Girls, let's talk facial hair!!

United States
September 12, 2009 8:24am CST
I have rather pale skin, but very very dark, thick, course hair!! So when I get a hair in a place it doesn't belong, it's very obvious! Sadly, I have a lot of unwanted hair. I have hair on my knuckles, and my toes! It's so gross. I also have a whole lot of facial hair. I get it from my mother. She's got tanner skin than I do, but also dark, thick hair. The last time I saw her, she practically had a full beard because she'd gotten lazy about it. It bothers me so much, especially when I forget to pay attention for a few days and end up having like half a dozen chin hairs to pluck! Ewwww!! And I will admit it... I do have to shave my mustache! I used to bleach it when I was a teenager, but eventually that just turned into too much of an ordeal. With 5 kids I can't always afford the money or the time to bleach my face! So instead I opted to shave it... "Man, I feel like a woman..." NOT!!! So, I'd like to know I'm not the only woman on earth who has to shave her face like a guy!! How do you handle your facial hair, if you have any?
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26 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
13 Sep 09
I have a few I tweeze...darn it all.....I hate those nasty little critters!
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@misisbau (317)
• Philippines
13 Sep 09
I think shaving your face only makes the hair grow tougher. I'm also fair skinned, I have a moustache also (I think most women do) I usually just pluck them myself. I went to a salon that does hair "threading". That usually works. If you can do it yourself, that will save you a lot of money. The beautician used thin twine to do the threading. Dental floss will probably work too. You face will be red for an hour, after that, it's ok. Soft as a baby's bottom :-)
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
13 Sep 09
I don't have a mustache. Is this something that happens mainly when women get into their thirties?
• Philippines
13 Sep 09
My facial hair is not that dark and thick. Though I have on my legs, armpit and bikini line. I shave it if I have time and if I have to go someplace important, but usually I let it be. I'm shy to show it so I always wear jeans and shirt with sleeves to hide it. I do buy Veet cream to remove hair on my legs and the result is ok just hate the smell of the cream. I've also tried waxing my unwanted hairs and the result is great the hair will grow back but it's thinner and lesser, you just have to endure the pain. Someday I want to laser remove my unwanted hairs just then to save because it's a bit expensive.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Sep 09
Hey kats! Oh, you are so not alone! I also shave my mustache! I also pluck my damn chin hairs and yes I have many! It seems like I am constantly plucking them every single day! I also have pretty light skin and very dark hair so it really shows up! I don't know what to do either! I can't afford electrolis and don't even know if it works and for how long! So I just keep plucking and it drives me totally nuts! I never did the bleaching thing! I wish I could find an easier way, but I honestly just don't know of any!
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@malpoa (1214)
• India
13 Sep 09
I do have facial hair but I do not do anything about it. Just the thought of waxing makes me feel the pain!!! I once got my face waxed, but in two weeks time I got small pimples all over my face where ever roots of hairs where there. It turned ugly. I have to look out for someother way to deal with it. Even mine is hereditary and my elder sister recently underwent electrolysis to remoeve facial hair. not only it was painfull, but it reappeared after 2-3years. I pluck out hair on my upper lip and the longer ones on the chin. I just leave wha tis there on side locks and cheeks. I do not shave fearing a change of skin texture.
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• Philippines
13 Sep 09
before i have unwanted hair but i was able to get over with them. thankz to some treatments. here in Philippines its just okey to have facial hairs or unwanted hair as long us its not very obvious.dont worry, you are not just the one.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I do have facial hair. Doctor said it was from an hormonal imbalance I have. I do hate it so. It makes me feel so self conscious about it too. I mean I can pluck and pluck but they always grow back I will admit that in a hurry I have shaved with hubbies razor a few times..not with shaving cream or nothing..I have tried nair..gag..stuff smells bad..I have used the device called emjoir Tweeze which I loved..hurt as much as plucking but got it done way faster..but it I then bought the product seen on television called Smooth Away and I liked it alot painless..just have to have time to use it. I found mine on eBay for a fraction of the cost that it was on t.v. I paid like less then $15. But when something comes up and I am in a hurry I will still grab for hubby's razor if I hadn't used anything for the hairs in a day or so..My hair grows so darn fast and it is coarse and some dark brown so very noticeable. My husband says I could pass for the bearded fat lady..but I try to keep it makes me feel so unsexy..and I don't want to even get intimate unless I am hair free...nothing worse then having more hair then hubby on those occasions. Hubby does rant and rave if I do use his razor though..but I just let him ramble on because when I buy girl razors he is always grabbing them to use...I have heard on t.v. that they have a cream out for the hair but it is prescription with no health coverage that leaves me with few choices only..I have wanted to try veet but haven't been able to..
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
14 Sep 09
Thanks for the best response I appreciate it. Yep, those chin hairs I know all about..they can be and are annoying...
• United States
13 Sep 09
I will pluck hairs on my chin, otherwise they grow back too soon. But for my upper lip I use an electric razor, and I'll do that every couple of weeks. Thankfully they aren't as dark or thick and arent' noticable until they've grown in a ways. Once in awhile I'll find too many hairs on my chin, and then I'll have to shave them because plucking would be ridiculous.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Sep 09
Hi kats, i feel your pain. I have hair toes too.. and knuckles, my arms are VERY hairy, and i've only met one other in person taht shaves their arms as well.. i guess i've stopped now and just not cared so much for the last 3--4 years, but i used to shave them everytime i shaved my legs.. I have so far, only one hair on my chin that grows in dark a nd thick, thankfully, i feel lucky in that regard! *knocks on wood* I hope i didn't just jinx myself!
• United States
13 Sep 09
I shaved my arms when I was in high school. A friend of mine was doing it (she was blonde!!) and I had the thick, dark hair all over my arms, so followed her lead. I only did it for a couple years, then it got too tedious. I haven't shaved them in probably 10 years.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Sep 09
katsmeow1213 yes I too shave that nasty chin hair and upper lip stuff as its the quickest way and cheapest way to get rid of it mine is white but it still shows and I hate it so much so I get rid of' it the fastest way I can.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I have a mole hair, and my eyebrows are thick. I have a little bit of a mustache, but I pluck that. I used to use nair for the lip, but don't anymore. I figure if I don't mess with it too much it's not too noticeable. I'm picky about my mole hair too. I'll pluck it as soon as I see it, or feel it. Or i'll obsess by playing with the hair before I pluck it.
@jenlex79 (256)
• United States
12 Sep 09
Be careful plucking your mole hair. I used to pluck a mole hair on my arm and when it came back it was an ingrown hair. My mole got infected and had to be cut open to get the ingrown hair out. It was a nightmere.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I don't have any dark hair on my face. It must really suck because I hate shaving my legs every day, I couldn't imagine having to shave my face too.
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• Philippines
12 Sep 09
lucky for me,I don't have a mustache or hair in my legs.I do have unwanted hair in the underarms.I plan on getting it removed thru laser.I hate shaving it every other day!it's very tedious and the growth of the hair gets worse.
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@dbabcook (388)
• United States
13 Sep 09
I too do have some facial hair along my upper lip and on my chin. Unfortunately I can't afford to do the bleaching things so I just pluck atleast every couple of days. It is a hassle but I would rather do that then shave and have it grow back in thicker and darker. So my best suggestion would be to try and pluck it atleast twice per week.
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@jenlex79 (256)
• United States
12 Sep 09
I do have a woman mustache and I don't touch it. Its a part of me and if a man doesn't like it then he knows where the door is. lol. I'm hispanic, so my mustache is very noticeable. I choose to just leave it alone because I don't worry about what people have to say about me.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
13 Feb 10
I don't have hair on my knuckles and toes...but I do have the stray strands on my chin which I pluck (these started after my kids)....and the light fuzz on the upper lip (which I have to thread out). I've seen that the growth on my legs have come down after regular waxing and it's more of a light fuzz now unlize the coarser hair I had as a young girl. I had a classmate who had a full beard...poor thing and it was so embarassing for her when we were in high school. She would shave and then she would wax it but it was obvious while it grew back...and she had pale skin too. She went in for electrolysis when she was 18.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Sep 09
I have lots of chin hair since menopause came and went. Most are fine and sort of not noticeable but I occasionally get a thick one which I play with then pluck. I would never, ever shave because that would make the hair grow back faster, coarser, and darker than ever before. I would hate to have to shave my face like a guy. I have hairy toes but my knuckles are fine. My big lament is a sad lack of hair where my girl pelt should be. I was shaved for an operation during my menopause and the hair has never grown back! Off topic, I know, I couldn't resist having a bit of a cry...
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Sep 09
Other than one annoying, really thick hair on my elbow, I can't say that I have any unwanted hair whatsoever (except for legs and armpits, of course). Maybe once I go through "mental pause" I'll have to deal with it...
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
22 Sep 09
I have a serious problem with facial hair. I don't deal with it very often unless I have a job interview or something. Then I use a depilatory For me, it is mostly on my chin with a couple of loose hairs over the lip. I would not consider shaving the hair because I don't want to have to shave every day for the rest of my life. My mom did that and she looked awful for it.
@anne12d (676)
• Philippines
12 Sep 09
I also have unwanted hair on my body. In my face, I have a mustache but I dont shave it or pluck it. It's obvious at a near distance but by far it's not. I dont want to shave it or wax it because my boyfriend don't want to and I dont want it too aswell. People often notice my facial hair especially my mustache but I told them its one of my asset. I also have thick eyebrows but I pluck it and now most of the girls envied it because of the contour and it's black and thick. I also have black and thick hair so whenever I went to a salon for treatment, they have to have extra charge. In my country they call a person who has lots of hair all over their body as "Balbon" and I'm one of them. Both of my parents have lots of hair but they reaaly ignore facial hair. I wax my hair on my legs because it was really thick and curly just like a man. And I promise to myself that I will save money so that I can afford a laser hair removal but for now I will stick to waxing.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
13 Sep 09
It is also my problem so sometimes I need to shave my legs every 3 days I also want to try waxing. It is very noticeable if I don't shave it because I'm have fairer skin and both of my parents are also hairy. Unwanted hair is always been the women problem sometimes I want to be a man so I would not worry so much about shaving.
@AKMEDIA2 (328)
• United States
14 Sep 09
You're not alone. I wax off my facial hair and though people say it doesen't really show on me, I feel it and I notice and see it and I get grossed out by it.