Noynoy losing support of Church because of Reproductive Health Bill

@jules67 (2788)
September 14, 2009 9:35pm CST
News yesterday that the Church is thinking twice of its support for Noynoy's candidacy because of the Reproductive Health Bill. We all know that the Church was instrumental in encouraging people to go to EDSA, putting Tita Cory to power. Reports said that Cardinal Vidal is disappointed over Noynoy's support on the Reproductive Health Bill. I am a Catholic but I am all for the Reproductive Health Bill. How can you make a decent living for your family if you are only earning this much and you have a dozen of kids to feed. I once worked in a Catholic Church and we conduct seminars to parents before the baby's baptism. It seems that Natural Family is not at all effective because we see same set of parents every single year. It is good if Noynoy would really make a stand on this. The Church support is not a guarantee that it will translate into votes coming election.
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18 responses
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
We are of the same opinion about the reproductive health bill and I admire Aquino for making a firm stand regarding this, regardless if he loses the endorsement of the Church. In my opinion, people should be given the choice and be given the opportunity to make the right and informed choice. I see the point of the Church, but it is impractical and quite sinful to see young kids who aren't taken care of by their parents just because they have too many siblings already.
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Hi ayenacsi. A good politician knows what is best for his country and should not be dictated by an organization even if they withdraw support. I think it would be fine if they totally oppose the bill but saying that they will withdraw support is not something appropriate.
6 Dec 09
Unfortunately, what many of us have is really an uninformed choice. Try this one: It so happened that I am a medical transcriptionist and I know the truth about contraceptive devices and chemicals. You can also visit
6 Dec 09
Also try with the titles Kung Mahal Ninyo Sila...Maglano and Huwag Idaan sa Hula...Magplano ng Pamilya.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
This thinking of the catholic church is shown for their little knowledge about the bible. The reproductive health bills is only to protect the increase population of the country. There is no commandment of God, against this law. As far as I know , this law will heavier the punishment of those conducting abortion. Even do God, says "have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under their control". Note the "words under their control"...therefore congress have the authority to make laws, preventing the increase population in our country. Catholic church should know that because their basis in opposing the law is baseless and not found in the bible...If they really teach the words of God. They should take this as a revenge for those politician, making this law. Those politicians just doing their best to give an equal protection for every Filipino. If they cannot do that the population of our country will be much bigger than the domestic growth of our economy and weary that collapse the government equal distribution of services to the people... Even China, and India, is worried about their population. We know that this two countries is now making progress and China, it's now being the number one progressive in Asia...and India also rising the economy. But Philippines is not reaching that far...If those congressmen will do nothing to control the increase population...Hoping that more poor or poverty in all over the country is increase... Have a nice day!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
Perhaps, you may right in that case. But priest, called them Father, so they knew about being a parents. Do you think, they don't have tried being a parents and no kid outside the priesthood? Their actions is only a disguise my friend. They disagree that because they want more children being a catholic...that will be the reason. Correct me if I am wrong...Have a nice day!
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
The catholic church do not worry at all if kids do not get fed, if parents can't even afford to give them a decent meal. Maybe because they do not know or feel how it is to become a parent. Happy mylotting and thanks for responding.
@Shebang (244)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
I support the reproductive health bill. Like you, I also share the same sentiment. I'm a Catholic but I think that the Church can only do just that. If there's no specific plan to address the ballooning population of this country, more and more will fall below poverty line. If Noynoy envisions change in this country then he should stand firm in this issue. Besides, if he indeed becomes the president, it is him who will run the nation and not the church.
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@Shebang (244)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Yes definitely. The sad part is, when these people became poorer and poorer and not able to sustain their families, they usually blame the government for their situation. They are so hard on taking the reponsibilites in their families.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Hi Shebang. Yes I am all for it. I just kept sighing every time I see the same, familiar faces every year for their baby's baptism. It is really time for a change.
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
I am a devoted Catholic and I am also pro-life, but I did not agree to what Cardinal Vidal was declared in a national television that Senator Noynoy will lose support of the Church. Catholic is not a religion which promote one candidate to followers, ever since Bishops and priests never included in their homilies a specific person to be voted during election, they just urged Catholics to vote wisely and choose carefully the best candidate but never singled out one specific name of the candidate, the Catholic church never endorses candidates that's clearly invading of one's freedom to vote. Roman Catholics now are wise enough who will be the right person to choose from. Personally I will vote for Noynoy not because of anything else but because I believe he can do something for the Philippines, he is not corrupt and not a traditional politician, I don't mind if he is supporting a reproductive health bill or not. Reproductive issues in the Philippines are very tricky and I don't want to dwell so much on that, but my opinion is this: population is a great factor in analyzing a certain nation's progress and economic status because of the formula of determining gross national product per capita which is gross national product divide it by number of population. So Senator Noynoy is not losing support from the Catholic church, his support of reproductive health bill has nothing to do with people's opinion of making him the next president, in fact he is largely supported by other Catholic groups.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Hi jlamela, thanks for commenting. It seemed like a warning or a threat to me. I hope that they will let the voting public decide and learn to respect it.
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Yah! Roman Catholic composed not only by bishops and priest but the great majority of the church are us..With the people there's is know church..We are the one who experience raising a family not them and most of the time in human history they disgrace the Roman Catholic. Because of them protestant church been founded. They are the one who's continuing to ruin the church. If you have read Dan Brown's book it is entirely base on historical facts. I hope you watch the S_x crimes and the Vatican (Panorama) 2006. You can download it on internet. As a catholic we should our history and the history the church leaders around us. Corruptions, conspiracies and politics is not just around the government but rampantly prominent inside the Pagan-Roman Catholic, lets be a Christian-Roman Catholic or much better be a Christian.
• Boston, Massachusetts
15 Sep 09
hi jules67, for as long as noynoy stands firmly for what he believes will be good for the country he will succeed. i respect the stand of the church as it relates to the RH bill but the people has the final say and the verdict come 2010 election. cheers for a peaceful 2010 election!
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Thanks again for commenting.
• Boston, Massachusetts
15 Sep 09
sorry...double send!
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Yes I heard that news. I dont think its fair. Everybody has the right to choose and stand to what they believed. If ninoy supported the Reproductive Health Bill then the church must respect that. I think some of the old priest are really traditional, I mean we all know that "natural" family planning is not effective thou it works on some but its not 100% that effective... You may miscalculate your last menstration (safe period)... What is right? To have kids that you cant send to school or even feed? We have to be open minded. Well anyway, I totally agree w/ you that church support is not a guarrantee that it will translate into votes. They may influence but the decision lies on us.
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Thanks for your comment lovelyn_medrano. You are right, let the decision rest on the people. It is about time that something has to be done about this. I believe that we are already 90 million in population? Whew!!!!
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Yes and I believe majority of that belongs to poor population. If we rely barely on natural family planning am afraid to say maybe in few years time our population will be doubled. Huhhh so scarry.
@rsa101 (38218)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
My father used to work in Population Commission before and I was able to see what the program was all about. It has nothing to do with abortion but in controlling the growth of Population in our country to be sustainable and economically viable. I also am a catholic practitioner, but with regards to population control issue I am siding with the government. I can see that there are many in the countryside that is having hard time sustaining their family just because they cannot control having children. Having large family is hard to maintain especially if the family is not financially capable. By not informing them on how to control their family to have children their quality of life is greatly affected by this. So I believe that we should help those that are starting to have family to be responsible parents by not having too much children if they could not handle it responsibly. I think the only thing that church is against this bill is because the bill espouses both the natural and the artificial methods in responsible parenthood. Well I think it just gives us the choice which method to use and I think it is just right that you would encourage both since both has its advantages and disadvantages and it is up to the couple which method works best with them. Noynoy's support from the church would help but the church should understand that he is also human that has a choice of his own. I think the Church should not make this an issue against a potential leader in our country. As catholics in our country we are given the freedom to choose who we want and the church also is given their side to air their so I guess its up to us if we follow it or not. It is on our conscience if we see that to be economically as well as spiritually correct.
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
You are right, the reproductive bill is not abortion. It is all about the betterment of a family. It is good to have kids, but one should also think how you could give them quality life. And the only way to do it is to have kids that you could only support. I believe it is a prudent move.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
I am just glad that Noynoy is not afraid to lose the support of anyone for as long as he stands by what he believes is right... and it think the Church should reevaluate its position of Family Planning because it is quite obvious that the natural method is not very effective... especially for those family who are living below the poverty line...
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
It is good to know that a candidate stands for what he believe is right for the country no matter what other organizations say. Thanks aseretdd. Happy mylotting.
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Unfortunately, we are having problems in separating the state from the church. I am not a Catholic, though. But then, I cannot understand why their leaders are against it. Do they have children? Do they know how hard it is to be a parent? I therefore think it's our freedom to choose how to build a family, and church can only suggest, not control. Thanks, kabayan!
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
It all has to do with the conception of life/pro-life. And that when one uses the contraceptive you are denying that life. That life starts at the very moment of conception, something like that. I might be wrong but imo that's the gist of it.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
You are right about that. One cannot understand how hard it is to raise a family if you don't have one. Easier for them to say that specially if your food allowance is subsidized, so how can they complain.
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
This is one thing which is very sad in our country. The church should be separated from the the activities of the government. Why should they mess up with the law makers! I hope Noynoy won't be bothered with this.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
I think he is strong in his stand about this issue. I hope he sustains that. Thanks irene66. Happy mylotting.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Let face the fact that we are overpopulated and the government can't support our population. This Reproductive Health Bill should push through because in the future we will going to benefit from it. Here in our area the average children here are 4 sometimes parents can't support big family. We have a neighbor here that have 6 and she is pregnant right now and the situation of their kids is so pathetic. Sometimes parents should be blamed about it because if there are really concern about the future of their kids they going to think about family planning. Natural planning is not always effective they need to use contraceptives. There are many effective and safe contraceptives now available in the market. Church should not interfere regarding this matter but they always want to involved in political issues.
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Hi agv0419. You are right. Imagine a family living below poverty line and had 6 kids to feed. Yes, it has become pathetic. I know that Church will not understand, but this time, they have to respect the choice of the Filipinos.
@cainam (493)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
people are now more open minded. i'll vote for noynoy even if the catholic church will no longer support him.
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Way to go cainam. Thanks for your comment.
• Boston, Massachusetts
15 Sep 09
hi jules67, as long as noynoy stands firmly for he believes is good for the country... he will succeed! i respect the church stand about RH bill, but it's the voting public who will have the final say...the verdict in the 2010 election.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Hi msfrancisco9369. Thanks for your comment. Let us hope and pray that Noynoy will stand for what is right for the country.
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
I am for Reproductive Health bill but I'm not for abortion..I think every persons has a right to for a birth control. Whether it is natural or what so ever contraceptives you use for me it is ok.. I am a catholic. I serve in church for about 10 years but I'm also a health care practitioner..I'm a Physiotherapist and that's makes me for science. We all know that church is against science ever since, way back Gallileo and Da Vinci (if you know the history). Quite contradicting hah! both in Church and Science. For me human being are made to be rationalize and not irrational. I think Nonoy is very intelligent and logical person. Supporting reproductive health bill is a very brave move as a politician and yet a logical one. And besides sperm is a sperm and zygote is a zygote. Zygote is alive and sperm is not, so how can be contraceptive become immoral. For me it is only unacceptable if you use contraceptives if you are already pregnant (whether it is still a zygote), well that's against science. Why don't CBCP turn their attention to the OB doctors in some public hospital (special in my town) that kills many babies due to their negligence and malpractice. They are the one who are immoral and moron! Did CBCP support malpractice law? I never seen banners supporting malpractice back when malpractice law is still in motion. And now what?
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Thanks primobino. I was listening to the radio yesterday and Karen Davila said that we should move on. I believe that we should grow up. It is time that we make a move to cut down our population. I pity those kids on the street begging for money.
@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
The Catholic Church does not really understand about the reproductive health bill. Even Natural family planning is incorporated in it. And it's no guarantee that the Catholic Church's support will make a politician win in elections. The hierarchy is not really the voice of the Catholic Church people. They're at the top and do not seem to know the true plight of the masses.
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Hi sandymay16. It is sometimes sad that they use the Church to warn voters not to support this candidate because of that important bill. Let the people decide and vote who they think is the best to run the country. Thanks for your response.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
20 Sep 09
Yeah my friend..that was also my idea with Noynoy conviction of staying his stand against Population Boom by promoting Health Rep. Bill..I think there are also lots of Catholics supported this Bill..if Noynoy would curve his stand to this Bill I think he would lost his reputation...Cheers
@jen14ed (865)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
hi jules67 you know this is Not A BIG Issue for me because is only a Reproductive bill, is waste of time. not all church and bishop was losing support for noynoy i thinks the only one losing support for noynoy is the bishop we said she is not supporting for noynoy because of reproductive health she is only 1 not at all catholic church and bishop the reproductive bill is not important.. is not big issue for noynoy!
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Thanks for your comment.
@anib1227 (77)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
In our discussions with some of my friends, we call this thing as Christianizing our Poverty and our government, i.e., cowering to the whims of those frailes, we called it not democratic but theocratic. These people of the church who are claiming they owned the truth/s are missing something,i.e., the good life. Yes, a child has the right to be borne but has also the right to live a quality life. Noynoy, if he has balls, should not cower to these people who owned La Salle, Ateneo, vast parcels of lands but never paid taxes. But, I doubt, Noynoy sought the advice of old-ailing nun (sighs).
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
Hi anib1227. I like it when you said that every child has the right to have a good, quality life. That is definitely true.