You have No right to me....

September 14, 2009 12:03am CST
[i][b]You have no right to ask me how I feel You have no right to speak to me so kind We can't go on, holding on to time Now we're living separate lives[/b][/i] This is the song came from Laura pausini & Phil collins. Yeah, i listen to this kind songs too, but the weird thing is that i started thinking about this song the moment i woke up, i wasn't listening to any song last night..when i thought about it, i felt sad and weakened as if something wasn't the same anymore, probably just a feeling though.. Does this Lyric really happen in real life to you? when you two break or separate, maybe you can become friends. but when you become strangers again, does either both don't have the right to be concern with each other? or simply it's a mind setting that when you break up with the person, everything attached is detached and just like that it's just became a memory. example I have read a discussion about a guy who broke up with his girl and the girl kept sending him emails about her new lover and they got married. he later told in his discussion, he got over it? so, for me the question there is that, does he have the right to be jealous now that they're separated? probably the feelings making him feel like that.. So, to you My-friend-lotters out there..does it gives us the right to still care, talk and be-friend to those who broke and separate with us? do we still have that right? Nah, it's not that deep. hope you can answer it your way.
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21 responses
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
14 Sep 09
hi buddy. are you getting serious now? well, as for me, once you broke up and separated ways, you lose everything in the relationship. first, is the relationship itself that you have lost. and you have no right to ask me how i feel about that.
2 people like this
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Nah, something i thought of when i woke up this morning, stupid song does have to make think like this again. yeah, that's probably the usual response, i can't imagine myself being told of that after having a serious long you've been active now? have a great day...
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
14 Sep 09
what do you mean active? active in what?
2 people like this
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
how long you've been Log-in here mylot today..cause i just got in.
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• United States
14 Sep 09
About 4 years ago i had an online relationship with someone and it got very involved and we loved being together. But it was effecting both of our real lives and so i decided it was time to break it off stop the relationship. We had both agreed if it ever started effecting each others lives in a negative way we would end it no questions asked. Well the split was very difficult on both of us. He wanted to remain friends but i tried i really tried to be just a friend. It couldnt work we had been so much more than friends. How to go backwards to not having those feelings for someone after such an intense relationship. I just couldnt do it everytime i was around him i felt i wanted that back. It was torture for both of us , so we havnt talked in over a year now. Sure i miss him but it just has to be this way :(
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
hello good. It must have been hard? where does this he by the way? it would been good if he tried to visit you. yeah, i feel the same way too, it's hard for me when two love birds are so far away.and couldn't be together
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@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Whew, you made me think. I wonder what will happen if my separation pushes through? (hope not). Seriously, I think once you broke up or separate, you don't have the right to feel that way towards each other unless, you still feel there's still love that you feel inside you. I don't think that you can be-friend the one you broke up with. It will be really hard for both of you. HUGZ!
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@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
As far as I can remember, I responded to your come back discussion. LOL. I really wanted to be as active again here but my mind wouldn't let me. I've been in a lot of stress and pressures which is really bad for my health. I just really hope this problems that we are encountering right now will just disappear right at this moment..
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
14 Sep 09
hi best. in my opinion, it still depends on the situation why you get separated. remember by first? we are still friends, because when we parted ways, although it's not done legally, but we talked, heart to heart. but still, we have no rights now, to dictate in some ways, how to feel, deal with others, the other side. i have no right now with her, and she can never tell me anymore, what should i be doing or how should i feel, or what will i do with my life. best, i hope yours will become better.
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Hello, dhangski! It's been a while I was here too way back (Greeneagle) it's probably been a while since i saw you in my topics. well, this is my new account though. yeah, i agree i can feel that hardship already, it's like sucking the heart as if it's implodes.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
14 Sep 09
I have the rather akward situation as this is a small place of my ex still being near by and although we never had so much as a cross word we cannot speak to each other now at all though we often see each other as he uses the cafenion opposite the one I use, both outdoors. I wouldn't go in his and he wouldn't go in mine, and I gave up the taverna we used to go in together unless I go early when I know he won't be there. I know that he asks about me frequently, just to know that I'm okay, especially if I don't go into the village at the same time, but I rarely ask as he would know about it instantly. Feelings on both sides run to deep too even allow us to speak let alone be friends. Even after all this time most of the village still think we will be together whereas he is more likely to stay alone now and I've moved on, but I would never put myself in the situation of seeing someone again who lives in the area, it's too hard and too much talk. The man I'm with now lives well out of the area.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
14 Sep 09
Rumours spreading easily, surely not. Only to the extent that next time I go to my cafenion 20 people will have told him I am there as it is of such fascinating interest to some of the idiots round here. What's to forgive, things are best this way, sometimes things are just too consuming for real life, but I couldn't speak to him, and I make sure I'm never in that situation.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 09
men, this people need to get a life and not interfering with some one else's business
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
I see. seems every story that i encounter always end up not tying binds and becoming real strangers in the end. Well, even though you haven't told me the part on how did it end, just asking, have you forgiven this man for what ever he did to you. it seems that rumors easily spread in your town. good thing we don't know so much in this neighborhood.
@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
darn it!!! this just bring back all those wonderful sad memories of my past! a story untold. a life of struggle, pains, aches and LOVE!!! and now, everything has change and that event would never ever be forgotten for the rest of my life. though how hard it may be, its still nice to bring and remember those moments. on how i just stand up and left! and then face everything with a strong heart and mind. and even if sometimes i may think i could not make it! but i just make it through! still the story yet untold. and hopefully i could have the time to spare some moment to letit all go now. but there is always this right time for it all.. jhelai
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• Philippines
21 Sep 09
is it a poem already my friend? oh my! well the story is inside the poem... i hope you can make it out?! lol! if we love someone so much its still best to let go and if they come back, then maybe they are ours to kep forever. but there are many situations. but if ever nothing good would happen in the end. then we must have to accept the fact of not having them... jhelai
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
actually you never even start a story, it's like you wrote a poem based on your story or something. well, it's alright since you're you now and the past is in the past. letting go, and saying good-bye, i watch it on t.v. and it was said, it was the right thing to do
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@dbutheking (2347)
• India
14 Sep 09
Hi knight, I don't have any lover, so i don't have any breakups. But, i have some break ups in the friendships due to some misunderstandings. This is not at all the breakup. If our friendship is true, someone will take the step first. If both of us got the ego to start first, then the break ups become more worser and permanent too.. I usually wait for a day to start things up. I am happy that i didn't have any permanent breakups. Just a temporary ones. As my friends know me, even they don't wait for a day too. Most of our fights resolved with in 24 hours.. Have a great day..
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Sep 09
Feelings are feelings....they can't be right or wrong. We feel what we feel even when it seems we shouldn't and visa versa. Sometimes as in the case of people who have split up and especially if the split is recent, it is best to keep your feelings to yourself and give the other person some space. It all depends on the circumstances of the split. You feel whatever you feel but if you are no longer with the person, maybe you really don't have the right to express those feelings anymore.
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• Philippines
15 Sep 09
that's very sad to read, but i supposed it's true. and probably give time whether they want to re-consider or not. that's too bad when a person doesn't express or doesn't have the right to say anything from the heart.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
14 Sep 09
Of course I had to go and get the video ... and listen Oh how many memories that brought back! I split with my husband almost 16 years ago. It was a torment and absurd to continue and we both knew that but it was me who ended it. It was hard for both but worse for him and for years later he was of the idea that sooner or later we would be back together We have a son so we kept in touch for his sake and it was hard. Hard because he knew I was happier alone than in a situation which was going nowhere but he was convinced there was another reason, another person involved. There wasn't and there was no-one until a long time later because I was hurt too. Hurt because it had gone wrong after so many years, more than 18 years together. At the beginning he would want to know things which should not have been any of his concern any more so I kept a distance between us and then over time the situation settled itself and now we are in touch when family things need us to be but we are no longer involved in each other's lives. Both sides have to let go because if one of them is hoping just for 'one more night' they will never move on and start living the rest of their lives. There are many more doors that can be opened after a break-up but only if the previous ones are closed... Hey did you know that Laura Pausini is Italian?
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• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Hi Miss D. wow! talk about deep Hey did you know that Laura Pausini is Italian I thought she was russian Is she still around singing? uhmmm..but i think she was not collins first duet with for this song. i checked it again and it was Merilyn.. Well, that's such an interesting story you just shared with me.probably things doesn't work the way it used to be. probably i felt this way because i forgot how to close a door once...well, i have closed that door a bit now that my mobile phone is broken. I wish i won't encounter a time when am gonna break-up with some one.simple becuase it's too exhausting...for the heart.. Have a Great day
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
14 Sep 09
I do have 'deep' moments too once in a while although I try not to let them happen too much on here Yes she is still singing. She is very popular all over Europe and South America and is always very busy touring. Phil Collins is one of my favourites. I have everything of his and seen him many times too
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 Sep 09
Thought because you have no mood whatsoever, and so hence, this discussion that you created. The lyrics are indeed sad and strong. I believe that when 2 people break up, it's best not to remain friends. Not to become an enemy, but I can't see myself being friends with my ex, unless it's like at work situation or something, which is totally unavoidable. But I do know of people whom can get along really well even after a bad marriage.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 09
hi zed, what's up. to be honest i had no idea when i got this idea..ever since i got that song stuck in my head when i woke up this morning.probably wanna try something new, something a bit serious this time, since am single that is. I've always been afraid of this scenario, so it's also a disguised to asked others what am i gonna do if this happens to me,i mean the break up thing. hahaha
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
15 Sep 09
I suppose hanging out with mates, family members would be the best bet.. it would definitely take some time, I'm pretty sure..
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
14 Sep 09
Well, I know from experiences that SOME people are much better FRIENDS if they are separate, meaning that some people can be civil and decent and good parents and even hang out together once they are separated/divorced yet all they did when they were together was fight and torture each other. I don't know why that is but I have seen it. I know in my case with my ex I just wanted it done with, separated, divorced, no more contact. I mean I do wonder time to time if he found someone to be happy with, because despite his horrible behavior, I don't wish for him to be alone and miserable for the rest of his life just because WE didn't work out lol. As long as he is not abusing his current girlfriend or wife I have no reason to worry. I think everybody wonders occasionally about past loves or relationships they have had in their lives. That's a normal thing, if you have spent time with somebody, especially if it was a very deep relationship or took place over a great length of time, you are bonded in some manner, so you would almost be not human if you didn't have some thoughts about them and how they were doing once in awhile.
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• Philippines
15 Sep 09
So, it's pretty much Normal to remember things, right? but it's quite possible that we could never go back. i thought it's a bad thing to remember past relationships. well, since it was abusive i guess it isn't bad for the both of you to separate and move one.
14 Sep 09
Hi Let, When its over, its really over and its over between you and me; that was from a old song by Nacy Sinatra, yes onece you break up, you have no responsiblit for that person and has no rights at all and as for that discussion about the girl finding a new man and kept e-mailing the ex was wrong of her to do as she was just hurting her ex, that in itself was cruel, so when you seperate that is it finish, you go seperate ways. Tamara.
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• Philippines
15 Sep 09
I think that was the idea, probably she really was crazy as hell, but in time he stood up to it and move one. yeah, just separate when things doesn't really work out. that's all there is before it's get worse
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
14 Sep 09
I came across my ex on Facebook the other day, looked at his profile and logged off because I felt I had no right looking at it, let alone request his friendship which would have no point to it because we would have very little to say to each other. We parted because he did something very hurtful to me and I have no desire for contact at this point. It does seem strange that two people can be so close and when they break up their lives take completely different directions and they no longer even speak; it’s very sad really considering you even shared a bed before the split! Some people break up amicably and I have done that too but I still don’t feel that we should be part of each other’s lives any longer; it would just feel weird especially now that we both have new partners.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Hello!Your question hit me so hard!Well,here is my response. I've been married for 7 years and we had 2 very active boys,we separated last 2007 and since then we did not communicate any more even if we live in the same city and our houses are just 5 kilometers away. For me,if one of you wants freedom coz he/she is not happy any more then we have to give way."You have no right..." coz in order for us to have a new life we should not look back.It's their decision and we have to respect and accept it.No matter how it hurts and how bizarre it is.Nothing is constant in life but CHANGE! Happy mylotting!Hope my answer helped.LOL!
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• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Yeah,he wasted my 7 years of hardships with my parents and family.Just to appease his need to screw every girl that comes his!Well,it's his lost not mine,at least I can look every person that I see in the eye.LOL! Thanks and happy mylotting!
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
That's horrible, seven loving years, just gone..well, don't worry it's the trend now a days. most specially to young couples, but am not comparing you to them, probably you two were strong and something just happened. I can really hate Change sometimes..
• India
14 Sep 09
yes these true feelings cannot be changed it comes straight from the cant stop this feeling..
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Now, that is the cold hard truth about this situation. you can't stop the feeling and you can't convince the heart once it's has decided.
• India
14 Sep 09
yup u are right you can actualy do nothing about it..
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
i dont care eh eh eh eh eh, i dont care eh eh eh eh eh. lol. do you know that song too? well i dont care really. to the father of my children i no longer care. whatever happens to him so he has no right also to ask me how i feel. well for sure he wont care too. he does not care when we are together so much more now that we are apart.
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
I never been in a relationship. I saw this scenes with my friends. I saw them being happy together, I saw them promise that they will love each other but then relationship has its beginning and end. I saw them hurt by their decision to separate from their boyfriend, and I saw them how they struggle to move on. I help them somehow on the journey. I guess that is what love is all about, when love is for you, no matter what has happen it will come back to get you. Don’t always think that love is not for you after failing from it. Love didn’t made a mistake but lovers do. Do not curse love for picking you. You and you alone decide to enter love so you will expect the happiness and the sadness it will bring to you. That is my advice to them.
@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
hi there! maybe yes or maybe no..i guess it all depends on that "thing" you shared in the past---if you were so close and intimate with each other and had broken up in a terrible manner, i guess it would be quite impossible for you to befriend him/her or even think of the person to take care of..sounds unforgiving but just a reality these days.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 09
most specially to us Filipinos when we tend to be soooo emotional on hard things. probably time will tell and heal. for now in my case i have move on.
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
awwwww. what are you sad all of the sudden, you shouldn't feel that way. i bet you're depress again because i wasn't replying to text messages not to mention your calls too. well, i have done my share of experience with men, you know, i am the one who wanted to hold on but they seemed to have just shove me off until it's too late for them to apologize, because i have move on.
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
hi there letran, so how's your day?? still having sleepless nights? well on my own opinion about this topic, hhmm, honestly and frankly, once you are separated, you have no right to the person. no more strings attached for both of you, why still care?? why still talk?? and why be friends?? you are already break up and separated to each other so both of you have no right to ask and to complain.. that's my own opinion and my principle.. janebeth.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Yeah, i slept around two in the morning again, or almost three. It seems that's the usual answer for almost every one who go through that stage. darn it, it's my damn Amy-lot nniversary why am i thinking this now. have a great day
• United States
15 Sep 09
You still have the right as a caring person to communicate with your ex, but it can become complicated when you or the other person finds someone new. :( I think if the other new bf or gf doesn't mind you talking or hanging out, then go for it. But really, just sometimes God wants you to be with someone different anyway. Ashley