
@yecal10 (143)
United States
September 12, 2009 4:28pm CST
How can I best organize my coupons? I've gotten better at clipping them, but how are they to be organized? By time expired or by merchandise type? Also, does anyone have advice about where (what websites,etc.) to obtain the best coupons? Thank you and I appreciate it.
3 responses
@casinocat (284)
• United States
22 May 10
We organize our coupons in by merchandise type/aisle in the store. We keep them in envelopes which are labeled with the type. ("Paper Products", "Personal Care", "Frozen Food", "Dairy" etc.) We try to keep the ones expiring soon toward the front of each envelope, as well. has good coupons, of course. And I recommend joining, and then printing your coupons from their site. They will pay you 10 cents a day to print even just one coupon.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
30 Oct 09
I sort my coupons by the isles of the store that I usually shop. That way, it is a little faster to go through the store.
• India
25 Sep 09
find best online coupon from