ahhh help with 2 babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

United States
September 18, 2009 3:57pm CST
man i am going nuts with my aunts babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what do you do when the babies are 3 months and just won't shut up. they keep crying and crying. they are diaper changed, fed, burped, bathed and they show no sign of being sick or anything. they just want to be held all the time. i am trying to break them out of it because it is tiring to be carrying a child all the time. omg!!! and plus they are fraternal twins!!!! i forgot to tell yout that in the beginning. so please if you can help or if you have any questions ask me and please help me out.. i am going nuts!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously no joke what so ever!!!!! happy mylotting!!! maria
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9 responses
• United States
18 Sep 09
Hello Maria, Be calm Honey, Babies know and feel when you are frustrated which can make them more irritable. Lets see they are 3 month old and keep crying, there could be a number of reasons, Colic is one of them. you have to pay attention to HOW they cry. If they are crying and pulling their legs up then this is a good sign of colic ( gas ) Try holding them different ways for example lay them belly down , across your arm with their head resting against the bend of your arm your hand between their legs. OR lay them belly down across your Lap, then gently rub their lower back. also believe it or not at this age they could be teething..are they drooling a lot? If so, try taking your clean finger,rubbing very gently across the lower gum and see if the crying stops. While teething Babies Gums itch! let me know if any of this helps..also try very soft music or humming to them. Good luck , I'm here if you need me.
• United States
18 Sep 09
As I was reading again over your post I noticed you said they want to be held all the time. Are they quiet when you hold them? babies at 3 month old do want to be held .. they still need that body contact , sometimes they just need to hear your heart beat , like they heard their moms while in the womb. you can try to gently rock them and sing to them. Once they are asleep you can put them down, but when you do lay them down try laying them on their side , make sure you roll up a small blanket or something and lay it snug behind them so they don't roll onto their back ( because that would scare them and wake them)
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• United States
22 Sep 09
Thank you!!! Your advice was very helpful!!! I really appreciate it. I am new at this and since they are my uncles kids then I want to be the best cousin I can be. I have had other experience with other kids. It is just that at the moment I do not have any of my own!!! Thanks again Maria happy mylotting!!!!!!!!!
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• United States
19 Sep 09
It definately can be stressful and although I cant imagine twins I know what your going through I have 5 kids now and one of them is a newborn she will be 2 months on the 22nd. My youngest son is 5 years old so that's a long time it almost feels like Im starting over in a way. My oldest son is 9 years old and my other 2 girls are 8 and one going to 7 in october. It takes time to adjust and get used to things and getting into a good schedule and routine helps out too my baby Noel she is just now getting to where she is sleep 5 to 6 hours a nite thank god you'll find as they get older it gets a little easier of course as they start crawling and walking that might be a whole another story. Good luck.
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• United States
22 Sep 09
Well congratulations on so many kids. I think it is wonderful that you have so many kids!!!!!!!! Well atleast now your kids are big enough to go get you the diapers or something like that if you were to need something. I hope they help you out when you need something. It still must be hard for you to take care of so many.. Sometimes I go crazy with just these 2 kids but you OMG!!! with 5 kids Good luck with so many.. It must be wonderful to have so many though. I love to have a big family because when they get bigger the famly gets bigger and it is beautiful when everyone gets together!!! Happy mylotting maria
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@Archie0 (5653)
19 Sep 09
Hello maria, actually babies dont really know wheather they are irritating us or no, they just know to cry.They are been too much pampered and now they are used to be carried around in the house all the time, i think you should divert their mind towards some toy or something which is new to them, or try to play with them for sometime or let them go to sleep, which is not possible all the time.I think if you try to calm down and take them for a walk in between they will be quite.Try not to hold them at all, because the more you carry them the more they will be used to it.
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• United States
22 Sep 09
Yeah I know I try not to carry them too much!!! But man it gets hectik whenever family want to come visit because everyone wants to carry the babys and not put them down. But I do tell them to put the girls down sometimes because then I am the one that gets stuck with them crying all night and day wanting to get carried... I do carry but not all the time. Just enough so they know I love them and care for them... happy mylotting maria
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@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
I believe that the babies are not comfortable. You should suite them to be comfortable that way you can get them to keep quiet. Also maybe the babies are finding their mother they have this keen sense, and they know who is around them and they can also feel that it is someone new. The babies may not have known you since you are new in handling them. Just hang in there. They'll come around. Happy mylotting.. Have a good day.
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• United States
22 Sep 09
yeah i hear what you are saying but I know they know me already i have been taking care of them for 2 months now. and i did come visit them often when they were born so i dont think that it is that. But still thanks for the comments beybye happy mylotting maria
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• Philippines
19 Sep 09
Whew! I don't have babies yet but I've watch my sisters when they were babies. A 3 months old baby really needs your special attentions. Sometimes, when I'm fed up with the crying thing... I gave them some baby toys and try to be a clown just to let them stop crying. Since they can't talk yet, they use thier crying technique to tell that maybe they are hungry, or they are having a poo poo, or some insects is bitting them... or maybe they want you to sing a lullaby song for them to get sleep. These are some things that I had with my sisters when they were babies. I hope this can help you in little ways. Have a great day ahead! and Happy myLotting!!! ^_^
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• United States
22 Sep 09
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I don't have kids either but they are my cousins I am babysitting for my uncle!!! just trying to help them out!!! yeah I have a big laugh when my uncle clowns around and dances infront of them just to get their attention.. But hey it works.. They are at the stage where they want to be standing so I have to hold them up alot and bounce them around.. and they love it.. happy mylotting maria
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19 Sep 09
I have 2 kids who are 12 and 10 yrs. old now. When they were babies, they liked to be held, cuddled all the time which I find very normal. Remember, they were in my womb for 9 months and suddenly, they are out missing the warmth and snugness of the womb. Try putting them in rocking cradles as normally they are soothed by the motion. Do they go to sleep when they are in a moving car? My kids used to sleep all the time in the car and would actually wake up when we arrive at our destination.
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• United States
22 Sep 09
No they hardly dont sleep on the rides unless they are very tired... My uncle doesn't have a cradling one.. I wish though because they like the swing!!! They fall asleep there and then i just move them to the crib.. So they dont get used to the swing thanks for the tips happy mylotting maria
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• Germany
28 Sep 09
Hi, maria. I think the baby has the colic??? Do the baby fart all the time? Baby is easily getting colic in the first three months, that's why most of the time, they just keep crying. Normally you cannot do anything to cure colic. What you can do to reduce their pain is to massage their stomach gently with the baby oil, or you can also hold their legs and make some bycycling motions. If the babies are on the bottle, try to shake the milk gently to reduce the air bubbles. Otherwise they might suck in too much air and that can cause colic too. Plus, crying too much can also cause the colic. If they still keep crying, i think it's better to hold them, perhaps they feel unsecure. Otherwise, look for doctor's advise might help. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
• United States
7 Oct 09
Thanks LULU!!!! Yeah my aunt has some colic medicine. I have done the bicycling and I have massaged their tummys. Thanks for the advice. They are doing better now. The only thing is that they still have rashes on their body and my aunt still hasn't took them to the pediatrician. I am so angry because of that but I can't help it I can't tell them to do it she gets angry when I butt in. Well thanks happy mylotting maria
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Well, it looks like a real problem if you have more than one child wailing and wants to be carried. I guess putting a few toys in the cradle or playpen could help. Sing them a song if need be. If all fails, call a friend to come and help.
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• United States
22 Sep 09
UGH I wish I could get someone to come help me.. Everyone esle has a life or a job or their own kids so they can't come help.. but that is a good idea I just wish it would be helpful to me. Well maybe it will be whenever the opportunity is there. Well thanks for the tip!!!!!! Happy mylotting maria
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@bmuchler (441)
• United States
19 Sep 09
First of all breathe. Take deep breaths. I am a mother of fraternal twins. They are now 15 months old. Do you babysit the twins? You don't have to answer that. That's probably non of my business. Some babies are fussy. Colic is the leading cause of fussiness. Although I did read in a baby magazine, that more than half of babies that are diagnosed as colic really have reflux. My twins had reflux. They cried all the time and wouldn't eat. They were put on medications. They helped so much. They are off of the medications now. Babies can also tell when you are stressed, frustrated, irritated. All the above. They will react to your feelings. Does their mother carry them around all the time? I used to babysit a baby several years ago. Anytime I would put her down she would cry. I learned that her mother carried her around all day because she didn't know it was ok for the baby to not be held all the time. It's ok to put the babies in their cribs and walk away for a few minutes to take a breather and hopefully clear your head. Believe it or not, it will work out. I've been there.
• United States
22 Sep 09
Ha Ha Ha I have done that a couple of times. I have had to walk away for a couple of minutes!!! To take a breather!!! They do drive me nuts sometimes but just like you say you have to leave the room and go collect yourself in another one!!!! Because yeah you do transmit those feelings to the baby!! I learned that from experience!!!!!! They are better now... Thankg GOD!!!!!!!!! thank you for your advice...You know what these babies throw up alot!!! My aunt has been changing them from different milks but they keep throwin up!!! man its crazy.... Still thanks for the comments happy my lotting!!! maria
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• United States
22 Sep 09
I will let her know about that you are talking about. She has started them on the rice gerber thing. But she adds the rice mix to the milk. But they have been vomitimg since they were born with the milk. First it was similac and they would vomit through their nose as well. And she tried similac sensitive and that didnt' work either. Then enfamil lipil and they still throw up but not as much. But i have heard that kids shouldn't throw up that is why they gain too much weight. and they have been breaking out with rashes on the inside of their elbows and the back of their knees and their necks. Their scalp also is scaly. They also poop very wet and i have to clean them quickly because they will break out down there. But they do not get a rash though. We tried similac sensitive RS and it was better they held their food down more but they were not pooping that often they did not poop til the 2 day of feeding them but till night time. But they did vomit way more less. byebye maria
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@bmuchler (441)
• United States
22 Sep 09
Has she tried a rice formula? I've heard this helps. My twins would spit up all the time. They would have projectile vomit/spit up nearly everyday. She may want to ask the pediatrician about reflux. My babies were on baby zanatc and baby prilosec.