What is your definition of a half brother/sister

@kitty42 (3923)
United States
September 7, 2009 9:29pm CST
Lets say a mother has 2 children with two different fathers are these two siblings only half related? this is a question that I have thought about, you come from the same woman and yet you are half my sibling how does this work? really I understand dad did his part but do we consider mom more than half considering the fact she has to do most of the work I hear people say this is my half sister or half brother I don't really understand it, can you help me out? How do we define a half brother/sister?
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15 responses
8 Sep 09
Your half brother/sister is your parents child from another relationship. Like if one of them had a child before they married and had you or after they got divorced they had another child with someone else.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend How are you? I understand this part still trying to understand the reason for using such a term although a couple of posters helped me with that, do you have any siblings that you feel are only half related to you? Good to see you my friend.
9 Sep 09
I have two half sisters who are 12. The reason half brothers or sister are so called is because one of your parents is their parent so in blood terms you don't have the same genetics as them as they only have one parent the same as you.
• United States
8 Sep 09
Yes, I would define it that way - that a half sibling is one who has one parent the same but not the other. It takes a mother and father and if you only have one thats half, right?! I agree that many brought up together or whatever probably consider themselves full siblings, but technically they are not. Emotionally/relationally its up to them really. I consider my adopted brother my real brother and my birth brother also - one I was brought up with, the other I met last year, but they are both 'real' to me - although technically, only my birth brother is really. I also have a half sister somewhere who I've never met, as my birth father and mother were divorced and my father had another daughter. Complicated , my family...lol
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello EnglishTeaDuck I would not call it complicated I understood personally like you I will always consider my siblings as a whole, it may be a little harder if your dad has a child and you are not close with this child, which makes it hard to develop the sibling bond we all know and love. I only wish there was no such term as half, maybe people would see there other siblings as a whole no matter what, they could possibly connect on a better level, this "half" thing makes it sound so half way...I don't know still don't like it and wont live it with it.in all reality it is totally up to the individual I say we are whole so get your half thinking self away from me lol sounds god to me.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I think you pretty much figured it out kitty. Half siblings result from the children having only one parent that is the same. It doesn't matter if it is the mother or the father. If they share one or the other then they are half siblings. I don't have any half siblings, though I do have one full sibling as well as a few step siblings. As you may or may not already know step siblings don't share any blood relation between either parents, unless of course it's one of those Jerry Springer type situations. Then it just gets too complicated for me. LOL Happy mylotting!
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend Good to see you, how have you been? Yes I pretty much get the just of it, have an issue with the word itself I think everyone share the same response as far as why this is the case and I understand the why, the word could make someone feel so out of place, I know both sides of this and just to think of yourself as this innocent child having to be treated like you are only half related so there for you will only get half my love, it really stinks Step siblings I know there is no blood relation but some people actually consider them a whole sibling which is a beautiful thing, don't even get me started with Jerry and his wonderful guess lol
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I have daughters and I've been married twice. My girls have different dads so technically they are really half sisters. Do they feel that they are? NO! They were all raised in the same house with me. its just a term.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I never considered the kids like that. Not even with my exes kids from a previous marriage. They are all siblings 100%.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my friend Again I agree, just wish there were alot more of use out there, love the responses I got for this post, there are some truly amazing people out there, just wish I knew them personally lol
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Hello sid556 Exactly, just a term that I refuse to use, and only wish others will do the same, I have seen things coming up but when your young you don't understand why, but now I get why that mother tried to turn her child against her siblings because she only considered them half related which is totally unfair to the kids involved. This starts at home, like a lot of the nonsense that we are suppose to except.
@shibham (16977)
• India
8 Sep 09
hi dear kitty. i have not ever faced that type of situation. it is a rare case in india. anyway it depends on your observing capacity with lots of affection. step brother are similar to half brother, i think. so if we want to be close with them then it is very easy to maintain those relations. thanks
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend Good to see you I agree I am really glad you don't have to deal with this, its a sad thing especially for the young innocent children that have a parent that feel betrayed so they use their kids to make the other sibling feel bad, its only once they grow up and decide for themself they want things to change, by then can they really be changed the bad blood is still there and it hurts.
• United States
8 Sep 09
I guess if you have two parents contributing to the conception of a child that would be a "whole." When a child has the same parent (mother or father) but does not share the other with siblings they are considered "half" brothers or sisters.
• United States
8 Sep 09
Yeah, I'm a "half breed" too! My brothers and sisters have the same dad and we all have the same mom. However, I have never been considered "half" or "step" either. Since Daddy adopted me he has never made any distinction between me and the rest of the kids. We are all just his kids!
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend So you all had the same mom but different dad you shouldn't consider yourself any different I wouldn't lol that is wonderful that he adopted you what a wonderful man he must be, that brings tears to my eyes I guess he wanted to make sure you did not feel out of place wow, how amazing is that. Thank you for sharing this with us, I love this my friend, I don't like the fact that you felt misplaced not even for a second but this wonderful man took care of that for this, he is o.k in my book
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend I get the general idea, I love to hear people say they don't care about this word, although we all know it is out there I guess it is up to us to use it, or throw it in the trash where it belongs in my opinion I will never use this word when it comes to the love I have for my siblings they are a part of my whole heart there is no half in the equation. Thanks for sharing.
• Canada
8 Sep 09
I have 2 children with different fathers, do they consider themselves "half sisters"? No, I raised them both myself and they've never referred to each other as half anything it's always just been "my sister" for both of them and I never referred to them as halves either, it was always "your sister". My oldest daughter also has 2 brothers from her father's side, both of them having different mothers as well but she's never referred to them as "half" either, they are simply just her brothers. I think the only people that have to stress the "half" part of siblings are the ones who get on their high horses and must try to degrade others with narrow minded views of what the family unity should be.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello molly6342 I love this I agree with you 100% this word should not be used around children they should grow up believing this is your brother/sister and that is all there is to it, I blame the parents for this nonsense, think about it where would a child come up with such a word, and if they hear it growing up its too late they all ready have the bond that nothing will change how they feel, my mom never ever use this word around us, for that I love her even more, my daughter have siblings o her dad side she consider them her brothers/sister and that is that, this is the way it should be. I believe this should only be bought up for legal reason as I was told by a couple wonderful posters other than that why use it,makes no sense to me
@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
8 Sep 09
A half sibling is just that. You only half of the same dna, half of the parental genes. I have one maternal half-brother, we came from the same womb but have different fathers. I have two paternal brothers and one paterenal sister, we all have the same father and different mothers(the boys are whole siblings, the sister and I come from wife 2 and 3). It's even more complicated when a mother has several children(like myself) and everyone has a different name. I have six and only child 2 & 3 have the same last name(from my first husband). In the majority of urban areas and blue collar worker areas, we just say our brother or sister. We don't try to complicate things and say someone is our half sibling. Even if we don't meet them until we are adults, they are family and they are our siblings.
@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
10 Sep 09
So, true we don't have to like it. This was a great topic you brought up. I can't wait to have some extra time to see what other great topics you have brought up.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello dramaqn So you have a brother that came from your mom but you do consider him you brother completely right? I just can't see myself considering my brother as half anything I don't like this term how can two people that come from the same womb be half of anything, ( you know what I mean) I understand we have different fathers but we came from the same woman should the woman be considered more than half considering if not for her we would not be here? I am nuts lol I really have an issue with this So you have children with different dads, will you raise your children to think of themself as only half related? I am sure you wont so why do we have to use this term at all, half that sounds so "half" someone explained this term to me last night and the words use sound so much better than half, I will never use this term. but I do understand why it is used don't mean I have to like it right.
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my friend Thank you so much, I tend to respond more than I start discussions this seems to work for me, I have started some but not many, thank you so much
@lawana_f (326)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I completely agree with you. I understand the legal and technical part of this but a sibling is a sibling and a brother or sister. But I am told I am strange as I think all of my children (though I only had three girls and all have the same father) are mine. In this I include their step brothers and step sister form the times their father has remarried women that have children. They all know that I consider them my children even though they are not related. I feel the same about the step children of one of my sons (in-law) as he has one child from a previous marriage and two stepsons. These are all my grandchildren and his ex-wife has remarried and has a toddler now and I treat him the same as the others. Which means I have 7 grandchildren, and 12 children. To me this is very important, I know that most people do not think this way, and to each their own, but to me you have a family and if divorce happens then you divorced a spouse; never the child.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello Lawana_f You are right, I love this if only everyone thought like this I don't have that much of an extended family but my brothers wife has 2 kids from a previous relationship one calls me auntie the other I don't see as much, I love it although in the eyes of the law I am his auntie I honestly look at him this way, I honestly hate this half nonsense yes we know its out there but should we teach our children to look at this siblings this way,some take things to a different level by taking their anger out on the child out of jeolously which is sad so the kids grow up disliking their sibling because mommy was mad daddy had an affair with your mom what can we do lol you keep it up mom/grandma smoochess to you and your family from me and my family.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
8 Sep 09
Hi Kitty, I have two half sisters, and they are both half sisters because they have different dads to me (and each other in fact ). We do have the same mother (naturally) but since mum needed a man to create my sisters they remain half sisters. The definition is probably helped by the fact they are so far away so I can't see them as full sisters anyway as they have grown up without me. But yea, that is how it works for me All the best and I hope you are well, Dranz
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my wonderful friend How are you? good to see you here So you have two siblings that came from your mom yet you are not close my younger brother and sisters father is not the same as me and my oldest sister, I didn't want to mention them actually because we never saw each other this way, I felt if I bring them up it would put out a bad vibe or something (silly) I never,ever thought about them as anything but my brother/sister one day someone said to me you know they are your half sister/brother I became so angry because that was the first time that thought ever came to my mind, "how dare you say that to me" I eventually got over it but somewhere in my mind his words stayed and I hate the fact that he said this to me, my mom did not raise us to think any other way then the fact that we are brother/sister I will never say anything different. Its amazing how simple words can haunt you, no matter how much to try to forget them the thought is there somewhere and it stinks.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend OH no he never changed how I saw them, he only put out this word that I never heard so it is there but the meaning had nothing to do with how I see them, they are my sister and brother in every sense of the word, we grew up this way for years I don't think there is nothing anyone can say to me that would make me see them any different ever, sorry if I gave that impression that is not the case my friend, no way now how, I do understand when you did not grow up together you don't have the bond that siblings do, its really hard when you start to bond then one is taken away (ouch) I would go crazy without them literally, I am older they have been a part of me for 30 years a daily part at that, oh no, you know my sister works my nerve but she works everyones nerves that is how she is lol my brother on the other hand I am so proud of him, I tell him that all the time,he said well I am not perfect I say to him who is, but your pretty darn close lol he is a good man really I love them both with every beat of my heart.
8 Sep 09
Hi Kitty, Wow so that was why you made this topic then, because of the words that man said to you? I am amazed to know that. I always knew that my sisters were half sisters. I didn't think of the eldest of them like that at first, but after she was taken to live with mum I guess I had to forget her and change how I thought in order to move on (we were very close in the beginning). The other one has never been anything more than a half sister though as she has always lived away from me . I am sorry that the man changed how you saw your siblings though ~ Hugs ~ Dranz
@Rosemango (106)
• Trinidad And Tobago
8 Sep 09
I dont think of any of my brothers or sisters as half, they are either my brother or my sister. I am not sure of this half of a relative came about but all my family are whole. You are family or you are not. I do however recognise, that there are in-laws, since marrrages are sanctioned by law.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello Rosemango Exactly you are so right, I would feel the same way its only right, someone explained this to me last night I get how this was all originated, I choose never to use any term but brother/sister. My daughter who is my only child, have many siblings (thinking) 4 or 5 they live far from us only one lives close they are close and get along great, they are her brothers/sister and she is the oldest and loves it lol (makes her feel special) I use to take her brother home with us all the time they had a ball never looked at him any different although while his mom was pregnant with him she worked my nerves but I got over it quick and love the relationship they have actually I initiated this they lived blocks away from each other made no sense for them not to spend time together I am things worked out so well. I don't have any step siblings if I had I would hope to get along like a normal family, with no hidden agendas that would suck.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
hi kitty42! ive a half brother and he's the youngest. anyway, the term is only considered for the sake of making some distinctions in terms of legal rights. in inheritance, the practice is that the half bro/sis may get 1/2 of 1 of the legit in intestacy. well, lots of complications actually. for me, the treatment is still the same. it never occured to me that we're half siblings. he's very sweet and we love him so much. ΓΌ
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
8 Sep 09
Well its not literally mean half. The term half implies that the parents of the siblings arent the same. You could have half brothers or sisters with just one dad.Being half brothers explains that the source of your genes arent from same source.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello iceydon I understand what you mean,I just don't think considering a brother/sister half is right, especially when the two of have the same mom, its funny if your dad has another child with someone other than your mom, we don't feel this child is as close to us as children born from our mother, not all, but some people see things this way, when in all reality they should be as close to you as your mothers children since this man is your father, you would think. I am trying to understand this. thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.
@satan88 (584)
• United States Minor Outlying Islands
9 Sep 09
A half sibling is a person with whom you share only 1 parent with so in the hypothetical family your refering too these siblings are in fact half siblings. Dads do an important part too you know. Some dads do all the raising himself.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Hello satan88 Please don't think for a second I would take anything from the father, my reasoning is this my mother she has 4 children with 2 dads, we all were raise together grew up together and yet I should consider them my half siblings NO,so I figured since my mom did most of the work, and she did, she should be more than half the parent lol this is my way of feeling better about this I guess, you must admit it does make sense right?
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
8 Sep 09
Hi kitty, This is because the genetic factors in the baby differ as there are two diferent fathers and before formation of the zygote the 'N' factor becomes different of the different fathers even though the mother is one and this why they are half brother/sister.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Hello my friend I understand it, just don't like it,I feel some people actually take this to heart , you have some that don't give it a second thought, for example and this has happened, you have a mom that has children with this man so all her children have the same dad yet dad decides to have another with a different mother, all of a sudden dad decides he wants his wife to take him back she forgives him but he still has this other child to think about, well mom still angry that he has another child teaches her children this is only your half so/so and put all these negative thoughts in her kids mind then what happens the children treat their sibling bad because it does no really matter to them since they are only half related, its so wrong I feel bad for this innocent child,when it all boils down it really depends on the parents and how they raise there children.