I disagree that sibling jealousy can be caused by status differences.;opinion pl

@kalav56 (11464)
September 14, 2009 5:00am CST
Long back ,someone said that when there is a status difference between siblings there is bound to be jealousy between them .I disagreed immediately saying that it need not be the case. It depends on the level of bonding the siblings have for each other. Years have passed and now I do get occasional doubts on this score when I see people but I have not changed my opinion.This is an issue that concerns the attitude of women in general. But we can discuss both genders here be it between sisters'brothers/brother versus sister. What do you think? Men and women can share their observations and thoughts about this.
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18 responses
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
14 Sep 09
Hi Kala! In today's materialistic world, anything is possible, money, social standing, social status,property and assets could lead to jealousy between siblings. I think, it may be felt more if one of the sibling happens to be from feminine gender. And I find that in most of the siblings, when they start living separately with their respective families, difference in their social standing creeps in, due to one reason or the other. I personally feel that it is not a healthy sign or say healthy attitude, life is too short, one should bond well with each other, irrespective of his social status. The love and affection between siblings should not get lost or reduced because of money.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Sep 09
Thank you Deepak for the extra inputs.As you have rightly pointed out, though I myself am a woman I have always felt[not now at this age/ even when I was young]women are more selfish than men and men are more large hearted.My father was a very large hearted man and perhaps this had a subconscios effect.I have no brothersinlaw, and till I got married I was under the impression that wives of brothers would be like sisters and total soulmates.My father's brother's wife[my aunt] was like this with my mother and till date my uncle behaves as though my mother is his mentor and own mother.He held my father in great esteem.But after I got married I got to know variations in this viewpoint within different family circles.I have only sistersinlaw and we get along well.But I have seen how disruotive the wives of brothers can get if only they put their minds to it.It takes a lot of grit on the part of the brothers to keep their wives away and maintain their bonding.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
That was a splendid response.How true Deepak ! Life is indeed short to harbour such jealousy and negative feelings..Money would come, money would go and it is most transient.THese days, materialism is found in a big way and there is no real room for love and affection.I have also seen that where money is not involved too many problems do not rise.It is definitely not a healthy attitude and I agree with you hundred percent.If women are involved all petty qualities rear their ugly heads..That is also there.Even when there are only brothers, the respective wives create havoc within the family.Women can get difficult at times.It is sad.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
15 Sep 09
Hi Kala! Thanks for appreciating my response. I am really pleased to read your comments, because you summed up my response, exactly in the manner, I wanted it to be commented upon and you could read between the lines, whatever I wished to convey. We are two brothers only (I do not have any sister) and we do not have any kind of problem with each other (though there is a difference of financial status, my brother is financially better than me, though he is younger to me). We live separetely. However, it is the (our) respective wives, who cannot see each other eye to eye.....LOL! I appreciate your understanding of 'women', though you yourself is a woman, yet you admitted the fact women sometimes can play havoc with families (specially those who are narrow minded). I also strongly feel, as you have also said, that love and affection is getting lost in 'materalism' and one day we may repent about it.
14 Sep 09
I will boldly state that sibling jealousy is caused by their status difference ,position in life ,family and even their enjoyment.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
But they are siblings.How can mere status/family/enjoyment cause jealousy ? THen is there no affection between them? Where is the bonding that they have right from young?They stay together in the same house and are like friends.
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14 Sep 09
Hi Kalav56, I have three brothers and two sisters, when we were young it was great but as the years went by and all my brothers and sisters married and had children, but I have none, the point is that two of my brothers are jealous of my sister's children and have nothing to do with them, I think it is so sad, all my neiceses and nephews are all adults now but couldn't care less, but I am cvlose to my sister's children although I have no children of my own. Tamara
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Sep 09
It is sad indeed TTAMARA.I find it realy difficult to believe thta men behave this way.Or do their wives have some say in thsi regard?
• United States
15 Sep 09
I'm sure in some families there are sibling jealousy, but as you said, if siblings bond together as friends also, this wouldn't happen. One should be happy for the other, and whatever they have or whatever status they have in life. Unfortunately, it is usually the one who has more who thinks there is jealousy expressed from the other, only because he/she feels guilty that she has more than the other. It's often more in their minds than what is actually taken place.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Sep 09
True.Everything is in the mind and once one starts getting these negative feelings the moment the other one senses it, the beautiful bonding gets weakened.It is sad indeed if it should happen.Thank you for sharing.
@BStuff (495)
• United States
15 Sep 09
My family might be different from others but my siblings and I have no jealousy. One of my brothers just got married and joined the Navy and I couldnt be happier for him (Though I miss him a lot now that he's gone away) My other brother has two beautiful children and a great job. I love my neice and newphew more than anything and would do anything for them. And anyone in my family for that matter. My sister is head of her department at work and in school to become a teacher. She's my best friend. The one person I can always count on no matter what. And I am a poor artsy college student who my parents has always pegged as the artsy free spirit of my family. I am not jealous I can 100percent say I'm very happy with where I am in my life and with their successes I think I would be more stressed and upset if I knew I was doing better than all my siblings. I would worry about if they were okay all the time. I now worry about my brother whose about to leave for Afganistian. My family was brought up military style we moved around a lot and had to learn to be each others best friends. I think thats part of why we're as close as we are now. I know I'm very blessed to have the family I do.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Sep 09
What a sweet response! It shows what a nice person you are and I am pleased to read this lovely response of yours .YOur siblings and parents are lucky to have you in the family.I pray that you are always like this.
• India
15 Sep 09
Acording to me siblings are the best and can never feel jealousy about us if we become a big shot they would be really proud of us and they be next to u in all the steps u make so i say their is no jealousy between the siblings
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Sep 09
Thanks for sharing my viewpoint and welcome to this new forum.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
13 Feb 10
Though there are cases where there is jealousy between siblings due to status difference, I think it's a very small percentage considered to normal sibling rivalry while growing up. And the growing up sibling rivalry makes way for understanding and bonding as the siblings mature and grow up. My parents are from bigger families where there is a status difference between siblings...but they are all close knit.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Feb 10
Hi Stranger! How are you? And how is life? What you say is something that I too felt.When there is good bonding between siblings jealousy is not caused by status differences.But when there is a weak bondin then this arises.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
14 Sep 09
I don't think it makes a lot of difference. If there is going to be jealousy it can happen even if the status is the same. It is not the status that causes people to act badly, it is the people. I also do not think gender has to be a factor, although I suppose that between male siblings there is more negative interaction physically whereas with women I would expect it to be more verbal--but not necessarily.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Sep 09
I did not think too much about the negative physical reaction.I agree with you thta it is basically the character of people and their attitudes. Thanks for sharing.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 Sep 09
I share your sentiments too. More often than not, it all boils down to the bond, big heart towards one another like empathy and no social standing could change that. Parents play an important role too in bringing on the goodness of sibling care, concern and closeness..
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
I am happy thta there are others sharing my view.It is the bonding and affection thta determine the jealousy.I do not think t hat jealousy can be there where real affection is.-jealousy especially for social standing or status.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
15 Sep 09
Yup, those jealousy traits are sure not good at all..
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Sep 09
hi kalav56 I think that I do agree withyou.I have known siblings'that got along splendidly and they were far apart status wise, but they loved and liked eachother and there was no jealousy only a feeling of happiness for each other. and of course some siblings do get jealous but I think most siblings have enough bonding that they are not going'to be jealous of any differences between them.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Sep 09
Rightly said Hatley.As long as the siblings are contented with their own selves then the problems do not rise.Ultimately if the bonding and love are too strong all these petty things cannot matter.THanks for sharing.
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
I almost didnt agree when I read that you disagreed that difference in status could create jealousy between siblings. That is until I read why you thought so. This time, I will have to agree with you that the bonding between the siblings does account for the existence or non-existence of jealousy. If two siblings are really that closely bonded then no matter how good the other fares, the other will just be happy for their sister/brother for having that kind of status. If these siblings were brought up within the context of competing with each other then there will be destructive jealousy in between them. I have to say however, that even when one sibling is happy for the accomplishments/achievements of their siblings, its only human when that sibling feels a slight envy towards their sister/brother. We are only human after all.
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Yep, glad that I managed to put the message out there that someone understood.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
Perfectly clear bjcyrix Have a nice day!
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Thanks. Have a great day to you too!^_^
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
14 Sep 09
Hi Kala.Good to see you again. I think this topic is a debatable one.The siblings jealousy due to status difference could be the result of their upbringing.As Sudipta has mentioned that there are innumerable cases where we see brothers feeling jealous of each other,if one is doing excellent financially and other is trying hard to survive.Even you can see that disputes due to property and money are increasing by leaps and bounds.All thanks to people getting inclined towards material things.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
Don't we know it when the nameless brothers make it to the headlines every now and then kirti? Not seen you for quite some time.What happened ?As usual Sudipta had given a very composite view point.
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• India
15 Sep 09
Ya i was busy with audit work .Thank God my Co's returns have been filed.I am much relieved now.
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@med889 (5941)
14 Sep 09
I also disagree about the statement which says that every siblings are jealous with the differences of status between them and the other ones, because I am someone who really feels very happy when I see a progress made by either my brother or my sisters as for me every one is equal, I am the smallest in my family and I can see all the unconditioned love I get from all so never will I be able to think something like that about them though.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
I am so pleased to read your response because this is precisely the way I responded some thirty years ago and stilll I have not changed.Though, at times, I do observe a little bit of this as I had pointed out in the first comment.But still, I do believe thta bonding gives that sense of pride in one's sibling and it si the affection that really counts.I am very happy with your answer.
@vandana7 (100053)
• India
14 Sep 09
I beg to differ kalav. I have known of a case where it has been sister versus sister, and where it has been elder two versus the younger one! And mind u, the younger one actually pulled the elder two out of their financial mess, and the two did their best to drive the younger one into one! So sibling rivalry is definitely true. And there are always snide remarks and sarcastic jokes that are meant to disturb the mental balance of the person who starts faring well on his or her own. This is a first hand experience. Urs may be an exceptional case, or may be it has not come to the level of testing. May be if it comes to that, u might come to know the true colors. After all, true nature and true morals can only be discerned in times of adversity.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
I definitely agree with you Vandana and I know the feeling too[when you say this].As I pointed out my view point was very strong thirty years ago and even now , though there are doubts within my mind I still feel that the bonding is what really counts.In the instances quoted by you obviously the bonding has not been strong enough.Wherever it happens the bonding may be weak and there would not have been real camraderie and love between siblings.That is why this vanished in the face of selfinterest.Don't you think so?
@riyasam (16556)
• India
14 Sep 09
you are right in saying it is all in the mind and that it also depends upon the level of bonding from the childhood.i,for that matter,would be happy to see the sucess of my brother.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
Yes riyasam .It all depends on the way we are brought up right from young.Thanks for sharing.I left a comment in your response to mimpi's household help discussion.Did you see it?
@eichen (19)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
Hmm.. As my mom used to say, if one of your siblings is successful and you are not YET successful, you should be then PROUD of your sibling rather than be jealous or what. You need to look at what your sibling had done to be successful. Parents plays vital role in this area because they need to let the other children not to belittle themselves but be proud of their siblings. Because if people see that your siblings were ok, they will also look at you the same way IF you are also striving hard to be successful. But remember, fate is not always the same. Siblings maybe successful in different level coz they also gave their effort differently. And again, we have different names, different preferences, etc. To each its own. So if you were not able to reach whatever your siblings have, do not feel bad as long as you have given your BEST with what you believe that will put you to success, well, that's it! Maybe that is the only level that life can bring you. At the end of the day, you will end up happy coz you feel good and never felt bad whenever your sibling or someone has a better life than yours! Cheers!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
I guess your last paragraph is a general statement though you have used the word"your' .I have had no problems regarding this and that is why I straightaway said that I disagree with the statement made by someone long back.THanks for sharing.
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
14 Sep 09
More or less older one in a family tries to be /or normally is the authroitative member ,due to more experience with exposure,and as time goes by,,the younger ones also get more respect as they mature by age,,My thinking is the parents should take care of a situation like this,, Its there all over the world,as the younger one definitely is less exposed,
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
Here you have spoken about authority kawalnarang .Does it mean that authority on one side means jealousy on the other?Or does authority and the imposition of authority arise out of jealousy ?
• India
14 Sep 09
I completely disagree that jealousy can be caused by status difference i think its about the bounding between them and nature ofcourse i have a friend whose sister feels jealousy of her inspite of that girl is independent but she is jealous of her sister whose studies is going on coz she is not that much qualified so it depends on one's nature alwayz.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
14 Sep 09
That is precisely what I was trying to say.It is the bonding that takes care of any small jealousy even if it unfortunately arises in a particular household.When there is a good bonding this does not happen.THank s for sharing.