do you belive GOD has a plan for you life?

United States
September 9, 2009 12:09am CST
i think that he reveals it at a appointed time, and that is the difference from none belivers.
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8 responses
29 Nov 09
I do believe God has a plan for our lives, because he wants us to be happy and only he can see what our future holds. He lights the road out for us, and it is our choice or freewill if we decide to follow it. I think he is always trying to get us back on track,and if we only trust in him then we will have happier lives. God wants us to enjoy our life, as stated in scripture John 10:10- This verse basically states that God wants us to enjoy our lives to the full abundance.
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
I do believe that God has plans for life. But that doesnt make me passive in life. I believe i got to do my part.
• United States
19 Sep 09
God bless you
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
18 Sep 09
Yes,I think it's true becoz we have a great and unique example of the lines on our palms which reveals our life as an open book. Palmistry deals with the whole past and future of a person,that means God was written our destiny from the time when we were born.
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
It is a matter of how you think of yourself. I truly believe in a God and everything He created has a purpose in their lives. I truly believe that we are given a certain task in our lives and we are to discern that while we live and that is really the true meaning of what life is. It is a lifetime task and the earlier we know about it the better.
• China
9 Sep 09
I seldom think about it, but believe yes. Firstly, I have to say I never be a good christian, in another word, maybe some people think I'm not a real christian, because I once did something in incorrect ways, that makes people, non-christians, disappointed. Even my mother, my parents are all non-christians, and I'm living in a non-christianity surroundings, even my mother always said all christian around me are selfish. Then I wa in this bad status for about 6 years. And what I prayed to God is not come true. I blamed God, too. Then one day, God let me know a sister. I told her my problems, then she prayed for me. Just two weeks, I found my life changed. My faith was strengthened. My thougths also were changed. How amazing! Now my mother still says I'm not so good, but she saw my change. Then after she wathed sermons from Rev. Feng Bingcheng, she began to read Bible, now she start her belief. I always pray to God to bless and save my whole family via me. And I believe God has a plan for me. Because God has a plan for his each child.
• United States
19 Sep 09
God bless you and keep you
@cavella (97)
• Indonesia
21 Sep 09
Yes.. I believe there's "something" that man cannot control.. God is there, and i believe that..
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
9 Sep 09
I believe God has a plan for everyones life. However I think he reveals it to believers and nonbelievers alike. Its just that nonbelievers cant see it because their not looking for it.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Sep 09
Yes I do believe God has a plan for us. I believe as much as I want to be somewhere else I believe God wants me where I am right now for a reason. However, hopefully is plan will change by next year so I can be where I really want to be.