Obama is certainly making people look stupid--how brilliant!
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
September 8, 2009 8:38am CST
I believe this little talk with school children was a strategic event planned to make Obama's critics look stupid, alarmist and ridiculous. Look at the furor it started, how it further divided the public, look at all the name calling and ridicule heaped onto those who feared Obama would insert a message for socialism/marxism. Then he comes out with the text of the speech the day before he gives it and makes his critics look stupid.
This was a truly brilliant move on his part and I have to hand it to him--he's a great divider. If he'd put those talents to uniting the country under a democratic republic, there's nothing we could not do! 

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11 responses
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
8 Sep 09
First and foremost, you don't have to be brilliant or a Harvard graduate to know what to say after the fact! I would love to play poker knowing what my opponents had in their hands, no contest. I will also say that the reason he didn't concentrate on personal responsibility but rather responsibility to your country is it is exactly what he believes! He wants a socialistic society who are more in tune with what their country wants rather than what is his/her personal responsibility to him/herself, God, family and then country.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Sep 09
For myself, I was taken with his call to students to work to make America "more fair and more free".
Strange, but I have always thought of this country as being a free country and the document that makes it free as being the Constitution. I don't know how one could make it more free without altering that document.
I am not sure what "more fair" is supposed to mean but Obama has put forth his opinion of the Constitution as a "charter of negative liberties" that serve only to keep government from messing about in our lives. He'd like it to have more positive liberties, like redistribution of wealth. I suppose that's what he thinks "more fair" is.
The subtext they left in is clear enough in its intent. I can't imagine what the stuff they took out of this speech was like.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Rollo, there used to be some unfair things in this country, like prejudice and discrimination. But that's over and if it's not there is legal recourse. It's a land of opportunity and I don't see how it can be more free or more fair. I think he's sowing ideas, especially when he tells them not to disappoint their country.
There were many things I liked about his speech to the kids but a few that I objected to. I guess that's a pretty good result but I do think kids should be left to the parents and presidents--any of them--should leave them alone when it comes to speeches.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Well, maybe he isn't a brilliant strategist but he's an excellent opportunist, or someone on his staff is.
Yep, a great communist leader once said give him your children and he'll take your country. Or something like that. I didn't like all the emphasis on serving the country, either. If we take care of our families and ourselves, and let the government JUST protect the country and the constitution, we'd be better off than we've been since the beginning of the twentieth century!

@tdemex (3540)
• United States
8 Sep 09
"IF he'd put those talents to uniting the country under a democratic republic, there's nothing we could not do" He did try it but the Right thinkers would have nothing to do with that! It's time he forgets about the minority and move on with the change he promised! Forget the haters! Continue to repair the damage that was done for the last kind compassionate administration we had before! It's impossible to unite people who don't want it! The my way or the highway crowd is not ready for change, it's GREED or nothing, theres god and you either cow toe to that or your unamerican!

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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Sep 09
Nice try, but you forget, There aren't enough votes in either the House or the Senate to be so much as a speed bump to Obama, Pelosi and Reid's agenda. The fact is, they are too incompetent to even get their supporters to side with them.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
The "right" thinkers want nothing to do with the Marxist ideas that he has, that's the problem. He thinks government can take care of everything and the people should be dependent on government. It's not just Mr. Obama, either. Congress and Senate are full of such thinkers and we've been electing and re-electing them for years. We have nobody but ourselves to blame. Someone once said "The people get the government they deserve." How prophetic. 

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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I hate to say it but his critics mostly look stupid anyway. But hey, what can I say, I'm just a stupid liberal!
Anyway, I knew people were far too up in arms about the whole speech thing when the whole controversy started. However, trying to tell people that it wasn't a huge deal, well that's another story. And then they ended up making fools of themselves. It's not surprising. Just chill out for once and stop assuming things. I think people forget what they say about people that assume things... :)
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
9 Sep 09
I think that you (and many other Americans) confuse anything slightly to the left of 'right' with 'Communism'. British and European politicians (and the British population) are significantly more 'left wing' than their American counterparts, yet we do not consider ourselves to be 'Communist' - Socialist, yes - even our Conservatives are rather more Socialist than your Liberals.
If you claim that Obama exhibits Marxist philosophy, you are being unconscionably selective both with Obama's policies and with Marxist philosophy!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I don't think liberals are stupid--look how the president took a bad situation and turned it to his advantage. That's not stupid at all. But I do think liberals have blinders on and can't see the bigger picture. If you can't see that this country is headed the way of communism, you're blind. However, you could probably say the same thing about me, from your point of view. I guess we'll have to wait and see and agree to disagree.
Thanks for voicing your opinion, I really appreciate it. It would be boring if we all thought the same!

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Sep 09
How is it stupid to be concerned about your kids education. ANd I hope you know the big issue I had was with the worksheets. I had concerns about his speech last week because I did not know what was going to be on it. But now that I have read it, I am ok with it. I don't completely agree with it but I am ok with it.
I don't buy hte whole "letting your country down thing". Education is important. Not for the "country" but for the child. I think he should have stressed the personal responsibility part more and the whole "country" part less. But that is just a small issue really.
Now the worksheets are another issue.
They had some things I considered not appropriate for elementary schools kids in it. Like why should you listen to elected officials? Why should you do what they ask of you? That is teaching children to listen and do what they are told by elected officals. Which means as adults they will listen and do as they are told by elected officials. Well last time I checked WE were the boss not them. We hire them, pay them and can fire them. So they need to be listening to us and doing what we say. Not the other way around. The board of education wrote the worksheets. So they are their fault and not Obama's. And I do feel they messed up with a couple of the things they put on the work sheets. Especially for elementarty school age children.
As a parent I have a right to say I want to know what the president is saying in advance....and I have right to see the worksheets in advance. AND I get to say if I think something on there is inappropriate. I also have the right to say my child is not going to do the activity. Not just for the presidents speech but for EVERYTHING that is taught to my child. I am the parent. Not them.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I totally agree with you! There were some good things in that speech but he emphasized duty to country and officials too much. I would not want my child to listen to some of that speech. Luckily, mine are grown and in college.
I do, however, like the line saying you don't drop out of school and drop into a good job. That's a classic.
I have a problem with the tone of the speech and the first worksheets were out and out hero-worship-Marxist-targeted propaganda.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Sep 09
The Department of Education sent the materials out on August 25th to schools nationwide. There must have been a speech long before then in order for them to develop and prepare these materials. Either they kept back the speech on purpose or this isn't the original speech. It doesn't really fit the materials, for instance, where in the speech is the phrase about Challenging, Attainable and Needed (CAN)?
If this speech was prepared in early August or late July, it seems ridiculous not to let parents know there would even be a speech until late last week.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I would not call them "marxism propagenda" but I did think some of the questions and things on the work sheets were not appropriate for the age range they were made for.
As for the speech.....I think most of the problem you saw last week was that no one knew what was in it. NOw they do so I think you will see less problems.
I really think the president should have done the speech to the parents instead of the children.
Parents are the ones who can effect real change in their children and their education by being more involved.
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@Youreyes4Today (2356)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Goes to show you what one can do in that office. Regardless of all the hype and what not, obama is going to get his point across whether it is right or wrong.
Now as you say with all that energy why can't we work together as a team instead? Yes we all have a difference of opinion, that isn't a bad thing, it diversifies the odds of being able to get things done. Sometimes choices are the wrong ones, the thing is the team takes it in and works it, not an individual takes the blame and sulks.
Get out there and work together as one team and work it, listen, hear, voice it, and get the ideas out there so that we all can work to get this world back on her feet. We are a strong people, why do we always have to fight each other on the STUPID STUFF? Why are we directed in directions to squabble between ourselves instead of helping each other? Why can't we pass it forward so we all make it through these times?
People are to stubborn to see beyond their own fences. The business of Governments are to busy taking all they can to keep the pockets full so they don't loose what those people have. Eventually it will all affect the whole of the people, not just the poor, but ALL... All because someone else is thinking they didn't get something they deserve.
Sad isn't it but it is what our children learned as we learned.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
The problem is, the "stupid" stuff is a march toward Marxism/Socialism. Bush started the Socialist leanings and Obama is advancing it.
All I want to for our officials to adhere to the Constitution. It's been trampled on for the past decade.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
We let them keep passing laws that were unconstitutional. Now we have so many unemployed with time on their hands that are beginning to pay attention to what's going on and we're appalled at how we've been bamboozled. Maybe it's not too late to demand our government work for us, as they are supposed to, and quit manipulating the constitution.
@Youreyes4Today (2356)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Would be nice if they didn't keep changing it to fit the needs of that business, the Governments
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@kelleynichole84 (17)
• United States
8 Sep 09
So you are saying that the only reason Obama planned a talk with America's youth is because he knew that there would be idiots in an uproar about it?
I am sorry, but that sounds ridiculous. It is not Obama's fault that people are stupid. I am not Obama's biggest fan, but I think we have had worse presidents. You know what, complain all you want, but at least its not Bush. Everyone is looking for ways to criticize our President, and it seems to me that he is looking for ways to improve the country (whether or not I believe in his methods is another topic altogether). But he is putting forth an effort, instead of spending months on a ranch and getting in front of the world and forgetting how to speak. I see all these people in an uproar about the image of America that Obama is projecting to the rest of the world...what??? really??? Because it was better to have a retard for a leader???
Get of your high-horses. If he tells a bit of truth (he IS a lawyer, soo...) then we finally have a president that was not groomed by the powers that be to be a President. And that, my fellow Americans, is refreshing, and a blessing.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
No, I'm saying he used the opportunity to make his detractors shoot themselves in the foot. IF it was something he took advantage of, it was a brilliant move.
No, he wasn't groomed by the "powers that be", he was groomed by the communists. I'm convinced of that. But I'll be every so grateful and relieved if I am proven wrong. I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong if we are still a free people by the end of the next 3 years.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Dragon I also believe that this same thing will be done with the birth certificate as well. He is going to come out with the long form and it will be done and over with. He is definately trying to make a statement to the right and I think he will be showing it loud and clear.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
9 Sep 09
Whether or not the speech (well, pep-talk, really) was 'political strategy' - and any and every considered, published utterance by a head of state must be assumed to be strategic in some way - there is something in it for all of us (yes, even non-Americans).
"So ... I want to ask you, what's your contribution going to be? What problems are you going to solve? What discoveries will you make? What will a president who comes here in twenty or fifty or one hundred years say about what all of you did for this country?" Is a question every single person, young or old, should be asking themselves.
If it made some people feel (or look) ridiculous and alarmist, then that is simply because they are. I am quite sure that there was no political motive in the way the speech was presented that had any intention of making people look stupid!
A speech like this, made overtly to a whole sector of the public (and actually to the entire population) must be well prepared and announced, so that as many people know that it is to be made but the text of it cannot be published too long before, otherwise the speech itself will lose its freshness and not be the memorable 'event' it is supposed to be.
There is no doubt that there is a great deal of the art of theatre, of 'entertainment', involved in being a politician. One has to build up an expectation and, in doing so, it is inevitable and right that there should be some surprises left for the actual event. If some people find some of the surprises unpleasant (in that they may feel that they have been made to look fools), that is surely because they - not the 'entertainer' - have chosen to see an agenda which simply does not and did not exist!
Take the speech/talk at its face value, why don't you. It is an excellent and focussed exhortation to everyone to accept responsibility for their own education and that is where the responsibility truly lies. Anyone who complains that 'my parents didn't support me' or 'the Government should do this or that to help me' is sidestepping their real responsibility in education.
Education does not start with kindergarten or end with graduation. That is a huge fallacy that many people carry as invisible baggage. School is there to facilitate, encourage and advise but the actual responsibility for our own education is squarely on our own shoulders and that is what your President has made plain.
Part of the purpose of education is to train the mind to distinguish correctly between reality and supposition, wishful thinking and fancy. That is not to say, of course, that only 'reality' is good and 'fiction' has no place in the educative process. Imagination and fiction have a very real function in that they cause us to ask questions but the questions we should be asking must be real and cogent. Questioning the 'real intention' of (or seeing a 'hidden agenda' in) this presentation seems to me to have no purpose. Maybe those people who now feel foolish have something to learn about life and, in particular, about the reality of life in 21st Century America and its context in the world at large.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
9 Sep 09
I found the text of the speech on the News13 webpage. There were three comments when I last looked and I particularly liked this one (posted anonymously):
"Simple answer from my daughter: 'Mom, I'm sure none of those people were really worried about the speech to begin with, they just don't like Obama.' Hit the nail on the head and we were silly to ever take this [meaning, presumably, the prior furore and dissent] seriously to begin with."
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
9 Sep 09
As I have pointed out in a previous comment, there is a world of difference between Marxism and where Obama would lead you. There is also a world of difference between Marxism and dictatorship. It's an over-simplification, I know, but if you think of political persuasion as a square map with North as Authoritarian, South as Totalitarian, West as Left and East as Right, then Obama falls a little North of the 'equator' and slightly more 'Right' than 'Left'. You may disagree with this evaluation, of course, but you should look at this page http://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2008 nevertheless. I would also encourage you to take the test yourself (notice that there are only four choices for all of the questions - you cannot sit on the fence!). Please read this page first, however! http://www.politicalcompass.org/index
If you're on Facebook, you might find it interesting to know how your friends perform. Look for 'The Political Compass' application there. My own score was almost slap bang in the centre of the green (bottom left) sector (Score: Economic Left/Right: -5.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.44).
As I say, it's an over-simplification as can be seen by the fact that, according to the map, Ralph Nader should have been the candidate I most favoured in the (for me, academic) election process, whereas, at one point, I actually remember liking Mike Huckabee's promotion the best.
I agree that Obama has a good deal going for him in terms of personality but when a child says 'people don't like Obama' she doesn't intend it literally - she perceives only that many people express negative opinions about him (because of his politics) and deduces that they don't like him per se.
I understand that, for many Americans, Obama is a rather nasty foreign body in their BVDs. From a non-American's point of view, however, Obama is seen to be bringing America into the real world - a place it has, apparently, only grudgingly acknowledged the existence of these last 10 (or more) years!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I don't disagree with the content of the speech. It was a little creepy how he kept emphasizing duty to country but that's not really important right now.
My point was that he turned a pot boiling controversy into an advantage for himself and ridiculed the conservatives without appearing to. Maybe he's smarter than I gave him credit for.
And that girl saying people don't like Obama? I think she's wrong. He's a very likable person. People disagree with his politics, which have a distinctly Marxist leaning and we're scared--now that we're unemployed and have time to pay attention, we see that the former president did to start this country on the journey to dictatorship/Marxism and now we can see how the current president is trying to complete the journey. It has nothing to do with his personality, his race, what shoes he wears or anything else. I wish him nothing but the best and I hope he's a good president but if he continues as he is now, I'll fight him every step of the way.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Sep 09
I think that anyone who has a problem with parents being concerned with their kids' education needs to be kept far away from kids.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Given his agenda so far, I think parents were right to be concerned as to what the President would say to their children. However, withholding the text of the speech till the day before and allowing the furor to reach a boiling point was a very smart piece of manipulation.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Sep 09
True, and who knows if there was a re-write after the hoopla too. ;~D
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Sep 09
Well, if there's room for yet another conspiracy theory... It may be that they wanted to allow the furor to reach crescendo before releasing this fairly innocuous speech, or...
It could be that this is the speech they wrote AFTER the furor and the demands to see what was in it. If they sent out the teacher guideline materials on August 25th and 26th, one would assume the speech was also prepared, since they knew what to tell the teachers to ask the kids about it.
Maybe that speech was changed...
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Either theory could be true. Or it could be that the speech we will hear today is the original and some stupid bonehead came up with the study materials. It could also be that the bonehead had an agenda to destroy the administration. There are many theories, so many they can make you dizzy!
But the point is, we can see something crazy is going on. We need to stop fighting each other, be suspicious of everything and stick to the constitution. Because I believe there are real efforts to divide us and it will only get worse.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Perhaps they are but they are now seeing the damage done to the country by Bush and see that it is continuing with Obama. Now that they are out of their jobs they have time to see all this and they just want to stop the damage.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
10 Sep 09
Hi Dragon54u, I think that is the best move a president can make.
Once he shows that he cares for the young ones, they may work hard and become useful members of society in future. It's time someone pays attention to the kids. In fact, Obama gives sound advice, probably he has young kids, so he can talk to them as if talking to his daughters.
I think the elected officers will follow his example, and pay more attention to moral and academic education. So many countries in Asia are producing children able to score better in Maths and Science than the students in US. So many parents in Asia countries restrict the TV watching and Internet access, so that children can concentrate on studies.
I think President Obama is sincere about helping the children, not just for political reasons.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Sep 09
I hope that he is sincere, but I have a lot of doubts. He definitely has Communist leanings and a lot of his cabinet has the same views. He's violated our Constitution several times. I want him to do a good job but his views clash with mine--he wants government to do everything for the people. Our constitution states that the role of government is only to protect our country from enemies yet it has grown so big and does so much that the people have been made weak and dependent.