All are entitled to own beliefs without ridicule : Muslims trampled on cows head
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
September 16, 2009 4:23am CST
.. recently a group of Muslim protesters trampled on a severed cow's head in protest at the building of a Hindu temple
can people exercise some form of RESPECT to others culture and believe ... Hindus do not eat Cow as a form of respect for this animal
How i wish god will punish them for being so intolerrant with others
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16 responses
@cannibal (650)
• India
17 Sep 09
Neither am I pained, nor am I surprised in the least! What else can you expect of Muslims? This is nothing to what their Prophet did. I mean what the Malay Muslims did was way much better than smashing 360 odd idols of Kaaba! At least what they did was of lesser intensity than what the Muslim invaders have done to Asian temples, property, wealth and so on.
On the other hand, I strongly feel, Hindus too should get a tad rational in their approach. I mean the obsession with the cows is something beyond comprehension. And these days it seems that the cows are dearer to non-Indian Hindus than the Indian ones. And ironically, we all know that the cow was respected only for it was and is a highly useful animal, and apparently selfless.
Hindus ought to return to the Vedas, Upanishads, Vedanta and other such mature scriptures than the utterly juvenile Puranas. Puranas are only useful for inculcating values amongst children, that's all!

@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
hi cannibal ..
it is a culture and believe that we follow - there are many Hindus here who eat Beef - and eating in MC Donald in Malaysia means we use the same oil to fry - eating at any of our local food providers, all the same utensils are used - which means we are not that obsessed -- but of course some people are there who don eat at all outside
But then ... just because i believe killing is wrong does not mean you can kill to anger me ..
Next - we can all go back to Vedas, Upanishads and Vedanta but dear Cannibal - it is so very very difficult - we do not know the language and no one sincere enough to teach us ..
• India
17 Sep 09
Man, Cannibal you are on the path to glory.Good we must restore the Glory of the Vedas,Upanishads and Vedanta- the really very mature form of SD which definitely make us look the real super-intellectuals that we are or were.
Now, I have seriously entered that, predominantly abusive site which you had once sent me a link to, asking me to ignore the crass language users and address the saner elements. Some people have started taking cognizance of the statements. I am referring to the discussion: "Who said there are no contradictions in The Vedas?"
@cannibal (650)
• India
18 Sep 09
Unbelievable and incredible; coming from the veteran himself!
Thank you.
So what is your opinion of the views expressed there on that site? Do you agree?
Btw, I read an article by one V. Raman, where like in the above site by Osho (Link in the response to Fred) Raman says Hindus ought to believe in evolution, especially with respect to the Avatars of Vishnu starting from Matsya. Interesting, ain't it?
(Raman confesses that he ain't any expert, but I found his view interesting)

@Gordano (795)
• United States
16 Sep 09
Hello sanjana_aslam,
Of course, I 'm a supporter of respecting each other, and consideration of each other, in your post I see that there was mistakes in both sides, the group Muslim protesters and their government, the story is that they want to build a Hindu temple in a Muslim majority city, it is of course the right of any group op people to have their places of worship, but the consideration in necessary, a Hindu temple means Idol-worshiping and more sacred cows, and Muslims don't a approve these things.
What if I went to an Indian City with a Majority of Hindus and started my new project which happened to be a slaughterhouse for cows, where cows are sacred in the mind of the majority of populations ? Will they celebrate a new Project being set up in their neighborhood ?
in such cases there is know consideration, and this is the main problem, the group Muslim protesters, Is there demonstrations by Muslims when Hindus build a temple in Places where the Hindus are the Majority ? of course no.
And BTW: there was Updates regarding this, Malaysia charges 12 Muslims for anti-Hindu protest, considering the Fact that All the protesters were 50.
Before accusing Muslims of Being intolerant, I 'm looking forward comments of Hindus regarding a new slaughterhouse for cows in their neighborhood.
best regards!

@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
17 Sep 09
See Sanjana, Gadhi IS Speaking About The Muslims Being Better In Our Country .. I Beg To Differ They Are The Vote Bank Of Congress .. Congress Will Surely Not Come to Power If Voting Rights Of the Muslims Is Curtailed .. But Congress Wants To Appease The Minority (Muslims Aka Christians) .. I Really Doubt If they Are the Minority Currently .. Sathya Meva Jayathe ..
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
17 Sep 09
hi gardano ...
Muslims and Christians did go to India and Build mosques and churches and even ruled the country dear !!
Idol worshiping is Hindus way of life, the 5 time prayer that is being voiced out via speaker daily is Muslims way of life ...
There are other ways and means to do things in a country where "multiracial" community resides ..
even though i am non vegetarian, and i eat chicken i dont think i want to take the head and step on it .. do you??
Dear Gardano ... i do not want to talk for anyone but myself, i live in reality and do not close my eyes on real issues, i am aware that almost all leather products are from cow.., cow will be sent to slaughterhouse after a certain 'age' -which is why people like me do not want to go into business which involves animals, especially cows as we do not want to be the people who actually "take care" of this animals, earn a living by selling their milk and then earn by selling them to saughterhouse .. Reality is, there should not be slaughterhouse nearby any neighborhood only at a certain appointed places
• India
16 Sep 09
Gordano, In India slaughtering of cows is protected by Law. A thing our spineless secular government has somehow acceded to. If it were BJP, I would not not have been surprised. At least they stand up for something, though I do not personally approve of their belligerent ways. But I like their opposition to the minorityism that other parties practise. The Indian National Congress led Government did it long ago when they were having a clear majority.
Gordano, in India, which is a democracy, a mosque could be built anywhere. It is a different thing that Muslims come together and form a colony. IOW, that is strictly speaking a Muslim majority area. But temples are built. They will continue with their form of worship. The one consideration they(SD-ites) give is when their processions pass a Mosque, they silence their bands. This is because in Islam beating of drums[and by implication Music in worship] is forbidden(?). In the city of Hyderabad for instance, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated everywhere in the city, both Muslim majority areas as well as other areas where they are all more or less equally distributed. Generally no untoward incidents happen. But these times are like sitting on a powder keg.
Well, all this happens in a true democracy. I am not aware if Malaysia, is declared an Islamic Country as per their constitution. If so, there is no obligation on their part to accommodate others. Nor can it be expected. If they had mistakenly, erroneously called it a secular democratic republic then they have to keep up the farce. They must behave like say India, USA, UK and other truly secular countries. Indonesia is a Muslim country, but I was told by some of my colleagues who have visited that country that they are very tolerant. That may be because of a Hindu History, of which they are proud.
We have read in news reports about an year back that some Hindu temples have been demolished in Malaysia in very much Hindu majority areas. So intolerance in built into the culture of the people. Then there is no point complaining. I would like you list if there are any Islamic countries where others are permitted to practise their religion(forget about preaching or converting)in the way they could do in their native land. Like I mean to say it is no great shakes to allow a person living in an Islamic country to practise his/her religion silently within the confines of their homes. That is the minimum a gaovernment of civilized persons are expected to do in a comity of nations.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Sep 09
What the protestered did was completely disrespectful without a doubt....yes they are entitled to their opinions and have the right to voice them but unfortunatley when protests go on...the feelings of others are seldomly considered and acts like this tend to happen to one degree or another...
that said, I have a said
"How i wish god will punish them for being so intolerrant with others"
How is your wishing ill on another for their actions any more tolerant or acceptable?? Just curious...

@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
17 Sep 09
Hi Raven ..
if i was an intolerant individual, i would have sprinkled "pig" blood everywhere ....
.. who else to seek for help other than GOD himself ..
• India
16 Sep 09
I am happy she has chosen to be at least this hard.When the Muslims were trampling the cow's head they were inciting the others? Why should one extend tolerance. If I were there I would practise hexing.
@matsulori (269)
• United States
16 Sep 09
I agree. Tolerance has to start somewhere. However, I understand this poster's outrage. It's hard to extend tolerance to those who are so violently rude. It is truly a test of one's maturity.

@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
16 Sep 09
That is what is happening in all the muslim majority countries, Sanjana. The muslims have no respect for any other religion exept Islam, and basically, Hindus are people who are peace loving and do not open their mouths.
Look at what is happening to the Srilankan Tamils, there is a genocide going on there, with the majority Buddhist, killing and raping all the Hindu Tamils,but nobody is bothered.
Even in India, the Hindus, do not get the respect, and yesterday, the Tamilnadu government released more than 10 Muslims terrorists who bombed Coimbatore in 1998.They were freed, even though the High court, had sentenced them for 15 years RI.This was done as a mark of respect DMK founder and late chief minister, C.N.Annadurai's birth centenary. The unfortunate thing is not a single word was written against this by the leading news paper "The Hindu".
This is the unfortunate plight of hindus in India and rest of the world.
• India
16 Sep 09
This is one more of the spineless acts of a minorityist governments that our country is blessed with. May be this is DMK's strategy for population control.
@light999 (42)
17 Sep 09
Its so true The islamic people are so rude but not all of them are only the people who takes this religion way to far In my opinion i dont get why muslim kill people and do horrible things i read there quaran for fun and it never says thou sall kill people who dont believe in me
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
17 Sep 09
I don't think it is right to perceive the problem in Sri Lanka through the lens of religious adherence; it is rather an ethnic problem. To say that Tamils are raped is okay, but to say that Hindus are raped there won't be quite correct way of diagnosing the problem though they are predominantly Hindus. There are also Muslims and Christians Tamils who suffer.
I also think that Hindus do not get respect in India is not quite true. If we have to say like that even Buddhists, Christians, Jains, Muslims, Sikhs and others also do not get respect. And even in America many Christians say that they don't get respect, which I don't think is quite true because atheists also say the same thing.
In Tamil Nadu if the terrorists are released, the problem is not for Hindus alone. It is for entire Indian. I think we need to see as India's plight rather than Hindus' plight. Thanks.

@ford_mts (232)
• India
18 Sep 09
Assalam u alikum sister.(May Allah's peace and mercy be on you)
Firstly I want to say that to know about Islam don't judge it by seeing the acts of its followers.And most importantly followers of Islam will not hurt anybody.Because the title given to the follower of Islam is Muslim(one who bows down to the will of God)and there is not a single verse in the Quran which goes against humanity as a whole.Some people may for their personal desires may go against the teachings of Holy Quran.
Some people of muslim community does acts of hatred ("as you said killing the cow for showing disrespect") because either they do not have knowledge or because they do not judge the situation justly.But any ways these people are our brothers in faith Inshallah if some knowledgeable person say them this is wrong they will stop it Inshallah.And as you say they are brothers in humanity,its your duty too to say them that Allah has prohibited to demolish the worship places of non-muslims like synagogue or church .I am unable to remember the verse number Inshallah I will post it as comment when I find it.Messenger of Allah(PBUH) said who does not have mercy on the creatures of Allah,Allah will not have mercy on him on the day of judgment.Brutally killing the cow is prohibited.In Islam we do ZAbiha.
About killing the cow and stamping on it.I must ask that MUSLIM person what does it convey?Does this is the way prophet thought us?Did his companions ever do such a thing?
Almost all people in Muslim community will not agree this type of act and I think these people have done such act on the opinion of some foolish person.
Secondly--See for Hindus every thing is God.Snake,tree,monkey etc...
I am asking should not we cut down trees now?If no then every country had shown disrespect to Hindus.should not we kill the snake if it enters our homes?snakes are in many moral stories in INDIA.Showing disrespect is very bad thing.I am just saying cow eating is allowed in Islam.And even many Hindu brother eat cow in our city HYDERABAD.
We respect all people of every community but will not follow the ways they follow We will follow as Allah(swt) has commanded us.He is The Creator.He is All-knowing and most Merciful.The Beneficient.
For example in parts of the world people come naked on beaches.Should we respect their culture?Of course not.
Even an understandable person will say that such an act is uncultured.Then are we only the people to say this.NO.Then how we people have become "the people who says we are right".If a particular thing is right,then there is no problem.Inshallah if some knowledgeable person may make a step to make these people who roam naked understand because they are arrogant and do not heed to warning of uncultured act, which people have said them already and they are not hearing to them.
Hope I have answered it to the extent to make it clear that people(muslim or non-muslim) might do wrong,its our humble duty to teach them.
If there is any doubt on any comment please make a note to me I will clear the mistake.
Thank you

@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
FORD ... just a reminder, a human first and prophet next - Muhamad said that AL QURAN was word of god !!
every letter and word in AL QURAN is said to be word of god by - Muhamad - as i may say a human first and prophet next
@cannibal (650)
• India
18 Sep 09
Your intentions from the first half seem fine. However,
"Allah has prohibited to demolish the worship places of non-muslims like synagogue or church ."
Yea, that's because Jews and Christians are the people of the book. But what about Pagan, Hindu or Buddhist temples? Is their demolition allowed?
"Does this is the way prophet thought us?Did his companions ever do such a thing?"
But Mohammad had smashed and demolished many Pagan temples, idols etc. What great respect to the polytheists! And aren't Muslims supposed to follow his footsteps?
"I am asking should not we cut down trees now?If no then every country had shown disrespect to Hindus.should not we kill the snake if it enters our homes?snakes are in many moral stories in INDIA"
You're showing your true colors here. However, I would agree with you. Such Hindus are hypocrites. But I hope you know that the ultimate goal is considered to be of sinless-ness. That includes not killing plants too; and instead eating only those fruits or grains or vegetables which fell down naturally from the trees, fields etc; and that too after making sure that they aren't occupied by insects or germs after falling down.
That's incorrect. According to a verse in the Vedas, no animal should be harmed. I do not know Sanskrit at all; and I haven't read a word from them; but I have asked many learned persons regarding the same. The confusion has arisen because because some dumb people like say Romila Thapar interpreted 'Go' as cow. Actually, 'Go' is said to have more than thirty meanings and taking help of the verse about harming animals it can be easily inferred that beef is not allowed. There may be some Puranas stating that a particular Avatar-Purush or Prophet consumed meat, but it's the Puranas, so what is to be said of it?
Do not go by the sayings of that fanatic dunce Zakir Naik. keep his 'scholarship' confined to Islam only.
The Beach example, while I'd personally dislike behaving that way, I have no right to condemn them if those people are happy with it. Neither you do. Why do you judge everyone by the Quranic yardstick? Let people behave the way they want, unless they bother you.

@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
17 Sep 09
That is a sad thing. One reason behind this is people do not try to understand other people's religions. It is only when you understand te other's religion, there is a greater possibility of respecting the religion.
For example, muslims and christians disregard hindus as polytheists. While on the outer surface this is true, if one goes deep into the hindu spiritual philosphy and reads the Gita, Upanishad etc.. one would get a different idea.
The problem here is indoctrination. People, especially Abrahamic religions, are not encouraged to study other religions. Even if they do, they do so with a closed view because evn when they were children , they are taught that our religion is the true and the best.
By the way, I am curious to know why cow is so sacred to hindus. Is it only because you respect it as mother, or is there also some other reason?
@cannibal (650)
• India
17 Sep 09
Especially this:
"[i]If you go back into your past lives -- and there are tested methods to do it -- you will find that for many lives you were a human being. but as soon as the series of human lives ends, you will enter the life of the cow that you were. Everyone who experimented with jati-smaran has come to the same conclusion: behind the layers of memory of human lives lies the layer belonging to the life of a cow. And it is on this basis that the cow has been described as man's mother.
Apart from this, there are other reasons to say so. If you explore the whole animal world you will note that no other animal has such a developed soul as the cow. Looking into the eyes of a cow you will find a kind of humanly quality, a humanness no other animal has. The innocence, the simplicity, the humility of a cow is rare. Spiritually, the cow is the most evolved being in the whole animal world; its high qualities of soul are evident. Its evolved state clearly indicates it is ready for a spiritual leap forward[/i]."
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
30 Sep 09
nothing to say but this only goes to show how rude, violent and barbaric these people are and whatever their religion teaches them, they have only brought more shame and disrepute to their religion in the eyes of others (i.e., if they are bothered at all as to how ‘others’ see them)
@shivram123 (656)
• India
16 Sep 09
'Malaysia truly asia'
it is the slogan of malaysian tourism or something.
no need of wonder In malaysia 60% muslims became the dominant so can do anything.
In india there is only 13.5% muslims and are showing these much then y cant they do these in a place where they covers over 60%.
i dont know wht we(the rest of the world) done to them,
all the religions stands for the universal peace.
lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
17 Sep 09
Hi there shivram, it has been a long time. Why are you not coming to the discussions regularly now days. We need people like you here.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
16 Sep 09
for a few bad people in certain community,why people blame the whole community.In this world, there are good as well as bad people in every, to blame any religion due to those bad people will be wrong.there are many good people,then why not people count the good deeds rather raking into account the bad ones.
Being a muslim,I respect all the religions of the world and love to know more about them and their culture.
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
17 Sep 09
hi coolcat
very tru indeed .. that small group of people actually make the whole world go crazy ...
@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
16 Oct 09
Hello my friend sanjana_aslam Ji,
I deeply appriciate your feelings for all communities and totally agree with you. I do not think any religion of the world teaches and preaches hatred feelings, which was out-come of such incidence. I am very sure some politicians must have been involved. But Hindus do not have such hatred feelings. Hindus have much more tolerance, resulted their own sufferings. May God bless You and have a great time.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Do not fill your heart with hate wishing them punishment. Know that these people would never do these things if they really understood what they were doing. Their hate will return to them in lessons that will show them exactly what they are choosing to do. Keep love in your heart. Perhaps they will see by watching you!!
@agirnow (157)
• France
17 Sep 09
Hello Sanjana,
I am very sorry to hear that this happened and that you have been offended. I completely agree with you that people need to be respectful to other cultures and beliefs. This surprises me that a group of Muslims would do this, my husband is Muslim and all of the people that I know who are Muslim are fairly respectful and mind their own business, I guess I could say that about Christians and Jews too, but not ALL of them are accepting either.
Again, I am sorry and I hope that you are respectful and rise above this childish behavior. God Bless
• India
17 Sep 09
That is very true. Not all Muslims would do this. I have excellent Muslim friends. In fact I find that a lot of Al Qur An is very good as a Scripture. If only Muslims livedby the values explained by the principles in then there mustn'tbe any problem at all.
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
I think its a violation against Hinduism. I think cows are venerated by Hindus.How could men of various beliefs coexist if the mere respect for others have been forgotten. For sure Hindus wont tolerate that to happen again and again. Then violence will erupt due to such doin that disrespect any beliefs. It could be much better if they could have the air for religious tolerance no matter what group people belong. Peace to all!
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
17 Sep 09
I dont think they are really from any religion who show this kind of behaviour in any civilized society.
We can say about them a dog does not know really what wrong he is doing by barking or biting.
If some one is really civilized and follower of his culture and religion he will never try to put some other or weak person down. So this is our mistake that we expect them to not do these kind of things.
But here the responisibility of malaysian government to improve their country's status of mind.
@hvedra (1619)
16 Sep 09
Regardless of what it was about, it strikes me that trampling on a severed cow head is an undignified, dirty and disgusting activity. Acting in such an uncivilized manner when they don't like something is hardly likely to raise any sympathy only make people wonder what else they will stoop to.