Do you plan tonight for tomorrow's activity? Are you a scheduled person?
@phillip_shiny (2330)
September 17, 2009 1:40pm CST
Dear people,
Do you plan for the activity which has to be done the next day? Are you greatly concerned with your schedule?
I never have done that
and will do only if I have to attend a meeting or an interview in my office. Otherwise I'll never do that.
If you are a good planner, how will you plan your things for tomorrow? what will be your activities and how will you plan it in the proper way?
I just make use of my notepad and write down my activity and do it as much as I could.
And also will things be going smoother according to your plans?
Please share....
Have a good day... Cheers...

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24 responses
@sybraton (90)
• India
17 Sep 09
Yeah I do that sometimes. I make a to do list, maybe before going to sleep or I jot a plan down as soon as I think of it. I think I got this habit from my dad since he always used to pester me to get be always prepared before hand. For example if we were going on a trip to a relatives he would plan for it 3-4 days earlier starting from what we wear to where we eat sometimes. It does help a lot once you get out there but its really hectic preparing the way he does before hand.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
17 Sep 09
I hope it is a very good and responsible act of what we are going to do. If we plan we will somehow make it. Thanks for sharing...
Cheers... Have a nice day always...

@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
7 Nov 09
Same here, whatever I planned out for tomorrow, or the next day. Mostly, they are not work out for me somehow, and I just kind of disappointed with the result. Well, we all do the best we can to do whatever we suppose to do.
@malpoa (1214)
• India
18 Sep 09
I am a homemaker and most of the time I am relaxed and free...So in general o not plan my days...but deciding on the menu can be on tough job sometimes so I make a chart for a week in advance. On other occassions i only plan for the coming day if i have a lot to get done like some people are coming for dinner. On these occassions, I have seen that the workload is reduced as I have already made a plan and a chart which says what to do when.It always helps to do things on time and with more perfection. Making a plan takes away half of the headache with it.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear malpoa,
Making a plan takes away half of the headache with it[/i]
Really true. We need to make plans to have the workload to be reduced. True indeed.
Have a good day always.. Cheers,...

@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Sep 09
I like to plan although I have learned over the years that you can only plan so much then life takes over! I like to organise the next day as much as I can because having a child makes timing very important. I organise clothing etc to save time the next morning; nothing worse than running late because one can’t decide what to wear or worse discovering something doesn’t fit!
I like to work what time to leave the house, map out where I’m going if it’s somewhere new etc...
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear paula27661,
What you have said is true. Time is very much need for those having kids. I agree we need to have a better schedule for that...
Cheers.. Have a nice day...

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@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
i used to be a "planner" and somehow it was a double edged sword for me. i got to do some things but most of them weren't followed up which is almost a non accomplishment for me as many already know for they may have had a friend or even a colleague who plans and plans and acts once then never again for they have another plan or vision in the making the next day. i just found out that you plan few and then follow and act upon those plans a lot more.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear Ritchelle,
Really planning a few things and act accordingly will really a better practice for more plans to be carried out in a proper way.. Really well said..
Cheers... Have a nice day...

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@kapilvashisth (91)
• India
18 Sep 09
if the schedule is very then it will easy for me by just making a plan.sometime you might see what you planned the conditions are not like that and you have to change your plan so so think free and adjust according to what the situation demands from you.i think no need of making plan always,when there is tight schedule thn u shud make the plan.........
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear kapilvashisth,
Really there were we need to change our plans according to the situations. Really true.
Thanks for posting your views..
Have a nice day..Cheers...

@dens61 (130)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
Yes, absoluutely! Because if I don't then I would be in a cloud on what I will be doing the day when I wake up. Also, I think that it will be easier to do the things I need to do if I plan it the night before. This way I won't be having to think in the morning what the day would be for me. This way I think things will be smoother and the less I will be forgetting any task I have to do.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear dens61,
I too agree with you. I can get that. 'Known tomorrow' will definitely come from planning. Well said...
Cheers.. have a nice day...

@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
17 Sep 09
We never used to be a family that planned much, instead we just did whatever we felt like as the mood struck us. Now though, there are so many of us that we have to make plans and keep lists so we know who has what to do and when. We have a family calender and all appointments have to be on it, who its for, what time, any pertinent info. so we can plan accordingly. We always look at the calender before we can make any plans. I don't like life being so planned out but I do realize the need for it. I mean, there are 6 of us now and we did need organization.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear horsesrule,
Maintaining a calendar for plans is really good. But everyone of us don't do it. Well organized plan make a better tomorrow I hope.
Cheers... Have a nice day always...

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
18 Sep 09
I do plan for the next day, and especially if we're going a few different places. We plan for which one is the first one we need to go to, or if it would make more sense to go to this or that first, especially with mileage and gas a concern. We try to do as little traveling as possible, only when we really need to, and we tend to do several things in one day instead of going different places... etc.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear SomeCowgirl,
I agree. There are certain situations which must be needed to be planned. Happy to see you share your experience..
Cheers... Have a nice day...

@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
18 Sep 09
I do tend to schedule things ahead of time, but there are times when I spontaneously change the schedule. For example, yesterday, my plan for this afternoon was to stay at home and get some things done that are badly in need of doing. Well, the weather was so nice and I know it will change soon, so, on the spur of the moment, I suggested that we all go fishing.
For me though, the problem with changing my schedule like this is that as soon as I get home, I still feel that I have to get my original plans taken care of, so, now I am multi-tasking and trying to get everything accomplished that was planned for the day.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear lynnemg,
Really that is great. The circumstances and our moods also changes the plan we have made. Really I am having different insight for this discussion..
Thanks for responding to this discussion.. Have a nice day.. .Cheers....

@ranviruchauhan (1407)
• India
18 Sep 09
Hi Phillip!
I am not a professional planner but plan for my next day activity. That planning never note down in fare. I think differently about that activity like try to feel environment there, then think how would i greet members, what be starting line and how i would connect different content smoothly with each other. If it is necessary note down in rough paper or just keep it in mind. I just note down point of activity. This is just for official activity.
Personal planning is done differently than professional planning. Have a nice day!!

@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear ranviruchauhan,
Nice thought.
Personal planning is done differently than professional planning
Planning things will definitely have a better tomorrow. I hope..
Cheers,,... Have a good day always...

@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
17 Sep 09
It really depends on what my plans for the next day are! If it is just work and nothing much else, the most iwill do for planning is to set out my clothes the night before so i don't have to rummage around for them in the morning..and then once i get to work make a short to-do list of any important tasks that i have to make sure get done that day.
But if i have big plans to go out and meet up with friends, or run errands, it is not unusual for me to make a list of what times i want to have certain activities done by...or lists of the thing i need to do and make sure to get while i am out.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear fruitcakeliz,
Thats great and nice to hear from you. Hope for a formal occasion you will be planned. I too the same like that... Thanks for responding... Have a nice day always...

@DCLehnsherr (1037)
17 Sep 09
Hi Phillip,
I adore planning, if I don't have plans set for the next day I tend to get depressed or distressed because the next day becomes the great unknown. I never have plans written down unless it is an appointment somewhere and I have to keep it. Mostly because I am in charge of my time I have the plans noted in my head, or since my days don't change all that often, I have a routine that I follow which means days are very similar. Boring for some perhaps, but it keeps me sane.
If someone were to try and change my routines at the last minute I never go along with them. They could be offering me the most perfect thing in the world, but if they sprung it on me randomly I would say no outright until I had had time to get used to the idea at which point I would say yes and go with it. I tend to ask people around me of their plans so we avoid that sequence of events though, the last thing I want to happen is to miss the best thing in the world because I am too scheduled
I tend to think that things go smoother with plans as well as you know what every eventuality will be and can make contingency plans around it to ensure you are never led astray. That has saved me way too many times to count!
All the best,

@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear Dranz,
What you've said is true. Planning today makes the tomorrow known. But I tend to change if someone change at the last time. Planning is not the preference than to people I admire or respect...
Cheers... Have a nice day always....

@wfhsharon (22)
• Singapore
17 Sep 09
I have been trying to plan, because I do believe that if you do not plan your day your emotions will effect your performance. I will plan and will share with you how it goes...
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear wfhsharon,
First of all welcome to Mylot.
Really what you have said is true, really the emotions will have an impact on the performance the next day.. Well said..
Cheers.... Happy Mylotting...

@nigguhjoe (2)
18 Sep 09
Me personally not really unless it is for a special occasion or when you have those days where your just bored and your like might aswell plan for tomorrow when your done all the stuff you need to do
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
18 Sep 09
Dear nigguhjoe,
Welcome to Mylot.
What you said is really what I do. I really won't plan anything to be done tomorrow.
Keep posting... Cheers

@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
Sometimes, I have the ample time during at night. I do plan my activities for tomorrow. I sometimes write my goal in like 25 response a day for Mylot and after I done it I put on check. But due to circumstances it didn’t follow my schedule. My work is the reason sometimes my schedule didn’t follow. At work I can’t organize my task because there are times there are much to do and there are days when I got few. I sometimes have an additional work that requires me to render over time so the other plans will be transferred to other day. It seldom happened that it follows my schedule so I think its useless to have it. But I do the list of the things to do and I just do it but not on scheduled.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
7 Nov 09
Before, I never plan to do anything for tomorrow or the day after that. I simply go with my usual, or a moment of spur. I just go do what I suppose to do. Now, I had joined a business adventure with my friend, I might need some planning to do for next year or more for the future.
@Archie0 (5652)
17 Sep 09
Well i am not a planner at all, i have tried planning my daily schedules but i always failed to go according to them i just go according to my mood and complete my work everyday.Infact i hate to be oredered and follow the orders,i like to do things according to me.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
17 Sep 09
Dear Archie0,
Really we are humans and we really hate to be pre-programmed to do a set of things which has already planned... Its my 2 cents...
Hope you too believe the same...
Cheers.... Have a nice day always...

@simonelee (2715)
• China
20 Sep 09
Hi, Phillip. Planning things is a good way of organizing things but, i don't think it's gonna work for me because I'm the type of person who has a changeable mind and moody. This is one of the reasons why me and my partner always argue because at the end of the day my partner's schedule of activities will not be follow and usually my partner scheduled it months before or so.

@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 09
Hi Phillip,
I like to have a plan at least 1-2 days before the outings.I don't like to do it in rush.
Proper plan will make everything go smoothly.
I still remembered well during my marriage. I have jotted down every single things that I need to settle and what I have to do on my wedding days.
Even the guests seat were also properly arrange. I don't like to have a mess on my big day.
If I were to go for a holiday,I will always pack my luggage one week in advance. I don't want to miss out something that I might need it during my holiday.Especially with kid along in my holiday, I better be more practical on planning.
@rdheath52 (13)
• Mexico
17 Sep 09
As a teacher, I always have to plan my day. If one little aspect of a lesson is out of place, it's possible that everything might fall apart. That said, I'm a fan of taking advantage of moments of spontenaity. I thinks its wonderful to have plans and ideas, but I think it's even better to open to throwing them out the window when an opportunity presents itself.
@phillip_shiny (2330)
• India
17 Sep 09
Dear rdheath52,
Welcome to mylot. Really what you said is true. Planning is very important. it's even better to open to throwing them out the window when an opportunity presents itself
Really nice thoughts..
Happy mylotting... Cheers