Abortion debate inherently sexist...
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
September 15, 2009 7:42am CST
For all their talk about equality between the sexes, the "feminist" movement doesn't seem to practice what they preach where it comes to abortion.
If people told the feminists to just sit down and shut up because they had no right to an opinion, would they? So why should men?
The fact is, men are not only expected to sit down and shut up, we're not even supposed to care what the woman we made a baby with does. We're just supposed to respect her right to make all the decisions, but also be ready to accept our responsibilities in the outcome.
The most heartless and cold part of it is if the mother doesn't want the baby, but the father does. When there is a miscarriage of a wanted baby, there is usually a wonderful outpouring of support and sympathy to the parents. To the father of an aborted baby, however, there is nothing. He goes through all the same emotional steps of dealing with loss that he would with a miscarriage. But he has no support, no sympathy... only the cold reality that the baby is dead.
Worse yet, he is somehow supposed to support her decision to kill their baby. His feelings, wishes, disappointments and loss mean absolutely nothing in the cold, heartless, sexist, bigoted world of Pro Choice.
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18 responses
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
15 Sep 09
I completely agree with you. Firstly I am a woman, but I agree that men should have a say in what happens to there baby. It isn't fair that a woman can just go and get an abortion while the man is just left there with no choice. And he has no support. I know I have seen some court cases where the fathers have had the knowledge that their spouse was going to abort there child, and the court had ruled that if the father wanted the child then the mother had to carry the child full term. It is a rarity but it has happened on occasion. So true that the man gets no choice in whether she keeps the baby, but they are expected to take care of a baby no matter what. I think the road should go both ways here. Both people should have to decide on an abortion. Myself I don't believe in abortion, but for those who do and have one they should consider their partners feelings, because it takes two to tango.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Sep 09
Abortion on demand is for women who only care about themselves.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
15 Sep 09
Or women who NOBODY cares about who are made to feel as if there IS no other option.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Sep 09
So if a guy skips out because he doesn't think there's any other option?

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
15 Sep 09
Well said. I'm sick of the women who act as though men have no business even SPEAKING about the abortion issue just because the child resides in the mother's body. If the father wants the child, nobody cares, just kill it anyway. If the father doesn't want the child and the mother gives birth, he's still required to pay every penny in child support (rightfully so). There's on person on mylot that always puts up pro-abortion photos about how men have no business talking about abortion.
Thank you for pointing out the blatant sexism from the pro-abortion crowd.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Sep 09
Militant "Feminism" is nothing but a hate group.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Sep 09
Lucky you! Most feminists (even very outspoken ones) are not haters of anyone. However there is the extreme who use feminism as a springboard for their hate. Pelosi would be one of these, so would Justice Ruth "Buzzi" Ginsberg.

@Quiplet (255)
• United States
15 Sep 09
There's been something missing in the Feminist Movement -- it's called FEMININE. A woman appeals to a man sexually because Mother Nature wants a communion. The communion often results in the union of egg and sperm. There is absolute nothing feminine about discarding the fetus. It's ugly.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Sep 09
True, it seems like the militant feminist movement is made up of women whose only purpose is to prove they aren't feminine at all.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
16 Sep 09
[b]That's very true, Ted. Someone once pointed out how many uber-feminists (think Gloria...Steinem or Alred) there are that came from totally "dysfunctional" homes, & thus had no idea of what normal male/female relationships were like. Maybe that's why so many of "The Nag Gang" are "lesbians?" The quote marks are there because they admit to having CHOSEN that route after giving up on relationships with men, whom they DID sexually desire.
Here's another angle on this "feminine" thing: have you ever noted how the linguistic revisions of the English language by these (nominally) female people has not made for linguistic gender equality, but done the opposite?
Think: "Waitress" & "stewardess" has been obliterated, the new terms being waiter (or the cumbersome "wait-person") or that new term the sky waitresses are now called--help me out here; I'm having a senior moment. One never hears of seamstresses or authoresses, or indeed any feminine gender. All have been tormented into shapes such as "personholecover (Ack! I think I just sprained my tongue!)" or replaced entirely with the masculine term! Or worse, you'll hear "councilperson" for the women on a city council, yet councilor in the male case! Hel-LOOO??? How idiotic can it get? Wait, don't answer that; I'd believe you.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Sep 09
Yup, I've noticed all of that. I've also noticed that for some reason to appear "professional" a woman must copy the dress of men as close as they can and still be "dressy".
@jenlex79 (256)
• United States
16 Sep 09
Pro life people always talk about not killing human beings. Well, then why do pro life people kill abortion doctors. Isn't the doctor a human being? They have a stupid mentality of killing an abortion doctor to demonstrate saving a human life. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. A man will never go through all the physical pains of a pregnancy, therefore it is the womens choice if she wants to have an abortion or not. I am not a feminist by the way, and I do have a child.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Sep 09
I wonder if I have ever been accused of having a close mind by anyone with an open mind.
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@jenlex79 (256)
• United States
17 Sep 09
There's really no point in trying to get through a closed mind, its like hitting a brick wall. Yes, God gave women the gift of bringing life into the world, but he also gave everyone free-will. We have the right to our own choices. No one on this planet is perfect.
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@jenlex79 (256)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Just for the record, I'm not ignorant,I have a college education. Don't use definitions as if I don't know the meaning of fetus. Actually, most abortions happen when it is an embryo, NOT a fetus. Get that straight. There is a difference.
So, would removing a tumor be killing a human? After all, it has human cells that make it up...just like an embryo. It can't think....just like an embryo. It grows inside us...just like an embryo. You have no argument.
Another thing, you don't know me, so you can't judge me as being evil just because I have my own opinions. We all have our own opinions here, and there is no right or wrong one.
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@jterrock (276)
• United States
16 Sep 09
Abortion...such a touchy subject. Everyone has their opinions. It is good to have an opinion. My opinion on the abortion subject is this. Killing is killing. You are simply killing a human being no matter how small the fetus is. It is considered a living thing when the egg and sperm unite. I feel as if the man has all the right to his opinion and if he wants to keep the baby and the mother doesn't, they have to seriously talk about it. Why not put the baby up for adoption? There are so many families that are unable to have children. I know we have a lot of children without homes too. But, I am against abortion and everything about abortion. You should never kill a human being. It's wrong and against God's will. Again, this is only my opinion, everyone has one.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Sep 09
Yup, everyone has an opinion. Which is why I like to come to MyLot.. I get to read the opinions everyone has.
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
16 Sep 09
Blame biology, not feminism. As long as the child must grow within the mother's body, she takes all the risks and so she must have the larger say.
As far as I am concerned, men can have an equal say in the fate of the pregnancy when men start dying in childbirth.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Sep 09
So women should have the right to kill the baby just because she wants to.. to heck with the needs of the baby?
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@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
17 Sep 09
To be fair the risk of dying in childbirth now days is pretty slim. But you have to admit if he has no choice on keeping the child he should have the same choice to not have it. Maybe not physically but at least financially.
Personally I think guys and girls should be discussing the problem of pregnancy before it happens not after... that way no one is upset.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
15 Sep 09
In pregnancy a woman's decision counts and there is nothing her boyfriend can do to stop her having an abortion if she wants one. If she does have their baby he is liable for child maintenance. A lady can register the birth and not involve the baby's father. If a pregnant lady has a miscarriage both her and her man will be given much support. I feel really sorry for a man that finds his girlfriend aborts their baby. I am pro-life and wouldn't ever have an abortion.
In 2007 at 36 weeks pregnancy we found out that our baby would have spina bifida and hydrocephalus. The consultant asked me if I wanted to have an abortion that morning. I said no way and that was solely my choice. My baby's father didn't have any say. In the afternoon we looked around the special care baby unit and saw premature babies.
Men can be loving fathers. It is so sad that babies are aborted. It is also awful that fathers to be don't have any say if their girlfriend chooses to have an abortion. I am pro-life.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Sep 09
So, what you're saying is, women can decide whether they want to take on the responsibilities or not, but men have no choice in the matter. That's what I mean... sexist.
@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
16 Sep 09
I do understand what you are saying Ted and I agree totally. However the law is in effect and we can gripe about it, try to change it or live around it. And there is something to be said for personal responsibility. Unfair or not the law exists and while a person can never be 100% certain what another will do, men do have the option of NOT sleeping with a woman who would consider an abortion. There are women out there who would never consider it except for some of the extreme cases and if a man truly is against abortion that might want to be a discussion to have before hopping in the sack and making the situation a possibility.
Again I agree that the law is sexist but there are things you can do to prevent the pain and anguish of being a man knowing your child was murdered. I am not sure how you could change it and make it more fair? Perhaps give fathers the right to a financial abortion? In other words he could request the abortion and if she refused he would have no further financial obligation? Maybe that would even the playing field a bit and make women have to be more careful who they jump in the sack with. Just a thought.
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@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
16 Sep 09
The problem with this debate of abortion is that its essentially a woman's problem and nobody wants to hear that the baby has equal rights to life as everyone else.
It swings squarely back on the female because if she has the baby she is the one who will end up caring for it.
Why can't all these selfish people get it right ?
A baby is your equal and is a gift from God.
That is where it all is - right there !
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Sep 09
It is essentially the new person's problem... who is the one that gets killed by "choice".
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@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
21 Sep 09
IF men could get pregnant (not just women) abortion would not only NOT be an issue, it would be legal and insurance would pay for it! THAT is the difference between female and male. Sorry, but true. Pro Choice is not bigoted. Pro Choice is just that. The choice is a moral choice, just as all religions and types of religions are. Not meant to be forced on anyone, and neither to be banished or discriminated against because you believe it is the woman's right to choose. All you have said could be changed to exactly the opposite opinions, leaving the word cold, heartless, sexist and bigoted in... Pro Choicers also do not KILL those who perform abortions like Pro Lifers do... I guess that fact would make the pro-choices more christian, would it not?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Sep 09
Thanks for proving my point here Quinnkl. YOu apparently couldn't make your point without attacking men, religion, Christians and pro lifers.
Yes, there have been pro choicers who kill pro lifers, one happened just a couple of weeks ago. and news flash for the bigot, not ALL.. not even MOST, in fact almost NO pro lifers kill pro choicers. Would you say that pro choicers kill pro lifers just because a few have? No. why? Because pro lifers are the target of your bigotry, not pro choicers.
I do appreciate you proving my point.
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
22 Sep 09
Voluntary ignorance. Thank you for actually proving mine. You see only your side and refuse to see differences and realities if they don't meet your "standards". I am sad for people like you in this world. Pro Choice is NOT feminist. It is "religious" and "moral". That is the fact - fortunately, I BELIEVE you have the right to disagree... to bad you don't share that belief.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Sep 09
And you don't consider a fetus "human" because it doesn't meet YOUR standard.
Everyone of your answers were based on your bigoted, myopic view of people. If somone is "moral" they are apparently beneath you. If someone is "religious" our opinions don't count.
Apparently you respect the opinions of everyone who think exactly the same as you do, no one else is worth your respect.

@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
16 Sep 09
[b]Y'know...when cattle are pregnant, their embryos are protected by law, because they're property. If someone damages them, they're liable legally to make amends financially--& not just for an embryo, but for the "potential" moneymaking cow or steer!
I think men should sue for damages for destroying his property, even if he only gets a return on the embryo as an embryo, & not a full-grown heir. After all, it's half his material he's invested. The courts could rule, logically, that she ought only be allowed to destroy the material she provided, & that only so long as she doesn't harm the property invested by the male. If we're not allowed to call it a human being, at the very least, in a firm legal sense, it is property, right, Solomon?
I'm just sayin'....
(Things that make ya go "Hmmmmm...."

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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
For me I oppose that kind criminality. Abortion is to kill an innocent child that doesn't know what is the real reason why he/she be there inside the womb of his/her mother?
Abortion is against the rule of law or the constitution. This is also against the eyes of God. Because this is an acts of criminality.
Do you think those child have done anything wrong with those parents or woman carrying a baby in their womb? Isn't their sin, being a child? Isn't that those woman being reproached for what happen into their lives?
We all have the right but that right is limited to do good not evil. I think there is no debate regarding issue because the real issue here is life. A life that should be protected by law...and no one will have the right to kill anyone. Most particularly those innocent child.
Have a nice day!
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Sep 09
True, nothing about Roe V Wade or legal abortion on demand is Constitutional.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
If abortion is legal in your country. They should immediately repeal or amend the constitution in that particular state that legalize this criminal acts. I oppose abortion my friend. Because I know this is not the solution of the problem but worsen it. Those baby's inside the womb of a woman, don't have any idea why they are there...If they legalize that they should also include to prosecute the woman and the father of the child because they responsible for procreating the baby...
A disappointing constitution allow abortion...?
Have a nice day!
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@jb78000 (15139)
15 Sep 09
i'll start off by saying i'm not 'pro-abortion' - it's horrible for everybody involved and it should be prevented as far as is possible. however the option has to be there. now i can understand there might be circumstances when a father wants a baby that the woman aborted and he'll be upset but it really does come down to the fact that it is not his body.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
15 Sep 09
So, since the baby isn't the father's body then it just doesn't matter what kind of pain he goes through at the loss of his child?
@jb78000 (15139)
15 Sep 09
the pain for everybody involved does matter. however there are circumstances when abortion is perhaps the best option. i know the foetus is not the mother's body but it is in there and she has the responsibility for deciding what happens. we'll probably agree on something here - i think that there should be a heavy push on contraceptive education so far fewer abortions take place, and i can't see why late term ones should ever be done when pregnancy tests exist.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
17 Sep 09
I think if a man were to only have SX with a women because he loves her and she loves him. This would not be an issue.
When a man and a women love each other, they will keep the baby.
When it is only a one night stand, why should the women consider the man? They don't know each other.
I taught my children from a very young age : "When you are old enough to have SX, you are old enough to have children!"
I have a son and a daughter, both are adults and have relationships. Here it is not an issue. When they have a pregnancy, it will be accepted.
I think when I women does not want a mans baby, there is no real love in the question. Unless of course she has a good reason? But, then again, what is a good reason? Maybe health wise, yes.
So, I still find it weird that women get pregnant unwillingly now a days.
There are so many ways not to get pregnant. I don't understand these women.
Especially older women , who should know better.
When a man and a women are only in it for the fun and not for a relationship, then I think the women has a right to do what she wants.
It is her body and she has to carry the baby 9 months. The man normally disappears after a couple of months anyway.(Not all, but most of them.)
This is the way I think about it.
On the other hand, when you are in a relationship and plaining a future together, then the partners should take the decision together. In this case I believe the man has a right to his opinion. In this case I would agree with you.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Sep 09
so what would you say to a friend who fathered a child, but the girl aborted the baby. To her it's an abortion but to him it is the same emotional devastation as a miscarriage.
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Ah, but men also have the power to father a child and walk away and never be seen or heard from again. A woman can't just give birth and walk away. Even with the so called "safe haven" laws, a woman is most times hunted down and prosecuted for "abandoning" her baby even though she went through the safe and "legal" channels to do so. There was a story not too long ago where a distraught woman gave birth to a baby and immediately took it to a fire house not too far from where I work. The fire department took the baby to a hospital where the news crews hunted this woman down and the police charged her for abandoning her baby, even though she dropped him off at a safe house and according to the law, she had the right to do so, no questions asked. Yet she was still charged with child abandomnment and endangerment?
I've yet to hear a of a man fathering a child and moving halfway across the country and being charged with abandonment or of a man getting paid under the table in cash only so that his baby mama can't get child support because as far as the government knows, this man isn't working bc he's not paying taxes.