How do you feel when people cough on you without covering their mouths?
By Andrew
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
United Kingdom
September 17, 2009 5:27am CST
This is really irritating! Haven't there been times when you have been on a bus or a train and then suddenly there's this chap or lady and they cough away and they just don't cover their mouths! It's disgusting and you also feel their breath on your cheek if they are really close to you! How do you feel about this? Do you reproach them or do you respond with some kind of evil facial expression in hopes that they might get the message that they have crossed the line? Some people just have no manners and no respect in this regard! In the present climate this is made that much worse with this Swine flu thing going round although we tend to hear less and less about that now. So, what do you think about people who cough over you without covering their mouths? Andrew
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46 responses
@homeshoppers (6166)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
thats disgusting, i cant imagine those people doing that. perhaps ill mannered people who doesnt care about the other people. i will going to get angry of course specially if theres a saliva grrr
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
Saliva? Yes that's really disgusting and horrible. I wish I had the strength to really become angry and irate with that person but I don't like creating scenes as I tend to get worried about any repercussions! The person involved may be a real psycho and I still have a number of years that I want to get through in life! Andrew
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@geebobuk (135)
17 Sep 09
It is not good at all. I'm not particularly thinking about Swine Flu either, it is just generally a horrible thing to experience and you never know what germs you might pick up. I steer any from these people if I can when I am on public transport.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
I don't think that travelling on the bus or tube is a safe environment anymore! There's just no knowing what you might catch if everyone is coughing and spluttering around you. The best I can do normally is really give a nasty look and hope that the person involved gets the message that there's something seriously wrong and that I'm not happy! Andrew
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
I would also feel irritated and disgusted. I'd also tell the man to cover his mouth the next time or else..hehe. It's rude and at the same time unhygienic. With the Swine Flu running rampant nowadays, all people should be careful when they cough.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
The thing I find quite bad about it is the fact that there are certain people that have this really phlemy cough and you know that the mucus is going to come flying! This is really sick and I would love to move position but I don't see that I have to, that person should know how to react appropriately in public. Andrew
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@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
17 Sep 09
It is certainly bad manners to cough without covering the mouth, especially at this sensitive time of the swineflu. Coughing being an easy way to spread virus, people suffering from flu are recommended to stay home, as was notised here in my city. But how the absence will be treated remains an open issue.
From childhood, parents must teach kids to evade burst of noises in public, to show respect to people.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
I think that it's good to teach young children manners, this should take place at a very early age! This will make sure that they are well informed in relation to good manners and I think that they will gain more respect as well. I always cover my mouth when I cough and I start to carry a hanky around with me now specifically for this purpose. Andrew
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
Disgusting is the real word! I'm sure that there should be some kind of law against that but how would you police it? Oh well! I think that if the person involved received a shock of verbal abuse then this would probably cure them from that nasty habit for life! Andrew
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
Well, that will certainly give him something to think about! It's not nice to see but it happens everywhere on the bus nowadays and it seems that people just don't care anymore. I hate breathing in other people's germs, it's totally disgusting and I wish I was a whole lot braver and just mentioned something, I'm pretty quiet though and tend not to get involved! Andrew
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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
17 Sep 09
I will actually move away or vary where I'm walking to avoid someone who is actively coughing and/or sneezing. I work from home now so I don't often find myself in large groups of people (such as on public transit or in a busy workplace). I have two daughters still in school and that's enough of the "outside world" of germs for me, thanks LOL People are definitely rude and to be coughed on or sneezed on is disgusting. Schools are trying desperately to get the kids to stop spreading stuff - adults need to step up and be more aware too! Our local high school sent home a letter telling parents to make sure their kids understand that, when they cough or sneeze, they should cover their face with their forearm - not just turn their head, etc. They have installed hand sanitizer dispensers all over the school and expect people to use them. These are available in so many places now - not just doctor's offices or hospitals but transit stations, shopping centers and more. In the past, if someone coughed or sneezed on me, I would have given them a disapproving look. Now, with the increased health concerns, I think I'll be more likely to say something to them about it.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
you are so lucky that you don't have to face the outside environment much! It's a good idea to try and move away from the scene but I find this hard at times. I really don't like offending people even though they may be really nasty in terms of not displaying good manners! Those dispensers sound like a very good idea though and I wish that they would install some of those things over here. I like the idea of working at home, that's a great source of protection! Andrew
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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
18 Sep 09
Thank you very much for the BR, Andrew :) Like you, I really go out of my way to never offend people nor to be rude but some people's behaviors truly amaze me. It's inconceivable to me that people can care so very little for others around them. I mean, if I'm sick, the last thing I want to do is pass that on to other people. Then again, maybe some folks don't want to suffer alone? LOL I get my coughs and colds as "gifts" from my daughters when they come home sick... and those times are enough for me. Yes, the hand sanitizer dispensers are great and I find they are showing up in more and more places, quite quickly, I guess due to swine flu. I buy small, travel-sized bottles of it, as well, and my daughters keep one in their backpack, one in their locker, etc. It's getting them to remember to use it that's the challenge. It used to be that people would say hand sanitizer wasn't recommended because it didn't "teach" your body to ward off germs and all... but now the information I get coming home from the schools is asking us to do it so I try to do my part.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
20 Nov 09
I agree that it is very irritating when someone coughs on us. I think that it is a bad habit for one to do so as it may affect and get the others infected from the germs of the coughing. If I were to cough, I would leave the spot for a little distance as I don't want to make the others think that I have a bad habit. Now I have heard so much about the swine flu that it is easily passed on if we cough on someone. So we have to be more considerate of the others' health when we cannot help coughing...Take care, Andrew.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
20 Nov 09
Yes, definitely not a nice experience when this happens. I guess it's just so difficult when we are all together and travelling on the same bus! I think that I prefer to cycle these days! I have my freedom and there's no one crowding me! Andrew
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
21 Sep 09
Hello Andrew. I won't feel happy for this if someone does cough on me this way. I met such people once in a while, but I have never said anything for this. I think that it is very bad manners to cough on others without covering their mouths. I will never do so.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
22 Sep 09
I normally don't like to say anything either as I feel that more problems will probably follow and I certainly don't need any of that. I'm still in favour of the idea of cycling everywhere, I've got the bike and I don't seem to be using it much these days! Andrew
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
17 Sep 09
It's amazing how many people are walking around who don't have common manners! One of the worst is when you're eating and the person sitting in front of you coughs right in your food?! Excuse me? Were you raised in a barn?
Usually, I have no qualms about telling the person of their social blunder.
It just totally amazes me to no end how ignorant people are.........
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
Now that is really gross!
. I would have to bin that meal right away! I'm thinking that these people should be taught some manners although I'm not going to be the one to do that! This obviously relates to their upbringing I think. Andrew

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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 09
I think that all they really bother about is cleaning their lungs! They are not really bothered about how this act will affect others. I do feel kind of trapped on the bus at times and it really gets to me that I cannot do anything about it. I can't exactly throttle the person otherwise I would probably find myself behind bars! Andrew
@galaqxus (2)
• Poland
17 Sep 09
well, I cant remind this situation whitch happened to me but, in my opinion thi is very irresposible and rude, because there is a big probability infect someone this decease exactly, and of course nobody doen't want to be split upon

@shibham (16977)
• India
17 Sep 09
it really irritaes me as you. i consider them as mannerless people. once a person dared to cough without covering is mouth but in the second moment i insulted them in front of public. hahaha....
from then when saw him coughing, he always covered his mouth. nice treatment, is n't it?
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 09
Well, that will certainly teach him a lesson! I think that people should be more aware of this, it's really horrible and I try to hold my breath in when someone is coughing like that as I don't want to breath in their nasty fumes! Andrew
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@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
17 Nov 09
I've been sneezed at before and the guy that sneezed on me got a bit of spittle on my jacket. That was disgusting. In my fury, I yelled at him. I'm normally very docile but that just threw me cause the guy had been coughing and sneezing without even covering his mouth. That basically was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
17 Nov 09
That sounds like a really nasty situation to experience! It's not nice when someone coughs on you like that and the germs go everywhere. This is something that really makes me very angry inside! Andrew
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
That is really annoying! That really irritates me as well, didnt their parents thought them some manner back when they were kids? Thats one of the first things that we were taught. They should be sensitive with what others might feel. Coughing without covering their mouth is horrible if they know and see little children near or around the area and they do that. First its too risky for children and second they are setting BAD example. That is a very shameful act.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 09
Children do seem to be the weaker party where people are concerned. It would be very worrying if someone was coughing away and not covering their mouth and there were children present. I think that there's so much on television now in the way of health adverts and so forth. It's almost excusable now for someone not to know what to do and how to react whilst in public. Andrew
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
Absolutely. There is no excuse for that, they just dont have good manners. That's it, period. No doubt about it.
@Eisenherz (2908)
• Portugal
18 Sep 09
I must say that I feel absolutely great whenever this happens! I can't contain myself over that joy that is being contempled with a stranger's muccus and bacterias. It's probably a gift from above! Ok, now that we're past the humour I'll just say the obvious answer to your question: it blows, of course. Nobody likes it, so why even put it at question.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 09
Well, as you can see, there's been plenty of debate about this very issue! It's just a horrible thing to experience, that is life I suppose!
@Nisha_Verghese (551)
• India
18 Sep 09
yeah Andrew, it's irritating and it is plain disgusting. But every person has the right to do whatever he/she wants and we cannot tell them to cover their mouths.. i generally put on my classic 'Disugusted' expression which tells them what they need to know.
I remember when i was a kid, how my mother used to nag me about closing my mouth when sneezing and when i am eating. Wonder why their parents never did the same!!
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 09
Yes, that's true we do live in a free society but I'm pretty sure that because of this some people think that they can get away with virtually anything. Well, that's life! I have to go for my flu jab now so I'm thinking that this will protect me from any flu like symptoms and then I can avoid coughing at all costs! Andrew
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
I really hate it when people do that. But my actions depend on the situation. When the person who is coughing is far from me, I just cover my mouth and nose so as not to inhale the germs. When the person who is coughing is near me, I tell him or her to cover his or her mouth.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 09
Not a nice situation to be in really but I'm just glad that I don't have to travel much on the bus! I'm sure that there must be germs all over the place in the air and I'm thinking that it's quite hard to avoid them completely. Andrew
@mynameiscindere (582)
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi AndrewFreyne,
Ya everyone is afraid of swine flu nowadays...!
In these days if anyone coughs on me I'll look at him like a terrorist...!
Because they spread the disease, So I can call them as Bio-terrorist...!
It's a very bad habit you know...!
Even if its just a cold...!
It'll spread to others....!
They should have the courtesy to close their mouth with napkin....!
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
19 Sep 09
That certainly makes a lot of sense! It seems that there are germs everywhere and it's really hard to escape them. I'm hoping that I live for many many years and that I'm not taken over by serious bacteria or germs! Andrew
@isoliven01 (18)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
i've never encountered such people in my life as of yet. that's a good thing because i'm a nurse and God knows how many viruses i could catch from my patients. coughing on other people is not just rude or irritating it should be downright illegal. you could be catching some disease and swine flu is just one of many.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 09
That must be very tough for you being a nurse and everything! I think that you probably experience this the most as I guess sick people tend to cough quite a lot and things. Anyway, good manners cost nothing and it's good to respect others by covering our mouths when we cough! Andrew
@edzllamas (6)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
i feel.. SCARED. coz of the possible diseases that they may transmit to me, and by the time i get sick i'd forgot where i got it. plus its so irritating because those people act as if they don't care what other people would feel or think, and what's annoying is that, if ever you are going to complain, it turns out that you were the bad person, you get into an argument because for them you are not minding your own business. but what i usually do is tell them that i'm not comfortable with them not covering their mouth everytime they cough. but i'll tell them in a subtle manner, where in you lower down your voice and avoid putting that person into shame.:)
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep 09
That's one thing I don't want to do, get into arguments with someone over their coughing! I think this would lead potentially to more problems. Anyway, welcome to My Lot and good luck with your future postings. Andrew