I have a few simple doubts about Obama?

obama - Image of president Obama
September 10, 2009 10:09am CST
This doubt came to my mind after a series of events before and after Obama was elected. It was on TV, internet and newspaper. Everyone seemed to love Obama. It seemed like he was the perfect human being. Even him swatting a fly made news. I am not a USA citizen and don't know much about Obama. So my question is 'why does everyone seem to love Obama?' Was he a great social worker? Did he improve the town he was living in? Or was it just publicity which made me think that everyone loves him? Finally do you still like him?
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9 responses
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Sep 09
He is charismatic. He also is what people think they want, someone who is a black because the media has been programming people to believe that no person who was descended from the Negro slaves did do any wrong, they were always God Fearing, moral, etc. while those who came from Europe could be evil. So when a part black man wanted to run for president or was persuaded to it, they thought they would get this guy who would make America great. But I can think of a few Black Americans who would have done America great, but I guess they were too conservative and not far enough left to suit the Democratic party. But greatness should not be based on physical appearance, charm, or good looks nor should there be stereotypes. Obama is not really an African American as defined by American history. He was not descended from the slaves that were brought over in the slave ships to America. he is descended from someone who immigrated from Kenya and may not even have been born in the United States, or he may have lost his citizenship for a time, making him disqualified, and he is making sure that no one finds out. He is also a socialist, lets say Communist in another name and is trying to turn America to a socialist country. He is also for abortion and has surrounded himself with those of the same mind and also believes same gender loving people should have rights that supersede the rights of everyone else. America is in a recession and Obama has made it worse by throwing money at problems, wanting health care reform without checking into it thoroughly,and deciding that everyone should do what he wants. That is not the rule of a president, that is the rule of a dictator. I suggest that you find out by looking not at the web sites that praise him, but those that do not, to get a more balanced idea.
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Another words what the majority want! I hate the American way! tdemex
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Very well said suspenseful. Some people just voted blind, well before they even knew anything about him and his crooked friends. Some are now sorry they didn't take the time to know what he really stood for. He has been compared to Hitler and is traveling parallel to him and his dictatorship. We are more in debt to the Federal Reserve banks than we have ever been. These rich investors will soon be the ones we answer to and Obama helped make it happen..
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• United States
10 Sep 09
Man I am sooo tired of this republican propaganda machine and the plethora of lies they continuously spread. You all are nothing if you are not tenacious and relentless that is for sure. The fact is I hated GW Bush with a passion...I did NOT vote for him either term but by god i sure had to put up with him and i am now dealing with the atrocities he performed while in office!! I dont have some crystal ball so I cant say for sure what the outcome of Obamas term will be but I definately feel more comfortable with him in office that the last clown that was there! You say he got voted in simply because he is part black and for no other reason....well i cant speak for all voters but for myself, my brother, and those friends of mine that voted for him I can say you are absolutly WRONG...that is not why at all and his racial heritage didnt even factor into my vote at all! You say he is a socialist or communist...that is plain and simply not truth just part of the vicious propaganda being spread by the machine in order to make people afraid of him... He does not believe gays should have rights that supecede the rights of everyone else...he believes they should have the SAME rights as everyone else and I for one agree with him!!!! He most certainly has checking thouroughly into the health care reform...how rediculous of you to say otherwise....if nothing else he ALWAYS does his homework and knows the facts before he speaks....and again I for one want this health care reform to pass and pass soon as i am one of the millions without any form of health insurance and of course your answer will be well if you dont have money for it you dont deserve it...well back when there were still jobs available my husband worked 7 days a week most weeks...we are NOT lazy people..we simply dont make enough to pay more than our rent is for insurance...last we checked they wanted $900.00 a month!! This country NEEDS this health care reform. And lastly you say Obama is for abortion....same old lies..different day!!! Show me some proof...show me proof of ANY of the allegations you make here....The man has clearly stated over and over again that he is NOT pro abortion.... Now to try and answer the op question... Obama is very carismatic and no he doesnt have a lot of experience...but those of us that chose to vote for him heard a man that truly cares about us the citizens and promised to do his best to work to make life better for us and we believe he will do that....only time will tell for sure but he is the president of our country now and we should all give him the same respect that has been afforded to every other president before him wether we like him or not.... One beautiful thing about america is that we get to choose again in 4 years so until then we need to all pull together for our country!!!
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@onlydia (2808)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I don't like or dislike the man myself. As he has not been in office long enough to find out that the President does what the sen. and congress want anyway. So you need to vote when it comes to sen. and congress. As our vote for President don't count anyway. I'm sick of it all. I didn't vote for Bush when he was in. BUt I sttod behind him as our leader. That is what I will do with Obama as well. You stand behind your leader whether you voted for him/her or not. United we stand Divided we fall. It is done and over with noew lets to the best we can. stop sounding like a bunch of old whinny ladies at a club meeting.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
12 Sep 09
Whinny old ladies? Uh, could you possible mean "whiny" ? Do old men whine? Is it worse when old ladies whine than when old men whine? How about when young men whine? I've met a lot of young men who whine. I guess that regarding the older ones you could say there is no "Whine" before their time. PS: A horse makes a sound they call a whinny.
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@onlydia (2808)
• United States
12 Sep 09
Hi. First off your to young for the club meetings my Grandma used to take me to. And that is what she always said. Now I can't say what my Father used to say about the men as it wasn't nice at all. But I will try. They were grumpy old farts and things of that nature. At them club meetings you would of been the young happy one. So I'm sorry if I made you mad. I just happened to use a saying my Grandmother would of used and did use many times. Bless her heart. You have a good weekend. I didn't mean to make you mad.
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
10 Sep 09
That was done by the media, many people got fooled by them, there were those who didn't think he was capable of doing anything for the American citizens and he has proved them right. BUT we may not have to worry about that soon as it has been proven he is NOT eligible to be a president. So by the law, it's just a matter of time then he will be expelled from the White House, that is if he hasn't taken control of our federal law. You can read more here http://around-the-world-news.blogspot.com/2009/09/so-why-is-obama-still-in-white-house.html
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• United States
10 Sep 09
Ummm...nope....sorry absolutely NOTHING of the sort has been PROVEN...and the link you included....first of all it no longer even exists...obviously the guy was made to take it down and secondly the link was to a guys blog...that is not exactly an authoratative source... show me an actual newspaper artical or an actual newscast video that states Obama is not eligible and then i may consider taking you a little bit seriously....some guys blog is simply his opinion and it is wrong... Why are so many people this childish?? Honestly the MINUTE anyone announces they are running for president they are THOUROUGHLY investigated and if Obama were not a U.S. citizen he would never have been allowed to run!!! Besides the facts are he was born in Hawaii and last i checked that is a STATE!!! http://www.washingtonindependant.com/52474/mccain-campaign-investigate-dismissed-obama-citizenship-rumors http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/dec/05/court-to-weigh-question-about-obama-citizenship/ You will note that the second artical is about how the supreme court heard the case against obamas citizenship in dec of 2008....now if they had decided he wasnt a citizen do you think he would be president now?? More propaganda!!!!!
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
10 Sep 09
I never cared for him. But of course I have always been better at spotting a slick snake oil salesman than most people. He made a lot of promises and has not delivered on or has broken most of them.
• United States
10 Sep 09
What do you mean he hasnt delivered on them?? he has been in office only 6 months for gods sake....i never heard him say once durring his campaign that he would solve ALL of americas problems in his first 6 months in office...as a matter of fact i heard him distinctly say quite the opposite....jeesh You can not say he hasnt kept his promises until he is no longer in office and hasnt kept them...until then why not give him half a chance and see if he keeps them?? as far as i can see he is sure giving it a hell of a shot... And exactly WHICH president did keep ALL of his campaign promises??? I cant think of one. We have had some pretty awful presidents in the history of this country....and we got through it...Obama may turn out to be the best of the best or the worst of the worst or most likely somewhere in between...but for gods sake at least let him finish before you say he didnt do his job right....
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
10 Sep 09
He's a great speaker and is smart, he surrounds himself with smart advisers, and listens to them. After what we had, Milky the Clown would be better! But I think if people looked back during the campaign, he stated he was for change and he said he could not please all the people with some of the decisions he would have to make in the future to straighten out the past catastrophe, and he is certainly living up to his word! I still think he is on track and living up to my expectations! tdemex
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• India
10 Sep 09
So some of the reason he is popular is because, he is a good speaker, he has good advisers beside him and he made beautiful promises. So his words made him popular rather than his past actions.
• India
8 Oct 09
Hello my friend VANILLAREY Ji, In fact, a change was needed, a sea change was in pipeline, plus publicity made tripple fold, and lastly we expected beyond his capacity. But he totally failed to deliever goods at right ways. I niether like him nor des-like him. I am also like you non-US. May God bless You and have a great time.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
14 Sep 09
I think alot of people liked everything that he was promising them. I am still waiting for him to deliver what he promised us. I am not sure if it is ever going to happen. Tired of waiting for it too though.
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Sep 09
Few simple doubts? You tell me why everyone loves the man. Since before he was voted into office people have seen something 'special' about this man. I am holding out my opinion. I have wondered about him since he was first interviewed and I saw he was running. I have my doubts lets just put it that way.
@PamelaL (252)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Um, you may notice here that there is just as much hate as love for the President. In fact, I have never, in my life, witnessed this much hate. Ever. sad.