Try that on one of MY kids and I WILL KILL YOU!
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
September 16, 2009 4:43pm CST,2933,550940,00.html?test=latestnews
Some lady in a Cincinnati store grabbed a stranger's little kid and SPANKED HIM! Supposedly the kid said something the assailant didn't like.
The mother of the child says she was "shocked". If some stranger started beating my child I wouldn't be "shocked", I'd be homicidal.
That's the second time in just a few weeks where some stranger has decided to beat somebody's child in a store. SICK SAD WORLD.
Note to anyone who thinks it's OK to beat other people's kids: Stay the hell away from mine, because I'll make sure that if you touch them it will be the LAST thing you ever do.
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23 responses
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
16 Sep 09
I've come across scores of kids I'd personally like to apply some pressure on their bottoms but don't because-it ain't my kid! I wouldn't even tell a parent their kid needs spanking. Because-it ain't my kid!
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@sephrenia (567)
17 Sep 09
If some strange person came up to my kid and attacked my kid for no reason I wouldn't even hesitate, my fit would be flying before I even stopped to think about it. Normally I abhor the idea of violence in front of children but there is no way I would just stand there and watch my kid take a hit from an adult without stepping in front of them and giving all I've got in return.
I actually had this problem with an elderly lady in my local supermarket a few months ago. In the UK there is a ton of arguments raging about feral kids and youths whose parents don't care about them or their education and so I felt more than a little satisfied that my children have very active imaginations and know that they better mind their manners and behaviour otherwise they lose things they like such as computer, TV, Toys and/or pocket money.
On this occasion in the supermarket, my son who was 6 at the time, had quickly nipped to the bottom of the aisle we were in to grab a cucumber and as he walked back up to me, he was pretending that the cucumber was actually a space rocket and the basket was the space station it needed to be docked at to help astronauts who were stranded.
Not a problem you might think but the elderly lady in question took exception to the fact that my son was making 'rocket noises' as he walked and told him if he didn't shut up she was going to give him such a hiding as he'd obviously never had before.
I didn't even think, I dropped my basket in the middle of the aisle and told her quite loudly that she better not think about doing any such thing or by god I would give her own wrinkly behind a spanking such as she hadn't had since her own mother was alive. I also pointed out that my son had caused no offence to other shoppers (who were similing affectionately at the fun my son was having) and in fact she should be grateful that he had a mother who cares that he offends nobody, apologises if he gets in their way and will try to help anyone regardless of who they are if he feels they need it.
I also ranted as to the fact that she should be grateful he has imagination enough to know how to create his own fun rather than rely on plasticky goods that are overpriced and break down after five seconds and if that caused a tiny bit of noise then so be it. He wasn't being loud, he wasn't running through the store and he was very carefully weaving his way around other people so that he didn't accidentally hurt them.
I was really incensed at this point and on the verge of becoming more than verbal in my argument with this woman when suddenly I was stopped the rest of the shoppers clapping at my impromptu speech and the mortified elderly lady turning around and walking straight out of the store. It also turned out that the store manager had heard us and not only gave my son £10 worth of free sweets as an apology (something which was a wonderful surprise and for which my son wrote a beautiful thankyou letter when we got home) but also banned the elderly lady from the store!
My point is we should never be afraid to step up and shout out for our children regardless of what consequences may come and for the most part, you will find that others agree with you :)
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Sep 09
hi angrykittymsv oh my if that Had been my child I would've been'so angry I would have punched her in her jaw.the very nerve what is'
going on with people now days.You just do not go around hitting'
other peoples kids,this is criminal and would get you stuck in
prison for that.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Homicidal is right. She's my daughter and I'd be flying into a rage that'd make King Kong look like Curious George if anyone snatched my child and tried to hit her.
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
16 Sep 09
In the words of Wil Smith, "Oh hell no!" If some woman did that ,rather attempted that because she'd not get any further then that I'd break her arm! I'm not about murder, but she sure as hell would loose the use of both arms.
This is a sad world when someone decides to do something like this! I hope she is being brought up on charges!
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@candaceb87 (1362)
• Canada
17 Sep 09
I think it is ridicules that someone would have the nerve to spank someone else's child. I don't believe in spanking my own children let alone someone else's. And I sure as hell know I wouldn't just stand there and put up with it at all! This world is getting worse and worse everyday!
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
17 Sep 09
Wow. What is going on with people these days? I've been frustrated by others lack of parenting skills but I couldn't imagine grabbing someone's kid and spanking them. I sometimes will say something to someone else's kid if they are doing something that could harm themselves or my kids, but I would never spank them or even yell. I get that people are tired of these kids that are let to run wild though. My daughter's preschool had issues with a little boy who kept saying the f word. They told the mother and she didn't seem to care and said they were the teachers, make him listen! Hello? That kind of stuff is learned at home and the parents are responsible for making your child listen, the teachers are there to teach.
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@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
17 Sep 09
oh Yes I agree with you I would have been next to beating that person really bad. She has no right to put her hands on that ladies child. is she crazy!
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@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I don't have a child but if I did have a child and someone had the nerve to actually do that I would like you said "kill him/her". I will seriously go ballistic on that person. No one has the right to touch someone's else child. I would go crazy if something like that happen because mothers can be very protective and I know I'm not a mother but I have an idea of how protective they can be. This person is extremely stupid and needs to get punched.
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@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
17 Sep 09
First and formost i dont even spank my own kids much less do it to someone elses child....However if that was done to my children shocked wouldnt have eer came to mind it would have just went to reaction and she wouldnt have been standing thats for sure. My kids might need a spanking ever now and then but i never had it done to me when i was a kid and i dont intend on doing it to my children either. But my kids know right from wrong they just choose to push you to see how far they can go. Its all kids that do it LOL
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
17 Sep 09
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I'm wondering if this will be acceptable in a socialist America? lol
Seriously, though, I would hit whoever it was, man or woman. If it was a woman, I'd probably grab her and spank her. If it's a guy, well, I'd have to channel my inner Kimbo Slice and send him to the dentist.
And it's not about violence in any way, shape or form. It's about protecting your kids. My vote is for 10 years in prison for the anonymous spanker.
Maybe someone will grab her up and use their hands on her in ways that she doesn't find too friendly.
As the old timers say, "You gotta learn 'em."
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@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
17 Sep 09
I'm normally very docile but if anyone would be that stupid enough to hit anyone I love, I'd lose it. I don't have any kids but I do have pets, and whenever someone tries to harm them, my temper shoots off the roof. So, what more if I had kids? I'd be just as ferocious, or even more so if I did.
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@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
17 Sep 09
Wow, I hadn't heard about that one too. Really, what is going on with people? Everyone knows you can't touch other peoples children. And yeah, I have to agree with you 100%, if a stranger is going to grab my kid, they better be prepared for their own demise. I can't believe the whole thing, I'm shocked too! Weird, very creepy and weird!
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@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
17 Sep 09
If someone ever hit or touched my child inappropriately, I would not hesitate to take them out...there is absolutely no reason to touch a child that isn't yours. If the child says something offensive to you, bring it up to that child's mother or father and let them handle it, you have no right to lay your hand on any kid that isn't yours...
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Sep 09 doubt I'd go wild on them and I am a really really laid back person. DO NOT TOUCH MY CHILD...It is not ok....not acceptable. If my child bothers you...I'll listen and talk it over....none of my kids were perfect...I'm not perfect...I'm very open to talking about situations. There are limits. I don't spank my kids. I don't spank other peoples kids. No one but no one better lift a hand to any of my kids. I'm pretty sure I'd flip. There is another side to my laid back nature. 

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@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I dont know what is more shocking... the fact that she actually touched a strangers child. (spanking or not!) or the fact that she still feels she was trying to "help"! Where do people get the nerve?? I would never! In fact I was at the store one day with my kids getting ready to check out when out of the corner of my eye I saw blond hair and a girl spinning on a bar... I started to get onto her thinking it was my daughter but could not apologize enough when she looked at me and I knew it wasnt!
Oh and if it had been my child? somone would have been shocked alright... shocked at how fast I would knock her teeth out!
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@drakkar (50)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
A mothers love to her kids is astounding. We wont let any thing happen to our kids. We love our kids more than we love ourselves. WE even do anything just to make our kids happy but of course with refrain on things that might cause disturbance on their attitudes. As parents, I would as well kill for my kids.
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