When you visit a restaurant for a meal in a group do you split the bill equally?

@geebobuk (135)
September 16, 2009 12:57pm CST
I have been out with a group of friends today for lunch and when the bill arrived, we just agreed to split the bill equally, irrespective of who had eaten and drank what. How do you feel about this and what do you feel is the best way of dealing with this situation?
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3 responses
• United States
16 Sep 09
I have been in your situation... And yes most of the time, I wouldn't mind to split the meal equally. But there comes times, where if I just had a salad and water, I am not going to pay $40 for it... I see at times as unfair. So what my friends and I starting to do is, just pay for whatever you ordered and it works out better! Its unfair when someone ends up paying less or more?!?!
@Lucky09 (1763)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
LoL! you only ate salad and the others may have ordered steak or something and they wanted to split? i think that is really ridiculous^^;;
• United States
16 Sep 09
Yes! That is what I thought! I thought I was getting punk'd.. lol.. But after that situation I have never split the bill equally... I have learned my lesson! How about you? Anything bad like this ever happened to you?
@Lucky09 (1763)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
you can read my story below..huhu! but now, it's ok because i work at home so i don't meet them often..but just incase i would expect to pay more on the bill.. i have my 3 best friends and we always split the bill fairly or take turns on whoever have more money that time..we love each other so we learn how to give and take.
@Lucky09 (1763)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
Hi gee^^;; i think "dutch" paying is good among friends or co-workers on how to pay the bill. Unfortunately, Im the only single whichever group I join, my friends or co-workers, so whenever we go out, they point at me to shoulder 50% of the bill of 4-5people. why? because they always say that since I'm single, i don't spend much my money for other things except for myself unlike them that they pay for electric bills, buy milk, pay tuition, etc..etc..!!gggrrrr! at these times, i always couldn't refuse, it's my character to be generous but i just thought it's not so fair unless I offered to pay in the first place before we started ordering...sigh!
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
If the food that you ordered is platter type or set menu, i think the bill should be divided equally whether some of you eat much or less. If it is a plate menu per head then you must charge the person to what he ordered.