have brat niece & nephews, when they throw tantrums & won't listen to me or their mother that's the time that i'll beat their butts. i still believe in the saying "spare the cane, spoil the child"...i also do this to my son.... after that, sermon time... so that they will understand why i have to beat them...but never on a child's face or head.....
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• United States
16 Sep 09
I too believe in that, and my children have been punished and believe it or not, they survived without any mortal ruin or lifetime psychological scars. I always used an open hand, applied to their backside...where God planted much padding for just such a purpose. Any parent that hits anywhere other than that, in my opinion is committing child abuse.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Oh I've seen many bratty little kids but ya know...never wanted to slap the kids. If I felt like I wanted to slap anyone'd be the parents and that would be only when it is obvious that they are doing ignorant parenting. When kids act isn't always the parents. Some kids are just difficult to deal with for many reasons. I actually don't react strongly unless I see out and out abuse to a child. I've raised four children without resorting to slapping and I can't imagine being that bothered by another kid acting out that is not my responsibility. My kids being kids have acted out in the store. Normally, I would leave the store. Sometimes that was not an option. I just dealt with it the best I could and they did not get treats when they acted out. It's not my problem and I won't make it mine. If someone slapped my child....then they would see my is there.
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• United States
11 Sep 09
The article didn't say what the mother/parents did. I'm curious whether she screamed, and why didn't she attempt to get the child away from the man as quickly as possible. It obviously takes a few moments to slap a child 4 times, so I wonder if she was simply in shock?
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
7 Sep 09
Feeling like you may want to slap the child and actually doing it are most definitely not the same thing! I have just come from a discussion about hitting children and there I stated that it is not something I believe in for my own child but to go ahead and hit someone else’s child...Why, that’s assault! I have been very lucky because my little one is pretty well behaved a lot of the time. I do remember once when she was about two years old she threw the biggest tantrum at the doctor’s surgery because she wanted to leave! I took her outside to the car and there we sat until she calmed down. Best thing to do when children get naughty in public is to remove them from the area until they improve. Yes I have felt irritated by other kids but hit them? No way...
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• United States
11 Sep 09
I believe the man had to have been mentally ill. No same person just walks up and offers to hit another woman's children! It just seems disturbing to me that he could act this way. It also makes one wonder if he has done other things similiar to this in the past and simply never got caught!
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@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
7 Sep 09
It was never easy,,A parent shows so much love and a kind heart for own kids,,that to slap him/her is a hard job,, and more likely the kid will make more noise if he/she is a spoilt child,training should be such that there would be no need to slap a kid,,talking should do the job
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• United States
15 Sep 09
The thing is my friend is that it wasn't the parent that slapped the kid. It was a man in the store that was a total stranger. And he didn't just slap her hand or across the diaper where it is padded...this man slapped this little girl 4 times across the face! Deplorable
• India
7 Sep 09
Hello , yes I have had such an experience whenmy child was a toddler. She will start crying all of a sudden and will not stop at all.When this happen in public places naturally we get annoyed. But I never have physically hurt fo crying. So it is rather very unbecoming of that man to slap another's child. If he could not stand it he should have requested or should have left the shop
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• United States
15 Sep 09
I agree. The fact that he had the nerve to tell the mother he was going to slap her child was an insult. I'm just glad it was her and not me, because the first time someone else lays a hand on one of my kids, I become a mama lion. You're going to wish you hadn't touched them. This was a BABY and babies just cry occasionally.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
woh, that's totally psychological incapacity! anyway, i dont have kids but i have two nephews. both adorable and annoying at the same time. there were times when i feel annoyed, instead of shouting at them or spank them, i attacked them by my kisses and carried them like superman. we wrestled the 3 of us and they will jump on me. cant beat them, join them! they're my stress reliever and i love kids. ü
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• United States
11 Sep 09
Many times if a child is cranky, they can be distracted by something else, so they aren't thinking about what's making them fret in the first place. I understand that there are times that tears are just going to fall with a 2 year old. As a parent, you need resolutions in place that say "This is what I'll do if this happens".
@dolmitta (221)
• India
7 Sep 09
Hi I think no one has the right to even shout at some one elses kid. If they feel that disturbed they should leave the place instead of involving in such rude and cruel behavior. I'm so protective of my sister's kids, so i think it will be the same when it comes to my kid. May be i'll warn my baby but slapping them is not good. Its a very cruel act.
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• United States
11 Sep 09
yes it certainly is. I have wanted to slap my oldest daughter's mouth when she would backtalk and be rude, but never have I actually done it, and she's considered an adult in most cultures. To allow someone to do it for me to a toddler, and in public besides is unthinkable! Thanks for your response to the discussion.
@vira109 (35)
• China
7 Sep 09
i'm still young, i have no kids. but i also excepienced such situation in public place. the kid kept crying, most people were annoyed at it. the mother coaxed her kid to stop crying but in vain. though it's really annoying to us, but all of us chose scilent. i think it's not so serious to slap the kid as Stephens did. obviously, he has psychological problems.
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• United States
11 Sep 09
Yes he most certainly does appear to be psychologicallly impaired. It's awful. I have a 2 year grandson and it's awful to think of someone doing this to him. OF course, my daughter would not have stood passibly by as this mother seems to have done. We would be reading about her in the newspapers : after she slapped the man back!
@sasalove (1709)
• China
7 Sep 09
In the toddler's growth up, we should share more patience,care with the childen. No one could agree that the old man has the right to slap other people's childen, even God did not give the right to their parents to do so... It may be more serious to put that man into jail with the violence tendency, but at least his behavious should be blamed by the public so that the good atmosphere should be protected in our community.
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• United States
11 Sep 09
Well personally, I think that this man should be prosecuted for child abuse, assault and battery and endangering the welfare of a minor. If I were the prosecuter, I would be searching for anything else that the law allowed me to charge this man with! His actions were appalling to say the least.
• Canada
7 Sep 09
Yeah I heard about this, and I am absolutely appalled that it would happen. The way I see it, if I ever feel the urge to slap a child, even if I don't carry it out, I am too dangerous to be outside of a locked jail cell. The ONLY people I've ever had the urge to slap were people who physically attacked me in some way or another; the guy who tried to pull me out of a cab i was entering, the guy who ran into me with a bike on the sidewalk the other night, the guy who tried to kill my next door neighbour... and believe me, the confrontation only got as physical as it needed to before the people in question backed off (you grab me, I defend myself!!!) but even those confrontations didn't get as violent as this guy and the little girl. I did what I needed to do to save my own life, not reacting out of anger, but out of self defense. What this man did was totally wrong!!!
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• United States
11 Sep 09
As a mother, I can't imagine what this mother is feeling. But at the same time, I don't understand what happened that she didn't jerk her child out of that shopping cart and away from this awful man. I hope they will throw him under the jail instead of in it!
@ashbelx (92)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
If I was the mother of that child, i don't know what I would have done to that man. Nobody, even parents themselves, have the right to hurt their children that much and especially in public. In my culture, it's ok to hurt children enough just to teach them some lessons or for discipline's sake. But not too much as to really hurt them. I haven't yet experienced meeting a child that I'd really want to slap. I always have a soft spot for children even before I have children of my own. If they are undisciplined, don't blame them. Blame the parents.
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• United States
11 Sep 09
You hit the nail on the head my friend. There is a huge difference between discipline and abuse! I think this man went towards abuse. I never hit my children on the body or face. Their hands were tapped when they reached for things that could hurt them (electric cords, hot items). But nedver would I slap them!