Are these people polite & dependable where you live?

@krupesh (2608)
September 7, 2009 10:06am CST
Yes I am talking about your service people.The waiters , the plumbers , the electricians , the check out clerks & lots more.Do they do their jobs happily ? Are they dependable? The place where I live these men are OK not that rude nor polite.How about there? Krupesh 07-09-09
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20 responses
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
7 Sep 09
There is a store here where I live and I know everyone who works there. I only go when I know certain people are going to be in there because they will help you. However there are others that act like they are mad because you ask for help and they have to stop what they are doing to help you. I think it is like that everywhere.
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@angryeve (684)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
Well in my country, people here are very polite. We were taught of always giving respect to the elders and to other people as well. Although our politics here is a bit different.. really greedy politicians. Anyway, back to normal people hehe, I don't know why but it has been a must here to give a smile to everyone you get to interact with, we don't feel obligated though on doing that, it just goes naturally for us pinoys to be really friendly and accommodating. Although I'm not quite sure if everyone's happy with their jobs.
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• Australia
7 Sep 09
Good question. I think, as in any groups of people anywhere, there are good and bad, friendly or not friendly, polite or rude or just apathetic. Check-out operators usually have a set "pat" of words which they are trained to use; starting with "How are you today?" and finishing with "Have a good day." Some operators vary this, putting a bit of life and interest into a real conversation rather than the parroted essentials. On the other hand, some mutter the words without a glance at the person, not wanting a reply, and not showing any interest whatever. Personally, I think the customer has a role to play. All assistants wear a name tag. I rather enjoy approaching them with a very cheery, "Good morning Taylah. How are you this morning? That's an unusual name. I like it. You must be pleased your parents called you Taylah, with a different spelling. It kind of makes you special, doesn't it?" I FORCE the person to respond and show a little life. I would not like to work as a check-out operator. It must be very monotonous, and I'm sure a lot of disgruntled, weary and complaining customers would be met every day - so why not bring a little life into their job? And how many of us think to THANK them for their work? My advice to anyone who has an unfriendly service assistant is to take the initiative and make the experience a joyful one for both parties. I think tradespeople are in a different basket. They NEED you and your business, so they are going to be polite, but really the same criteria exists. A smile and a friendly approach will usually get the same in return.
• United States
8 Sep 09
I am a cashier...and i get rude people of all types. Now I'm not rude back but i save my best for the customers who treat me with respect. And if a customer is especially rude, almost abusive...or even abusive outright, then where i work i have the right to refuse them service, call a manager over and have them handle it. Now as far as Forcing people to show a little life...i think that's a bad call on your part, regardless of your reasoning. some people are very shy and are only doing the job because that's all they can get. Forcing them like that can cause their shyness to worsen...perhaps to the point of debilitation in some cases. We all cant be bright rays of sunshine every second of every day that we work and people need to understand that. Now im an environmental activist. and when i see people waste plastic bags that will never decay to the point where they have broken back into the oil they were made from. And it actually angers me. I'm not rude with costumers but i dont give them my brightest ray of sunshine either. In fact, the treasure trove of environmental knowledge Ive become, will start spewing proven facts that i know about the issue...which i know darn well they don't like. The way i see it i may be working for the company but the environment is what allows me to live, allows them to live and make their money...and since i have to live here for the next 70 or so years i have every right to say something about it. but people in my area seem to consider that rude. i say...tough. dont ruin my home and i wont be "rude" about it.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
7 Sep 09
We live in a small county some some of the people that come out can be out of town depending on if you have a service that isn't in town. My fiance's parents are trying to get a service out of town to save money but the people aren't being cooperative. We realize that we aren't the only people to be getting their service, but they took forever to get someone out to put the lines in, and by then we had to make them wait... I guess fair's play right? (all's fair in love and war). The waitresses and cashiers, baggers, they are all nice here... very friendly. Even customers are friendly. My fiance works as cart pusher (the buggy collector) and he has talked to a few people who are very kind, offering him refreshment, and giving him buggies instead of placing them on the curb, etc... ofcourse everywhere there's going to be not so nice people... but we've got our fair share of the nice ones!
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• China
8 Sep 09
It depends, some are rude, while others are quite polite. I think it related to their personality, and the management, the cultural background of their company/department.
• United States
8 Sep 09
I have seen my fair share of bad service in stores, and rude or dismissive clerks etc - but on the whole I have sympathy for them because it is a thankless task! I worked in stores sometimes and was a supervisor for a while, and if you are a check out clerk or such people seem to think its fine to treat you like a lower life form and talk to you like you are stupid. I had some incredibly rude obnoxious customers, and sometimes I had to sort out some of my younger staff who were actually in tears after one too many stupid person yelling and swearing at them. Also unreasonable requests - if the store doesn't sell something, it doesn't sell it, not the clerks fault! One of my favorites was a customer who came in every day for a book that hadn't been published. We didn't have a date on it because the publisher hadn't released a date yet. That is not in any way in the control of the store! I even phoned the publisher for this man, twice, so he could see I was confirming with them and not just fobbing me off. He yelled at me and complained to the manager about me (I was very polite, I promise, he was just complaining because he didn't get what he wanted) He would stay there ranting at me for about 20 minutes at a time and it got to the point where I literally hid when he came in! The only time I actually spoke back to a customer was when one grabbed me by the shoulder when he was moaning about something - I backed away and said 'take your hands off of me' VERY loudly and luckily the manager was near! So my sympathy, as I said, usually lies with the staff, because most of us may be normal but believe me, one or two of THOSE customers a day are enough to send you nuts!
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
8 Sep 09
In my country electicians and plumbers are usually polite and pleasant. They are very highly paid, as much as other professionals. The only complaint I have, they are not always dependable. They give you a time range when they would be at your place, for instance between 9 and 4 that day. So it means you have to hang around the house all this time or get someone to be at the house. Waiters and waitresses for the post part are always friendly and polite because they only earn minimum wage from their employer and depend on the tips you give in order to make a decent living. Check-out clerks at the supermarket are usually indifferent. They are only interested in doing their jobs, except in small towns where I find them extremely friendly. Staff at convenience stores are usually neither friendly or unfriendly,they just process your purchases. I guess it could be different in small towns also.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
8 Sep 09
It seems that this generation that works in service industries have not been taught manners and politeness at home. So now the companies that employ them have to teach them these simple things. I mystery shop for several fast food restaurants and the main thing that I am charged to look for is if the server/order taker uses the right phraseology. They have a script to follow when taking orders and they must say please and thank you. Personally I think it is sad that companies have to train their workers to do something their parents should have taught them.
@rakesh284 (1472)
• India
8 Sep 09
Well it is really a nice topic to start discussion. I think people around me are somewhat different because everyone has different way of thinking and everyone has different fields of expertise. Well my plumber is busy and takes time to visit us sometimes. Milk boy always gives us more charge then we have taken and my mother every time finds his mistake, we don't know whether he is doing knowingly or unknowingly. Housekeeping people are friendly. All are polite and even dependable.
@vivianchen (2646)
• China
8 Sep 09
Hi Krupesh, The same here. Most of them are okay, they need to get the money for living, so they have to get their work done. Some of them are very happy when they clean our house, some of them are not. I think it depends not only the salary, but also the mood of their own. Wish you have a good day!
• China
8 Sep 09
Well,to share with you two examples,and i think that is enough to show the different service.You know the best service i have ever had was eating out at KFC or McDonald's,they bring the food pretty fast and the service is super fast,and there is no duobt that whey these fast food restaurents are most welcome all around the world.Then the worst service I have even had was line up at a bank to make a withdraw or transfer,everything was just very very slow and the bank clerk won't see you as the real customer,instead,they see they are the god.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Waiters, plumbers, eletricians, salesman etc, all who works in this kind of job must be polite, kind and approachable. Here in our plave they are very kind to their customer maybe its really hard to get a job especially here in the philippines so they really taking care of there job.
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
most of them are courteous and polite. they are dependable too in terms of their jobs. most of those working in service companies have been into trainings and seminars on how to serve and deal with customers. they understand that the meat of their company's business service, so they should be good at it. but, we cannot admit that there are a very few exceptions. here or in ur place, or in any other countries, this is an undeniable fact. there are always exceptions!
• Malaysia
8 Sep 09
Yes, the service people are fairly dependable. They are in the servicing the people business. Obviously, if their customers treat them good and fair, a similiar response would be given. These people are in the private sector. Those in the public sector are not so dependable, i.e. police and postmen. Yit Chew Wong
@mdvarghese (1789)
• Bangalore, India
7 Sep 09
Here in this part, if we are paying them they are polite for the payment. Waiters and Check out clerks are polite. But the electrician and the Plumberes are not that polite. And the other service area are the government sector. They are not at all polite. May be this is because of the corrupt system of our governance. We have to bear it without any complaints
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 09
hi krupesh I am in the US and as a rule where I am now the caregivers here in GoldCrest are mostly polite and dependable with maybe one or two who are not. Service people here range all the wasy from really nice to totally undependable but most are at least good.The one thing I really get irked by is the time that they give you to come and make a repair. instead of a definite hour they will say we will send someone out between one and four.say what? what if thats not convenient for me, why not he will be there at two oclock or 3 oclock?
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
Yeah, mostly are polite they have to do so,because we are paying them. If their one things which should act impolite most of the time are the house owner who are not satisfied with the job that is not done. But, most of the people here in my country are polite they know where they are going to treat their workers with out most fairness.
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
OKay, let me see.. PLumbers - don't know never had repairs in the toilet..except the tank needed to be suck out of it's waste. electricians - never had them except if they are from the technician department of an electric company. WAiters-they're good, they should be. Clerks - I guess so. THere are some who are having a very hard day
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
8 Sep 09
They are polite till they see the tip and yes they are dependable. You can always depend on them to cheat.
@killersss (638)
• India
7 Sep 09
yes that's true, i don't do my job being happy. but i didn't want to be dependable on my parents so that's why i joined this job. i live in india and i am happy that i have a job and i earn for myself i am not so happy working though.