Has a wild animal ever frightened you?
@sun_flower714 (445)
United States
11 responses
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Yes! years ago my sister and I were walking down a camping trail twords evening and she said a big dog was following us, but when I turned around, I saw that it was a wolf! A big silver wolf with copper eyes and it had it's head low, it's tail stiff and it was making low growling noises. We were terrified! I knew it was menasing and was thinking about attacking, but I noticed that if we stared it down and slowly walked backwards, it kept it's distance, but when we turned away, it moved fast and was right behind us, so we ended up walking slow and backwards all the way down the mountain trail, till the campers and trailers came into view, then the wolf stayed back and finally disappeared! I was never so scared in my life and my sister cried the whole time durring that backward walk! I have often heard people say to never stare down a wild animal but in our case it worked! We were on our way home an hour later! My dad didn't want to stick around after that!

@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Wow, that would definately be scary! I could never imagine such a thing. I am so glad that ya'll got away from it ok, you both were very lucky. I have heard the opposite about staring...well with dogs anyways...not sure about ALL wild animals...but if you make eye contact with a dog or canine for that matter you are supposed to keep contact with them until they look away...that proves dominance and shows that you are in control. My dog tries it once in a while and will stare with me for a while until she turns away and lowers her head...it is amusing.
None-the-less I am very glad that you both made it ok back down the mountain. Thank you so much for your response and I hope you have a great day!
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@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
16 Nov 06
Heh, yea I certainly wouldn't recommend doing that with a bear...lol. Good call! :)
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@krizz420 (4385)
• Canada
14 Nov 06
I remember one night I thought I seen a cat so I followed it going "HERE KITTY KITTY" followed it for about 5mins trying to pet it then it moved into some light and thats when I noticed it was a huge skunk. Dont ask me why it did'nt spray me but I was so lucky. Moral of the story don't try and pet what you can't see!lol
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@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
15 Nov 06
LOL! That is funny. I am glad that you didn't get sprayed, I have heard awful stories about it. We had a pet skunk when I was growing up. He was real cute (no stinky stuff though). He would still act like he could spray you though when you made him mad, it was quite funny.
Thanks for your response and I hope you have a great day!
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@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Really? Wow, that is amazing. Thanks for your response.
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@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Being from the back woods the answer would be YES. I guess there are to many to list. When you like to camp and hunt you see a lot of animals some people may not get normally come across. I have had this happen both day and night times.I think the scariest times of being approached or startled is at night. You have more options during the day to escape. I have to ask as well what do you consider to be WILD? Would that be animals living outside?
@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I would have to agree with you. Being approached at night is far more scary than during the day. Mostly because you can't see exactly what it is. I was scared once during the night to the point where I couldn't move or scream and my legs gave out...only to find out*after* they ran towards me making a weird noise that it was my mother's dogs...it is funny now but I was terrified then...lol. Wild animals to me would be undomesticated animals. Even though I brought up the dogs in this subject, at the time I thought they were wild boars (we lived in the country, it could happen). Thanks so much for your response!
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@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Well.. the only wild animal I remember being afraid of when I saw it was a rattle snake. When I lived in California, our house was right up against a canyon. A friend and I were walking in the canyon and I saw the snake. We ran away! ahah
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@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Wow, good thing you seen it! When I was a little girl I was playing hide-n-go-seek with one of my friends...I was hiding and I heard a noise and looked down and right against my foot was this huge rattlesnake all curled up hissing at me and shaking it's rattler. I froze for a second and then took off running. I told my dad and he couldn't ever find it. I am glad now though because he would have kept it...lol.
Thanks for your response and I hope you have a great day!
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@gamerz_84 (918)
• India
14 Nov 06
yeah i hav been startled by a snake.i was lookin for my cricket ball under some roof covers n der was a big snake underneath one of them it was terrifying
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@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Oh my goodness I bet! I have been scared so many times I can't even remember by snakes. Most of the occurances where when I was only a little girl...I think they taught me how to run...lol. Now the big question...did you get your ball back?
Thanks so much for your response and I hope you have a great day!
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@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
14 Nov 06
So are you saying that you are scared of animals in general or just wild animals? Thanks for your response.
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
14 Nov 06
Cute Squirrel pictures by the way.
I have had Squirrels throw nuts at me when I was under their tree lol.. I laughed cause I was gathering the acorns anyhow lol.. they shook the branche, so I was pleased :D ...
The other time. I was walking really fast down the hill in a tall grass a baby ribbon snake.. crawled onto my leg I was walking at running speed I kept trying to shake this piece of string off my leg until I stop and saw this poor dizzy snake slowly slither off my leg into the grass under burdock leaf peaking its head out at me.. Probably trying to figure out what I was a I was trying to figure out what it was...
Another snake experience was I crawled under the electrical fense it crawled onto my shoulder, and Next I know this baby gartner snake and I are looking eye to eye frozing wondering how we ended up eye to eye, so I wuickly caught it, and released it at the edge of the marsh grasses outside of the horse pasture....
Then one night I heard these noises at the window, and a bunch of taps, I thought my cat was climing the screen again... and may have gotten confused.. and was hanging there. I went outdoors to investigate at 12:30 in the morning shined up my flash light. To have a large Great Horned owl panick flying past me as it swatted me in the face with its wing.. Now that was quite a surprised I am not sure who was more startled me or the owl :) ... It evidently did not bother the owl to much as it slept with three or four others at my bedroom window for most of the winter.. Turns out my sisters friend broke into the house so the window was partly open so the owls were hanging out there to keep warm. Wise buggers huh... Now good at all on the heating bill though...
Then the time the Asian Lady Bugs woke the entire house up.. How you asked? They crawled into the smoke alarms! as we all glared at eachother wondering who set it off wandered all over the house and I then spotted the little culprit crawling in and out of the alarm ...
Maybe that was it's plan to get back outside? .. Since the weather was warming up again.
:) .
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
15 Nov 06
Glad you liked my experiences. Yes, I have had plenty of experiences with wild animals.. Another cute story is .. when the horses came charging out of the woods I did not realise Dad changed them from the other pasture.. I was startled but was my little cat? No way.. She leaped up onto the lead horses bridle all the other horses went running the other way, and the lead horse trying to get her off ran towards the electric fence, to zap this cat off her face, the cat leaped over the fence just in time... the poor horse zapped itself in the nose and she landed in the tall marsh grass sitting there licking her paw looking all proud then did her little shocking strut back to me purring. The horses left me alone for the rest of the day... Radar was an interesting cat, she recently passed of old age.....
I hope the link its right..
If it is it should be a picture of Radar doing her famous last second yawn. Never had a normal picture of that cat, she would always wait till the last second and yawn, she thought the was cuter that way! lol.. She was compassionate and loving, but she was also dubbed. "The Cat who clawed." "The cat and the art of the claw" lol...
I will be writing a story about her someday... So many stories come out of that little cat in 14 years. She is a legend to many foster children. :).
I live on 108 acress of marsh and woods I grew up in. So that is my playground, I love the marsh... I hope to someday get a good paying job, so I can own the land and run an good intentional community with it... a little family tribe... That just maybe a pipe dream.. But maybe if I never be able to one of my relatives can :) ..... I will be posting animal poems and stories eventually too. :) .
Well, Take care! - DNatureofDTrain
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
15 Nov 06
The Bug thing made me laugh as no one could figure it out till I watched three of them taking turns zapping themselves on the alarm.. I guess you can say our smoke alarms also notify us when the Lady bug Invasion is about to start..
Sighs the link is not right... Here is the right link...
The links on that photo album are pretty long... hard to remember at times. I did not want to upload the photo yet to here as I'll eventually be writing a story about her :).
Now doesn't she look like a harmless little puddy cat?
She was the King of the Marsh... The dogs obeyed her the horses obeyed her, the squirrels, rabbits, and birds feared her.
She would hunt for all 32 cats and kittens which is why no one else hunted one by one wandering out bringing them gifts. So she was also a master or bribery lol.... Radar's daughter who was raised by another cat is the only one who never gave into Radar's bribes. :) . Radar taught all the cats her little tricks before she passed so now I have 15 Bullies lol... who are compassionate. This group is not good for cuddles yet, they are still kind of jittery of people since the cats brought them up from the barn a little late... I am still working with them though. Take care! :) .
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@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
15 Nov 06
The picture is really cute. Sounds like you have your hands full. I wish you the best of luck with your dream! We all need dreams and to have them come true is simply wonderful. Take care and good luck!
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@nascar8fan (742)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Yes, but would you like to hear about the coyotes or the deer that hit the glass sliding door in my livingroom???
@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
14 Nov 06
Are you asking me to choose between the coyotes and the deer or were you asking if I wanted to hear about both of them? None-the-less I would LOVE to hear your story! Please let us hear about it, or rather read.:) Thanks so much for your response!
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@Dropey (213)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I live in a very secluded area and we have a problem with opossums. They get in the trash and are just every where. Our dogs kill one at least 3 times a month. One night I stepped out onto the front porch to get some air and right at my foot was one staring at me. I look up and one is on the porch banister. Its like the were going to gang up on me. I knew not to freak so I slowy backed into the house and then slammed the door. Those things are really dumb too. You ever notice when you driving and there in the road they make no attempt to get out of the way. Its like they want to die. I actually stopped in the road and waited on one to get out of the way because I didnt want to run over it. I dont know if it was blinded by my head lights or what but it just kept walking around in circles. I have always wanted to catch one while it was a baby and keep it as a pet. i want a baby racoon too. Im weird.
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
15 Nov 06
Ewey possums.. we have those too. I had to kill one as it was chasing my cats and kittens... It bit off the tails of two of our cats and Angels Half a paw.. So I had to do something about the viscious critter after three months of trying to chase it outta the yard... .. I took care of that one...... I ain't gonna let no possum bite my kitty kats! :) - DNatureofDTrain
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@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I don't think having a baby opossum or baby raccoon is weird...if you seen from one of the previous discussions I had a skunk when I was growing up...lol.
Thanks so much for your response and I hope you have a great day!
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@InsrtYurNameHere (18)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Funny i know i have yet nothing come to mind right now! :(Only thing i can think of is when we were walking out of you house last night and the dog scared you!
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@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
20 Apr 07
We had the DNR release cougars in our marsh without notifying our family. So another time is my neice was outside and heard this cougar crying, she thought it was me imitating animals again, so she was yelling at this cougar to stop crying, and then realised I was not outside the whole time, so that creeped her out.
My cougar encounter is I was doing dishes and we saw at the edge our hayfield... and It looked like a Brown Cat just sitting there. So I said hey want to take a break and go out and catch that kitty? I then rinsed off more dishes and she was excited, yeah yeah lets go catch that kitty. However, something looked out of place so I sat and watched it.. Then I stated oh no no no I ain't catching that Kitty.. It's a Big kitty! My sister said oh come on you caught Tom and he was three feet tall... I said yeah... but This kitten is taller then three feet. I said the fence post he is sitting next to is 6-8 feet tall. He was over half way taller than that fence post sitting there...
Probably would not have been wise trying to catch and tame a cougar.. :) So we watched it climb into a tree and fall asleep, left it alone. 8 weeks later came the big hoopla over the cougar sitings.. Later we found out our big Kitty was a Cougar.
- DNatureofDTrain
@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Yea...did you read the one about the dog...thinking it was a wild boar? LOL! And how could you forget the snake...don't tell me that you weren't scared as you were running around the neighborhood...lmao!
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