Why does someone add a mean comment? Let's hear about the ones you've had.

@thea09 (18305)
September 8, 2009 11:21am CST
Why? I don't get it. I bet most of us have had them though. You start a discussion about something and someone else has to stick their two cents in with a totally different agenda. And what really makes me mad is I just had one and instead of ignoring it I replied to it. I was basically being asked to justify myself and why should I. The comment rightly belonged in a different discussion or could have been a discussion of its own so now I'm mad at myself for even acknowledging it. It was a pretty simple topic about a tooth falling out in a dream and then someone else had the old dream about being caught out naked in public. So why the intervention which actually read that we must be overly concerned with our appearance, well that's how I read it anyway. So what uncalled for comments do you remember from yours?
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39 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Sep 09
hi thea oh yes I got one awhile back from a lady who quite'obiously had not read my discussion or had read it and tookit in an entirely opposite way. I was talking about how beating a child was just plain cruelty.and she responded well I dont care how you were brought up you should be ashamed, beating is horrible,just because you wer e beat as a child etc etc. well I was totally flabbergasted as I had not ever said I was beat, what I did say was that my mom gave us the face, she made her face look positively evil when we did something wrong,,and we would feel so bad, we would be extra good. I had to reply, you did not read my disscussion or you misunderstood. I was never beaten,nor even spanked. I felt so upset to think she would get that idea of me when my discussion was really so clear.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi hatley, you obviously got someone who only read the headline bit as the rest is too much effort but it's so annoying isn't it and so aggressive too. I'm sure you handled your reply though with your usual dignity whereas I made a total mess of mine, I answered it when I should have told her to go and find another discussion to drop her issues on.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Sep 09
An ex-member started a discussion once that was directed at my Wife and that pissed me off BIG time. I introduced this member and my Wife because I thought they might get along OK and when my Wife wasn't able to email this idiot back every single day, they went all funny and abusive on her, so I of course stepped on in to the melee! I've also had some other complete tosser insult me in relation to the fact that my Wife and I are of different nationalities/race. I'm generally a relatively collected person, but these 2 incidences sent me WAY over the edge. I still never out and out insulted or abused either of them, but by God it was hard not to! Thankfully both of these members are no longer here and good riddance to both of 'em! There's some very twisted and nasty people in this world and what they think they could possibly gain from being this way is beyond me.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi James, you'd every right to be pissed off with something like that as it's personal and the race card is certainly below the belt. I would have thought that most people were accepting of mixed races by now. I've already experienced the twisted and nasty type on here but thankfully most of it got deleted whilst people were sleeping but as you know the worst of it can come by mail. Obsessional mailing seems to be a feature of some looneys on here but at least it gets them banned. What annoyed me was much more minor, not abusive in the least, but these agenda types should just take their agendas off to somewhere else as not every topic has to be for the good of the world, but just a bit of frippery should be allowed.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
8 Sep 09
There's a big difference between teasing or "frippery" and outright offense, that's for sure! Thankfully I don't come across too many cases of offensive behaviour these days, but when I do, a reporting I will go! They're gone quickly most times too which is great.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Sep 09
James wants to visit Sweden...
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@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
8 Sep 09
I haven't (yet?) had any mean or spiteful comments on my discussions..I think it's mostly because I don't try for divisive subjects that start flame wars in mine! I look in at the politics discussions from time to time to see how they get such big numbers in comparison,and mainly,when before it was Bush bashers and his defenders,now It's Obama's turn! I'd posted one discussion on a plan to cut light pollution,and got a snarky reply on socialist policy,shutting down power stations,and tree hugging! as the article didn't mention any of that stuff,I corrected him,but He didn't continue..
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
8 Sep 09
Yep..You do have to find the balance in a discussion where you can either blind 'em with Brilliance or Baffle 'em with BS...If you have the facts to back your side up,that's always good..My brother sent me an email of a list of things Young Adults have said..one is relevant here..(Paraphrasing) -"One of the worst feelings is when You're in the middle of an argument,and suddenly realise You're in the wrong!"
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
I had that one happen last week on here but it was good hearted fun and I gave in gracefully when I suddenly realised that the other person was in fact correct and that the national football team of Greece is not in fact Panaithinaikos as I'd been saying it was for days, but Greece.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi ShepherdSpy, it's good that you haven't encountered any. Sometimes I want to get into the religious interest for a bit of a debate but it's really not worth it, only one opinion allowed or one is jumped on and hit with a bible. I wasn't being nasty at all but I did pull someone up rather sharply the other week as they'd started a discussion about womens rights in Afghanistan from a scandal sheet newspaper heading they'd read but knew not a single fact about the issue and was trying to get a bit of a joke out of it. When I intejected with the actual facts I was shouted at but the really annoying thing was most of the other responsdees also knew nothing about Afhanistan either which I found pretty incredible and were all chatting about how nice women had it there. Just amazing. There are some issues for frippery and some which are serious.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Sep 09
I had a couple of people going at each other in one of my discussions. I just told them to keep it polite. Nothing directed at me though (so far)...
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Sep 09
haha Alice you NEED my dress, you're hardly wearing a thing!!!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Sep 09
oh it's very cute, but summer's over! You're probably wearing white shoes too!
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
I think your dress is perfectly lovely dawnald but don't understand why Alice is talking about bikinis, she's got a big hat on, but a lovely and charming hat I hasten to add.
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@jb78000 (15139)
9 Sep 09
haven't had that many considering - i've had a couple of remarks from the guy alice mentioned, and several rude comments from the under 10 contingent in politics. the most hurtful of these was the 'mr smartypants' remark i got from one. i had to go for a quick cry after that. i also think i was accused of doing satan's work in religion, but i think it was a kneejerk reaction because oddly enough it turned into an abuse free dialogue.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi jb, you're braver than me, I don't recall ever entering a religious discussion which didn't get hijacked by a bible basher or some idiot threatening to neg whoever dared disagreed with them, so now that interest is out of bounds for me. I'm not suprised though that that is where you received an insult.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
I've got a way with trolls now, press abuse button and report Banned member and name, they are so predictable these days and you can't really let the rantings of a looney get to you after the first public banning
@jb78000 (15139)
9 Sep 09
it can get vicious in there, and the trolls that make regular appearances are the nastiest i've ever seen. what i got was fairly mild.
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
8 Sep 09
nope, not as yet. and i would like to believe that it will never happen to me. because its a part of joining a forum - no two people are the same. and the best part is that there is always something to learn (either from your own experience or other's). i always keep a pinch of salt with me.LOL. for a moment you had me worried. but i have learnt my lesson of life 'there are no free lunches' so i won't ask for any...LOL
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Oh for goodness sake Sunny dear I think we both know we've been sharing a laugh about the free lunches and my friends on here don't need to worry about what they say to me. It wasn't nasty or abusive or anything, that I would have ignored and reported, it was to me just an inappropriate place to raise the stupid issue and I should have told her so instead of stupidly answering her, so the only person I'm mad at is myself. I hope you never get to see anything unpleasant on here anyway, Sunny people are meant to be just that.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Well I should just have done what I already advise anyone else to do which is ignore. I think when you meet friends regularly on discussions though you can have a conversation and get to know each other a bit and not need to worry. I always think I could be misinterpreted to as can be a bit blunt sometimes but at least with friends we can have a totally different opinion on a matter and speak about it in a civilised manner with no hard feelings. And feel free to step into any of the boxes on mine to have a chat with anyone there, it makes the whole thing more fun, some people are referring to it as banter but I think it's more like calling in for a chat and opening up the interaction.
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
8 Sep 09
thanks, i am relieved. fun is okay but some people really do have a weird perception of fun. they think they can label anything as fun. i am sure you are now in a better position to deal with such responses.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I commented once in a discussion that was saying that all people from certain countries are cheaters and that is why online sites do not let them participate. I was pretty new to online earning of any kind, but I am not new to the world, and I know that not all people from any country are cheaters, and I said so. I got told to stay out of the discussions I did not know anything, etc. I saw your tooth dream discussion but my computer was not cooperating. I may go look for it now. I know what you mean about regretting answering a rude comment.Been there, done that.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi gerty, I hope they didn't get too rude with you, some people just have no manners at all and others won't tolerate a difference of opinion at all, they just want little 'yes mylotters' to pop along and bolster up their inflated egos. I can know immediately which country you are referring to and they do have a lot of organised fraud rings but obviously not everyone in the country is involved or dishonest, just as not all Italians are Mafia and not every Afghan is an opium trader. I would surmise your view there was totally reasonable being presented to the unreasonable
• India
9 Sep 09
Thea .. Most of the People Are In A Hurry to Earn On Mylot .. Once they Sit In Front Of the Com, It is Indeed A Lot Of Work On the Keyboard For Many .. They Keep Their Mind To The Typing Speed And Forget To Even Look Up At the Discussion .. That's When Such Errors Do Happen .. I Have one Up Thea .. Please Respond to That Discussion .. Am Really Missing you There ..
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi Prash, another one, hey if you're discussions are of interest to me I respond as I see them all on alert, if they aren't then I can't, I saw something about a box and had nothing to say, I could always pop in as silent Thea and give you a wink I suppose, will that do you And you can reciporate, I've just put a belter of a discussion up 'Who do you think' which I would think would be right up your street. Maybe you are right about people trying to type at speed, I don't know, I just type what I have to say and then shut up, but it takes me longer to enter a comment than it does to type it up.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I took a peek at your profile and found the "offending" comment made to you, but really didn't think it was that mean....I've had real douseys thrown at me. Like long time back I made a frank discussion about what I thought about that website Yuwie...thought there was too much hype to it. Well yikes I had one person who was a Yuwie fanatic and really attacked me telling me I was stupid, lazy and a failure. Then there was a discussion I replied to about mixed relationships, either racial or religions...Both the original poster and I are of mixed races, such as Native American...and related how hard it must have been for my ancestors to endure any hardships, since it wasn't all that long ago, that for centuries, Native Americans were viewed as heathen savages. Out of the blue this other poster comes along saying I'm a racist bigot since I said Native American were considered heathen savages...She mentioned she was Native American and proud of it, and was an honor student in college...guess there was one thing she failed to learn...how to read...how can I a racist bigot toward Native Americans if I'm part one myself??
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
9 Sep 09
Hiya Thea, I've not yet checked the discussion, but will do so after this. As for my own encounter, whenever I have a face to face mean comment or anywhere at all on the internet, I would just try my best to shrug it off and move on. I used to reply back with silly retorts and ended up arguing and fighting, but I told myself to get over that and try to challenge myself in small things to not let comments and actions affect me. It has worked so far, though I've yet to master my temper fully. Trying, and on the way. Don't be upset yeah.. cheer up..
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
9 Sep 09
I've always given positive ratings to your answers because I feel that you are very sincere in your answers and you wrote it in your own style. I don't see any flaws in your comments and answers, so don't worry so much about it yeah.. remember what I said, to just walk off* if you know what I mean the next time. There will always be people around to bring us down, or perhaps events or circumstances in life. It's like swimming against the strong current at sea. Don't drown, in fact, we'll swim ourselves to safety. Have a good rest, Thea..
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi zed, well if you've checked that discussion I hope I didn't come across as a silly vain airhead and totally too sensitive but it's just one of those things, a broken tooth at the front looks scarey. And I wasn't upset, just mad. In future I will ignore, ignore, as I do with trolls plus I already keep out of controversial issues as I rather like that blue thing next to my name. I think the silly retorts you mention are best left between friends on here, and even then I don't know if I've put my foot in it, or as I said to Wolfie the other day,' my foot in my fish'.
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• United States
8 Sep 09
I have had alot of those & like u i got right back at them. Guess that's what they wanted but it made me feel better anyway. I got about 3 i didn't like on my discussion about seeing the car go by that looked like mine. I deleted one from my friend's list & the other two weren't on my list or i would have deleted them to. Hang in there & stand up for yourself, niece. I found out a long time ago if u don't stand up for yourself there sure is noone else that will. Yassou.
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Sep 09
U did not sound vain at all. Who wouldn't be worried about chipping a tooth especially right in front. anyone would be concerned if they had good sense. she must not have. Don't worry about it, just consider the source & forget it.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
I've just been scaring my son with it, he's pleading me not to leave the house and not to smile at himbut he has promised to hold my hand whilst in the chair.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi Aunty, you got two bad ones from that innocent car discussion, that's unbelievable. You're the perfect example of the good mylotter who one can have a difference of opinion with and respect the others opinion without getting in any way personal about it, just like you would with a person in real life. I gave you my opinion on that Scotland one and I thought you really wouldn't like it but you were perfectly fine because I wasn't coming in telling you you must justify your opinion. The thing that annoyed me on this one Aunty is that I replied instead of telling her to take her silly little feminist agenda somewhere else. Did my thoughts to you about my chipped tooth sound obsessively vain, I do hope not.
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
8 Sep 09
i had a few but they weren't even worth recalling. You are best off just ignoring them, take care and have a nice day!
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hello Citychic, I'm lucky to not get as many as some but indeed I will ignore them in future, it's the advice I give everyone else and forgot to follow myself but will in future. There's just no need at all for adding any kind of mean remark unless it is to correct someone who is wrong, but that can still be done in a pleasant way.
@jellymonty (2352)
8 Sep 09
I haven't had one of those in ages but I think I did get the odd one or two.. I had started a discussion in relation to my gay friend and this gay idiot just started bashing me and telling me of what a b*tch I was and what not.. Funny thing is I didn't report him I just saw his response was deleted so am glad other people too were offended by his remarks.. I think he's banned now as I haven't seen him since then..
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi jellymonty, getting personally offensive is way out of line, I'd have reported that, there's just no need. Nice to have other people report him for you.
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I do not think I have had mean comments yet. that is not to say I will not get some from time to time. There are mean people everywhere you go whether it is to the grocery store, school, or even on mylot. Nothing against mylotters, but I have elected out of adult content discussions. I can comment on some if not to profane, but I can just imagine what some of the comments are because they are blocked out to me. Why do people have to use bad language, mean comments, or anything in those categories? You just have to ignore people like that thea09 because you need to be the better person. I am not saying not to get angry and some comments may hurt. Don't ever let anyone see you hurt. Be strong. You are better than them.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi hagirl, just off I should say that a lot of discussions are tagged automatically by mylot admin with a 'mature content' flag when they really aren't like that at all so it does get misleading, for instance the key ingredient in a chicken dish entered under cookery will end up tagged MC, the use of the word s*x as a gender description MC, a word which is perfectly natural in English may mean something quite different in American and end up MC, so they aren't really good with the labelling. The nasty discussions though can pop up anywhere as can the people. My own advice is always to ignore but I applied that to people being rude before or showing lack of manners, I'm now going to extend that to any responses which make me feel uncomfortable but don't really expect too many
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Just ask. I have adult content turned on but I don't bother going into the s*x discussions which is the only place you're likely to encounter mature content anyway.
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I did not realize that about MC. I just took for granted that it was nasty or profanity was used. I apoligize to mylotters if they felt I was accusing them of responding badly. Thank-you for clearing this up for me. As you can see by my # I am a newbie and others that are new probably think the same thing unless told differently.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
16 Sep 09
I;ve got quite a few on my discussions and sometimes responses. I don't care though, I keep going on mylot. Harsh comments are nothing new to me, I got them even from those who I never harm or hardly know. If I had the time I would say harsh things back. The thing is even if they said harsh words, I never failed in anything I put hard work in, so their harshness means nothing and comes back to them as karma always does. Don't waste your time and effort on any harshness you don't deserve to get. Keep on your life agenda, or mylot agenda if you wish to call it. If you ignore it and yet you answer everyone else, the poster will see that he/she means nothing to you. you can even rate it negative if it has nothing to do with the discussion or using inappropriate words. it's your discussion, do as you wish.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
16 Sep 09
Hi LittleMel, Your sound advice at the end to ignore future comments is one I intend to stick with from now on, though I do hate to leave a big glaring hole there, I'm always tempted to fill it. You're right though, harsh words from strangers should mean nothing on here so from now on ignore it is.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
13 Sep 09
Hi thea. I've been pretty fortunate. I've only gotten a few in all the time that I've been here. One such comment was on someone else's discussion that I had responded to. Someone came into it and pretty much bashed everyone on there...me included. I would have let it slide had this person only been rude to me, but after seeing that they did this to just about everyone else on there I couldn't keep my mouth shut and I commented back to them. I know, not a smart move on my part, but I was trying to talk to this person on a level that they could understand. Unfortunately, they still didn't get it! LOL Happy mylotting!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
19 Sep 09
I don't know thea. I guess it depends on how one looks at it. Happy mylotting!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
16 Sep 09
Hi sacmom, I don't know, maybe it's not quite so bad if they spread their rudeness around and everyone gets a taste of it, it's not quite as bad as being singled out, or is it? Think I'd have been tempted to let one of the others tackle it. When I do it it never seems like such a smart move afterwards.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
8 Sep 09
Some people just do it on purpose to extract something out of you or testing your patience. I have been tried and tested reaching my boiling point but knowing the situation here I just keep my cool and response politely while controlling my madness. In the end they bow out and mellowed down. Human beings are very complex. You never know when your words and actions will be considered deeply offensive. Whether your intention is to offend or flatter, it will always be interpreted according to each person's private perception of himself, and your intention has very little consequence in his reality. While giving a comment to a response the other day, the respondent out of the blue give me a very embarrassing reply 'you think you write better, english is my mother's tongue'. I was flattened out and shocked to my core that I have lost all words of what to say. A good friend came to my rescue and gave his views. She never come back to defend herself. That was one bad experience I have here. The truth is we don't need to win them all.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi Zandi, isn't it great when our friends on here do come to our rescue, I felt like Mike leapt to defend my honour last week when the troll turnd up again and I wasn't around, even though I would never respond to a troll anyway other people might believe their rubbish. I can't see how someone could ever be read about your language skills at all, and there's plenty of words in your response above that a person who has English as a first language would spell incorrectly (they woud spell whether as weahter in there response) sure all the errors were apparent there. Quick leap to your defence on that one. I actually has a tester once who then announced I had passed by defending my opinion. I didn't realise we were here to be tested and from now on my policy will be to ignore anything I'm not comfortable with, it will just make me feel more myself as I wouldn't justify myself in real life as we can end up doing here.
• United States
8 Sep 09
i've had a couple,but i honestly don't remember specifics,i let them roll off my back after awhile.if i thought about it too much,that would sour enjoying mylot. it seems like there's always an arguement somewhere on most bigger forums (here and otherwise).
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi scarlet woman, you have the right approach indeed. This wasn't an argument though just an annoying comment that belonged somewhere else and it annoyed me and two seconds later I've got a discussion up. See I rarely plan any at all, they just appear.
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
8 Sep 09
HI, let me recollect. Not long ago I had started this discussion about a child being hit. Now this lady came up with an altogether strange response. many people voiced that it is insane and cruel to ever hit a little child, some shared that a light slap or things like that are required to disciple their children. Now this said lady says that it is absolutely important to hit a child or else we could be breeding monsters, thats what I remember. I opposed strongly to her views and probably I was rude to her. I don't know what has she experienced and what compelled her to react in such a manner. I was sad at what she said. We were having a sort of argument but thankfully neither me nor she was willing to continue the fury. I sympathize with her but I am not sorry for what my thoughts in the matter is. Bodhi
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hi bodhisatya, I would think that if you start a discussion like that you are going to attract diverse views and not everyone will agree with your opinion as different views on the matter would be exected. Normally I always say offensive remarks should just be ignored, and if they are personal then ignored and reported, but if it was a valid opinion on the subject then you just have to live it. If it's upsetting to you in that it's a view you find personally unacceptable it's best just to add something trite like 'I respect your right to a different opinion'. Now why can't I follow my own sage advice?
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
Probably because they also want to let out their idiotic anger in a different way and that is to annoy other users.you know, that's why I had to make that discussion because the mean comment was hard for some one supposed to be your online friend, I just ignore it now. that's when i realize, that this isn't a mylot that i got to know of.so sad.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Sep 09
Hi Letran, I think now there's 3 sorts of meanies on here which are best avoided, the out and out trollies, the nasty ones who resort to terrible and disgusting language, and the agenda hijackers. I made the last one up. People who zoom in on a bit of a frivolous discussion trying to impose their meaning of life there, just like the one in the box above you, that was really funny, stalked by a bat lover. I think it's probably better to have nice online friends here so that we get a better sense of who we are talking to and how far we can go. So tell me Letran, have you forgive me yet for that mean,rude and unforgivable remark about clogging up my email box See, I never knew if you took that the wrong way but now I feel I can talk to your new avatar better than the last one.
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
It's not you that am referring to..it's some one else who deleted me from his friends-list. well, am okay with you..I am fine with trolls but other mylotters accusing you of something you didn't do, that's a way off.but not you, were friends.