Your Sleeping Position

September 9, 2009 8:50am CST
Do you know that your sleeping position says something about your personality? Well, at least that's one study says so... But if you would try to look at it, and somehow look if it the meaning behind your sleeping position does fit your personality... these studies could somehow be true... Do you sleep on your back, your stomach, or your side? The study i came accross (I forgot the name of the study) suggested a correlation between six common sleeping positions and the personality traits of the sleepers themselves. Preferred sleeping positions are seen as a sort of subconscious body language that reflects our inner traits. The most common sleeping positions (and corresponding personality) identified were: Fetal Position : Curled up on your side, holding the pillow. The most popular sleeping position. The personality of these sleepers tends to be shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world. (or tough, but really sensitive at heart). They may be cautious at first meeting but will soon warm up. Log Position : lying to the side with both arms down. Indicates a social, easygoing personality, but may sometimes be too gullible. Yearner Position Similar to the log, but with arms outstretched. (sleeping on your side with both arms out in front) Indicates an open nature, but can be suspicious or cynical at times. They will often be slow in making decisions but once they have, will never change it. Soldier Position Flat on your back with arms at your sides. Indicates a quiet and reserved personality who sets high standards. They don’t like to fuss and tend to set high standards for themselves and people around them. Freefall Position (One of the less popular positions) Flat on your stomach with arms at the head or ears. Indicates a brash and gregarious exterior who may inwardly be nervous and sensitive to criticism. Starfish Position ) (the rarest position) Lying on your back with arms and legs outstretched. Indicates a good listener who makes friends easily. However, they are often shy and do not like to be the centre of attention. Of course, we know ourselves better and may or may not disagree about the meanings of our sleep positions. Or they can just be part of our subconscious body language. Personally, I sleep on sort of a combination of foetal and yearner position... kinda confusing if I think of it...somehow matches my personality, in some ways, it doesn't... but nonetheless... it's fun knowing such things...
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78 responses
• Indonesia
9 Sep 09
Hi patofgold You're right, it's fun to know something different and unique of our daily activity, this one is about sleep. I've ever read that kind of description too. I always sleep with fetal position, but when I wake up, my position change into starfish position! Hehehe.. All the description above right about me, Waw! I think I will observe my brother and bf sleeping postion too
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• Indonesia
10 Sep 09
So, I have the most often and the rarest position here,, Yes, I think no one has all the sleeping position,, except as you said, they have multiple personalities,,hehe How about your son's sleep position? Is it match with his personality?
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
[i]Fetal Position: Curled up on your side, holding the pillow. The most popular sleeping position. The personality of these sleepers tends to be shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world. (or tough, but really sensitive at heart). They may be cautious at first meeting but will soon warm up. Starfish Position ) (the rarest position) Lying on your back with arms and legs outstretched. Indicates a good listener who makes friends easily. However, they are often shy and do not like to be the centre of attention.[/i] so you must have a combination of these two personalities one way or another... i don't know too... coz if im too tired i could be flat on my stomach or falt on my back........ but i can't have all of those personalities at once..i'm gonna end up having multiple personalities! LOLZ.. it's just a study with some theories behind it.. but could be true somehow!
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
9 Sep 09
see, I don't get it, I sleep in sort of the same way you do - I don't know ANYONE to sleep like these people say, at least not after childhood
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
my sister sleeps in almost all positions..she twists and turns a lot.... but that couldnt mean she's all that persnalities ..that'd be really weird... but there might be some truth in the studies...they must have some theories behind.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
9 Sep 09
hah well i sleep in a few positions, mostly on my stomach with my arms by my head. and other times i will sleep on my side.. interesting enough though, i always wake up in the same position i fall asleep in.. I know this because my kids have slept with me and i always am aware they are there.. i never roll over and turn unless i am awake when i do it. . i know other moms do it too.. but i still thi nk its amzing. and i think my husband doesn't believe me. he thinks i'm taking a risk by sleeping with the babies.. but THAT is a whole new discussion!!
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
i only remember my sleeping position before i sleep and upon waking up...i don't know what happens in between lolz....... i could be in any of those positions... but i can't have all of those personalities at the same time i guess..that's gona be weird!
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• India
9 Sep 09
i too had read this article and exactly thinking the same thing. i too sleep in a variety of position and sometimes a combination. i don't know what it says about my personality but i feel its difficult to have any specific idea of ones personality from this
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
I wonder about myself toi.. i sleep on a combination of foetal and yearner position.. but when i'm tired i could end up in any starfish... i dnt really know
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
9 Sep 09
It is fun and I find that it does suit my personality! I sleep in a fetal position with a pillow that I hug and also put between my knees as they are boney and if I don't have something between them I get big red spots on them...but I am shy and do warm up after a while.
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
[i]Fetal Position: Curled up on your side, holding the pillow. The most popular sleeping position. The personality of these sleepers tends to be shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world. (or tough, but really sensitive at heart). They may be cautious at first meeting but will soon warm up. [/i] --So it does fit your personality, huh???wow? could the study be true or pure conincidence...yhey must have some a few theories behind i guess there might be some truth in it.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
9 Sep 09
Hi pat. I sleep on my side, usually straight body not curled but one knee bent, with one arm down and one arm on my head. That could be a combination of fetal, log and yearner positions. How could we call this position now? i can say that I am a sensitive person, in heart and with the world and sometimes also sensitive to criticism. I am also a good listener, social, easy-going and open minded person. In decision making, I maybe slow but I keep to my word. This is one great information my friend. Nice topic. Thanks. Neil
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
10 Sep 09
that could be, pat. why not have our own? and FLY Combo is a nice name.
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
i was trying to look if they have the description for mouth-open-and-drooling-while sleeping combo.... they don't have it,too bad
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
maybe fetal-log-yearner combo??? (sounds like a combo meal or something..lolz!) must be a combination of these personalities one way or another: *shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world. (or tough, but really sensitive at heart). They may be cautious at first meeting but will soon warm up. *social, easygoing personality, but may sometimes be too gullible. *open nature, but can be suspicious or cynical at times. They will often be slow in making decisions but once they have, will never change it. you think it fits?
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Position: Curled up on your side, holding the pillow. The most popular sleeping position. The personality of these sleepers tends to be shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world. (or tough, but really sensitive at heart). They may be cautious at first meeting but will soon warm up. I do lay on my side and hold onto a pillow when I go to sleep. But I usually end up waking up on my back alot of the times. So I guess I am a mixture of both..Some would say I am a good listener..
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Sep 09
I think it is correct mostly..I guess I am a combination sleeper..
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
hello there mtdew! So i guess the description of your sleep poistion mkacthes your personality... well it could in some way..maybe not 100%........... but is sure is fun to know these things.... and since we know ourselves best..we are the best judge if the study has a bearing or not.
• United States
10 Sep 09
I am a cross between Freefall and the Yearner position because I sleep in one of those two positions every night.
• United States
10 Sep 09
Yes, believe it or not, this actually does fit my personality.
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
[i]Yearner Position Similar to the log, but with arms outstretched. (sleeping on your side with both arms out in front) Indicates an open nature, but can be suspicious or cynical at times. They will often be slow in making decisions but once they have, will never change it. Freefall Position (One of the less popular positions) Flat on your stomach with arms at the head or ears. Indicates a brash and gregarious exterior who may inwardly be nervous and sensitive to criticism. [/i] hi there rogue!! does the above description macth your personlaity at all? we know ouseleves best so I guess we could judge if the study has a bearing or not........ But knowing about these things are kinda interesting
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• India
10 Sep 09
Dear friend , nice discussion started. once we had a specialist came to our area for discussing sleeping habits. there is direct connection between your sleeping habits and diseases of your body. On long terms your sleeping habits give rise to some major disease.never sleep on your back i.e your back on upper side. that is related to kidney diseases. The most perfect position is sleep straight with your hands straight on your sides. Some peolple keep their hands on their head while sleeping. This causes severe headache . If u observe these things minutely u will immegiately get your problem's solution. Now everybody in my house has improved their sleeping habits.
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
I do agree on certain positions for sleeping advised by doctors for certain conditions a certain position when you have trouble breathing (to increase tissue perfusion) ... another for those who just had spinal anaesthetics ( to avoid headache and CSF spillage), etc...etc...for those who have poor circulation (are advised to elevate their legs for venous return)... those are proven... the above study though is just a study (but they have theories behind)... yet, somehow if we come to analyze it,,,must have some bearing.
@underdogy (700)
• Thailand
9 Sep 09
I have pictures when i was sleeping taken by friends. I was drunk in most of the pictures and in fetal postition. I find it easy to sleep, curled up on one side with a pillow, but the description of fetal position doesn't seem to compliment my personality. However, the log position does. It is fun knowing these things and somehow, a help for other people who want to know the meaning of their sleeping position. Very informative! Cheers.....
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
hi ther's a study...and i am sure they have thoeries behind it.. i am not sure how true they are..but somehow they fit onoe way or another,..
• Thailand
10 Sep 09
That is exactly right patty! It fits yet it doesn't hehe..Ingat!
@magickat (381)
9 Sep 09
I share your confusion as I sleep in lots of different positions too - I have even woken up upside down in bed a couple of times lol I wonder what falling asleep at my desk says about my personality too......
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
10 Sep 09
This is so funny! I mean, the fact that you have woken up upside down. You must be very tired if you're falling asleep at you desk. Kathy.
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
yeah...we could twist and turn the whole night..but that doesn't mean we have split personallities right? lolz............ maybe just a little of each kind of personality... we all do i think
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@dolmitta (221)
• India
9 Sep 09
Well! this is a little confusing for me because i almost sleep in all the listed positions. Its not that i follow one position all the time. I addition to the position i sleep, i always have a pillow to hug and a pillow for my head. :)
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
me too dolm... i just wake up usually infetal or combination of foetal and yearner position............
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@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
I sleep either in my right of left side with bended body.
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
9 Sep 09
I sleep in a fetal position. I don't know, it just feels comfortable that way, especially when the AC is on full blast and i have my comforter with me.
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
[i]Fetal Position: Curled up on your side, holding the pillow. The most popular sleeping position. The personality of these sleepers tends to be shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world. (or tough, but really sensitive at heart). They may be cautious at first meeting but will soon warm up. [/i] you think it matches your personality rg?
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
i think people have to get to know you better rg before they learn the sweet side of you
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
10 Sep 09
I think it's accurate for me. I always refer to the "tough exterior" as "putting my b1tch on" People think I'm stone cold but only the ones close to me know who and what I am inside.
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
wow this is great information i have learned tod ay.i will ty to observe myself and see if his thoery is true
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• Philippines
4 Oct 09
lolz... i kinda believe in it....
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
I am more on position on fetal and yearner too! Now I know the meaning. Nice discussion you have here! I like you talaga! I want to print it, is that okay?
• United States
10 Sep 09
The Fetal Position Interesting...I would say I'm a little shy but I see my mother sleeps the same way and she is not shy at all. Ah, but she does have a tough exterior. It is fun to know what my sleeping position means. Thanks for your information.
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
hi there anime..Fetal position are assumed by people with though exterior but is truly soft inside)..I am like that...others have the first impression that I am aloof, or intimidating..but when they get to know me a little better..they'd see that i'm warm afer all
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
Wow... I must say, the personality my sleeping position indicated is quite close to my personality. But this is only the position I fall asleep in. Usually in the morning I have already switched positions, but I can't really recall what LOL! I think I shall take note tomorrow and read this again!
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
yea... the only position we remeber is when before we knock out and when we wake up...god knows what position we are in the middle of the night?LOlz
• Malaysia
9 Sep 09
Wow, what a study of sleeping positions. You must really have gone through a lot of pain to dredge out these facts. Bravo to you. I curled and hug pillows and so I think the description fits my personality. Yes, my sister sleeps flat on her back and she sure is a person of high standards in whatever she does.
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
Fetal Position: Curled up on your side, holding the pillow. The most popular sleeping position. [i]Says the personality of these sleepers tends to be shy and sensitive, though they may present a tough exterior to the world. (or tough, but really sensitive at heart). They may be cautious at first meeting but will soon warm up. [/i] Seems the description fits you and your sis..must be some truth in these studies...
• United States
9 Sep 09
I must be a moody person because I likewise sleep in multiple positions. ENJOY!
• Philippines
10 Sep 09
we all do..who knows what position we end up in the middle of the night? probably all
@killersss (638)
• India
9 Sep 09
i sleep up side down...that's funny lol!!! i think i can't sleep in any other position than this. if i try to sleep on my back i wont sleep all night, that's why i sleep up side down, its good for me and my
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• Philippines
10 Sep 09
that's new killer...I don 't think i would last the night in that position