What were you doing when you heard about the 911 terrorist attack?
By laurenrich
@laurenrich (111)
United States
September 11, 2009 8:14am CST
I rememeber plainly when my late husband called me from work and told me to turn on the television. When I turn the television on I could not believe what I was seeing with my eyes. Smoke was coming from the Twin Towers and people were running. It was more like a movie than real life here in America. It is still kind of unreal in my mind. Tell us what were you doing when we were attacked by terrorist.
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20 responses
@crystaltips (219)
12 Sep 09
(I'm a Brit by the way) I was at work and my boss called me into his office to see a news bulletin that the first tower had been hit. We went to the TV in the office where the other members of staff were watching it and we all watched in disbelief as the second tower was hit before our eyes. Unless I have remembered it wrong, I am sure I saw that second tower get hit live!
It was so dramatic, I know what you mean when you say it was like a movie, and the images of those poor people falling out of the windows will stay with me. Unbelievable.
@laila1978 (1)
• Philippines
12 Sep 09
i remember that time i think its 11 pm here in my country (philippines)- im sleeping already when a classmate called me to watch the news!!! i was really horrified when i saw whats happening... it feels like the end of the world
@pooh08 (671)
• Vietnam
12 Sep 09
At that time, I think the best way I choose is go away from American. I think now American is not good to live, to earn money or somethings. If I were you, I will decide to move some countries have a place life such as my country. Because, we can earn money, we can live if we still alive. When we die, we cannot do anything. Your parent give you a live, you should respect and love this live as well as your children.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
12 Sep 09
911 terrorist attack is the most horrible incident that Ive ever seen. When i saw the attacked on tv its like watching a action movie. i never thought that this thing could possible happen. i never thought that there are really persons who had evil thinking to do that to the innocents just for there own sake. i hope this incident wont happen again.
@peenaweena (5)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I was at my daughter's school volunteering when I get a page from my friend for me to find a tv. What a frightening sight to see the towers be hit. I also had to break the news to the office workers and some teachers. We were in lock down mode since we were only a few miles from a military installation. A day that is forever burned in my mind.
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
11 Sep 09
That is how it was for me too. My daughter called me and said to turn on the TV and I was just in time to see the second plane crash into the twin towers. It was awful and horrifying. I could hardly believe my eyes. Even now I can hardly believe it. So senseless and stupid. It's just so sad.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I remember, I couldn't believe my ears. I had just gotten in my truck to go to work and an announcement came on the radio, the Pentagon had just been hit. I couldn't figure out what was going on, because I didn't turn the tv on before I left home.
I had a meeting scheduled as soon as I got to work, that I did not want to attend anyway. As soon as I got there, I found someone with a little 5 inch tv. I watched a little, then went to the meeting....anxious to get back to that little screen.
Afterward, I watched again and just like you said, I could not believe it was happening in America! Shortly after, we held a prayer meeting. When I got back, I had numerous messages on my phone.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Sep 09
hi oh yes indeed my friend called me to tell me she was on'her wayto p;ick me up to take me to the podiatrist, and that two planes had crashed into the twin towers.At first I thought she was kidding but soon saw it was just too horribly real.I sat in the waiting room waiting to be c alled and watched the TV and some wereopenly crying.we saw people jumping for fearof being burned alive.it was almost unbelievable but it was plenty real. then when I got in to see the podiatrist he almost cut my toe because he was all shook up over the 9/11 attack. what a sad sad day for america.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
11 Sep 09
I don't remember exactly what I was doing on that infamous date! I do however remember that I was glued to the same position as I started changing all the different news channels! The same news was on every channel and that's when the shock started to build and sink in. I couldn't do anything else at that point. I remain glued to the television screen as I watched the event unfold. I have the two main movies which are really quite sad but I now treasure them as some kind of memorial. The two films are 'World Trade Centre' and 'United 93'. I watch these from time to time but I know that there were numerous memorial services taking place today in order to remember 911. A very sad and tragic event but also an event that brought many people closer together. Andrew
@vinslounge (1295)
• India
11 Sep 09
I was 15 years old when that Incident occured and at the time of september 11 attack, I was studying as I had my Half-Term exams the next day. My grand father phoned and asked me to switch on the television sets to see the twin towers burning due to terrorist attacks. I immediately turned on the set and saw the two towers set ablaze by fire and was completely shocked to see the incident.
@bearound (132)
• China
12 Sep 09
I remember when I was watching television a special news came out saying that the Twin Towers was under terrorist attack.I cound not beleive what I saw which could happen in Hollywood movie because it was said that the security system of America is the best of the world.However,it was real.
@mansoak (510)
• India
11 Sep 09
I was at work that day. My friends told that there has been terrorist attack. I dint belive it. When i returned from work to home i saw i news channel .It was terrible. I could no beleave my eyes i that some accident might have happen and then i saw the headlines Terrorist Attack in America.
@cdgfx84 (43)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I remember that day like it was yesterday I was tutoring some kids at Elementary School. It was some program my high school had every Tuesday and Thursday a class can't remember what it was called would tutor kids like read books and whatever, but anyways that is where I was at once I got back to the high school our school watched the news all day as well as everyone else when it happened.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
11 Sep 09
I was at work. There is a morning show in Detroit called Mojo in the morning. We always listened to that show while working. I had just gotton into a relationship. We decided we were going to be exclusive on 5/11. So on each month anniversary, we would call each other at work. Usually we said happy anniversary and all that but on that day, our 4 month anniversary she just said "can you believe what's happenin g? Instead of it being a morning show, Mojo stayed on all day.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
11 Sep 09
I was at work. I had just gashed my finger open on a utility knife and was on my way to the bathroom with my finger wrapped and bleeding. I had noticed that the music had stoped an all the radios and all I could here was unintelligable talking. A guy I worked with walked by and said to me, "hey1 did you hear?we're under attack, we're being bombed with our own planes as the missles!"
Shortly after I was at the hospital, the nurse was bringing in regular updates for me while I was examined and stitched up. by that thime, the last plane had gone down in pensivania. I remember thinking, "this is going to change us forever".
I was sent home for the day because they were concerned my wrapped and stitched finger would just get in the way and I was risking popping it open if I worked with it. I got home and my wife waas outside with a look of utter shock on her face. My neighbor's were outside talking, a few were crying. I walked numbly in to my house, cnn was on. By then the towers had alreday fallen. I looked on the tv and saw the gap wher the towers had been and my stomach lurched. I almost vomited right there. That was when the full scope of things hit me, and yes, I cried
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
11 Sep 09
I was at work. I had just gashed my finger open on a utility knife and was on my way to the bathroom with my finger wrapped and bleeding. I had noticed that the music had stoped an all the radios and all I could here was unintelligable talking. A guy I worked with walked by and said to me, "hey1 did you hear?we're under attack, we're being bombed with our own planes as the missles!"
Shortly after I was at the hospital, the nurse was bringing in regular updates for me while I was examined and stitched up. by that thime, the last plane had gone down in pensivania. I remember thinking, "this is going to change us forever".
I was sent home for the day because they were concerned my wrapped and stitched finger would just get in the way and I was risking popping it open if I worked with it. I got home and my wife waas outside with a look of utter shock on her face. My neighbor's were outside talking, a few were crying. I walked numbly in to my house, cnn was on. By then the towers had alreday fallen. I looked on the tv and saw the gap wher the towers had been and my stomach lurched. I almost vomited right there. That was when the full scope of things hit me, and yes, I cried
@workoutfreak (377)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 09
that was so terrible, really. i even couldn't believe myself. it was a time when i wanted to go to school in early morning. as usual, my dad always watches TV in the morning. i was shocked, i though it was an action movie. but, everyone were panic, i did watch from my home. i live outside USA and the news was spread so quickly. that was really horrible, i couldn't say any single word. i hope that was the last incident ever happened in USA.
@markodoom (243)
• United States
11 Sep 09
i was in California on a work trip; i was awoken from my sleep by ne of my employees who was a very excitable person by nature and phoned me to tell me we were 'under atack' and we'd be 'going to war' and at first i brushed it off as hysterics on his part as he was prone to get excited over nothing. That was till he told me to switch on the TV. It was before 7am but I begrudgtingly did as he suggested just in time to see one of the planes hit. I could not believe my eyes. Horrible.
@Battletech (16)
• United States
11 Sep 09
Yeah, it was kind of also unreal in my mind also. When I first saw it, my first thought was "Where is Superman?". Perhaps I used to watch too many movies...