Don't You Hate It When......

United States
September 13, 2009 6:03pm CST
Don't you hate it when your checking your website or blogs stats like unique visitors exit links and such,to see that you have several clicks on referral links and affiliate links.You get excited,heart racing blood pumping you check your referral sites to see how much money you made today!!Come to find out "You have no new referrals"!!!What the heck,8 people clicked on a particular referral link and not one sign up!I wonder if people do this on purpose to get you excited and prepped for the epic fail when u check how many sign ups you got. Anyway needed to vent a little after having a down day in terms of profit :(
1 response
@satan88 (584)
• United States Minor Outlying Islands
13 Sep 09
yea i've got like 240 something views on one of my gpt site but only 1 referal. I've had some better success from other programs though but this one is a bust. This is a site that know longer exists called thedragonsgold i think it was sold than closed down a while back. it was a good site though and really did pay.