This Healthcare Plan of Obama's has my stomach in knots...
By missybal
@missybal (4490)
United States
September 14, 2009 11:22am CST
I can't sleep, eat, or anything... I'm sick over this whole thing. I read up as much as possible and I just feel sicker. I live in New York that has the most expensive Medicaid program in the U.S. which accounts for 1/5 of the many counties budgets. Taxes keep going up... more and more abuse on the system... and this is what Obama wants for everyone? I look at the problems in Canada and how expensive it is there and I see how that could easily happen to us because that's the road New York has been on for some time. The government hasn't done anything right... they can't get even run the post office properly... it's in the red... Social Security I doubt I will ever see other than it coming out of my and my husbands pay. And we are suppose to trust a thousand pages of legal chatter and put our faith in our government?
Wake up people... you will not get even close to the quality of healthcare you get now if we pass Obamacare if there is really something wrong with you. You will not get to keep your current plan if it's through your employment because employers won't be able to offer it anymore. You will be forced into the Socialized care, long lines, and rationed care. Innovation and development of new drugs and cures for diseases will drop down to practically non-existence. We have the greatest healthcare in the world that people from other countries that have socialized healthcare pay big to come to our country to get what they can not get in their country. Why do you want to destroy that! There are other ways... for one look at how government has set regulations where I can't get a catastrophic plan if I want one.
This is insane people... forcing everyone into more taxes... I already pay for enough from the taxes I pay that I don't use now and most likely will never use. The Federal government was never meant to have this kind of power. Do you really want politicians who don't know you personally who many of which have never worked a hard day of labor in their lives, many who never owned even a small business, never worried about the things we worry about to have control over something as important as your healthcare? And remember Presidents change... Representatives and Senators change... you open this can of worms up and it will be the politicians ticker toy until it destroys us common American Citizens.
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7 responses
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
14 Sep 09
It seems to me that the proposed plan is mealy-mouthed and tries to placate the existing insurance providers too much. What can you expect from a government which is basically a puppet of large corporations and has been for a long while?
I agree that one of the first things that needs reform is the language in which such bills are written. Ours (in the UK) aren't a lot better but they are far less of a nightmare to understand than the American legal jargon.
The UK National medical insurance system certainly has its problems.
Depending on where you read, however, you are very likely to see only those problems highlighted (and, worse, specific case failures) in support of those people who want to make a case against National Healthcare. My own (and the vast majority of people's) experience of the system is that it is a good thing and (mostly) works very well. Of course, it was instituted in 1947 when most people hadn't heard of medical insurance, so it didn't have to fight with enormously rich companies who were sh1t-scared of losing their income.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
14 Sep 09
If they force the horrible plan through Congress to pass it they are going to lose their jobs next year and the new Congress will have their jobs cut out for them to remedy the damage that has been done, but I think our health system could be reclaimed and even made better. The American people are majorly concerned about the Health Care issue and I don't think the Congress wants to put their jobs on the chopping block by passing any unreasonable health care bill, and that thought is what is keeping me able to push my fears about it down enough to function. Plus, I pray a lot.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Sep 09
I'm sure this will be seen as evidence I'm just a free-loading lazy liberal but here's what has MY stomach in knots - my daughter has Crohn's Disease and her liver enzymes get dangerously elevated from time to time. When this happens she has to take a medication that isn't covered by her insurance and costs nearly $500 for 4 or 5 pills. She needs these pills right now and we don't have the money to get them just yet. I've been told this would NOT happen in Canada, England, France or any of those other "evil" socialist countries.

@ra1787 (501)
• Italy
16 Sep 09
i believe that if you had the chance to have meds for free from a corporation you are very lucky, maybe in some cases this can work, but if they did that for every person who can't afford buying them they would go bankrupt very soon.
The government has to take care of his citizen, that is the reason for its existence, and life is priceless despite of your work or your earnings, so you have to get proper medical attention regardless of anything else.
@ra1787 (501)
• Italy
16 Sep 09
Well those cards seems to be a good temporary solution, but as you said somebody is going to pay those money anyway, and given the way things have been going lately, the loss of those company are likely to be passed to the government with some tarp-like law, so in the end it is the government that pays anyway :)
@Koriana (302)
• United States
16 Sep 09
as long as everyone is holding life as being so precious, and doing whatever to get the care they need though....
the costs are just gonna keep going up, and up some more, because they all know that it doesn't matter how high it will go, they can write off those who don't pay as a loss, many will drive themselves deeply into a debt that they can no longer afford, and well....whatever it takes!! but, the problems will just resurface somewhere else.
where I am at now, many of the people I know are throwing their healthcare costs onto credit cards (medkey) that carry a low interest. I like the medkey card and all, it's really quite convenient to be able to throw all your healthcare costs onto it instead of dealing with the 4 or so different providers that one office visit might result in. but one has to ask....what's gonna happen when these people die? I mean, low interest, low, low monthly payment ($10-$20), and some of these people must have quite a bit of money on these cards! one lady is going to a doctor about three times a month, and has been hospitalized twice the past year!! she has the same insurance as I do, so well, I know there has to be alot on that card...but she's only paying $15 a month, it's never gonna be paid off!
we're just exchanging problems.
so, well, I take the other viewpoint I guess....
get the services I can afford, and well, if God wants me to stay around, I guess he can take care of the rest!
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@Koriana (302)
• United States
14 Sep 09
you poor, poor soul...
you live in NY...
I know what you are talking about, I am an escapee of that great welfare state!
moved out about five or so years ago, it got so we couldn't live there...period!
ya know, it's funny, when I was living in that oh so very liberal state, unless you happened to fall into their little income guidelines...well, you were crap out of luck if you needed a little help!
I've lived in texas, and I am living now in VA, and well, they aren't so liberal, heck texas was far from liberal. and yet, never had a problem in tx, and va seems to take care of their poor better also.
I'm just saying...
if you want to see where they are trying to take the rest of the nation...look at NY!!
@missybal (4490)
• United States
15 Sep 09
Oh finally someone who knows my pain!
I wish I could leave but I have both sets of grandparents and great aunts and uncles and all that to worry about. My parents however have agreed to move down south to retire once all the family is gone that we take care of. I must say I hated Maryland a little bit more... My husband's family lives in Kansas and Arazona and they do quite well there. Yeah my neighbor is living it up big time... she hasnt' had to work in 10 years. They guy my landlord pays to mow the lawn is on Welfare, he push mows the yards then claims he can't work a regular job because of his health. He does many yards that way, he get the whole nine yards and then had the gull to say he thinks that our soldiers should not get all this "perks" like the VA Hospital! All you have to do is look at how the most liberal states at the ones with the most taxes and the most problems for anyone who wants to work hard and get ahead.

@gmatthews (154)
• United States
15 Sep 09
I do not necessarily agree. Obama is an intelligent man and he is trying to help us. The problem is America voted him in and now they do not want to let him do his job. I lost my job and currently do not have health care. It seems as though that the people that are opposed to this are the ones that have health care, because they do not care about those who don't. I think you would feel differently if your husband lost his job and you had nothing. This plan is not going force employers to give up's going to offer healthcare to those who do not have it. Maybe you should keep reading...
@missybal (4490)
• United States
15 Sep 09
I do not have healthcare I'm taking the money that I would otherwise buy it to put it toward my husband's education. I would not want to see the whole nation go down the road of destruction as New York is. My husband will be filing unemployment for the first time in his live the end of this month... not that he hasn't been out of work before but he was always too proud to collect unemployment in the past. Now he realized that the future is too uncertain to let his pride get in the way.
What state do you live in and have you looked to see what kind of assistance you may get that is already out there? I've read the bill itself that is why I know it is wrong. I have experienced government run healthcare... right now the programs we have are falling apart. Nobody is saying we don't need to do something... I'm just saying this bill is all wrong. Obama's plan is only going to raise the cost to everyone and create more rationing just as it already has within the government healthcare programs we have now. And higher costs on everything. And I do not want to pay into yet another program is such a disaster to our country.
• China
15 Sep 09
Oh,i'm very sad to hear that.But at the same time i have to say, i have the same felling with you.Because i also can't sleep and eat.Eventhough i'm sleep,i also can't sleep very well.And always fell very tired.It had been persisted a long time.I'm just a college student,and i leave far away from home.And i don't know how to do to improve my sleep quality.If this condition always continue,i'm afraid to delay my study.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
14 Sep 09
We know Presidents change, but it seems to take an act of God to get rid of Representatives and Senators. There should be term limits on them as well as Presidents, but until there is, it's up to us to change them when we don't think they are representing us or our state the way we think they should. I don't want politicians messing with my health care or any part of my life.