Is your wife/husband your ideal dream partner?

@mobhomeir (7558)
September 7, 2009 5:08am CST
Hello again guys,before we got settle down with someone to be our partner forever we had a guidelines and qualifications in line. I never ever believe that we got it perfectly because everyone of us is not perfect. Well, perhaps there were some options we made to consider those attitudes and characters of our would be ideal partner that go in our taste, and forget the one that might not be suited on what we likes... It is so funny isn't it? We stick before on what we like to be but then we find ways and options to cover those that we don't like..and forget all of it.. My partner never my ideal one but I learned to consider those what I didn't like. Besides, as we go along with our relationship, I discover some attitudes that replaced what I don't like based on my qualification before... How about you my dear friends, what's your share about this...?
9 responses
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Hello Martin, Uhmnn...that's true. When i was young i had all the list of my ideal man...and married someone who possess opposite qualities from my ideal man..jejejeje. Love is never is the lover(the person)who becomes blind when fall in love.So,next time,i won't fall in love,..but..i will RISE IN LOVE hahahaha(joke,you always made me smile with your discussion amigo)
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Yeah you're right my bonita mia...and next time if you didn't close your heart yet in spite of some trials I had already an idea of who's going to be your number one must be like NICOLAS CAGE yeheyyyyyyyyy~!am i right then?
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
yes yes yes...i wish to met Nicolas version guy...hahahaa.
• Indonesia
7 Sep 09
He is my ideal partner. He is what i was dreaming. I was prayed to God each night for months before i got him. So a lot of God's contribution in my life and i found it awesome. Nobody like him, not even my family. He protects me wherever we go, he loves our dear child, he is mature, he knows where he is going. He helps he to solve some problems so that i can more enjoy this life. He is a funny guy, but he can be very very angry to the people he doesn't like. Shortly, he is a bold guy, a very vigilant guy and dared to do anything for his parent and his whole family. He is also clever, very smart i meant, if i explored his mind about trade, life, etcetera. I ever asked God, whether this is the one. And the answer came to my ears was, "Yes, he is. You will not regret." Straightly a tepid feeling surged me, like a warm water was watering me. My effort was not useless.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Congratulations! You found your ideal seldom could find that but you're lucky enough...i hope the feeling is mutual...thanks for responding...
• Indonesia
9 Sep 09
I did have a guidelines and criteria before marriage. Some of those are suitable, some are not. But from what is not, i can see a good result come out of it, so i think it's the way God makes me stronger inside. I am sure he got what is not his taste on me. No human is perfect. We must search our own happiness, can not ask happiness to somebody else. In marriage also, we must search for it and do the best to get the best. He is a sensitive guy. His anger can be lighted up suddenly. But it is also what make him can be very protective on me. So, bad side can yield the good side.
• United States
7 Sep 09
My husband is absolutely my ideal partner. He is everything I ever wanted and meets every standard I ever had.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Wow he must be perfect husband for you! Congratulations! Thanks for responding...
@shimanaja (493)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 09
Hi there, Talking about an ideal partner. I agree that nobody in this world is perfect. So i think rarely an ideal partner. My partner is not my ideal dream partner, but i think i'm not his ideal dream partner too, we have nothing ideal. As long we are understanding each other and can go through this life together which is good or bad, we will survive. Good Luck and happy mylotting:)
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
I strongly agree with you my friend, absolutely right...thanks for responding...
@ashbelx (92)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
You know, all my boyfriends before are the exact opposite of my husband. They were all tall, outgoing, mature, possessed strong personality, independent. I don't know how it happened that I ended up with someone I really never imagine that I'd marry. He's not that bad though. he has his good sides too. It's just that in totality, he represented the exact opposite of my ideal man. i think God knows how to match people. If I was given to marry somebody with the same personality as I do, i guess we wouldn't have lasted for 8 years. What's important though is that we must be appreciative with what God has entrusted us. Life is really unpredictable, but we just have to accept that all things happen for a reason.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Yes you're absolutely right, you just came late that I selected already my best response..well anyway I like what you elaborated. You did gave a moment to reminisce my past. I think we had the same fate..but I got also some good attitudes from present partner that I could consider a blessing in disguise..God really how to match people...thanks for that wonderful response..
@sasalove (1709)
• China
7 Sep 09
It is absolutely true that no one is ideal, I would not find the man that I love him more than myself as it will be very tired as his every manner will affect you. You will live in a nightmare that you've got to lose him that make your nurve crazy.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Yes...but did you found someone that suited your dream partner? Thanks for responding...
@daliaj (5674)
• India
7 Sep 09
Yes, I believe I have got the dream partner and I got more than what I expected. I never cared much about how rich the person is or whether he is having a prestigious job or not when my parents were looking for alliances. But, I wanted somebody who is understands me always, takes care of me, accepts me as I am, and feels me special. I am lucky that I got a person like that. Thank god!
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Wow! Congratulations! I envy. I hope the feeling is mutual....thanks for responding...
@med889 (5941)
7 Sep 09
I know my boyfriend for more than 3 years now and if this question is also address to me then I would say that no one is ideal but we learn to accept the differences of someone we love and cope with that in life together with them. He is not the one I dreamt about but he is the one who is very good in real and I have chosen to live in reality that in dream though.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Wow how sweet of you to say that, a good points for your lucky boyfriend...well I hope the feeling is mutual...I appreciate you friend...good luck for both of you...thanks for responding...
@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
7 Sep 09
Nobody is ideal and having that expectation can only lead to disappointment. I guess you just need to weigh up the good qualities of someone against the bad and decide if the imperfections that stop them from being the ideal partner are dealbreakers or not.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Yes my friend you have a good response..thanks for that..