I have high blood pressure, my heart keeps racing at night, leg cramps and ...
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
United States
September 17, 2009 7:27am CST
Here is my question. I've been trying to research what is going on with me. a few weeks a go I talked about my heart pounding and racing at night when I laid down along with the leg cramps. well I went back to the dr after the UTI was over with over this problem and she said the leg cramps were probably from being dehydrated. My blood pressure was high at 142 over 90 its usually down like 120 over 60 or 120 over 80 something like that. Anyways, they done blood work and the same day they did blood work and checked my blood pressure tmy sugar was at 188. I've been having restless nights, my heart is still pounding-racing faster than it should and all she wants to do is bring me back for a fasting blood work up on monday. Am I overacting or shouldn't they be doing more? Does anyone know what could be going on. i could agree with her on the dehydration part but what about my chest hurting and my heart pounding at night along with having high blood pressure and high blood sugar. I know high blood sugar is concern for diabetes, but what about the other stuff and it all happening at the same time. More at night than during the day. I've tried to find a doctor that will take a look at me but no one here is accepting new patients with my insurance. So I'm stuck with who I'm seeing and it's hard to get a 2nd opinion when you don't know what is supposed to be wrong with you to begin with. I've been fatigued where I'm just tired all the time and all I want to do is sleep no matter how much sleep I get. It's not good sleep because I'm up every hour after the first couple of hours after laying down. So I don't know what to do
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10 responses
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
17 Sep 09
Hi crysontherocks...I hate to hear that you are feeling poorly..I hope that you can get to the bottom of this. I would like share with you my problem about year ago. Im no doctor but it might be something you want to check into. Do some research on your own.
I was having those heart pounding nights,sleepless nights, and very tired during the day. My sister told me I was depressed and having anxiety attacks. I first thought she was crazy. I did some research and sure enough that was my problem. I seek out a doctor for advise in this field..He said that the nerves does funny things to our body and I was indeed having panic attacks..He put me on some meds and now today I feel much better.
Like I said I ain't no doctor but it may be worth checking into..I have you have the ansewers and start to feel better. Would keep us up dated on your progress?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 09
if you dont get your blood sugar down if will lead to heart trouble that is a guarantee. think about it, sugar doe not belong in the bloos and if effects every organ in your body.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I've been doing a lot of research on my own trying to figure this out and it's not the fact of the diabetes or the dehydration but its that its all happening together and i can pin point down with one or two symptoms but not all of them. thanks for the response. I'll keep everyone posted.
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@histexladi (57)
• United States
17 Sep 09
Hi-You're not alone,please remember that.The dr. will need to do the fasting blood work-that's to check your true blood sugars and basically everything else.After she does the blood workup she should be able to help you with some of the things that are bothering you.
Do you take b/p medicine or any meds to lower cholestrol? Those will cause the
most terrible leg cramps I've ever had and I have them every night.Try to drink more water and if you take meds for anything,ask your dr. if you can take them in the morning instead of at night.
The dr. told me to stop smoking-which I am trying to do-he said that would help
If you drink sodas,tea,coffee or anything with caffeine in it,that will sometimes cause heart palpitations as well. I went to the dr.because of them and
he said I needed to stop drinking so much ice tea and drink more water.
I am not a dr.-just telling you some of the things I've been told because of
the symptoms.I'm still trying to get relief from the leg cramps-they've checked to see if my potassium is low but it's not.
Now,I'm going to try to drink a glass of water for every glass of tea I drink to see if that will help.
I hope some of this gives you a few options to try-as I said I'm not a dr. but
I know that those leg cramps and not being able to sleep takes a toll on your body.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 09
oh my god with a high blood sugar of 188 and you are drinking'sugary cokes twice a day, this will put you in the hospital if you keep
doing that, please listen Ihave had diabetes for years and I do not drink anything but sugar free sodas the ones with sugar will really make y ou ill, your heart will pound and you will feel sick.also cut back on orange juice as that is a given whenwe have low blood sugar, too much pure orange juice could send your blood sugar up to 300 and put you in a coma, diabetes is not something you can sluff off
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
17 Sep 09
i've been switching over to the water and some of the non-caffeine drinks. I've been drinking cokes for years and I only drink or mountain dew. I don't drink a combination of other drinks and I only have like one 12 ounce bottle of coke maybe twice a day. I've been drinking water in between and milk and orange juice. Most of what she said about the dehydration made since with the leg cramps and the water. I just don't know what to make of everything else, because it's going on at the same general time. It's not like my heart is pounding and then several hours ltaer I have leg cramps and head aches. My potassium levels checked out just fine and have been every time they have tested my blood work. Even my calcium level where I have the deficiency is almost close to normal. thanks for your response and concern.
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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
17 Sep 09
Hi there! I'm sorry you're having those problems and I'm very glad you're consulting your doctor. I have high blood pressure too... much higher than yours, I'm afraid. At its worst, mine has been 200+ over 100+, although I have success in controlling it with meds finally (took forever for the doctor to find something that would work for me). I'm not a medical professional so I wouldn't offer you specific advice but I have been doing some research and thought I could offer you a bit of what I've read. In some cases, racing heart beat while sleeping (or heart palpitations) is explained as being anxiety or stress-induced. In some cases, it's mentioned as being like a panic attack (even in those that don't have those kind of attacks in the daytime hours). Are you under a lot of stress? Do you consume a lot of caffeine? Are you taking any medications that might also be causing those symptoms? (heart palpitations, lethargy or fatigue can sometimes be side effects). The last thing I just read said that a deficiency in calcium and magnesium has been linked to high blood pressure, muscle cramping, insomnia and heart palpitations. I should be aware of that, myself, since I don't think I consume an adequate amount of calcium (I'm always leaving the milk and dairy products for my daughters because of the cost of them... sigh). Might be something I should discuss with my doctor too! In any case, try not to get too upset because I think that's going to physically work against you. Let your doctor do the testing she wants to do but make sure you keep pushing if you don't get what you feel are solid answers. I hope you'll be feeling better soon!
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I've been told that that is possible but the doctor thinks its just my sugar and that is why they want to do the fasting blood work up. But the thing is every sigle other level was fine but the blood pressure and blood sugar.thanks for responding
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@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I didn't know all of that about the calcium but that is actually normal it was a 7 before and its at a 8 now. It has been as low as 3-4 . My para-thyroid does not work at all this is the thing that creates your calcium for the body. I've been on meds for this for years and finally found some chewables that seem to be keeping it up to where it needs to be. It's not so much as it is dealing with the idiotic people in my outside family. Meaning my dad, grandmother, aunts and uncles and so on. We just moved again in last year and had moved in april. This time we moved into a house where we are planting our feet but we are having to get our stuff out of my dad's house because he has decided yet again to sell the house. But if you could see this house, no one is going to buy it in the shape that it's in. My dad's a pack rat. and never threw anything away and now all of a sudden because he has the house and can't make the payment he wants to sell the house to get what he can out of it. Which won't be that much because of what is owed in the house. Anyways, it's a bunch of bull and i know it's just a bunch of stuff and that stuff can be replaced but he has been making every body else's life a living you know what because he can't get work for having a felony conviction on his record. anyways, I've been like this for the past 2- 3 years if not longer dealing with this, so I don't really think its the stress. But I will keep the other in mind about the calcium, even though my calcium level was normal. thanks for your response.
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@dncmanning (770)
• United States
17 Sep 09
Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly but I do want to point out that when something goes wrong in the body- it affects more than one area/ system. So your heart could be racing due to potential diabetes. Your sugar could be up depending on your diet. Your legs could hurt because both of these or countless other reasons. Your doctor is following a set of steps that will lead to a diagnosis... Even though it isn't coming fast enough for you.
You say your heart is racing, how fast? Did you doctor say that there was something wrong with your rhythm or is your heart beat just fast?
I know I'm giving you more questions and not answers but the only way to get answers is to follow through with your dr. If after that you still have cause for concern there is nothing wrong with getting a second opinoin.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 09
then do more researching because all of your symtoms Ihad and I wsas diagnosed with diabetes, dont just listen to me go to the American Diabetes Association on the net and read all the information and youwill see I am right. this site is the very best for info on diabetes and please dont just say that isnt whats wrong as it is I would not bother if I did not have some knowledge and care for others who come up with this disease.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
17 Sep 09
the diabetes is one thing they are looking at as far as the sugar levels. I have been told in the past that my heart was slowly enlarging but that has been a couple of years ago.
Most of that I was told was because of my weight. But the thing is all my levels are normal even the blood pressure after my ex left in feb. And even with all the stress that I'm dealing with with my dad right now it was still really low after me and him got into it and I ended up at the er for the UTI and they checked it then. They didn't give me anything to do except to try and drink more water. I'm more concerned about my heart than I'm the rest of it because leg cramping could be related to a blood clot from the research I've done. i'm still doing some research online. hoping to get some answers but diabetes is the only thing I come up with but it doesn't explain every symptom
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@reemshine (45)
• Saudi Arabia
17 Sep 09
Hi!I'm a nurse and working for long years in the hospital.Maybe I can help you a little by giving a piece of advice and opinion too.What you may have experiencing right now is actually related to the high blood sugar.By the way,is that 188 done when you were on fasting?High bood sugar result more than 126 mg/L,means you are leading to diabetes.So,most probably the signs and symptoms you have are related to it.You've said:Your heart is pounding and racing faster,that is palpitations.You know,once you have diabetes and receiving insulin,there are complications that some parts of your body would be affected.First,every now and then you will suffer an attack of hypoglycemia (you may feel,severe hunger associated with headache,jeky movements,sweating,palpitation,body weakness....)second,the nerves mostly affected,so avoid any cuts down there on your feet as it will not heal and it will develop into gangrene and goes to amputation of your limbs;third thing is your eyes-may get cataract,fourth is coronary heart disease (that's why you have hypertension)and the fifth I forgot it please do researsh on the net,too much information about diabetes.So sorry about this,I don't want to scare you,but to alarm and warn you.Be careful with your health.Try to modify your diet,turn to healthy and nutritious foods instead.Be optimistic in life,try to consult your problems to the doctor as soon as possible.Just my two cents worth.
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@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
I think you must drink vita c It can lower your blood sugar and your blood presure because it has a content of sodioum ascorbate it's a non acidic vitmamin c and with calcium allready I have here one box is 900.00 pesos only it's cheeper price it's proven here in the philippines and not for that it can demenis your bad cholesterol that's why you feel in that way, if you want to order reach me at buscatoevie@yahoo.com thanks and have a nice day?
@OrangJuice (687)
• China
18 Sep 09
At first, you must communicate with your doctor frequently about it.
Secondly, I suggest you pay attention on your food. Fit and healthy food is useful to control your blood pressure. My father's blood pressure was high about half a year ago. And now he eat blackfungus (Jew's-ear in black or auricularia auricula) everyday. And his blood pressure is okay now. - As I really don't know its correct name in English, but in Chinese I know it well, we call it "Hei mu er".
It's a amazing food especially for cardiovascular disease, incl. high blood pressure!
Secondly, salty food makes blood pressure higher. So avoid intaking too much salt, 5 gram each day is okay.
Also I just learn that massage certain acupuneture points which controls organs related to blood pressure. It's also useful! - But if you don't believe in Chinese traditional medicine, that's okay!
Hope your well be better! Crysontherocks!
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
oh my, i had some problem like that for a while. but i cut out on my diet already. i am on a strict fish and wheat bread. less rice. and less eating as much as possible. i am more on vegetable salads. it is helping a lot but i didn't see any lose of weight yet. but i am not hurry but the important thing is i do feel better now. and hopefully with some exercise i do lose some weight soon. and also i cut on sugar and salt and almost every thing. ha ha.
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
oh sorry to hear your health problems. you have to go to the doctor for a regular check up and tell it to him about your feelings. it's not good having those palpitations at night. it's better to have your health checked by a doctor so that he would give you medicines for your health problems.
@gOzaru (20)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 09
Hi I'm William,
Why don't you try chinese medicine?
Try this site:
I recommend you find herbal contains extract of Lumbricus Rubellus in china medical store. It's some kind of red worms. It has effect to decrease your high blood pressure and could cure diabetic.
Try it! Chinese medicine doesn't have any side effect. I give you warranty.
May GBU Cryson,