about forex

September 8, 2009 1:40pm CST
how much do you kown about forex? do you believe there are only few people could earn from forex? do you have interest in forex?
3 responses
• Indonesia
13 Sep 09
Forex / Forex is a method of foreign currency exchange.because the currency is constantly changing every second,minute, hour or day, then we can take advantage of these changes. Buy (Purchase) We benefit if we predict that the currency exchange ratewill continue to rise Sell (Sell) We benefit if we predict that the currency exchange rate will fall
@adiel35 (69)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 09
I,m new in forex , i studied forex for three months running, since i know forex i fall in love with forex :) i,m not agree if people said that only few people could earn money in forex, maybe they have ever lost in forex trading why they say so, to be a success forex trader, we must learn and study hard about it and keep control our emotion , because the forex master said in forex we playing our emotion, because in forex even an expert could lost , oh ya my friend if you interest about forex i can give you the good site forex, it,s genuine and trusted, and you will be given "real money" $5 , as your initial capital and then you manage it your self and all the profit will be yours, if you want to make deposit money you can deposit even $1. if you interest please you confirm me :)
@markodoom (243)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I know that my brother nearly made himself bankrupt after becoming addicted to playing the exchange with forex and I know that in the little dabbles I had myself, the allure of the market was so strong and I could easily see how somebody might get addicted to it but also the magnitude of losses were so significant, it very quickly wipes you out. Bottom line: Very very dangerous in my opinion.