Did you go to preschool?

@SomeCowgirl (32191)
United States
September 8, 2009 8:57pm CST
A question I've been wondering off and on is how many people went to preschool. I didn't. I know I was kind of envious when I was younger because I wanted to have gone to preschool but I don't think it's affected me any more or less now that I am older. How many of you went to preschool and did you enjoy it? How old were you when you went to preschool? My elementary school started to offer preschool for four year olds and up I believe it was. Did your school or schools offer such? Do you think preschool is different now then it was back then?
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25 responses
@UmiNoor (4524)
• Malaysia
9 Sep 09
I went to preschool at the age of 5. I think I enjoyed it. I was so young to remember much. I remember that every morning we had to recite the numbers from 1 to 100 before we start our lessons. I remember enjoying playing with my friends and I remember walking to school. I don't remember exactly what I learn at preschool or even if we had exams or not. I think the preschool nowadays are different. They are more academically inclined. There are exams and tests and too little play time.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I don't remember much of my younger school days either!. I think that preschools should be more academically inclined but without forgetting that children do like to play! Creating games where a child can play AND learn... would be the best suited, but I know that even then, that may not keep their attention. I appreciate your response! You walked to and fro preschool? By yourself? Have a Great Day
@UmiNoor (4524)
• Malaysia
9 Sep 09
The preschool I went to was not as near as one may think that I can walk there. But of course I didn't walk there alone. I went to school with my sister. Back then we weren't very much worried about crime. People know one another very well. When they see me they know who my parents are so people take care of one another. It's quite a long walk actually come to think about it. I think about a little over a mile.
• United States
9 Sep 09
I didn't go to to preschool or kindergarten. First grade was my first taste of academia.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
9 Oct 09
This is another really good discussion baby,and I am sure that a lot of people went to preschool while others different,and I am sure there are some who went who wish they did not go,and then I am sure there are so who did not go,who wish they had went,and I know everyone is different,and that no two people have the same ideas,same opinions,and same preferences,and I know you told me you did not go to preschool,I did go to preschool when I was little and I started elementary school when I was six,and I am not sure if preschool is any different then it was back then or not,but I do not think it really teaches anything important,I love you with all my heart and soul,have a great day,good luck with all of your mylotting goals,and Happy Posting.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
9 Oct 09
I know that you went to preschool, I didn't, but I don't think I missed out any. I think we'll probably have our children in preschool though I'm not sure. I may choose to homeshool if I can..
• United States
10 Oct 09
Yeah we might send our kids to preschool,even though it would also be awesome if we could home school them,because that way we can make sure they learn the essentials and do not have to put up with any of the stuff they do not need to,like the swine flu,if it is still around,as well as bullies,and peer pressure,plus there would not be a dress code which I am sure they would love lol,I love you with all my heart and soul,have a great day,good luck with all of your mylotting goals,and Happy Posting Baby.
@kaka135 (14931)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 09
I did went to preschool, when I was 4 years old. I really liked going to school, and had lots of fun in school with friends too. I'm really glad that my parents sent me to that preschool, where the teachers were really nice. I can still remember some of the things happened in my preschool. We were told not to bring back any homework, as we shouldn't spend so much time to do any homework, but instead play more. Also, we were taught how to plant some vegetables, how to do some artwork, and also read some books together in the library. Also, I always have good time playing together with the other young kids. Going to preschool may not benefit me anything for preparing to enter the elementary school, but that's the important ages to shape my personality and attitude, I suppose. Nowadays, more preschools focus on studying so that the kids are ready when they enter the formal education. But I'd think this will "kill" the kids' creativity, hence I'm looking for some preschools that do not focus so much on study, but on developing the kids' soft skills for my son.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
10 Oct 09
I think that preschools should teach children a little bit, but with making it fun and also helping them to develop being social, etc. I never went to preschool but my husband did, I know we will probably send our children to preschool if we can afford it as it would help them to develop good social skills as well as manners that we can teach them, but that they won't have time to practice unless they are with other children and adults. Good Luck with finding a preschool that concentrates more on developing soft skills for your son, and have a wonderful day. Happy Mylotting as well.
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I never went to pre-school but there was no need, my mother was a stay at home mom so she was always with my brother and I until we were in high school when she got a job. I think pre-school is different now than it used to be. Now pre-school tries to get the kids ready to go into Kindergarten and in Kindergarten they are teaching the kids to write their names, simple words and read and even simple math. It seems too rushed to me but my grandsons are doing okay and often even great at school.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
I never went to pre-school but I know in kindergarten we were taught the basics, like abc's and counting, and maybe a few adding problems, but most of the math and literature and stuff like that was taught in 1st grade. Kindergarten was just a time to play as we did get to play, and of course take naps! lol!
• China
9 Sep 09
I went to one-year preschool class, not kindergarten, when I was six. It was offered by local primary school. We just need take one-year study here before going to primary school. Teachers taught us some basic knowledge and prepared us to receive primary education. I think it was useful then. But now preschool class is replaced by kindergarten in my country. In my opinion, the education of kindergarten is less practical and useful than that of preschool education I received.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
They're seems to be lots of changes throughout the world on educational practices. We have Kindergarten and Pre-School, but I know that I was told when My grandmother and grandfather were young they went straight to first grade, no Kindergarten.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
9 Sep 09
When I was of schoolage, there was no such thing as preschool. All we had was kindergarten as our first educational experience. i think preschool would have been fun though. Children social interaction is very important. Don't you agree?
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
I agree that the education and social interaction of children is very important and helps shape who they are. It can really be good for the parents as well. I appreciate your response.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
My sisters and i all started going to school at age 6... and we entered Prep... going to kindergarten was like not an option then because most schools in my country did not offer that yet... then by the following year... i was in grade one... The case is not the same with my brother who is the youngest... he went to kindergarten so started school at around 5 years old... then now that my daughter is three... i plan to enroll her next year so she will be in Kinder 1... then prep... then grade 1...
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Sorry that it took me so long to respond. I've been busy and lazy. It does seem like the world's schools have evolved alot. So many new options to learn, and with homeschooling being an option now too. We have pre school and kindergarten here. When My grandparents were younger they went straight to first! It's interesting to see what different school systems are like!
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I never went to preschool, I'm not saying I'm old. I'm only 50, but they did not have it back then. My youngest granddaughter had went to pre k though, probably the same thing.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
I know there's been many school changes throughout the years. I think that there are a lot of different programs that are basically the same thing but it depends on the state, town, province, country what have you that you reside or resided at the time of school! Sorry it took so long, I got married a week ago yesterday and before that was busy / being lazy. Not something I should be doing being a new bride and all, lol.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
9 Sep 09
When I was that age (a long long time ago) there was only kindergarten. That was our preschool. It was a half day where we learned our alphabet and started to learn to read and basically just got used to going somewhere that we had to follow a specific schedule. Nowadays, though, it seems if kids don't know how to read by the time they start kindergarten, they are behind. So much more is expected of kids in school these days.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
There are so many programs offered now but they seem to be for the most part expensive, so if the parents or grandparents or legal guardians or just friends don't have the time to teach the basics to kids, then they end up behind. It's sad to hear that though I guess it's just all a part of a growing world! I had kindergarten, but my grandparents did not, they went straight to first. Different places, different faces, and different rules / programs. lol.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
9 Sep 09
I did not go to pre-school in fact I don't think there was pre-school back then. There was kindergarden but I didn't go to that either. I started school in the first grade when I was 6 turning 7. My mom believed 4 hours of school was not worth her having to take us to school then going back in a few hours to pick us up again. Especially since she didn't drive and it would have been crazy her walking all that back and forth. Now adays kindergarden is all day and I probably would have gone if it was like that back in the day.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Years ago you could chose whether you wanted to go to school a specific year, or something like that. I know that you could work on the farm or with your family instead of going to school if need be... It was accepted back then, I guess education was important but not as important as they press it on now.
@maharlikah (1045)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
When I was 5 I went to school as a visitor in the grade one class. There was no pre-school offered during that time. But I was able to catch up what graders have to learn so I was given the grade like other enrolled students so in the following year I was promoted to grade 2. The experience I had was similar to the sharing of a friend who has a kid in pre-school.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
You went as a visitor and were able to advance to grade 2? That is nice. I don't think we can go as visitors to school's here and be able to learn and be advanced to a different grade, but I could be mistaken. Very interesting to here about other's and their experience in school. Sorry it took me so long to respond.
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
i am smiling as i write this response. during my preschool days, which is very, very long time ago, i never heard of preschools in our place, we studied in a public elementary school and we were grade one in entering school. i was 6 when i was taken in. now, the children have the chance to be educated and exposed to other children to "socialize" at a much younger age of 4 with these nursery and preschools. most of them are private schools and they are surely too expensive!
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
I think that they are very expensive places, pre schools and day cares that is, but that they are not all private. I think the ones around us are public, but are very expensive. I guess everything to do with education is getting more expensive these days with the introduction of the computers more in schools. I appreciate your response and am sorry it took so long for me to get back to you on it. I am trying to clean out my inbox as much as I can now, I was busy getting married and generally being lazy, lol!
@Chortaga (97)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I started Pre School when I was 2 years old. I don't remember it much. Although by the time I got into Kindergarden, I'm told, I knew much more than the other children, due to having already been taught. I don't have children of my own, nor have any children close to me in pre-school, so I do not know what it is like now. But I feel my pre school definitely benefited me.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Wow at 2 years old! That is very young and definitely must have given you the advantage over other children! I am sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been generally busy. Hope your having fun here!
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
Me too i haven't went to pre-school because at that age i suffered from asthma.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you suffered from asthma when you were younger but hope that you are doing better now that you are older.
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
Yes, I did. It was a private school. I entered the preschool level when I was 4 years old, I think. From then on, I started from the Nursery up to Kindergarten 2. Then, after graduating from the preschool level, I entered the 1st grade until I reached the 6th grade and graduated from the same school. I do believe a major change had been done from the preschool of the previous years as compared today. My son is in Junior Kinder. It's equivalent to Kindergaten 1. A parent might think that preschool is just all about playing and improving the social skills of kids. But if one has to look in my son's subjects, it's like I've already enrolled him in the grade school level. He has more than 8 books. And his subjects, in my observation, are like the subjects taught in grade public school levels. I have no objection to learning. But most of the time, when I open my son's Assignment notebook, he's got tons of homeworks to do!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
My husband and I don't have children yet and we're not even sure that we'll enroll them in pre school. Hopefully my mother in law will be able to take care of our children, thoughs he already takes care of other people's children. I didn't go to pre school but hearing about all these different views of pre-schooling. Some say it's not too bad, and then you say they have a lot of homework. I guess it just depends on location. I think it's good for them to have a little homework but to also allow play time so that their imagination and knowledge grows in other areas as well. Though it is good to teach them that homework is a must early on, my nephew doesn't do his homework, or atleast that's what I've been told. He's having to repeat a grade because he doesn't do his homework, I just hope someone's helping him so he doesn't have to repeat another one. That's one thing my husband and I will make sure of, that our children are being taught and learning... lol.
• United States
10 Sep 09
I didn't get to go to preschool. My mom didn't work and when I was a kid that was for familes with two working parents with very good jobs. It was private back then at day care facilities. They now offer some like 4k thru the school district, some churches even offer 3k. THere's also head start but you have to be below the poverty line to qualify for that & that starts @ 3yrs old. We looked into it but couldn't afford private and not poor enough to qualify for headstart. So the school dist now offering 4k is a blessing.
@cjfoust (614)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I didn't go to preschool either. I never really wanted to. When I started school they didn't have what they called preschool at the school but they did something called junior kindergarden. I didn't have to do that either. Most of the people that started in junior kindergarden weren't quite ready for kindergarden yet.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Different types of schooling is going on everywhere. I don't think there was a pre-school at my elementary school until I was about to graduate or after I graduated from grade school.
@dex1007 (556)
• Malaysia
9 Sep 09
I don't know if it makes much of difference to me now. I did go to preschool, one year more than an average person. because i started out earlier. can't say i remember much of it, but since i lived in another country, i learned their language at a young age. a few semesters ago i took psycholinguistics and it says that kids who are exposed at an early stage become more creative, have wider vision and stuff. Especially if they are exposed to more languages, language goes deeper than any other knowledge. Its a whole different topic. but preschool is mostly to prepare kids for the coming challenges of school. I'm guessing you overcame it without preschool. You didn't miss much, i can hardly remember, you wouldn't have remembered either. I guess i'm the look forward kind of person. Have a nice day.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
9 Sep 09
It's always good to look forward and not behind! You do sound very well educated, and very creative, though I can't be the judge of creativity! lol! Those that are exposed earlier are more creative, wider vision? That's good. I am sure that it helps a lot to ease the starting of school, and maybe even makes them more likely to do homework! I think we'll be putting our future kids into preschool programs then! lol! Well I greatly appreciate your response, you have a nice day!
@angryeve (684)
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
Hi somecowgirl, I haven't bumped in to you lately. Anyway, yah I did went to preschool. I don't exactly know if I love it though, the learning experience was great. And it's some sort of preparing you already for the next level. Although there isn't really a big effect on children that didn't go to preschool. But a child that went to preschool definitely have little advantage over those who didn't. The only thing that I really hate about it is that I have to wake up early in the morning, considering that waking up early is really not my thing.. hehe
• China
10 Sep 09
Yes,when I was a young I remember the situation that I first come to the preschool .My father send me to the preschool and I fraid to stay there.But father leave me in it.I find there are all stranges,and then I cry and camo back to home earlier.