Cinema or At Home

September 14, 2009 9:21am CST
Which do people prefer, going for a night out at the cinema to see a film or hiring a DVD and stying in the house to watch? Personally I prefer to stay at home and settle in front of the TV with a bottle of wine and a bowl of nibbles ( or nick nacky things as my daughter calls them). So, what do you prefer Cinema or home?
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54 responses
@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
15 Sep 09
What a great topic. The last time I was in a theatre was on Valentine's Day. Prior to that it had been about a year or two. And prior to that...hmm probably since 2001 and that was work related. Does that count? Due to the cost I prefer to stay at home, but if someone else is treating I don't mind going to the theatre. My daughter and I always write down movies from previews that we want to see. And thanks to RedBox, we can afford to rent a lot of new releases at once. We LOVE the Redbox. Do you have one near you? For only $1 you get to watch new releases, which are coming out pretty quick these days.
15 Sep 09
Yes its the cost involved as well these days! I took my daughter and one of her friends to the cinema and before I'd even watched the movie with them it had cost my £30!!!!! I about choked when the man told me that the popcorn was an amazing £4.00 per bucket.....needless to say I did without but ate some of theirs anyway lol. At home you have the luxury of choosing what you want to eat and drink and it certainly doesnt cost half the amount that it does going out.
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@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
15 Sep 09
I would rather stay at home to watch my DVD movie too. They have a lot of strict rules at the Cinema about bringing in your own food. I would like to stay at home and eat whatever I want. Plus there isn't some annoying talking and I can pause the movie if I need to go use the bathroom.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
That is a good thing. You can eat whatever you want when you watch at home. Unlike in the theater wherein you can only eat sandwich while watching the movie.
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
I prefer to watch movie at home.i just rent a dvd or cd and watch it there. At home it is much safer because you are inside at home, while at cinema you usually transport going home except if the cinema is near your place and you just walk to get there. I hope someday I can have my own home theatre so that my family will enjoy watching on the comfort of our home.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
That is true. That is also one of my concerns, the safety. You need to travel to get home. It is not convenient specially when cinema houses is too far from where you live.
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
hi suz, i can't watch them on the cinema, we are not authorized to watch them there.. so i watch them on our television, but i can still shut the lights so it can be a theater also.., what do you think?? janebeth.
15 Sep 09
yes sounds good it can be just about as good as going out!
• United States
14 Sep 09
staying at home is my choice on this one. Home is so much more relaxing and have all the snack and drink you need right there. If its a dvd you can pause for a moment to deal with something. Also the Cinema is very expensive here so if several people want to watch same movie then its much cheaper to stay at home and buy the dvd
@ladyhope (377)
• Canada
15 Sep 09
I agree! Plus, the snacks and drinks that you have at home probably don't cost nearly as much as the ones sold at the cinema!
• Romania
15 Sep 09
I like it more at home. The best part is that you can pause the movie , and you don't lose a thing about him if you need the WC. :))
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Yes you are right about that. You can pause it if you need to pee. You can even rewind and watch that scene you like.
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
19 Nov 09
I prefer seeing films at home as there is no disturbance.Here i do not see first day first shows.I wait till it is released on the movie channels and then watch it.I mostly love to see action movies and movies which have very good music in it.I get tired after watching a movie because of most of the breaks the movie runs for a long time.
@UK_Shree (3603)
15 Sep 09
Watching a movie at home is definitely cosy so I agree with you there. You can wear whatever you want, snuggle up underneath a duvet etc! But usually when I do visit the cinema I like to make an evening of it by going out for a meal afterwards for example. Therefore going out to see a film in the cinema is usually quite an enjoyable treat for me.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
15 Oct 09
Home is more convenient but nothing compares to watching a movie on a large screen in a theater. It's a totally different experience.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
16 Sep 09
I prefer to stay at home and watch a movie on TV. I have a DVD player so I could also take out one of the dvd movie and watch it. I have the snack I like at home like popcorn and pop.
• China
16 Sep 09
hmm, to me, i'll choose the same as u. but not hiring DVD, just download some movies to watch on the computer or watch TV. also wont eat the snacks, afrad of fatter, but sometimes will, only wont every time.
@Elaine77 (315)
• China
15 Oct 09
Hi there, I usually watch a movie online on my laptop, I dont like to go to cinema all by myself . Good day!
@jen14ed (865)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
hi suzwood is defend of situation if i have money i like to watch in theater because i like to see movie in a "BIG SCREEN" but if i have no money i prefer at home to watch the movie on my computer i have website that you can watch a free movie but i need to wait until the movie was upload from that site. but if the movie was latest movie of course the movie is not good quality is copy from theater screen but if the movie was old of course the movie was a DVD copy.. is defend on the situation. but i always no money maybe I prefer watching movie at home in the front of my computer i don't need to rent a movie because you need to pay something if you rent a movie but if you watch in front of your computer is totally free! but the Requiment is internet in your home make sure your internet is not slow because if slow you cannot watch the movie very important your internet connection is faster that dial up!
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
16 Sep 09
I actually started a discussion about this when I first signed on to mylot. I see you are a newbie also. I do not even rent dvd's. I wait until it comes on pay per view and even at that I wait for the $1.99. By the time I run my vehicle to town twice and pay for that dvd, I am out close to $8. $8 is alot to me right now. I even try to only go to town twice a week to save on gas. I only live 8 miles from town but by the time you go everywhere needed in town it has cost you about $6 in gas. Does not seem alot,but I am conserving all the money I can right now.
• United States
15 Sep 09
I prefer watching movies at home. We will either watch a movie we already own or we will go rent some movies from the video store. It's much cheaper to do that and if we want popcorn we will just heat it up and eat it and make us some drinks and it's much cheaper than the movie theater. Plus we can lay around on the couch or on the bed to watch a movie.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
i will rather watch it at home as i don't feel happy watching on big screen. cause it is quite expensive and i like having privacy which i don't have in big screen in cinemas. it is a hassle to go out now just to watch movie. with dvd readily available that we can enjoy to watch it comfortably at home and the quality of dvds are as good as the real theaters. as long as our tv screen are big enough then it will be great to watch on dvd.
@mano5chi (207)
• Spain
15 Sep 09
When I watch a film at home I usually am alone. And I always go to the cinema with my friends so I generally prefer watching a movie in the cinema than at home. In my opinion, watching certain films alone is pointless. And I don´t mean only the comedies by the Farrelly Brothers. Good films are thought-provoking and I like to have somebody by my side to talk about certain details during the movie. If I consider the film good enough, I usually watch it on DVD when it is released. And I like to make these "re-watchings" alone, with no distractions around me. So everything in due time.
• United States
15 Sep 09
I actually like both. I would prefer to stay home and chill, but there are just some movies that you just have to see in theaters. For example, the new Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen movie, that had to be seen in the theaters. Anything that would have major explosions or very cool action scenes needs to be seen in theaters. So when a movie comes out I usually decide, "Yes, I want to see that but I can wait until it comes out on DVD", or it's "OOoooHHHH I gotta see that right now!!"
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
well, it really depends on the movie that I'm going to watch.. if it's action and it has really good effects then I prefer to watch it on the big screen. If it's a romantic movie or something, then I would definitely choose dvd or even cable tv rather than the big screen.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
15 Sep 09
I much prefer watching movies at home. I have a Netflix account and always have movies to watch anytime I want. While going to the movie theater is nice once in a while for a blockbuster movie, it has gotten a little expensive and especially in this economy, I try to save anywhere I can. Going to the theater can cost $15 - $20 per person depending on the snacks you buy and that's not figuring the cost of gas to drive there. My Netflix costs less than $20 for a whole month of movies and with my 55" screen and surround sound system, it's almost as good as the theater. But the best part is, I can hit "pause" if I have to go to the bathroom. Can't do that at the theater!