How do your address you MOTHER?

September 18, 2009 2:43am CST
There are many words you can use to address / call on Mother, like Mummy, Mom, Ma-Ma, Ma, Mi, Ibu (in Bahasa) and etc. Lately, in the a popular Chinese series Moonlight Resonance, the children in the drama addressed their mother as Ho Ma. Ho is the last name of the lady. I called my mother - Mie. I always got comments from friends that the way I address my mum is so different and dearly. None of my friends around me called their mum the same way like me, that's why they say it is so special. Both me and my brother also call "Mie" for many years and I don't think we can easily change the way we called her. For those mummy out there, I believe the very first word you teach your baby is to address/ say "Mummy", am I right?. Yes, my boy is calling me Mummy now and I just the way how he called me. So, how do you call out to your Mother? Let's share here.
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29 responses
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Dear lemonjude, Very interesting and thoughtful topic. I called my mum "Mummy'...but I am the only one addressed her that way. My other siblings called her 'Mother'... My son called me...'Mummy......' The funny thing is, when we got our son, my hubby called my 'mummy' too and I called him 'daddy' Cheers and happy myLotting!
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@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Iriene, Reading your response make me laugh! Same thing happen here. Now my hub call me Mama! I call him Baba! Funny huh? I thought this only happen to me, but surprise to see your response that your hub call you Mummy and you call him daddy! Once we have grand children, we will then upgrade and your hub will be calling you grandma! LOL
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@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hi Lemonjude, It is still long way to go for me to address my hub as Kong Kong and Yeh Yeh ( grand father) LOL!!! Mind to share how your mum address your grandmother? And how you address your father? Have you heard some one call his mother as Anen?
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• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hello Iriene88, Sometimes when I go shopping I also overhead those father called her wife mummy. I think it is quite common now. VingYan, it is no surprise, since you are practising following your kid how they address. Next time when you all have grandchild, it may possible that you will address your hubby as kong-kong/ yeh-yeh too. LOL! Take care and enjoy your long weekend!
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
hi.. I address my mum 'Mi' and sometimes, we call her 'ma zi'.. depends if we wanted to start the conversation with what language, English or Cantonese.. I am now started to tell my baby girl, Mama.. but my brothers and mum will tell her mummy.. either, I am alright.. I think we tend to change the way we call our mum, and getting older, the way of calling also change.. I don't know about others, bur for me, I change from Mummy, Mie to Ma zi..
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• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hi cwong77, Thanks for your response here. Oh, we are calling out the same word to address mother! You are very good, so flexible enough to remember which to call when comes to what language about to begin in your conversation. I believe I can't do that. "Ma Zi" makes me think of my cousin, she also address her mom as "Ma Zi", but I don't think I can heard her call that out again, cause her mum is not around anymore. Whatever mama or mummy, I think you are so eager to hear that from your princess. Since she is hearing a few words on calling mother, let see which she use to address you one day. Happy Mylotting to you and enjoy the long weekend.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hi lemonjude.. indeed, I will be very happy if my princess called me anything which she knows that her mother! I am just waiting patiently for that to happen..
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@aprces (1082)
• China
18 Sep 09
Mie in Malay language? I used to address my mother as MiMi for a period of time,but after a while I changed it Sometimes I just call out to my mother with the contents what I want to say to her directly. Unpolite? I mean at that moment,there just has we two out there [b]Q:In what situations,Mummy=Yummy A:Oedipus Complex[/b]
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• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hello aprces, Thanks for your response. Mie is not a Malay language. It is kind of short call from the word Mum-My (Mie). I don't think you sounds unpolite to me, sometime I will also just say out what I want to tell; unless she is not in within my view, then I will call out for her first before I want to shout out my conversation.
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
This post makes me miss my mom even more. Well, I call my mom MAMA most of the time. Sometimes, i do call her MAMU or MUDRA. And I do call her MOTHER DEAR sometimes too. If I will be having a baby soon, of course mama will be the first word I will teach him/her. I think that sounds too good to hear. Happy Mylotting!
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@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
24 Sep 09
Hello BabyFiona, First of all, I would like to congratulates you on getting soon to have your baby. For me, I was so happy when I first get my daughter ( my first baby) to call me MA MA! I can't find the right words to express how I feel, how happy I was! Hope you enjoy the Mama's life and happy Mylotting!
@shuetyeng (146)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
It is a very interesting topic from you. I also address my mom as "mie" since I was a kid. My husband address his mom as "Ma" and my "Mie" address her mom as "Mother". I hope I did not confused you with my words, LOL! I have waited for many months for my little girl to address me and finally she did. She said " Mie Mie" although I always address myself as "Mommy". Anyway, I found it more a pamper way of her addressing me that way. I like it very much!
• Malaysia
26 Sep 09
Hello shuetyeng, Great to see you here and many thanks for your response. Every family have different word to address to mother. Ialways like something short, thats why address my mum "Mie" only. So how do you address you mother-in-law? I think your girl is following your way to addressed your mum "Mie" instead of calling you mommy as what you taught her. Anyway I find it very sweet and pamper too for calling "mie mie". Have a nice day mylotting!
• Malaysia
26 Sep 09
Hi Lemonjude, Good day to you. How I wish I have the opportunity to address my mother-in-law. She has passed away since I met my husband. But I think I will followed my husband way to call her as "Ma". Maybe my girl also preferred something short too, that's why she preferred "mie mie". Besides, I think she might change the way she call me as she grows older because currently she is still in the process of learning to talk. Happy MyLotting to you too.
@LdeL0318 (6400)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
I call her "Inay". That's how we address our mothers here in the Philippines. Although a lot of people here calls their mom as mommy, mom, mama. We still prefer to call her in our native tongue.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
That is wonderful LdeL0318. Here at home, I call my mother nanay.
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hello LdeL0318, Thanks for your response here. Your own native tongue is so special having a different word for calling mother. It sure giving you a sense of homely feel too. Have a nice day and happy mylotting!
@taztheone (1721)
• India
18 Sep 09
Mom & child - Mother & baby
I call my mother Amma. I think many people in south India call their mother Amma. Sometimes I even call her mummy, but mostly it's Amma. You know, sometimes my father used to call my mother Amma because I call her that way. Happy Lotting
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hello taztheone, Thanks for your time responding to my topic. I remembered once my Indian neighbor also called out her mother as Amma. Amma also sounds quite similiar to the sound on how Chinese address our mum as "Ah-Ma". Nowadays, I noticed many father also following how their kid address to mummy and vice versa.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
Here in the Philippines , we call her "nanay" in our language which means mother. Some call them mommy and mama. Since most of us are used to calling her nanay, it is fine. My mother, my nanay, the best mother ever.
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hi jules67, Thanks for sharing another word on how Philipino address to Mother. Yes, you are right, nothing can beat the greatest love from our dear mother. "Nanay" is definately sounds special, as in universe the calling of mother in full or short, are still in within the word - Mummy. Happy Mylotting to you!
@voldrox (7191)
• India
19 Sep 09
hehe.... interesting discussion getting to know the various ways people like to address their mothers... well i have always called her 'mummy' and it won't change i guess, she has been so nice to me always. . . here in my country most people call their mothers 'ma'. . . i call my dad 'baba' . . . . well but one interesting thing, when talking with friends i refer to my mother as 'ma' and my dada 'papa' . . . hehe... have a nice day lemonjude!
@voldrox (7191)
• India
19 Sep 09
*dad in the last but one line......
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Hello Lemonjude, I come from a traditional family where all of us call my mothers as Ma! We only use a word which is 'Ma'. I don't know how my mother will react if we change to call her Mummy! For my kids ( I have two children age 3 years old and 19 months old) they call me differently. My daughter, she calls me Mummy, and this is what I teach her when she learn to talk. But recently she surprise me by calling me Mom. I never taught her to address me Mom. I feel so good and I just like she calls me Mom more than what I teach her to call myself, Mummy. For my son, he calls me 'Mie Ya', as special as what you call your mother? If he could not see me around, he will keep calling me Mie Ya, Mie Ya, Mie Ya until he get my reply!
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Hello vingyan06, Thanks for your response here. I simply love how the way both of your kids address you. Especially "Mie Ya" it is just so cute and very special from a little baby. Not sure will he later follow his sister call you Mom.
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@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 09
Hi , Thanks for the best response. Now my son got his new way to address me.. He calls me MAaaaaMi! I just like it.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Hi lemonjude, I call my mother as " mama " (our dialect).At my country,most people are calling their mother as 'ma-ma. Some will call their mother as ' ma-mi'. For me, my son will call me ' ma-mi'. I love it!!! The first time when my son call me ' ma-mi ', my tears is dropping. At last, he know how to call me. That's the happiest tears from my eyes.
• Malaysia
26 Sep 09
Hi shia88, Happy to see you here again. I totally agree with you too, the moment of our kid utter the word mummy, it is priceless. Happy Mylotting and have a great weekend.
@lilhyppo (47)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Ah Ma....
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Hello lilhyppo, Welcome to Mylot and thanks for your very first response to my topic. I think whatever word or langauge we used to address our mum, she sure feel special and sweet. Just an extra note for you here. For what I know, short and simple reply don't brings you good earning in Mylot. I hope you can stay on and learn more about how to give quality responses and perhaps create interesting topics to grow your earning. Have a nice day and Happy Mylotting!
• United States
19 Sep 09
I call my mom "mumsy". There is no particular reason, but maybe it is because it sounds corny. When my mom and I are in public, like in a grocery store and I say it, people seem to get a kick out of it.
• Malaysia
26 Sep 09
Hi greatsasuke, I find it so special. First time heard of "mumsy". If I never know that it is a mummy call, I will think it is a name.
@Melbee11 (230)
• United States
26 Sep 09
I always call my mother, mom. I got use to it because, my family usually calls her mom too. I don't think none of my brothers or sister called her mommy or any other names. It's more better just too call her mom. :D
@SViswan (12051)
• India
20 Sep 09
I call my mother 'Amma' which is the term that is used in our community. My older son always calls me 'Amma' since the time he could speak. But my younger one who is now 2 years and 10 months addresses me differently based on his moods. Sometimes he calls me 'Amma'...sometimes it's 'Mamma'...sometimes it's 'Mommy'....sometimes 'Mimi'. He's just so funny.
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
21 Sep 09
Mom. My mom has always been mom unless I was angry with her when I was young. Then she was MOTHER!!! My son called my mommy through toddler and now mom unless he wants something. Then it is mama or mommy! LOLOLOL
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
22 Sep 09
Hi, lemonjude I am also Filipino and I address my mother as MAMA (mah-mah). I used to call her mommy when I was little and I honestly cannot recall how that changed to mama I am now married for over a year and I still have difficulty calling my mother-in-law mama. To be honest, I do not like calling another person mama because there is only one mama for me. Don't get me wrong, my mother-in-law is a lovely person. I just have a little difficulty adjusting with the names. So, I call my mother in law Mama Eds (Edna is her first name). When I am with my in-laws, I also call my mother Mama Grace. Just to avoid the confusion. Have a nice day!
• Philippines
22 Sep 09
we call our mother Mama and address her as Ma, too. Mama, Inay, Nanay, Mommy, Inang and a lot others are also being used by the filipino children in calling their mothers. my children call me Mama (and Papa for father) while it is up to them how they want to be called when they have children of their own.
• United States
21 Sep 09
My mom is now and has always been Momma. All of my brothers and sisters address her this way. My daughters have always called me Mommy, but now that they are getting older they are starting to try to get the hang of calling me Momma. It seems weird after 11 years of Mommy to be hearing Momma come out of their mouths!
20 Sep 09
Mama. My daughters call me Mama as well. I guess I got if from my mother and passed it on to my daughters. Lately, we (my brothers and sisters included) call my mother Mamsy loo. She finds it funny.