Do you post what you really feel?

@Citychic (4067)
United States
September 8, 2009 7:54pm CST
Hi mylotters, are you posting what you really feel or do you post something just to get someone's attention. Happy mylot
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11 responses
@slogger (48)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I try to post what I truly feel. There is just something about being fake online that does not appeal to me very much. That being said, I will admit that there are some times when I will go against my values and pot something just to get people's attentions, try to start a very interesting debate etc. However, I will usually look back on those postings with some regret but have yet to wish that I had not posted them. Keep MyLotting!
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@Citychic (4067)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Thank you very much for participating slogger, I know the feeling. Hopefully the ones that are posted just to get someone's attention will drive us to become even better writers, discussion makers and friends........ take care and happy mylot!
• United States
9 Sep 09
What I really feel or things that are of concern to me. ENJOY!
• United States
9 Sep 09
I post what I really feel, that way it is more enjoyable for me and the topic discussion as well. I am never happy to see when others post just to cause a problem....because then it just annoys the mylotters that are here to relax and learn and share... not to be bothered by others!!! Happy mylotting.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
Hi Citychic. I believe that we pass this world just once. Whatever I say or do will be a record of me. That is why I always post only what is true and sincere. I do not like pretenses. I also do not like misleading ideas. I hope each and every mylotter write only what is true and good to them.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Hello Citychic..How are you today? Good I hope.. I am an honest person. I always post the truth that I feel is inside me. I have a motto, that if I can't post the truth and nice things I just don't post.. I have read several discussions and made many post, but I never get nasty on my comments. That type of attitude isn't in me. You have a nice day.
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
sometimes, i post not to get attention just like when i got sick and still had bad ache. then, when a mylotter accused me of such. I post, because i want to get it all out and say it. it's better than keeping it off.
• United States
9 Sep 09
hello there chic:) and yess i always write about how i feel,if its something happy,sad,somethign that makes me angry or something that makes me laugh,i write about things i learn everyday,things i go threw,things i dont understand,things i need help with..and i love every mylotter that picks my posts and helps me out and makes me laugh on days i need it and helps me on days i feel hopeless..:)
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Sep 09
Generally I post what I feel, but sometimes I twist the header to catch attention. Once in a while I post something I don't feel just to see what people say.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
9 Sep 09
Of course I do, as I wouldn't post unless I could post the way I feel. Some days I feel differently than other days. I guess itjust depends on the mood I am in. That is what I like about mylot, is the faxt we can post the way we feel, without fear of rigidule. that is the way it should be. I like sharing my views with others, as I learn from others as they will have different views than me too, but that is good as what a world it would be if we all thought and felt the same. I do postthe way I feel for the most part. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
@taztheone (1721)
• India
9 Sep 09
I make posts thinking both! I need to catch others attention, atleast to get some responses. At the same time I used to post what I feel in the best way I could, because if what I post is not good enough for others, then I won't get much responses for the discussion & hence my discussion won't be successful. So be smart Happy Lotting
@voldrox (7191)
• India
9 Sep 09
hmm seeing my reputation one would say that i post things which people like, but it is not like that, i say what i have to and what i feel, well but it is obvious i only reply to discussions where i feel like saying something important, i don't much really reply to the ones where i have no relation at all... you will see my numbers going up real slow and i don't mind that... have a nice day CC!