
United States
September 17, 2009 1:26pm CST
im signed up for some of these surveys. i get emails and i try to fill out the survey. i never get approved b/c either i am a female or wrong age or my location. grr...get me frustrated! im starting to think that they are scams. i try to do ptc sites but its so confusing to me. i ended up cleaning out my bookmarks and starting over.
3 people like this
20 responses
• United States
17 Sep 09
I agree that it can be frustrating, but at the same time your patience can be rewarded greatly if you keep at it. I have about 4 or 5 survey sites that i am a member of and have gotten paid through. I go through phases of eing vigilant about trying to qualify and make money, and then won't evn look at them for months. But when i am doing surveys, i find with a little patience and trying, you eventually will find ones you qualify for. In the span of a year i made probably about $100 just from doing surveys...and i wasn't trying, trying, trying everyday either..just a couple times a week i would spend a few hours at it.
• United States
18 Sep 09
Wow...100 bucks in a year...that is fantastic. I made 15 bucks in about 1 month, but it is a lot of work. I am curious, what survey sites do you use? If you could message me or respond here I would really appreciate. Thank you in advance. I have some survey sites that you might be interested in. Just let me know.
• United States
18 Sep 09
well, it helps that i got lucky once or twice and got in on a "live chat panel" that paid $20 for participating. But the majority was a dollar here, a couple there..a couple bucks a week adds up over time. the ones i frequent, when i actually get around to it, are (none of these are referal links...infact i don't think any of them even have a referal program) I have gotten paid through all of these, at one point in time or another. dollarsurveys will deposit directly into paypal usually on the tuesday after you complete a survey with them. Greenfield will deposit into paypal, but only after you request a payment, but you can request at as little as $1. The other two don't do paypal, but they send you checks in the mail, and if i remember correctly they both have minum payouts of $5 before you can request a check.
• Bulgaria
19 Sep 09
I'm p____d! well, you get the word, I just didn't want to get blocked out as spammer or something. here's why -- for the past half hour I've been writing a response to this discussion, but in notepad because once, on a different site, again I wrote this long and passionate response and when I pressed submit -- nothing! I was logged out by the short session they've had on their server, my writing was lost I had to log back in ... it sucked! I didn't write again! the only people which immediately got s___d from the whole thing was myself and everyone else that might have found the info useful!so, here, I did the logical preventive alternative action -- wrote out my response in textpad ... well imagine my excitement when this particular system wouldn't let me paste. to prevent spam or whatever. aaww jeez! come oon, people, there's better ways to prevent spam! well, cheap skating will get you posts like this one (you just can't please everyone, or ... can you) anyways -- back to surveys I posted a blog on my site, explicitly for this discussion, give it a glance. I'm sure you won't regret it, thanx! great, I can't even put in a link -- well my site is infoperc dot com. get it? got it? good?
• Bulgaria
19 Sep 09
all right, sorry about this -- the info perc blog is working on a wordpress platform I hadn't upgraded for a while it's a bit bugged right now --- but the post is called "dodging the extra mile" if you go to COLLABORATION in the top meny, it's right there. Again I'm sorry!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Sep 09
The way it works is the company taking the survey has a target of people they want opinions from. It might be males between 18 to 25 or young families or across the board. With the company publishing the survey they work on a total number to get the result they feel will apply then they divide that between age groups, where people live (city/regional/rural)and males and females. As you get older your opinion diminishes in some areas. Perhaps you don't live in the target area, or you are not in the right age group. Perhaps you don't use the service or buy the product the survey is about. There are many variables. They are not scams.
@girl079 (147)
• Malta
19 Sep 09
You just need to be patient with survey sites and your earnings and invites will add up pretty soon. Here is a free list of paying survey sites:
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
I don't believe that we can earn from survey sites. It seems that is only a tricks from the Internet. I try this before but wait a month before taking a survey again that only earn some points...When I nearly reach of their payouts they delete my account...Now, I prefer spending my time in mylot...that is worth than any of those surveys. have a nice day!
• United States
20 Sep 09
yea it does get frustrating sometimes when you harldy ever qualify for a survey thats y i just do them on the side and when i get any money im happy but i know i didnt waste hours and not qualify for anything i only do about 5 different survey sites andhave been paid by all but one which i havent made cashout for yet.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
18 Sep 09
I do surveys all the time. I do very well. I do alot of them for points that I can cash in for gift cards, some I do for cash. I usually get somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 a month. I stay away from Greenfield and OTX surveys.
• United States
18 Sep 09
I seem to do pretty well with Survey Spot. I don't have any real luck with Greenfield Online. I do the points also and have redeemed them mostly for food gift certificates which are pretty good too. I like My Points since they have a good selection of rewards.
@gtdonna (1738)
18 Sep 09
Don't ven let me get started on those. It is always that because of my locaiton I can't take them. SO why have me sign up for them in the first place? That is what I do not understand at all.
@brisk123 (2823)
• India
18 Sep 09
I can understand since this is exactly what keeps on happening to me everytime I get a survey and try to complete it to earn some money online which means I don't qualify for most of the surveys that they sent me.It happens every time,and I end up wasting my time.Wonder how people earn through surveys!
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
18 Sep 09
I have never really had any luck with survey sites myself. I know that some people do quite well with them though. To be honest, i often times wonder exactly how dis-honest I would have to be to begin qualifying for them. I will never really know though because I just don't have it in me to be that dishonest.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
18 Sep 09
There are a lot of survey scams out there, for instance AW Surveys is a scam. However there are several good ones that really do pay. I have made nearly $150 from them. I have a few I could refer you to, and some with no active referral program, like Global Test Market.
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
18 Sep 09
I really hate that too. I have filled out a total of 20 questions before they tell me I am not qualified. It is aggravating. Seems to go no where.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
That's the problem in survey sites, some ask you to buy ebook or some have registration fee. If a survey site doesnt asked you for money, there are qualifications that you must pass.
• China
17 Sep 09
for all surveys we have to qualified ...they check weather we r appropriate for these survey or not. so if u not qualify then u r unable to take survey ans u will not b paid by them. so take ur surveys seriously and try to qualify. happy lotting..!!
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
17 Sep 09
I agree with you, that it is so frustrating to get a survey in the email, start on it, and then get so far, and then it says I am not qualified, as my answeres don't match the criteria, aor someting like that. Why do they even bother sending them if I can't do them in the first place? It is a wasted of time to even try to do them when that happens. I have one survey company I do surveys for, and I am always qualitfied for those and that is pinecone research. I have been consistently paid for surveys within a few days of completion. I don't mind doing those even though there are lots of pages. I know I will get paid for them so I do them. I just wish all survey companies were like pinecone. It sure would be nice, then I wouldn't be wasting my time tryng to do a survey that I am not even qualified for. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
@PamelaL (252)
• United States
17 Sep 09
I hate survey sites. I spend 10 minutes just to see if I qualify, and then, of course, I don't. But what I hate even more is joining a survey site and spending time on a "profile" so they will email you when they get one that matches your profile. Should be able to qualify if you match, right? No. Same questions, same answer. It's very frustrating for a few pennies.
@elenyae (388)
• Australia
18 Sep 09
I guess you're just unlucky with the surveys. You gotta remember that a majority of people doing these surveys are probably stay-at-home mums so they'll fill up their quorum of female respondents pretty quickly. You just gotta be quick with those surveys, I guess! ;)
• India
17 Sep 09
oh... is it? i thought taking surveys are better way to earn money that the pts sites...may b your info is useful for me thanks
17 Sep 09
I understand your frustration, because you can spend 20 minutes going through questions only for it to say you are not eligible. I have been doing surveys lately and I certainly get approved for some of them, mostly not though. I am starting to wonder if I am being a bit stupid by being so honest. For example, yesterday I was asked about cars and, after 20 minutes of questions, I was asked if I intended to buy a) a new car, b) a nearly new car or c) secondhand car and I gave the most honest answer ie. c). I never have any money so of course it would be secondhand! When I entered my answer it told me sorry, you are not eligible. I just sat there thinking you should have said yes, you fool. I have never bothered to research these surveys sites, but I do suspect that they are gleaning information from you so that companies can try and sell you something at a later date. I don't really mind, it earns me a few bob!