You know it's bad and you still do it........

September 11, 2009 5:02pm CST
I know things are really unavoidable. Vices, Habit, and more things that you know it's bad but you don't really mind it. Is that hard to avoid things that you know I could be bad for everyone? What are the things that you know it is bad but you still did it?
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2 responses
@Jemina (5770)
13 Sep 09
I know chocolate is bad but I just can't do away with it. I love chocolate cakes and when I'm depressed I want a small piece of chocolate to give me an instant endorphine boost. I know staying too long in front of computer is not good for my already bad eyes but I'm too addicted with myLot and posting and blogging.
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• Philippines
13 Sep 09
It's true that chocolates can boost your endorphin to ease your depression. But I don't like chocolates at all except for dark chocolates. I'm more on vanilla, caramel,mocha, and fruit flavors. I also have poor eyesight, but I can't avoid it because I am working 9hours a day in front of computers and when I got home, I still use 4-5hours to watch movies online. These are the habits you truly can't resist.
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• Philippines
13 Sep 09
I like nuttela on crepes. I love crepes. I got this habit of eating junkfoods and pastries. But I don't anymore, this is the bad thing that I really need to prevent do avoid gaining weight.
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@Jemina (5770)
13 Sep 09
I only eat dark chocolates and most of the time I am satisfied just looking at them. Sometimes I dip almonds or walnuts in nutella and much them to satisfy my craving but I can only have a few. Don't want to indulge myself too much because I easily get pimples.
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I'm still smoking
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
11 Sep 09
I hope you are trying to quit. Take heart, there are many people out there that share your vice.
• Philippines
11 Sep 09
I do too. I don't say I'll quit smoking because it's hard if you got loads of things in mind. I'd rather say "I'll minimize my smoking habit". Instead of 10 sticks per day, have it like 5 sticks. Every week you remove 1 stick until you can handle a day without smoking. Just once in a while.