Answer this question....
By ZephyrSun
@ZephyrSun (7381)
United States
September 8, 2009 3:38pm CST
If it is not your business to help your fellow American to have access to reasonably priced health insurance then why is it your business if a woman have an abortion at any part of her pregnancy. Explain to me why you stuck your nose into a woman's right to choose to end her pregnancy but, health insurance is no one's business. It's a personal responsibility to oneself to buy health insurance but, my abortion is somehow a community event, or a national event if you will.
So if it is my personal responsibility to pay my high cost of health insurance than it is my personal responsibility to have an abortion at 3 weeks or 7 months right???
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11 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Sep 09

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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Sep 09
I suppose you can expect a lot of responses but it's going to be hard to make any reasonable one, since the two things are not in any way related - except in that the health care bill will pay for abortions.
Contrary to what anyone may think, or may use as an accusation against those oppose to the health care reform as it is now being contemplated in Congress, people who think that the bills proposed thus far are fatally flawed and very bad legislation, are not opposed to them because they favor denying people health care.
Seriously, it's a great brush with which to paint all people who, in good conscience, have read through HR3200 and followed the propositions and changes and negotiations with due diligence and having done so, believe that this is a bad piece of legislation and it is not what they envisioned. It's just wrong and very unfair.
Add to that the number of Democrats who are willing to dump the public option JUST to pass this bill, any bill, no matter how bad. What is that? Ego?
They could spend trillions taking over EVERYONE's health insurance or they could spend a tiny fraction of that amount just paying for health insurance for those who need it. But that won't do, because they don't really care about the uninsured.
They really don't care about the uninsured. It was important so I repeated it. You care about people who need health insurance, but they don't. They care about taking over the insurance industry. Their agenda is not as philanthropic as yours.
I suppose that if I didn't care that people needed health care or that I didn't care if sick children were treated, then I wouldn't care if someone decided to have a late term abortion and hired a doctor to kill her baby. But I do care, because life is sacred in my opinion.
I also care about my country and the direction in which it is heading. It is, after all, the country my children are growing up in and the society they will have to live in when they are grown. I want to secure for them a future and a nation that offers them the same liberties and opportunities as the one I grew up in.
I don't mind if people want to call me names or make unfounded generalizations. I don't have health insurance myself, but I won't support a bill that threatens our future because in the short term, I might get something out of it. Unfortunately, politicians on the whole are not so principled and they will sell you a bag of goods, they will do or say anything to get elected. There are some who will sell your liberty for their personal gain.
Some of them are the people in charge of health care reform.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Great discussion, Zeph! I've gotten dizzy from the "spin" that's been put on this but I sure get your point. I know some conservatives and others who are anti-choice are sincere in their concern for unborn babies and also care about them after they're BORN babies but some are in fact "pro-fetus" and once that fetus enters this world as a baby his or her health and that of his or her mother suddenly isn't important at all. It would also be so much simpler if every abortion were sought by someone who had been an irresponsible s1ut who was too lazy to use birth control but it's NOT that simple! Affordable and accessible birth control and education is also part of our health care problem.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Oh, you're so correct. Pro-fetus is a great term because your right, as soon as the fetus passes through the birth canal all concern ends for the now baby. But, are we really surprised we are talking about the political "party" that made fun of Clinton for her book. I had 2 children while using birth control so people that get pregnant are not lazy or s1uts because I was also married those two pregnancies LOL
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Hey Zephyr! I totally agree with this statement! I don't
understand why people think they can choose what they want
to support! They don't care if we have proper health insurance
as long as it doesn't come out of their pockets! But, yet
they feel that it is their right to decide if a woman should
have an abortion when it is none of their damn business since
it is not their body nor will it be up to them to support
the child! I don't understand how these hypocrites have the
nerve to even open up their stupid phucking mouths!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Amen to that Opal! It's amazing how the conservatives didn't get my point but, I really didn't expect them to. I personally don't care if I have affordable health insurance but, I would really like my children to have it.
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@clarkbody (141)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I totally agree. Well, maybe not TOTALLY. You see. What we are hearing is a lot of PO'ed, anti-democrartic and (dare I say) prejudicial retoric in health care as was the case during Roe vs Wade. Politicians plan their game of whose got the biggest weiner and the tax payer is the one left cleaning up the mess. Am I my bother's keeper, yes I am. Health care in this country needs a major over haul and the same people whop are saying we should do something else are the same people who has done nothing for the past eight years. Futhermore, the major talkers are some of the ones who got us into this mess in the first place. All Americans should be afforded healthcare. The rich can afforded, the poor get it free and the only one left out is the one paying for it-the working class. Abortion? It's her body, it her decision, if you don't like it, tough. One question though, doesn't 7 months seem a little long to wait for an abortion. Feels a little like partial birth. That's would be a little barbaric, but I understand your point-it's your right.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I fully understand your point and to be honest with you we now have the knowledge and women having an abortion at any point in their pregnancy is unnecessary since we have the "morning after pill". With that being said that doesn't give anyone the right to "rape a woman to prevent murder". I just feel that if conservatives care enough to try and strip my rights away than they should have no problem in making sure that every American that can have affordable health care. According to most numbers there's a little over 300 million Americans, 100 million are covered by Medicare and Medicaid (government run health care lol), there are at least 50 million uninsured Americans, so the left over 150 million have insurance coverage but, how happy are they with their health coverage? I'm not, I have a ten thousand dollar deductible that's not affordable because I also pay a monthly premium for that "health coupon".
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@allyjiang57 (7)
• United States
9 Sep 09
dam u r so right about this ...i believe women should have their own right of abortion.....
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Sep 09
And as everyone should have health insurance that is affordable
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
12 Sep 09
That is a very good question. I think that it should be the other way around. Abortions should be no one's business when it comes to interfering in a woman's right to chose, and health insurance, health care, should be everyone's business, when it comes to making sure that everyone has access.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
12 Sep 09
Well here in the US conservatives think it's the opposite.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
9 Sep 09
Answer this question, if the government has no business with a woman's body, why is The Central Committee pushing a 1,000+ page referendum making everyone's whole body their business.
Apparently the womb is the ONLY part of the body the government isn't supposed to control.
Abortion is nothing more than what Susan Smith did.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Ted, what Susan Smith did is pure murder, there is no other excuse for it, and there is no defending it. She deserves to die like her children did.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Sep 09
The two are not even remotely similar Zephyr. What you're saying is, if I oppose the Waxman Markey bill, or whatever crap they slap together in congress, then I have no right to object to you killing an innocent, defenseless human being. That's a load of bull.
It's not about a woman ending pregnancy, it's about a woman killing a living human being. I don't give a rat's a$$ if it's in her stomach, it's still a life and an innocent life at that.
I don't believe for one second that this bill will make our health care situation the slightest bit better. I think it will make things far worse. Insurance companies aren't the problem, they're a symptom of the problem. The problem is the cost of healthcare, and since insurance companies foot that bill, the rising cost of care leads to a rising cost of insurance. Making a government health insurance, and forcing hard working taxpayers like me to fund it, would only serve to make the problem worse. The government will have to either print money, or raise taxes to fund the $1,000,000,000,000.00 to start this load of crap. We just don't have the money and you can't tax the rich enough to run it. Look at the number of zeros in a trillion Zephyr. That's one million millionaires that you'd have to rob of ALL their money just to get this crap started. As with everything else the government runs it will be a money sink that pushes us deeper into debt and will simply perpetuate the rising cost of actual care.
Preventing someone from ending a human life is not about health care. If I don't support this bill, does that mean I can't tell murderers not to kill anyone? Can I not speak out against parents who kill their children? I know you want the right to kill a child and those on the left hold that right very dear, but I ALWAYS have the right to oppose murder.
Just as it's your responsibility to get health insurance if you want it, it's your responsibility to not get pregnant if you don't want to be pregnant. After all, you only have to avoid one simple activity to avoid getting pregnant.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Sep 09
"Insurance companies aren't the problem, they're a symptom of the problem. The problem is the cost of healthcare, and since insurance companies foot that bill"
LMAO, so where do all of the BILLIONS that the health insurance companies made last come from? The tooth fairy?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Sep 09
"LMAO, so where do all of the BILLIONS that the health insurance companies made last come from? The tooth fairy?"
It's not a crime to make a profit debater, no matter how bad liberals want it to be.
"So it's ok that they have profits in the billions while they deny care and medical treatment to paying customers?"
No, it's not ok, the preexisting condition crap needs to end. Congress should work to write a bill that forces insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions and eliminate the potential for excuses to avoid such coverage. Monopoly and anti-trust laws have absolutely nothing to do with this so I don't know why you brought them up at all.
"If you have no interest in paying for health insurance for my child than you have no interest in my pregnancy or my abortion."
Yes I do Zephyr because murder isn't a health care issue, it's an issue of human life. If you support abortion, you support ending a life and that is the opposite of health care.
Beyond that all you're doing is making up crap and putting words into my mouth. Nobody should ever be denied life saving care. You don't need health insurance to get a child's rotten tooth pulled.
It's not a "sack of cells" you're killing no matter how much people like you love to make up terms that make yourselves feel better. It's a human being with a brain, a heartbeat, a digestive system, and distinct DNA that is not the same as your own. If I put a bullet in your brain do you think a court will accept my defense of "Oh, she's just a sack of cells so I aborted her"?
Either way, at least I can smile knowing that this crap won't pass no matter how blindly people like you support it. The majority of Americans see this bill for what it is and oppose it.

@lawana_f (326)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Have you researched nationalized health insurance. This is everyones business as it will effect everyone in the USA, wheather you have private insurance, medicare or medicaid. You really sould look into this. I strongly believe there should be insurance for every child , but at what point does the government stop taking care of the average person. One has to take responsibility for him/herself at a certain point on their life.
Secondly what gives any woman (and I am a woman) the right to murder a child. At what point do you take responsibility for your life and your "mistakes"? There are so many options, and so many wonderful families that want to adopt babies that can give them a good home. Pregnancy is 100% preventable just as aids is 100% preventable. If you do not want a child then don't do what causes pregnancy in the first place. You knew that even with birth control there was a chance that you would get pregnant so what were you thinking...
It is the whole question of when life begins. When is the fetus actually a baby? Would you murder a newborn child? Every child should have a chance. That does not mean you have to keep and raise a child you do not want, but it does not give you the right to kill it.
I realize there are times when it is medically necessary due to major medical problems with the mother of the child, but good grief I do not understand how any woman could destroy a life that they themselves created. God bless the children that are not wanted in this world and give them homes. Help the people that do not want to be parents find a good way to deal with what they consider a problem Lord.
It is simply to easy to become a parent. I think if you get an abortion that you should have your parts removed so you never have to go through that again, then all you have to worry about are stds.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Sep 09
"I mean seriously where do you live that women never get raped, and there are not cases of incest?"
That is the most tired argument on the planet. Those people make up less than 1% of abortions in this country and they don't need health insurance to deal with their pregnancies if they were victims of rape or incest.
"Why aren't the conservatives or Pro-fetus people adopting these children?"
Newsflash Zephyr, they are. Who do you think funds those orphanages? Churches and the people who tithe to those churches fund them. Liberals don't even care enough to give to these orphanages because they'd rather let others take care of it just like they want other people to pay taxes to give them free services. I have personally volunteered at orphanages and halfway homes. My aunt and uncle have taken in many foster children that were in between homes. Have YOU ever volunteered at, donated to, or adopted from an orphanage? Or are you just like most liberals and feel it's the government's job to tax other people to pay for these things?
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
12 Sep 09
"Have YOU ever volunteered at, donated to, or adopted from an orphanage? Or are you just like most liberals and feel it's the government's job to tax other people to pay for these things?"
The only orphanage that was in my area closed in 1936 and several years ago a contractor started building on the old site and they found tons of children's bones that had be disposed of improperly. So nope I never have volunteered or adopted from an orphanage. But, yes I have donated to orphanages outside of the US. Why would I adopt children when I can have my own and feel it is none of my business if a woman has an abortion?
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Yes, I have researched national health care and did you know that we are the only industrialized nation that doesn't have a nation health care plan?
"At what point do you take responsibility for your life and your "mistakes"" I have three children and I do not consider any one of them to be a mistake. What I consider a mistake is a woman not having access to prenatel health care and having babies that are disabled in one way or another, another mistake that I have a problem with is that for years health insurance companies denied women coverage for birth control. So, we as a nation set up these women to fail to control their own destiny. Women that were married and weren't ready to have children for one reason or another had children because they couldn't get birth control.
"Pregnancy is 100% preventable just as aids is 100% preventable."
Is that what the church told you? I mean seriously where do you live that women never get raped, and there are not cases of incest? And do you happen to know how many health care workers have been stuck with a dirty needle? I have been stuck and had to go through HIV testing for a year. Luckily, I have had clean tests for over 8 years now, but was my "stick" preventable? Not at all, someone did not properly dispose of a dirty needle, so may I guess if you strech it, it was preventable but it wasn't preventable by me.
"There are so many options, and so many wonderful families that want to adopt babies that can give them a good home."
Where are these wonderful families because currently there is 542,000 children in the foster care system? Why aren't the conservatives or Pro-fetus people adopting these children? If one pro-lifers adopted 3 or 4 of these kids that are currently waiting for a forever home and got the rest of the pro-lifer group to do the same, we would not longer have children in the foster care system. Wouldn't that be great?
" I think if you get an abortion that you should have your parts removed so you never have to go through that again, then all you have to worry about are stds. "
So much for small government and the rights of the people.
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@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
8 Sep 09
Despite I'm not "fellow American", yet the issue you touch is .. international.
First of all, as you may probably know allready, people are subjective. The more they claim are pure objective and proclame have no personal interest, the more they are subjective and intersted into promoting their own point of view.
Second, there are peoples like Fred Phelps who turn OTHERS against people who he belive they wrong ..
See this:
And third, as a conclusion some or many wouldn't like, but is the true truth, all comes by from religious extremists which understand God thru HATE, similar with middle age inquisition. For those kind of people the right of choice and the freedom of speech means no more and no less than THEIR right to enforce to others their lame opinion and points of view.
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