Which is it?

United States
September 9, 2009 4:23pm CST
I was looking through the news section on AOL and Yahoo and it struck me as ironic that on both sites next to each other are the same stories. One on how our government is saying the recession is over, the other is a warning that there will be more bank failures and the end to economic trouble is far from over. So I beg to ask the question, which is it? Is it getting better or not? I must say that here in our area it is only getting worse as yet another 1200 or so people where laid off or had their hours cut in half. Is it getting better in your area?
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3 responses
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Obama and his cohorts want people to think his huge stimulus is working when almost none of it has been spent what has been has had very little effect. Things are improving, but they are improving the way most recessions have improved and that is with the passage of time and the resilency of the American people.
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• United States
14 Sep 09
Well as Americans we seem to always get through, I just wonder how bad it will get this time before it get's better again.
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• United States
9 Sep 09
For me personally, the money situation is getting better, but I think as a whole we are still kind of spiraling down. Businesses are still closing around here and houses are still being foreclosed on. Maybe the government is just trying to spread some positivity, or maybe it just hasn't trickled down to our neighborhoods yet. I'm hoping that in the next year or so, more people will be able to find jobs and get back on their feet.
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• United States
19 Sep 09
I'm going out on a limb here and I'll ask for your thoughts on my latest discussion? Did I miss something? I think the big word is tripping me up...