Where were you eight years ago today?
By meandmy3
@meandmy3 (2227)
United States
September 11, 2009 7:07am CST
Most of us remember that moment so well, the time in which the world stopped turning a the famous country song says. It is something that will forever be in our minds. '
I was sitting at my desk in Chicago, fielding phone calls, my husband called, who is a forever joking with me and telling me things that could not be true. He told me an airplane hit the world trade towers, I was listening to my music and said sure what ever. I then googled it, or yahooed it and there it was staring at me. I turned the radio on and they were talking about it. As I worked within walking distance to O'hare airport it did not take long before the building was evaucated. I drove home noticing no planes in the sky, the quiet. everyone was kind on the roads that day, no horns blowing, people letting others merge, I had to get gas and a stranger pumped it for me and then gave me a hug. I never saw that man again, but it was just being able to touch someone else, to know we were okay. I went home and I cried, I watched to footage on television, I saw the first and second tower fall and my heart sank in my chest. It was a saddness and fear I had never experienced before. I called my family members and I cried more.
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23 responses
@pooh08 (671)
• Vietnam
12 Sep 09
I only remember the place I have been but I don't remember what did I do at the same time when I was 8years old. Even what did I do yesterday, I can't remember. What did I do in this morning, I only remember a little. What next I need to do, I can remember. I think it's too hard for remember everything.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I was home babysitting my 3 year old grandson. We had sesame street on the tv and I was cleaning. My mom called and was hysterical saying something really bad is happening. She told me I had to turn on the news. I interrupted Sesame Street and flicked the channel. It was shocking...horrible! My grandson started crying and I flicked back to sesame street. I listened to the updates on the radio for the rest of the day. Hard to believe it was 8 years ago. It's still so vivid.
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@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
11 Sep 09
THis is a good discussion. And i would have to say one of the best discussions i have had the privelidge to respond to.
Eight years ago today to this very hour i was sitting in literature class. WE all hadn't seen the news just heard something about planes crashing. Its still upsetting to me to this day. I was only fourteen when 9/11 occured. I found out a couple of hours later what was really going on. It was devastating. Even at fourteen i thought it was the scariest thing i have ever witnessed. It had me on edge for a long time.
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@uicbear (1900)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I woke up and turned on the television and there it was, it looked like a movie. At that point they really didn't know what was going on. Then after a few minutes the second plane hit and there was no mistaking what was happening. I sat there frozen, glues to watching what surely couldn't be happening.
I called my father who was in the hospital and he was in disbelief too. WE both sat in silence watching from where we were. We continued to watch as the building fell to the ground.
I had to go to work. When people ask me what I remember most from that day, I tell them it was the silence. I too live in Chicago and the sound of planes overhead is something that just blends into the sounds of city life. When I got out of my car, there was silence. It was a bright, beautiful, sunny day and there was hardly a cloud in the sky, or a car in the street and there was silence. And that's when it struck me, not one plane was in the sky. Everything was still.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I was home doing chores and taking care of my then little baby and two yr. old. I received a phone call asking if I had seen what had happened and as I am not one to have the TV on I had not. I was in time to see that a plane had gone down here in PA not more then 20 minutes away from my home. I then spent several days in suspense as my Father and sister where at ground zero (both fire fighters in NJ) and did my best to support my lil sis on the phone as she dealt with the shock and emotional stress of rescuing body parts and not much else. The day we keep as a Happy one as it is my parents anniversary and now 38 years later we celebrate just the same. But we do always take a momnet to pray for those who where lost and those who suffer their loss.
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@sunny5u (2069)
• India
12 Sep 09
Hi, the day which i can never forget in my lifetime. I am from India. I am working now. But at that time i was in eight class and came from tution.It is already night 8 or 9. We are just planning have dinner at that time. My mother told to give some things to my aunt who is near to my home. Just i went there they are watching the news.At first look i didn't that this happened.Suddenly i was shocked before day i saw in some news paper about the world trade centre which is a commercial office and it has great to tell about it. I cried without knowingly. The terror is the worst thing in this world.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I was asleep in bed here in California. The TV had been left on from the night before and when I woke up I saw footage of it. I didn't realize what it was all about. All I saw at first was far away buildings and a bunch of smoke. As I didn't want to watch something like that I changed the channel. There it was again. I flipped it a few more times, each time it was the same thing, and as I was waking up fully I came to the realization that it was something dreadful. I turned up the sound and watched in horror as to what was happening. At that moment I wish I was still asleep. Because it was like a bad dream. The only difference was it was very real.
My heart goes out to all the victims and their families on this very very sad day. 

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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
11 Sep 09
I was at work. I had just gashed my finger open on a utility knife and was on my way to the bathroom with my finger wrapped and bleeding. I had noticed that the music had stoped an all the radios and all I could here was unintelligable talking. A guy I worked with walked by and said to me, "hey1 did you hear?we're under attack, we're being bombed with our own planes as the missles!"
Shortly after I was at the hospital, the nurse was bringing in regular updates for me while I was examined and stitched up. by that thime, the last plane had gone down in pensivania. I remember thinking, "this is going to change us forever".
I was sent home for the day because they were concerned my wrapped and stitched finger would just get in the way and I was risking popping it open if I worked with it. I got home and my wife waas outside with a look of utter shock on her face. My neighbor's were outside talking, a few were crying. I walked numbly in to my house, cnn was on. By then the towers had alreday fallen. I looked on the tv and saw the gap wher the towers had been and my stomach lurched. I almost vomited right there. That was when the full scope of things hit me, and yes, I cried.
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@apricotrains (456)
• Melbourne, Australia
12 Sep 09
I was at home, it actually happened on 9/12 here (Australia) & I had no idea why the WTC was on fire. I had just turned on the TV & there it was. It was not till a little later that I found out what it was. Even though the date was different here I shuddered at the thought of what those peole in the planes must have thought as their last thoughts. :( it's not a good thing in any timezone.
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@mellissa2000 (178)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I was sleeping when the attacks happened. But I remember sitting down at the computer and logged into the internet and the home page was covered in these pics of a building smoking....I turned on the tv and sat in shock and couldnt stop watching and waiting for people to come out. I will remember that as I will remember the day of the Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma. I heard the bomb and felt it and remember my teacher telling us it had to be a plane crash. Love and forever peace to those that lost their lives on 9/11, u will forever be in our hearts!
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
12 Sep 09
Hi meandmy3! It's been a while since I've heard from you! How are you doing?
I'm embarassed about admitting this but I'm a late sleeper and I was asleep when it happened! I was supposed to sing at one of the assisted living facilities here in Jasper that day and I had called the activity director to tell her I wouldn't be able to make it. She said it was okay because the residents and employees there were watching the news. This was when I first learned about it. I'm sure I went and turned on the tv in the den after this. This is a terrible day, wasn't it? I remember at church the next Sunday, the preacher had us all to meet upstairs in the auditorium during the class period so he could talk to us about how to handle what had happened. I hope I'm making sense there.
You said everyone was kind on the roads that day, no horns blowing, people were letting others merge, etc. Wouldn't it be nice if people would be this kind all the time, not just when something like when 9-ll-01 happened? Kathy.
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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I was sleeping at that time. I got up and turned the TV on and could not believe what I saw and heard. I was very sad and heartbroken for the people hurt and the family member waiting to hear about their love one. I was taking classes at the local college so I went to class. One of my instructor was so upset that she could not teach and canceled class that day. While waiting for my next class I went to the student center and watch the coverage on the TV with some of the other students. Everyone there just could not believe what we were seeing and hearing about the other attacks that day.
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@Chortaga (97)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I was in school when I found out.
I didn't get up early enough and my parents never watched the morning news, so I didn't even know what was going on until I got to school.
I remember walking in and there being this eerie silence. Being a middle school it wasn't often quiet.
I walked into my class and the tv was on, in fact every tv in the school was on. They were all playing the same thing.
We didn't do much school work that day, we just sat there, watching the news.
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@d_red_madelaine (528)
• Philippines
12 Sep 09
Eight years ago, I was at my friends house doing our thesis when the news in CNN erupted about the bombing in world trade center. We are all shocked about the news. My friend and group mate called his friend in New York whose at that time is working there, well not exactly in world trade center but near it i think. He said everyone is in shocked and panic lucky for him he's not there. And lucky for my uncle who was suppose to go there but the train did not let them pass because of the bombing... but what if he went there earlier... I don't want to think about it.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I was at home. I had fallen alseep the night before and had left the television on in my bedroom. I woke up to the sound of the news. The first thing that I saw when I opened my eyes was the first plane hitting the World Trade Towers. I remember that they kept showing it over and over. My brother is in the Marines and was stationed in South Carolina at the time. We tried all day long to get in touch with him. We were so scared. I will never forget that day as long as I live.
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I was in school, sitting in a computer lab and chatting online when someone posted that planes had flown into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and one which would have been flown into the White House or the Capital (presumably) had several passengers not overtaken the hijackers, forcing them to crash into the Pennsylvania field. I couldn't believe it, so I went to my school's Catholic Student Center and overheard people talking about it, having seen it on the TV in one of the campus bookstores, so I went to the bookstore and watched the TV for a while. It was so unbelievable; I kept asking myself if it were real or if Hollywood was playing a major joke on everyone. Sadly, it was real.
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@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
when the world trade tower has been hit by bomb, i was in disbelief though it's far here in our country but the news striked everywhere. it was the talk of the town, news everywhere is about the pentagon and world trade center tower. it was so devastating. that time when i was about 21 years old. i was just busy doing our thesis in college by that time. i hope that it won't happen again.
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@aicasalinks (303)
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
I was finishing college eight years ago. It was also the year when I first met my other half and same year when we became lovers. I accepted his love on September 7, 2001, so we were lovers or eight years and four days now. I still remember we were on a date when we first heard of the September 11 terrorist attack that killed thousands of people in New York and some parts of the US.
@jovanmaj (20)
• Macedonia
12 Sep 09
I was at home when all this happend,Searching the internet and in one momment a there was a pop-up at one site telling the horrbile thing.
I Tought i was a joke so i didnt really pay attaniton and when a i watched the news later I saw the horrible thing and just sank in to sadness.