To TIP or to NOT TIP..That is the ?

United States
November 13, 2006 7:57pm CST
Do you always leave 20% tip on the table? Do you think that someone that didn't give you good service should still be tipped 15% if at all? Do you think that tipping should be a "Bonus" or a plus to thier minimum wage? I do. I think they should pay at least minimum wage to the waiters and the tip should be a "bonus".. Therefore those that are unfairly attended to don't have to feel obligated.
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32 responses
@mommakey (11)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I do tip the 20% if the service is good, if its fair then I tip 15%, but if the service sucks I don't tip at all. However, I have had terrible service before and left a few pennies to suggest an insult so the waitress/waiter will know that I just didn't leave a tip. Did anyone know that you should tip housekeeping in hotels?
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
14 Nov 06
yea, i know, but i didn't know u're supposed to tip the dog groomers, and i didn't but when i went to pay i asked the cashier and she said ya u can tip, so i did b 4 i left!
@Meljep (1666)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Servers do not get paid minimum wage. At some restaurants they are only paid 2.55 an hour in the USA, their tips are supposed to make up the deficit. This seems silly because if someone forgets to leave a tip they may have worked a whole hour at your table for 2.55. That's not even enough for them to buy a meal themselves.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
14 Nov 06
r u sure because under california law it states that gratuities are not supposed to be thought as wage, it says that they r supposed to pay the minimum labor law amount which is minimum wage then although tips r taxable it's not supposed to be included in any 1's wage! so getting paid 2.55 an hr. is against labor laws, unless ur state says different!
• United States
14 Nov 06
It does seem silly doesnt it. I know that it's all taxable, but I still think it should be minimum wage and tip as a bonus. I also know few waitress that don't declare ALL tips. And some that put all tips into a pool to be divided by all waiters and waitress. I suppose that is team spirit !
• United States
14 Nov 06
I absoutely agree with you! I think they should get minimum and get tips as a bonus..There are alot of people that dont tip..and when they do its not what they should be tipping..And me persoanlly..If I get a wonderful waitress/waiter.. I will pay anywhere from 20-30% it just depends..BUT...If I get this jack hole..that was rude,slow on purpose..just horrible service..I will Leave ONE PENNY..with a ..not so nice note attached to it..I never ever ever complain during my stay .,,lol..because YOU NEVER KNOW WHATT HEY WILL DO TO YOUR FOOD!! HAVE A GOOD ONE!!!
• United States
15 Nov 06
Wow ! A penny. Well I have actually left nothing (one time) along with a note describing exactly why I felt it was not of my generous nature to reward such horrid service. I told them that the tip was in the writing. Heed and take notice ! And then I didn't dine at that place for a while.
@aleddon (141)
• United States
15 Nov 06
My mom was a waitress all her life, so I was raised to tip, and tip well. I do a minimum of 10% of the check, more for better service. If the food is wrong, I blame the kitchen, not the waitress (as long as she wrote it down right, etc).
• United States
15 Nov 06
I agree ! However, would you tip if you weren't served even your drink within an hour?
@marthab (325)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I always tip. Even if the service is bad. Waitresses only get 2.13 an hour here so I think they deserve it. If service is bad, my standard is 10%. If service is ok, but nothing special, 15%. Good service gets 20%. Around here, people consider 15% a standard tip. In extenuating circumstances, like taking a table for a long time or only ordering drinks or appetizers, I tip much more. I have at times tipped as much as 150% of my bill. As far as the idea that they should pay them more so that we have to tip less, you realize that that would mean the price of the meals would go up to cover this, right? Then you wouldn't save any money over tipping. I think the way they have it makes it more likely that we will get good service.
• United States
15 Nov 06
Here's another question...Do you tip at Buffets?
• United States
14 Nov 06
I leave at least 18% except when the service is horrendous. The waitresses at the restaurant I manager make minimum wage plus their tips.
@chileman (967)
• Australia
14 Nov 06
We generally don't tip in Australia as the wages of the staff are high enough but I do tip pizza delivery workers as they do it tough usually!
• United States
14 Nov 06
That's good to know. Because from what I was told they make below min. wage plus tips. So I always figured if service was bad, it was up to me to give them something. Now I know some people actually make minimum wage now. I feel like it should be earned, not expected.
@Aali311 (6112)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I leave a tip and it's always based on the type of service I recieve.
• United States
14 Nov 06
Type as in "being waited on vs. getting your haircut" or type as in "horrible, bad, good, the best"?
• United States
14 Nov 06
I tip depending on the service and how busy the palce is. I used to a waitress and I know for a fact that in TN they only get paid $2.13 you can not live off of that. If I get bad service and the palce is slow that I tip about 10%. If the service is slow but the place is packed then I will leave about 20%. I personal understand how hard it is to try to take care of 5 differnt tables all at once. It is so hard to make sure everyone gets everything very fast. Now if I get really good service and the place is slow then I will tip 40-50%.
• United States
14 Nov 06
Most of those that have waitressed before seem to know what it's like and leave good tips. However, I don't base all my observation on how busy it is. I rate it on how well they observe ME. Like my tea glass, like a sharp knife next to my son. Or putting a hot plate in the way of the toddler.
@chikkadee (372)
• Australia
14 Nov 06
I always feel if the service is above and beyond just serving you a meal then tip away! I generally tip more than standard in those cases. I am, however, living in Australia. When I was in america, it was considered an insult to leave a paltry tip. A way of telling the waitress that they are doing a job only worth a quarter. In terms of obligation, perhaps the food is cheaper because the boss doesn't have to pay out more money for labour costs?
• United States
14 Nov 06
Thanks for the comment. I'm not sure how it's all divided up. Just wonder if it's ever okay to leave nothing, for horrible service.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
14 Nov 06
We do not leave a tip if the service was crappy or lack there of. But if the waiter/waitress has been there on and off through the meal have no prob leaving a tip and if they are really good we leave a bigger tip than normal.....
• United States
14 Nov 06
I agree with that wholeheartedly. I have noticed that here lately when we dine. That once the waiter\ress has given you the bill, they DONT freakin come back. It's like our sign to LEAVE please...Although we don't have kids, and we are being good customers...they don't come back...ACK..the tip dwindles.
• United States
14 Nov 06
we always try to tip the waitress or waiter but no sometimes it isnt the full 20% because i am sorry some of them dont even bother with service and i am not going to tip them..once we had a bad bad waitress and she didnt even come to our table once...and when we left we just left her a dollar bill and i thought that was more then fair for nothing and she came and followed us out to our car harrassing us..never been back to that place again...
• United States
14 Nov 06
I agree. I would have followed up with a letter to the resturant. I have done that before and it's a win win for all. I normally get a free meal out of the deal. And I'll tip the waitress the amount of the food. 24 or 35 dollars is a good tip, that is if the service was good that go around.
@bellezki (79)
• Philippines
14 Nov 06
I base the tip on the bill and the efficiency of the services.
• United States
14 Nov 06
Agreed. Now does your percentage flucuate upon good or bad service?
@sm5301 (5)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I think tipping is very important. But I will only give a tip if it is deserved!! I think that society has made tipping a must so it is expected. I think a tip should be a bonus although they only make minimum wage they still have an obligation to the customer5
• United States
14 Nov 06
HOOOOORAY. Finally someone with the exact view as I have. Tipping has become a customoary expectation hasn't it. I think it needs to be earned. And yes, I know I'm putting a huge X on my forehead that say's "don't wait on her !"
• United States
14 Nov 06
I personally feel if you can't tip, then don't eat there. Go to McDonald's. The servers only get paid like $2-3 an hour. They rely on the tips for the majority of their money. I always tip 15-20% based on performance. If I can't afford it, then I go to Wendy's. I love Wendy's...btw.
• United States
14 Nov 06
I love Wendy's too! However when I do go out and I have really bad service, I have a hard time paying someone for services not rendered. Obviously by the majority. 15% should be the least... I guess I'm a bad customer.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I think we should tip because they work very hard and they deserve it so what if the food is bad they didn't fix it the cooks did don't take that out on the waitress also if you go in to eat when they are alot of people there don't expect her to be at your beck and call because she is trying to seat others and get them settled so be nice and tip..
• United States
14 Nov 06
I normally base my tip fully on the service, not the food or atmosphere. Attitude,service with a smile, refill of my tea.... If the food comes out late, it's not tip based for me. That's the cooks problem
@sunita64 (6468)
• India
14 Nov 06
It is in human nature to expect something. Serving is quite a boring job. But if we give tip waiters look forward to it and do their work cheerfully. So for a small amount you can make a person happy so I think we should pay tips.
• United States
14 Nov 06
But does a small amount make them happy? I have left them what I have in singles before only to see them disgusted at the fact I left them singles. We all have to work for our money..
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
14 Nov 06
The servers I know do not even earn the minimum wage because their wages are also based on tips. It would be nice if tips were considered a bonus, but in the states, it is not. Therefore, if the service is not great, the minimum of 15 percent is given due to the fact that they reply on the tips to pay their bills. However, if the service is exceptional, the tip will reflect the wonderful service. Great question!
• United States
14 Nov 06
Thank you for your kind words ! I struggle with the fact that even with poo poo service we still have to give 15 %. We chose a place to dine at, were not served for over 30 minutes. We didn't get our drinks (iced tea) for an hour. And I'm still required to pay my 15%. That is almost like giving kid candy after they threw a fit for it. But like you said, this is America !
@skeemy (138)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I try to tip at least 15%, but like...I also think that they should make minimum wage at least. Cause sometimes, I just don't want to tip someone because of their attitude.
• United States
14 Nov 06
Agreed. But remember, everyone is entitled to a bad day. I would hate to be paid for my attitude on a daily basis. Hey I'm a cook and a waitress and a bus boy and the dishwasher, and I don't get a tip!
• United States
14 Nov 06
I don't feel there should be a set amount to tip. If you get horrible service, you should let a horrible tip and vice versa. Servers should earn minimum wage, they have a tough job.
• United States
14 Nov 06
I agree, and as I said earlier. The employer should pay minimum wage AT LEAST. Therefor, our tips, as an extension of their good service, is a bonus in their eyes, a gift, so to speak. Instead, now a days, its something expected, horrible or good service.
@ncinco5 (295)
• United States
14 Nov 06
OK, well I used to be a waitress and let me tell you... Even if you did give people great service they would still leave a "crappy" tip... But then there were the people that came into the restaurant in which you felt that you gave them ok service and they tipped very very well... I, on the other hand do not think that waiters/waitresses should get minimum wage... There are some people out there who make really good money in tips and to have a minimum wage pay would just set them way over... You do realize that the money that they get as tips is recorded and when you get your paycheck all the taxes for tip money as well as the hourly wage are taken out of the check, right? Well that is how it goes... But, being a former waitress... If I went to a restaurant and got crappy service then the server only got the 15% and trust me, I would do the math... But if the server was exceptional then I would tip them anywhere from 30% to 100% but to get the top amount they had to be really really good... But you do know, it isn't uncommon for someone to stiff a server... Reguardless of how the service was, people still get stiffed...
• United States
14 Nov 06
Nci. So "stiffed". Does that mean it was expected to begin with? I mean I give because I received good service. So in other words, if it was a "genuine" bad service I still have to pay? I give anywhere between 15%-20%, and I hope I am of the norm.