A recurring dream has just happened. And I was awake!
By katerina
@thea09 (18305)
September 7, 2009 4:26pm CST
I can't be alone in this one and maybe it is caused by my total fear of dentists, but I often dream I lose a tooth, in the dream it usually crumbles in my mouth in a horrible manner, but then I wake to find my teeth intact. Just now though I was biting into a pitta bread and part of my tooth came away, at the front no less. My nice plans for tomorrow are now completely ruined as the only place I'll be able to go is up to the feared dentist. Unfortunatley I am still awake. My reucrring dream is now hideous reality.
Has any recurring dream come true in your life and let's hope they were happier ones than mine?
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19 responses
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
8 Sep 09
I must say that was a really weird dream that you have had. I've been having strange dreams too; like seeing an animal eating another animal and some things gross too like when I was in the restroom relieving myself and suddenly, a crowd is peering by looking! I didn't know how they did get in but you just can't seem to control the events that take place in a dream. I know it must be so real for you; like the feel of losing your tooth. There's this myth, but I choose not to believe, they say that if you dream of losing a tooth, someone very close or dear to you would pass away. But ^^touches on wood^^..myths are myths and bad dreams can last for days; the impact. After-which, you will be having more good dreams in future. Trust me.. 

@sunny68 (1327)
• India
8 Sep 09
first, sorry about your tooth. i do have the experience and know exactly how you feel. as for me, i am a deep sleeper (if that's what it's called), snoring included. i rarely have dreams and even if i do, i don't seem to recollect them in the morning. another thing, don't even think of interpreting your dreams. coincidences are easy to relate but hard to shrug-off. such things do have a tendency to weigh heavily on your mind. (i did mention that earlier). don't worry and cheer up, if you have lost a tooth then the tooth fairy can't be far behind. good luck and take care.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi sunny, I don't know if it's better not to dream at all or not, everyone does dream but those who sleep deeper tend to recall them less. I don't interpet them or anything like that but found it ironic that a regular nasty dream of mine did come true, I'd much rather have pleasant dreams.
I don't believe in the tooth fairy either

• United States
8 Sep 09
I am so sorry u have broken a tooth. I hate going to the dentist. it's not the pain it's just going & him in my face. I will say i have the very best one i have ever had. Wish u could go to him. he is the easiest one i have ever been to.I use to have the same dream about my teeth & it just about happened but it was my fault i didn't go to the dentist like i should have. U take care of those teeth, please. YASSOU NIECE.

• United States
8 Sep 09
Yassou, bless your heart, i'm again sorry that this has happened & tht your plans have been spoiled but ur teeth are more important than any plans u could have & this is a voice of evperience speaking to u so don't take offense. U don't want to end up like i have w/two partials in my mouth to worry with just because i didn't go to the dentist like i should have, U need to be a big girl, put that fear aside & get those teeth fixed like they need to be. Listen to your aunty.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
I'm listening Aunty really, I even did try to go today thinking if he could fix it early I could have still had my day away but it was not to be. Anyway it's raining where we were heading and it's now torrential here so a bit dodgy on the roads after being dry so long. I was looking forward to being taken out to dinner though and now all I'll be able to eat is some clear chicken soup I made and kept in the freezer for an emergency. So I'll be there at 10 in the morning Aunty, though shaking with fear.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Yassou Aunty, it seems as I expected that this tooth dream is not at all uncommon and also has the rather nasty habit of coming true.
My fear of the dentist makes my heart race when I'm in that chair and I won't let poor Kostas anywhere near me until he's given me an injection. Actually Kostas is the best dentist I've ever had but he speaks not a word of English but I do feel more at ease with him than with any other dentist.
I phoned him the second he opened this morning but he was just off to town for the day and can't see me until the morning, even though I pleaded my case. I had such lovely plans for today and tomorrow and now they are all spoilt as can't leave the house in case it means opening my mouth and scaring people, and all I'll be able to eat all day is yogurt. And you'll understand the irony here Aunty, this is the first non red hot day all summer, perfect for the plans I had. So now I'll be mylotting instead. My son agrees I'm not allowed to show my face in public which just shows you how horrid it looks.
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@UK_Shree (3603)
8 Sep 09
Oh dear, I am really sorry to hear about your tooth. It is strange isn't it, I always have really weird dreams about my teeth crumbling too, for no good reason! I am not especially frightened by the dentist but I have no idea why I have such dreams. I also have very strange dreams of turning up somewhere without any clothes on, and feeling terribly embarrassed!
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Well to answer that one I'm certainly used to what I have appearance wise but I wouldn't leave the house in my at home slob out style. I'm perfectly fine with the way I am but not at all fine about venturing out with a broken tooth at the front, it looks horrid and everyone would stare at it. I had the misfortune a few years back to be stuck in one of those hideous surgical collars for a few weeks which did nothing at all to enhance my appearance but I still went outside and people were nice about it. When I complained to my Doc about having to wear the thing outside it wasn't vanity it was the heat underneath the thing.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
11 Sep 09
Hi UK shree, I've never had a fight one at all. Bet you had the one about not knowing anything when you walked into the exam even though you'd studied really hard for it.
Was I right to get annoyed with the middle interjection in this box by the way, did you feel too that the implication was one of 'vanity' and out of place, love to hear 

@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend
I am so sorry to hear this
talk about scary what are the chances that scares me my friend, I can't say I have recurring dreams but I tend to have recurring thoughts and that can be just as bad, I always imagine myself in a car then all of a sudden BAM out of no where some one comes and hits the glass not sure what happens after since I always shake it off but it scares me sometimes.
Hope you will be able to get this fixed really fast 

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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi Kitty my dear, that sounds horrid, why would you let yourself think horrible things like that when you're awake, you should stamp them right out.
Right now my tooth is scaring my son as it's not a pretty sight which means I won't be going anywhere public until it's sorted so now I just have to hope that Kostas can fit me in in the morning which will be a gruelling not to mention expensive business.
Kostas speaks not a word of English and when I'm in terror in that chair all the Greek goes out of my head and I can say some really stupid things which amuse Kostas so much he goes out and recounts them to the whole waiting room. Highly amusing I don't think.

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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend
Not like I want to think these things it pops into my head whenever I am in a car, I snap out of it but the thought does come to mind
I was in a accident once I think that may/may not have something to do with it, it was not bad I was not hurt scared out of my mind because it could have been worse the taxi was speeding I said slow down no need to rush it is raining he did not listen then Bam right into the (thinking) top of the bridge where the underpass was nothing but road/cars we could have went over
I have not spoke about this in so long maybe this is why? you just helped me my friend thea therapy how about that, sometimes we have to laugh to keep from crying my friend thanks.
I hope all goes well tomorrow tell your dentist to be serious until the job is done, what will he do in one day? remove the tooth? I am in the process of getting work done and it is taking forever grrr

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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi Kitty, I think that's the first time I've been referred to as a therapist though I do often give eminently practical advice. Do you drive yourself? I would think the best way to stop having thoughts about being in car accidents is to take control and take to the wheel yourself. I have been known to be a very bad passenger sometimes but getting in the car with some of the looney drivers around here justifies it, not too keen on hair pin bends at over 100 miles an hour.
As to the dentist, I'll save him up for some of these other responses

@Xzcess (174)
• India
8 Sep 09
I have this dream sometimes when I see myself in a big white coat with long hair working on a blackboard concentrating very hard on a very difficult physics problem and after thinking too hard and too long i suddenly find the solution and because of that particular solution I am able to set out on my evil plan to rule the world.
This one has not came true yet, but I'd like to think it will. (shh) (:

@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi Xzcess, I rather like the evil plan to rule the world but I rather think my devious ten year old might make it first
. You should wake yourself up from your dream and write down the formula if it makes any sense at all when you're actually awake.
The tooth itself looks unsightly rather than painful but I'm not risking any solid food, the dentist isn't there until tomorrow

@Xzcess (174)
• India
8 Sep 09
Aww, how about me and him being partners in this adventure, hmm?? The formula, should be around here somewhere. I am sure i noted it down but with my short attention span, i have completely forgotten where it is that i put it.
Dentist is not there, so you have to wait a day extra for the appointment ?

@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I have not had a recurring dream come true. I cannot even remember but one, and since I am not at the time of young Arthur or dungeons and torture, it will not come true. I had a thought that subconsciously your body and mind knew that you had a weak tooth and was trying to warn you. You were sensing it on some level.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi gerty, mine was sort of an off and on dream over a few years, not something I consciously thought of, just a pity it had to be that one that came true, especially combined with my total fear of dentists.
Well hopefully no chance of dungeons and torture coming true for you thank goodness. I often have one where I'm stuck in the middle of a violent riot but that one is probably just through watching the news as I've never been anywhere near a riot.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Sep 09
hi thea hatley her wow it did really happen so your dream
may have been a warning. ihad the same thing happen to me
'and I had dreamed of being in the dentists office with
a bad tooth ache. I woke up and it was not a dream.I had'
to go the dentist as I had an abscessed tooth and had
never'felt any pain until I had had that silly dream
'and woke up in severe pain.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi Hatley, I expect that you were in pain while you were dreaming and realised whilst you were sleeping that you had a toothache. The thought of an abscessed tooth is making me cringe
My dream has been recurring not as in every night but maybe say every few weeks on and off for years. Unfortuantely when I woke this morning I still had a broken tooth so all my lovely plans I had for today and tomorrow have now been ruined.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Sep 09
Oh sorry to hear that, that's no fun.
Nope I haven't had any recurring dreams come true. But I did have a one time dream come true. I kissed a boy and I liked it. 

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
8 Sep 09
hi thea. there is just one girl in most of my dreams. maybe because i loved her so much when we were still sweethearts, way back in high school. i don't understand, that she always comes in my dreams. but i am happy now with my present wife.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
You lucky thing neildc, a recurring dream of the one you love, I hardly ever have nice dreams like that. I'm much more likely to see a man in my dreams in a romantic way that I completely don't expect to see there and then feel embarassed when I see them in real life. The real man never gets a look in in my dreams even when I go to sleep thinking of him.

@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Ugh, I feel for you! I hate going to the dentist. Better to do it now though before it gets worse. No, I've never had any dreams come true, thank goodness. I ate lunch once at work with a woman, and her dentures fell apart when she bit into a sandwich-poor woman almost swallowed part of it, ouch!
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
hi Fortunata, lucky you not having nasty dreams like that coming true but I've actually not been alone here with the very same dream which I rather suspected would be the case. At least it didn't happen to me in public like the poor woman you worked with. No dentist for me today though when I actually want to go as can't leave the house until this unsightly mess is fixed, the dentist isn't opening until tomorrow.

@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
15 Sep 09
Yes, this has happened to me more than once...But the one that I vividly still remember is the time I dreamed that my cousin fell off a ladder and broker her neck. The next day she came to visit our home, with a neck brace from falling off a stool. I was young then, and it shook me up quite a bit.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
16 Sep 09
Hi Sweetchariot, well you didn't come through with the ending I expected on there, thank goodness, I thought you were going to say that she did break her neck. Spooky though. The thing that gets me with all this though is its now 9 days since I broke my tooth and I'm still waiting for the dentist to telephone to say the new crown is finally ready, I'm getting fed up of only going out with my hand over my mouth and scaring children

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09

@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi Letran, do you realise that your change of avatar makes your words sound different to usual, true.
So you had a bad dream come good at the end, that's different at least. And if you'd taken any notice of the dream you wouldn't have bothered going and lost the job

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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
10 Sep 09

@greenfeathers (1206)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Sorry to hear about the tooth. I often had miserable experiences with dentists myself.
As for recurring dreams I rarely remember them. I'll wake up knowing I'd been there before but I don't remember the content.
I do have serial dreams sometimes where I go to sleep and pick up where I left off from another installment from another time.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Okay, I didn't see this comment posted at the same time as your first one. The first one made me so cross as I thought you were bringing some feminist agenda into a discussion which is just a bit of frippery and it did make me mad, I thought you were implying I was appearance obsessed so you should know that after answering your comment i was annoyed at myself for doing so as what i should have done was ask you to move your comment to a more appropriate agenda such as feminism or something. So now I presume you didn't mean it in a mean way and I thought you did and immediately posted a discussion about why people feel the need to put this sort of comments on discussions. It did make me mad that I'd answered it though and you probably didn't mean anything by it I hope. Anyway that discusson is up now so if you see it that's the reason why but I you aren't named. I still think the comment should have been left out because you may or may not have realised how it could have been interperted.
Anyway it's much nicer to see a pleasant response from you here.
@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
8 Sep 09
Oh .. What A Story .. LoL .. No Jokes. If You Dream Constantly About Any Negative Or Positive Feeling, It's Bound to Effect the Sub-Conscious Mind .. This May Or May not Happen in Reality .. Well Life's A Pack Of Cards .. If You Are Destined To Have Things that are To Happen It Will Happen Whether you Do Dream Or Otherwise .. Don't Give The Dreams Much Importance .. Believe In Reality .. Learn to Accept Reality .. God Bless All Reading this Response ..
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi Prash I really don't need to learn to accept reality as I am a very realistic person now facing the harsh reality of not being able to see the dentist until tomorrow when I needed to see him today, calculating the likey costs of the painful encounter to come tomorrow, and accepting of the fact that my lovely plans for today and tomorrow have now had to be cancelled all over a stupid tooth. And I really am getting hungry as don't want to risk biting anything.
Real enough my dear Prash?
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
8 Sep 09
Hi thea, that is quite a dream! This particular discussion has particular relevance to me as I'm seeing my dentist this Thursday. I really don't like the dentist but I look at it as something that needs to take place every six months. I'm hoping that everything is fine and that there isn't too much of that drilling! I tend not to remember the dreams that I have. I used to but this just doesn't happen anymore. I don't think that any dreams that I have had have ever come true. Wish me luck for Thursday. Andrew
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi Andrew, well I'll wish you luck for Thursday Andrew and you can do the same for me for tomorrow. I presume if you go every six months you are one of that minute and select people who have managed to retain a NHS dentist. I believe there is great difficulty in the UK in even being able to see a dentist?
Here it is easy to find a good dentist once you know which ones to avoid and mine will always fit me in if he can which he can't today as he isn't there until tomorrow. Once he was kind enough to ask a packed waiting room if they minded if I went in before them all when he saw I was in great pain.

@doglady112 (604)
• Canada
8 Sep 09
I've had that dream too. Fortunately I haven't had the latter happen to me. I would really hate going into the dentist for a broken tooth. I feel your pain though for having to go in to see the dentist, I hate them too. I guess all you can do is grin and bare it. Sorry about the pun and sorry in general.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi doglady, you are the second person so far to also share this dream, I knew it must be the sort of thing other people had to. Beware it could come true for you as it has for me, nasty thought. And I'm one of those people who hates the dentists chair so if I know I have to go the fear builds up in me first and I have to force myself to make that call. I certainly won't be doing any grinning today as it's a horrible sight and the dentist informed me he won't be there until tomorrow.
@jackie_chen (104)
• China
8 Sep 09
Well,so you must have had a venuture there,such kinds of big-veture dream also comes to me from time to time,good new is at last I was awake like you,bad new is i could sleep well for the rest of the night.Well,personally,I believe it may have something to do with what we have seen or done,you know,I used to watch a lot of action movies or some very exited ones,then in my dream,I have the similar cases,someone is following me with a guy or something,or I fight with many bad guys with bare hands,ect.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi jackie, so your dreams are clearly influenced by external factors such as action films, I suppose that if you enjoy watching that kind of thing then you'd be quite happy for them to feature in your dreams. Just hope they don't influence you enought to send you out on the lookout for bare handed fights with the bad guys, you could end up losing