What are you grateful for?

@kitty42 (3923)
United States
September 8, 2009 8:17pm CST
Hello my wonderful friends I am really in a happy place right now, I learned that being grateful for little things can make such a difference in our lives, my grandson starts school tomorrow and I am really exited, he is as well lol, I am happy to be able to share my thoughts with everyone here at mylot, extremely grateful for the friends I have connected with (you know who you are) I know we all have our bad days, I want everyone to just wake up daily and be happy, think of all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for, if we all start our days this way we will see a big change in our day to day activities, even if you don't want to be grateful try it, be happy for no good reason with me tomorrow, while I am out taking my grandson to school I will miss mylot and will be thinking of you all, I am sending my positive energy to you via cyber space, can you feel it? So tell me my wonderful mylotters what are your grateful for? I am grateful for being alive. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful to be a part of mylot. I am grateful for all the people that have been so good to me since I joined, Thank you. I am grateful you are reading this and willing to be happy with me today.
1 person likes this
12 responses
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
13 Sep 09
hi there my good friend kitty... i really like the discussion you put up here..it makes us look at the bright side of life... we complain so much about almost everything..yet we fail to realize that there are blessing along with these problems... we also neglect to see that there are people more unfortunate than us and are even contented with their lives while we are complaining every single day.... It made me think back and realize i have indeed so much to be thankful for... **I am thankful I am alive (a lot of people needs me) **i am thankful i am in perfect health (i need to be healthy to work) **I am thankful I am strong (If i am weak, everyone around me will stop holding on -- i am the source of their strength) **I am thankful i have my son, he is the reason I want to go on living **I am thankful I was born smart... it did help me a lot in soooo mnay things.. **I am thankful I am not selfish **I am thankful I know to be happy beyond the imperfections **I am thankful God knows me soo well.. and sees what's inside my heart, and my intentions... coz I feel he is always blessing me. **I am thankful I am surrounded by true people....and they care for me truly as I care for them.. they sure help me a lot stay storng... You're one of them Kitty
• Philippines
13 Sep 09
Hi there my dear friend... yeah i truly understand what you're going through... i go through that stages once in a while... no matter how strong we are (or try appear strong ) there is always a time of the year where we become vulnerable... but we are just human and we are vulnerable... It is nice to be able to share our thoughts and feelings who will turly listend and truly understand. I am here for you friend... just as how you were there for me the time i was so upset and posted the discussion about how i missed my Ex.. you have no idea I was crying when i was replying to your messages... It did touch me and reminded me much of him too. but it did feel great knowing someone understands...
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
13 Sep 09
Hello my friend Well now you have helped me, I have not been feeling like doing this mylot thing in the past few days its like I say I need to respond but then something says No, I lost something not sure what it is, reading your response made me realize that I do help some people with my words as they help me, I feel when you are really happy about doing something the devil tries to make you see the bad side of things and I have to fight this, mylot makes me really happy I know this, I am trying my friend to get back to where I was, maybe its just that woman thing and my emotions are all mixed up right now, I will continue to respond and share my feelings with others, I really love being here so I will not allow anything to take this away from me. Its really amazing that although different people we have so much in common, you see things they way I do, I love this about you my friend, we are very special people I guess with that comes days when we may feel a little overwhelmed, with all that we carry on our shoulders who can blame us, your response came just when I needed it my friend, I thank you so much for this. What a great response,Thank you.
• Philippines
13 Sep 09
patofgold23 i like your outlook in life.i belive you are a strong person and i hope you keep it up! I admire you!
@mrshughes (352)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
I am grateful to have a friend like u Miss Kitty. Take care always friend and send my regards to ur good looking grandson..im sure he is so excited for tomorrow. I was more excited when i first send my son to school...and im sure you are also more excited.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my friend So good to see you my friend I am grateful for you as well, we have a wonderful day, and tomorrow will be even better I am sure, what grade is your son in? my grandson is in the second he loves it, I am really busy the few days right now I am so sleepy, going to respond to my other friends and calling it a night, good to see you. smoochess.
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
Goodnight honey. My son is in nursery school, his only 3 years of age. I'm just back from picking up my son in school. So glad to hear from u today, i only have few minutes every time i sign in..but its more than enough for me rather than not sign at all. Hope my laptop will be fix this week. I cant wait. God bless Miss Kitty and i love this discussion of urs...i can feel ur sincerity as a real person. More power and goodnight baby.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my friend Thank you so much. you are really sweet, and your kind words mean the world to me, it means so much that although you are not online for long you take the time to say hi to me, I am so grateful you are my friend How is you son adjusting in school so far? did you cry when you had to leave him? when my grandson first started I did not want to leave lol his teacher said he is o.k you can leave I said please can I just stay for a little while longer lol, I think I sat with him for 2 days then I noticed he was not paying me any attention thats how I knew he was ready You are on of the best, thank you with all of my heart for being my friend.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
16 Sep 09
Hi Kitty! I'm grateful to be alive as well and for my family and friends. I'm grateful to be able to do the things that I can still do. I'm grateful to have food in my stomach and clothes on my back. I'm grateful to be able to care for all of my furry friends...... I'm grateful for all the good things that life has to offer.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
16 Sep 09
Hello my friend That sounds really good my friend, how are you? How is the contest? You have a good bit of furry friends to be grateful for, I am still enjoying my kitty, he is so sweet, its would be so boing without him, don't see around much hope everything is o.k, I left you a response on one of your post yesterday I think I have alot to be grateful for as well, I am blessed. Thank you my friend.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
20 Feb 10
oh i can so feel the positive energy. thanks so much. since i had a big meltdown this morning, i've really come to be grateful for most these things you speak of here. thanks dear friend i needed that. what beautiful kids. are those your kids or grandkids? lovely profile pic.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Hello my friend So glad you appreciate this discussion, being positive is so important, we must remember the energy we put out is what comes back to us. These are my two grands my grandson is 7, my fairly new granddaughter is almost 4 months, thanks for admiring the pic I must admit they are beautiful children lol Thanks my friend, always good to exchange thoughts with you.
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
20 Sep 09
Hey, I am just grateful that I am alive, I have a nice bed to sleep in, good food that is on my plate everyday and more importantly a roof over my head. Everyone in MyLot are really great friends, I love everyone thoughtfulness and compassion. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
20 Sep 09
Hello Thank you so much, its really important that we remember all the things we are grateful for, I try to remember this everyday, thanks for sharing this with us. You have a wonderful day, may God bless you as well
• India
30 Jan 10
I am first grateful for being alive and then for everything you have mentioned. I am grateful to my parents, teachers, relatives, friends and above all to the Lord Almighty for giving me such a beautiful life. I am also grateful to friends like you for sending positive energy. Yes I believe with unselfishness, honesty and positive attitude we can conquer the world.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
3 Mar 10
Hello sorry for the late response, this sounds so great, keep this thought and never allow anything or anyone to change you, took me a while to realize this but I am there now and I will never change. Thanks for sharing this my friend
@savypat (20216)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I am grateful for life and for what health I have. I am also grateful for mylot and the people I have met here.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my friend I agree with you, just a little gratitude can go a long way, I still have my moments but I am in a better place so when I feel down I now know what I have to do to pick myself up, if its talking to a friend or laughing, this snaps me back into reality and I am really grateful for this, knowledge is power, right now I am so powerful nothing or no one will ever take this away from me. Thanks so much my friend, smoochess
@shibham (16977)
• India
9 Sep 09
hi kitty. i am grateful to myself bcoz the utmost decisions of my life are taken by me. my parents and friends never suggested me to do as their wish. so i had to take quick decisions in some aspects and i always desrved it. so i am happy in this stage of my life although some physical disturbances are hindering me in the runway of my life. smooches.............
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my friend You are such a good friend, and I hope whatever it is that is disturbing you will be gone as soon as possible, I am grateful for you my friend, you always have kind words for everyone and that shows me how special you are thank you for being my friend, I hope we will always be friend and that everything goes well for you for now, and always. One day I will like to dig a little deeper into what is troubling you, maybe I can give you some advice or stir you in the right direction who knows, whatever I can do will make me happy. Thanks for sharing my friend. I am really tired now have to get up really early in the AM. goodnight my friend, smoochess
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Hello my friend... I need to share something with you. I was searching around and looking at the discussions that my friends had started. I ran across yours and was so delighted to read. I have been down in the dumps the last few days. I didn't feel like doing anything at all. As I was reading your discussion I felt this desire to be grateful for what I have in my life and just forget what I don't have. I need to give you a BIG cyber hug for letting me see things in a different outlook. I am grateful...Thanks alot...
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my friend Thank you, this was the purpose of me staring this discussion, I am so glad you understood my friend, if we can start our days like this we will be amazed what can happen, being grateful for little things only opens the door for bigger things to come onto our lives, looking through the responses not actually reading them, just looking at the people who chose to respond, something made me read this 1 first lol you really made me feel good, I am grateful to you as well.( there is a reason for everything, this only proves it) I had a wonderful day as planed, traveling tested me a little this morning, the train was running late and stood still for 5 to 10 minutes at a time, I said oh no, I will not allow this to spoil my day, so I grit my teeth and bared it lol while listening to my music in my ipod, I had a really good day/night, you my dear friend was the icing on the cake, now I will sleep really good and start my day tomorrow with the same attitude I feel the hug and send one back to you with a few smoochess to go along with it, so glad my post helped you to see things differently, wake up tomorrow with the same attitude my friend, in time this will become a habit, you will notice a big difference.
• United States
10 Sep 09
I am grateful foremost for being alive and able to have other things to be grateful for. I am grateful for Liz who has put up with me much longer than I ever expected. I am grateful for Mark, our roommate, without whose support we'd all be on the street. I am grateful for the folks at work who I support and respect and who, in kind in return, do so for me. I am grateful for the Christ who will make the leaving it all behind so much easier than it would have been without him. And I am grateful that you asked. ENJOY!
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello greenFeathers How sweet is this as long as we remember to be grateful on a daily basis my friend, nothing or no one can stop us from becoming better than we ever imagined. I am really grateful for the responses to this post if we only we can repost and get everyone to start their days with a little daily gratitude, what a beautiful thing this will be. Thanks for responding and sharing this with us my friend, continue to be grateful.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
9 Sep 09
Hi Kitty, ~ Grabs a fly swatter and fights off the positive vibes since if I get any happier I will probably have to run around the village in order to release it all ~ As for what I am grateful for, here goes: I am grateful for being me again. That is my big thing, I lost that a few years ago and recently (within the last month of so) I have it back and I love it. I am grateful for all my experiences, good and bad. I am grateful for the fact I don't yet have to work and can just relax. I am grateful that I saved money in the past which is what is allowing me to do that. I am grateful for the friends I have made online (both mylot and elsewhere). I am grateful for my insanity! And above all I guess I am grateful for my family too for accepting me as I am and never trying to change me, even if I am not 'normal' lol! I am glad to hear that you are doing so well at the moment and I hope your grandson has an awesome first day back at school ! Dranz
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my wonderful friend You have alot to be grateful for, I like it, you are so sweet I am grateful for having you as one of my friends, I always love reading your thoughts, and tomorrow I will elaborate on that, right now my friend I am calling it a bight, you understand I am sure Goodnight my friend. Have a early day. its now almost 1 am should have been asleep a long time ago lol saved you for last, unfortunately my mind is half sleep sorry my friend.
• United States
9 Sep 09
Great topic Kitty! Thanks for posting. I think people often overlook the positives in life and forget to give gratitude for all the wonderful gifts we receive everyday. Personally, I am grateful for my loving husband. He has really stepped up over this past summer and our lives are forver changed for the better. I am grateful for my in-laws. They helped us through a financial struggle and have set us on a great path to financial freedom. They also watch my two small children each day so i can go to work. I am grateful for my mother and step-father. They are always available to me and willing to listen to my concerns. I am grateful for my job in this unstable economy. I am grateful for all my wonderful friends, both in my community and my online community. I am grateful for so many things! A journal is really necessary to depict them all! Happy myLotting!
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Hello my friend Thank you for your response something so simple can make a world of difference so glad you shared this with us, my only wish is that everyone can be a little grateful for the little things we take for granted, only then can we open ourselves up for more reason to be grateful, I am still learning and I enjoy every second if it, I am well on my way to becoming better than I have been, I always knew I was special just needed a little help to show me the way.I always considered myself blessed but I use to complain about working so hard and not being able to do this or that, if only someone would have told me then to be grateful for what I have my life would be so different right now, but you know what its o.k I now know what I didn't know then and its not to late for me, and for that I am grateful. Thanks again my friend. You know someone told me a while ago I should right in a journal, this way if I read my thoughts it will help me, I never did it, being here at mylot, (although not a journal)sharing my thoughts here is making a world a difference in my life, I feel so good when I am able to exchange thoughts with all the wonderful posters on this site, I truly believe this was were I was meant to be.