GOP's (DR) Charles Boustany Response to Obama's TV Health Care Speech
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
September 10, 2009 4:43am CST
I, like many of you, watched Obama's stern, dramatic, threatening oration (shades of Hilter) Obama may be a gifted orator but I found his delivery and tone to be way over the top. No matter what he said all that stood out for me was depleting medicare funds to pay for his plan!! Medicare is going broke already without subsidizing ObamaCare. He did say he will achieve that (500 million)by cutting areas he considers to be unnecessary or overspending. This is NOT good or of any help to Seniors. In a word I was disgusted to think that we seniors would have to accept even less from Medicare.
However about to switch off my TV I was THRILLED to see GOP's response. He pointed out what this bill would do to Medicare and seniors: "I read the bill Democrats passed through committee in July. It creates 53 new government bureaucracies, adds hundreds of billions to our national debt, and raises taxes on job-creators by $600 billion. And, it cuts Medicare by $500 billion, while doing virtually nothing to make the program better for our seniors." To read the text of his response here is the link:
To watch the video of Rep Dr.Boustany's response:
Your comments/opinions[/i]?
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11 responses
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
10 Sep 09
I guess Obama and his minions will continue to shove this idiotic plan down our throats even if it kills us! (as a country I mean) It really is sickening how agenda gets in the way of progress!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
10 Sep 09
I personally thought the tone of his speech was arrogant and overbearing in his delivery. My greatest fear is that when Obama supporters finally realize our country is headed in the wrong direct it will be too late.
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@flydanman (111)
10 Sep 09
The healthcare issue could sink Obama's presidency. He has done a terrible job of selling it to the country. I think nearly everyone can agree that there needs to be reform, but it certainly isn't the kind of reform that Obama is proposing.
Republicans could well be given a foot back in the political door with this whole debacle. They need to make their opposition sensible and consistent and perhaps at the right time offer their own solutions.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
10 Sep 09
I certainly agree that the healthcare needs to be reformed but NOT Obamacare. I flat out do not trust Obama and that his agenda is not in the best interest of our country.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
10 Sep 09
What gets my dander up is when Obama says the conservatives haven't submitted a plan and if they have a plan put it out there an we will consider all the ideas together. The truth is, the conservatives haven't been invited to the negotiating table to help fashion the health care bill. I know the conservatives have fashioned a plan containing a lot of the good ideas Boustany outlined. The fact that they haven't been invited into the work sessions to submit them makes Obama's comments downright deceptive.

@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
10 Sep 09
When I was in school, (a very loooong time ago)as we were preparing for an exam which would consist of a great many true/false questions, the teacher pointed out to the entire class, "remember, if any part of the sentence or phrase (or speech) is false, it is false in its entirety". This holds true for the slop the liberals are trying to feed us now!
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Michael Steele stated that Republicans have handed over eight hundred (800!!) pieces of legislation to the Dems for inclusion in the bill, but every single one was denied, denied, denied. Rejected!
Then liberal politicans, pundits and paracletes say that Republicans/conservatives have "no alternatives."
I don't understand. Are they just lying due to party affiliation, or are they getting their news from MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, the Times, and other wholly administration-dedicated outlets?
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
11 Sep 09
White, excuse me but are you telling everyone that government health care for everyone is wrong. But, government health care for you is RIGHT?
Here is the problem with what you just wrote, the GAO is not looking at the Senate bill, that has a tax on health insurance companies that changes the whole game. What the republican was talking about is the OLD plan, not the NEW plan. According to the unoffical numbers from the GAO, the new plan wouldn't add to deficits, cause cuts in your medicare, or your social security, and won't need one dime in tax hikes.
By the way, do you remember the social security "LOCK BOX"? Did you like the idea of keeping that money in the system, or do you feel that giving that money to the rich, and taking it from YOU was a better idea?
The question I have is right now I am paying for your health care, and YOUR social security (two departments that probably won't be around when I retire), so please explain to me why I should continue to fund YOUR retirement?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
11 Sep 09
Like Hell you are paying for my Medicare or my Social Security. I checked out your age because you must be a young idiot...and you are. I have paid into both of these funds longer than you have been alive! Never a break and always worked at pretty high paying jobs so I put plenty into these funds NOT YOU! I also have supplementary insurance and am able to afford to pay my way over and above what Medicare pays for. I have never taken one cent out of government aid funds, such as Welfare or Medicaid. So you are not paying for a damn thing for me. I have paid into a Medicare only to find out it will be broke by 2037. Now Obama wants to take another $500 BILLION out of it. Already we know that for the first time in many years SS benefits will not get a cost of living increase in 2010 and 2011. So before you dare to imply that you are funding my health care do some mathematics.
I do think our health care system needs reform but not the crap Obama is trying to force on us.
I personally find your response to be highly insulting. You nothing about my financial situation. I am perfectly content with what I have but I am truly sorry for all the senior who have to choose between buying food or medication yet you are one of the idiots who wants to reduce what little they get for SSI and medicare to support Obama grandiose schemes. SHAME ON YOU!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Sep 09
I think this is rather amusing coming from thegreatdebater since he is of the side of the issue that usually complains that we're all so heartless that we will let people die without health care rather than pay taxes to fund health care. But hypocrisy is nothing new, I suppose.
Whiteheather, you are not living off anyone else's dime, this is money the government forced you to pay in the form of Medicare and Social Security taxes on the promise that they would provide certain benefits in the future. They now want to go back on that promise and remove those benefits. You have every right to be enraged that they would reneg on that promise, nay, that contract made with the working public so many years ago.
Debater is right that these departments may not be around when he retires, but they probably shouldn't have been around in the first place. If you had put into savings and investments all the money you paid into the system through the years, you would have retired a millionaire. This is an indictment of the government's ability to manage anything without waste, fraud and misspending. This same government who made this very poor deal with you can't even live up to those meager promises. Why on earth would anyone trust them with their health care?
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
11 Sep 09
White, thank you for calling me an "idiot", that helps everyone know that you have already lost this debate. When you have to resort to calling people names, then it only shows that you can't defend your opinion.
"Like Hell you are paying for my Medicare or my Social Security."
I pay about $1,000 a month into medicare, and Social Security, and you are on both, so I am sure that some of my money is going to you, so again you are WRONG.
"I checked out your age because you must be a young idiot...and you are."
I am 34, and I have been working since I was 17, so I been paying into the system that you are bennifiting from right now, and when I retire, it won't be there.
"I have never taken one cent out of government aid funds, such as Welfare or Medicaid. So you are not paying for a damn thing for me."
White, do you have a limit of how much you put into medicare, and once you reach it, you don't get anymore money? Who do you think pays for your medicare? The tooth fairy?
"Already we know that for the first time in many years SS benefits will not get a cost of living increase in 2010 and 2011. So before you dare to imply that you are funding my health care do some mathematics."
Do you have any idea why there is no cost of living increase? Where in this country has the price of goods and services gone up?
"I personally find your response to be highly insulting. You nothing about my financial situation."
You are the one name calling, so I guess I should be insulted by your comment, but I am not, I am use to conservatives insulting people when they have no excuse for their actions. You could careless that there are people paying into the system, and will never see a dime of that. You are only worried that you get yours.
"I am perfectly content with what I have"
I know that you are "perfectly content", because of people like me paying for your retirement while I have to add more money to my 401K to secure my own retirement.
"yet you are one of the idiots who wants to reduce what little they get for SSI and medicare to support Obama grandiose schemes. SHAME ON YOU!"
You are a HYPOCRITE, you talk about how bad government health care is, and but no body better mess with your government health care. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
10 Sep 09
I just can't wrap my head around THIS particular government being able to run any program better than any other government. What makes these guys different? If anything, this administration is just as untrustworthy as the Bush admin., maybe even more in terms of misdirection and tactical politics.
Medicare is already a government program, right? There's all this waste and fraud in Medicare, yet the government will instantly clean it up to create the funding for whatever Obama's proposing? Does that mean that this is the ONLY way they'll attempt to clean it up?
Also, how do you honestly raise the level of care and raise the number of insured by millions without actually raising the cost? "Not a dime," Obama screams out. But how realistic is that? I'm not bashing the plan; I'm just asking a serious question.
Maybe this private business approach the government wants to take to "create competition and choice" will drop the prices? Well, there's really only one way I can see that happening: The government-run plan will be cheaper, nationwide, than ANY private insurance plan, thus causing private insurance (private money) to compete with government insurance (a seemingly endless supply of taxpayer blood).
Who wins that?
Look, I want to believe Obama when he says that the "government takeover" stuff is just a partisan attack, but he's really not showing anything on good faith to prove that. He's still holding fast to nearly everything in the bill, just reselling it with more passion.
How about this for a start: Allow private insurance to compete in every state, thus forcing the private industry to drop its prices for the sake of competition and not survival. See how that goes for about a year. Make sure you set up STRICT oversight so the bloodsuckin' greedy azzhats in big business don't try to milk people! Tax a tiny percentage of the upper echelon's private plans and set up a PRIVATE--outsourced--insurance company, with the same strict government oversight, that will provide quality coverage to people who truly can't afford it. Try this for a year. It's not that dissimilar to what liberals want, and this would show some good faith and maybe show that they're not trying to sneak single payer in.
And the government still gets a fair amount of control over the way insurance is running, but a cleaned up and revamped private industry does the work that the inept government will certainly drop the ball on.
And while healthcare is sorting itself out with the help of the government for oversight, our elected officials can get around to finally cleaning up Medicare.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
10 Sep 09

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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Sep 09
Matersfish, the point about Medicare is well taken and is one I felt needed to brought up. The important thing to remember is that Medicare IS government-run health insurance. If Medicare is full of fraud and waste, why should we think that Obama's behemoth of a program won't be just as poorly run? Obama likes to bring up the Post Office and readily admits they lose billions of dollars per year. People who buy this kind of rhetoric must be deeply infatuated with the orator.
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@91rofi75 (5)
• Kenya
10 Sep 09
I am not an American but I think that it is ok to have a black president in the USA. It seems to me that lots and lots of all this badmouthing is by Americans who find it very difficult to accept the fact that there is a black man living in the white house!
Days when the Caucasian male ruled supreme throughout the world are now gone, hopefully, forever.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Thank goodness you are NOT an American! You have responded exactly as most Obama fans do. Immediately you made racism the answer to all discussions when one does not have the intelligence to read the discussion and respond accordingly. This discussion has nothing at all to do with the color of the presidents skin. It is about how Obamacare affects Medicare and Senior Citizens! (rated -)
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
10 Sep 09
What's wrong with white people? Which white people? All white people?
That's infinitely more racist than every Obama criticism I've heard times 100.
You're not from America, so I don't expect you to be able to properly gauge the climate here. You're probably viewing biased news or, at best, selected out-of-context clips.
People are not only opposing Obama, personally, but also Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Frank, and any other politician who tries to ram dangerous policy down our throats for the sake of increased government size and role in the private citizen's life.
When a person opposes liberal policy, they're called uneducated, ignorant, backwards, bigoted, etc.
When a person opposes a politician like Pelosi or Waxman, they're called vile traditionalists, hate and fear mongers, etc.
When a person opposes Obama, they're called racist.
We get it!
What scares me the most, however, isn't the attempt to marginalize any dissention; it's the unwavering show of loyalty and support people give to politicans like Obama without so much as questioning who they are as people!
Do you support Obama just because he doesn't look "Caucasian"?
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
13 Sep 09
We spend so much money on bureaucracies, and departments and agencies and management that very little is saved to care for the actual needs. That is everywhere, not just healthcare. The further the funding gets from its source, the more wasted and diluted it is. We pay the salaries of all those poor government workers so that they will have a job. It is time to cut it out.
@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Health care is a big issue and an important one because everyone should be entitled to health care. Government run health care is just an invitation to spend more money as the GOP response pointed out. Creating new government agencies to handle it and making government bigger and more expensive is not going to solve issues. I agree with all of the good Doctor's points and especially about liability....people are lawsuit happy in this country because they want to make a fast fortune off someone else. Liability insurance is one of the things that drives the cost of health care up and it is the out for an easy buck people that are doing it. Capping liability is a good start. Tax incentives for doctors and medical facilities might be a good thing to if done right.
I find it ironic that the senior sector whom are the ones that need the health care most because they have to go to several different doctors for their own good like a general care doctor, a podiatrist, an eye doctor and many others. By virtue of being seniors they need more care and it isn't their fault. It would be inhuman to cut or deny that care just because they are costing us money. I do think that we can cap the costs of care where there is a lot of overcharging, such as operations, hospital stays and testing. The wellness care should be affordable for all since you can avoid major illnesses with a check up and a few blood tests.
People on fixed incomes can't afford doctors or insurance and this is a need that has to be addressed, but not in a way that it will make it more costly for those people that still have jobs. The people that are working are struggling just as hard as fixed income people right now. The government could address high utility costs and high housing costs too and make things easier for the average American.
I won't support any government healthcare plan until it is done right, and without padding the government.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
10 Sep 09

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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Sep 09
You've had several excellent responses that bring up the important points, so no need to reiterate them. I think the GOP response was excellent as well. And it was nice to see someone who is a real doctor talk about health care reform, unlike the phony plants at the town halls.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I also think that a doctor has more knowledge of our healcare than, as you say, the phony plants. At the moment I am so enraged over the response after yours I could spit nails.
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@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
Good day... I'm not an American but I do sympathize with what your saying regarding healthcare programs that first and foremost must cater to the needs of American patients whether they are young or old. Cutting some "unimportant" cost to implement another program which is Obamacare and adding some bureau to supervise it thereby adding more expenditures makes no sense at all. For me anything that can make a person a little more comfortable when they are in their golden years is a justifiable cost, anyway those people did pay for it right? from their hard earned money through tax so why deny them things that are due to them?
I'm in a healthcare profession and I always put the benefit of my patient first more than anything. I think when proposing a bill regarding health care programs besides the lawmakers deciding on what's best., the negotiating table should also invite those people who are directly involve like doctors, nurses and most of all the seniors and people who needs continuous medical care.