Do you regularly follow three meals a day??

@arunmails (3011)
September 7, 2009 11:13am CST
Having 3 meals a day is good for health.. many doctors had already accepts that.. How many of you are regularly following 3 meals a day... ?
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15 responses
@mayka123 (16605)
• India
8 Sep 09
I regularly have two meals everyday. The third meal is only had sometimes. That is because life is so hectic here in the city that there is hardly any time to have breakfast everyday.
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@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
7 Sep 09
the truth is i really dont. and how i wish i could have my breakfast always. but because i am way too tired to wake up early i have the tendency of going to work witout eating. so i just take my snacks in the office. and i know breakfast has always been the very important meal of the day, right?! hope i could change my ways... sooonnnn... thanks friend jhelai
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Sep 09
During the week I generall eat three meals a day. However, on the weekends and days I do not have to work, I usually only eat two meals a day. I usually sleep late on weekends so eating two meals a day is usually all that I can squeeze in. However I do snack a bit on those days where I don't get three meals so I guess I sort of make up for it.
@arunmails (3011)
• India
10 Sep 09
Does your body is little bit fat??
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 09
hi arunmails my diabetes doctor suggests five small meals but as i am in a retirement center my meals are three times a day with a snack at 6;30 in the evening. when I was at home Idid have four smaller meals a day and a snack at bedtime. this would not be for everyone but its really good for those of us who must watch our blood sugar.
@arunmails (3011)
• India
10 Sep 09
5 meals a day? good..
• United States
11 Sep 09
i eat like one a day and have a few small snacks.. i dont cook and my husband is the cook but only home for one meal and so i will eat snacks till we both have a meal together that night
@Wizzywig (7847)
7 Sep 09
Yes, I usually have 3 meals - of which one will be a bowl of cereal for breakfast, one will be a sandwich; soup or a salad and the other may be a bit more substantial. I work a shift system so my meals are not as regular as they should be. On the late shift I will eat 'brunch' at around 11.30am and may not get my meal break until after 7pm so I try to grab a cereal bar around 3-ish.
@arunmails (3011)
• India
10 Sep 09
I think this is one of the best food that you are intaking.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
8 Sep 09
nope I do not eat three meals a day. I can't afford it. Even when I could I never ate three meals aday. However I did at several smaller meals throughout the day to break it up.
@aj2006 (1534)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't! LOL.. really depends on my activity, I just make sure to eat a full breakfast in the morning..and I have snacks in between as well, sometimes I skip lunch because I have small knicknacks before lunch time. :0)
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
8 Sep 09
Hi arunmails, Usually I am having three meals in a day. But sometimes I may skip my break fast. I know it is not good for health but lack of time in morning forced me to do the same. I will try my best to have breakfast so that my health won’t affect much because skipping breakfast may affect our health very badly. But skipping dinner may give good benefits. What abut you, do you have your meals regularly.
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
Nope, I really dont. That's because of my schedule. I mean as much as possible I try to sleep in during the mornings so Id be able to get up around noon, completely missing the hours for breakfast. Sometimes, when Im fully loaded for work, I might not be able to grab my lunch during noon. Id only get to eat a very late lunch. Then a very late dinner. Though I do take some snacks whenever I can so as not to be hungry. But, if I can help it I try to maintain eating my lunch and dinner at the right times just to give my body some form of schedule.^_^
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I eat a big breakfast every morning, and then i eat about 4 more small meals through out the day, I'm diabetic and i do it that way to help keep my sugar level at a normal level. and the big breakfast helps with energy levels through the day.
@Preciousgem (1182)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
i regularly follow three meals a day, because it is good in body, and to have a healthy lifestyle.
@taztheone (1721)
• India
8 Sep 09
I always try to have 3 meals a day & even 4 a day but there are some days where I skip some meals because of work or something else. Its true that having 3 meals a day will keep you healthy & skipping meals regularly can cause health problems. So I prefer to stay away from problems Happy Lotting
• Indonesia
8 Sep 09
Hi arunmails Yes, it has been a habit in my family to always have meals 3 times a day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes I still eat snacks in the evening. waw, I never know about the health issue, thanks. For me, it's just a habit. But one thing is right about breakfast, it can turn me on and have more energy during the day. It helps me to eat lunch at proper portion too, not too much. Once I skipped my breakfast and I feel weak and ate my lunch at big portion. I think breakfast is important and the simplest meal in a day. One apple or sandwich, or omelette is enough, as long as we eat something
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I know that I really should start doing it again. For a long time I was eating my three meals a day with two light snacks. However, lately I just haven't been hungry as I've been dealing with my seasonal allergies and it really feels like it takes an act of congress to get me to eat once a day. I don't exactly know why, but when I do eat three meals a day I feel a lot better, but it is just impossible to eat when nothing tastes right to me.